HSN204 FAQ - Lab Report

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HSN204_T2 2022

FAQs Lab Report 2

Q) Is Lab Report 2 a full lab report?

Yes. For you lab report 2, you will need to provide a full report with a Title, Abstract,
Introduction, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. Please refer to the Assignment Help guide
for Assessment Task 2 on your unit guide (Contents/Assessment/Assessment Task 2) for
more details on what should be given in each section.

Q) What should the introduction section include?

In the introduction section you should introduce pathogen detection from foods, the techniques
used in the practical (their principle advantages/disadvantages) and the case study used in the
prac. Are there alternative techniques that are used for performing pathogen detection?

Q) Do I need to prepare my individual Results table?

For the Results section you have been provided a word template for presenting your
individual results. You can find it under Contents/Assessments/Assessment Task 2/Individual
Results Template_Prac 4. Please copy paste this in your report. You do not need to draw
your own table.

You are expected to also provide answers for the questions on PCR and MALDI in the results
section. You can present them below the results table.

Q) How should I represent the Class results?

There are no class results for this prac. You only present and discuss your own results.

Q) Where do I find the information I need for the report?

You can find relevant documents/results on the unit site under the module Practical 4.

Q) How should I address the discussion section

You need to discuss each approach (culture-based (biochemical), molecular based and
MALDI-TOF MS). Culture based methods need to be discussed in more details since that has
more method covered
➢ Culture-based methods (need to talk about biochemical based confirmation here)
• Focus on explaining why the test samples gave the results that they gave on a
particular media,
• Similarly for the biochemical tests used state why they worked or did not work
(need to reference where necessary)
• You do not have to discuss every single test. You need to choose a couple of
tests for each pathogen and discuss these.
HSN204_T2 2022

➢ Molecular approach
• Don’t go into detail about how it works, not expected. Can generally state what
the basis behind it is.
• Discuss why the samples you loaded gave a positive or negative result.
• Don’t go into details about how it works. Can generally state what the basis
behind it is.
• Why was the confidence score high or low? If a No ID was obtained what could
be the reason?
Q) Do I need to have an appendix section?
You don’t have to. But if you want you can have one where you include any supplementary
data that you may have.

Q) Is there a levy on the word limit?

No there is no levy on the word limit. As per policy the marker will stop reading beyond the
permitted word limit of 1000 words.

Q) What is not counted in the word limit?

References, Tables, Figures, Headings and sub-headings are not considered part of the word

Q) Which reference style are we supposed to use?

Please refer the Assessment Task 2_Help guide on your unit guide. You can find this under
Contents/Assessment/Assessment Task 2.

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