*SAFETY NOTE: As with all hydraulic equipment, appropriate safety gear should be utilized when
operating this liner puller tool – this includes (but may not be limited to) safety glasses, steel-toed
shoes, and gloves. Caution should be used in the vicinity of the puller head and puller legs as gaps and
sharp edges exist and may pinch or cut if handled improperly. Caution should also be used around the
H-block and piston pieces when the hydraulic hand pump is being operated.**
1. Slip the pre-assembled H-block tubes (Fig. 2) into the H-block slots as shown in Fig. 3; tighten the
plates down with the hex bolts just enough to keep the tubes from falling out while they are being
Fig’s 2 & 3: pre-assembled tube and H-block with tubes installed on puller bolt
2. Remove the cylinder head from the pump but leave the cylinder head studs in place.
3. Retract the legs of the puller head.
4. Insert the tool puller head end first through the liner bore.
5. Center the H-block tubes over two opposing cylinder head studs.
Southwest Oilfield Products 10340 Wallisville Road, Houston, TX 77013 (O): 713-675-7541 (F): 713-675-5206
Fig. 4: installing the liner puller assembly (shown on a duplex pump)
6. Tighten the tube set screws to hold the H-block assembly in place.
7. Push the puller stem in until it becomes apparent that the puller legs have pushed through the liner
and are engaging the end of the liner and not its sides (see Fig. 5 below).
Southwest Oilfield Products 10340 Wallisville Road, Houston, TX 77013 (O): 713-675-7541 (F): 713-675-5206
Fig. 5: cut-away view of correct tool engagement inside of a duplex liner (left); incorrect engagement (center and right)
8. Tighten the hex nut and re-tighten the tube plates if necessary.
Southwest Oilfield Products 10340 Wallisville Road, Houston, TX 77013 (O): 713-675-7541 (F): 713-675-5206
Southwest Oilfield Products 10340 Wallisville Road, Houston, TX 77013 (O): 713-675-7541 (F): 713-675-5206
H-block (Qty: 1)
Southwest Oilfield Products 10340 Wallisville Road, Houston, TX 77013 (O): 713-675-7541 (F): 713-675-5206
Puller Head Assembly (Qty: 1)
Southwest Oilfield Products 10340 Wallisville Road, Houston, TX 77013 (O): 713-675-7541 (F): 713-675-5206
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