This document provides the schedule for the Mississippi Junior Convention taking place from March 7-9, 2023. It lists the times and locations for various events including registration, meetings, performances, competitions, and general sessions. The convention includes performing arts, music, speech, engineering and visual arts preliminaries and finals for both elementary and junior levels. It also features a keynote speaker, campaign rally, quiz bowls, spelling bees and more. The schedule provides all the essential details for attendees on the events and activities occurring each day at the state convention.
This document provides the schedule for the Mississippi Junior Convention taking place from March 7-9, 2023. It lists the times and locations for various events including registration, meetings, performances, competitions, and general sessions. The convention includes performing arts, music, speech, engineering and visual arts preliminaries and finals for both elementary and junior levels. It also features a keynote speaker, campaign rally, quiz bowls, spelling bees and more. The schedule provides all the essential details for attendees on the events and activities occurring each day at the state convention.
This document provides the schedule for the Mississippi Junior Convention taking place from March 7-9, 2023. It lists the times and locations for various events including registration, meetings, performances, competitions, and general sessions. The convention includes performing arts, music, speech, engineering and visual arts preliminaries and finals for both elementary and junior levels. It also features a keynote speaker, campaign rally, quiz bowls, spelling bees and more. The schedule provides all the essential details for attendees on the events and activities occurring each day at the state convention.
This document provides the schedule for the Mississippi Junior Convention taking place from March 7-9, 2023. It lists the times and locations for various events including registration, meetings, performances, competitions, and general sessions. The convention includes performing arts, music, speech, engineering and visual arts preliminaries and finals for both elementary and junior levels. It also features a keynote speaker, campaign rally, quiz bowls, spelling bees and more. The schedule provides all the essential details for attendees on the events and activities occurring each day at the state convention.
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Registration North Arena Lobby 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Coordinator Meeting C 3-4 Living Literature - Set-up (5:00 PM - 6:00 PM), Judging (6:00 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM E4 PM - 7:00 PM), Viewing (7:00 PM - 7:30 PM) 5:30 PM Marketing and Communications - Elementary D 3-6 Performing Arts Preliminaries - Solo, Duo, Trio - Elementary 5:30 PM Arena followed by Junior 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM State Officer Meeting C 3-4 7:00 PM Marketing and Communications - Junior D 3-6
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
8:00 AM Robotics Showcase - Elementary and Junior E4 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Musicology - Elementary D1 - D2 Check-in: Elementary - Visual Arts, Club Trading Pin, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Apparel Design, Portfolio, Service Learning Showcase, Three C 1-2 Dimensional Design, and Two Dimensional Design 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Registration North Arena Lobby 8:15 AM Songfest Preliminaries - Elementary followed by Junior Arena 8:30 AM Speech - Elementary D 11 8:30 AM Speech - Junior D 12 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Candidate Meeting C 3-4 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Musicology - Junior D1 - D2 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM New Sponsor Meeting D7 - D8 Wednesday, March 8, 2023 10:15 AM Engineering - Elementary E4 Viewing: Elementary - Visual Arts, Club Trading Pin, Apparel Design, 11:30 AM Portfolio, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design, and C1 -C2 Two Dimensional Design Pickup by 12:00 PM FIRST GENERAL SESSION Keynote Speaker 12:30 PM Performing Arts Finals - Solo, Duo, Trio - Elementary (Top 3) Arena Performing Arts Finals - Solo, Duo, Trio - Junior (Top 3) Awards Presentation - Academic 2:30 PM Onsite Art - Painting and Drawing - Elementary and Junior D7 - D8 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Quiz Bowl - Oral Rounds - Elementary D1 - D2 3:00 PM Performing Arts Preliminaries - Group - Elementary followed by Junior Arena 3:00 PM Engineering - Junior E4 Check-in: Junior - Visual Arts, Club Trading Pin, Apparel Design, 3:00 PM - 400 PM Portfolio, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design, and C1 -C2 Two Dimensional Design 3:00 PM - 400 PM Beta Spelling Bee - Elementary D 11 3:00 PM - 400 PM Beta Spelling Bee - Junior D 12 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Statewide Service Project D 3-6 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM Quiz Bowl - Oral Rounds - Junior D1 - D2 Viewing: Junior - Visual Arts, Club Trading Pin, Apparel Design, Portfolio, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design, and 6:00 PM C 1-2 Two Dimensional Design Pickup by 6:30 PM SECOND GENERAL SESSION Campaign Rally Songfest Finals - Elementary (Top 5) 7:30 PM Arena Songfest Finals - Junior (Top 5) Awards Presentation - Individual Voting - 2 Hours Thursday, March 9, 2023 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Sponsor Meeting / Hospitality Breakfast B6 THIRD GENERAL SESSION Installation of New State Officers, State Sponsor, and State Sponsor-Elect 10:00 AM Performing Arts Finals - Group - Elementary (Top 3) Arena Performing Arts Finals - Group - Junior (Top 3) Awards Presentation - Team and Club Competitions
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convention information, scan the QR codes below to download our mobile app!