STS Reviewer For Finals
STS Reviewer For Finals
STS Reviewer For Finals
What is biotechnology?
Broad definition
- is the application of biological systems and organisms
to technical and industrial processes.
Narrower definition
is the [direct] manipulation of nature for the benefit of
mankind at the subcellular and molecular levels.
Narrowest definition
"New" biotechnology is the industrial use of
recombinant DNA, cell diffusion, and novel
bioprocessing techniques” (Daba, n.d., slides 3-5).
Ancient Biotechnology (Pre 1800) Two Types of Cells:
“Fermented foods and beverages are often discovered
1. Somatic cells– are cells commonly found in the
by accident.
body. If somatic cells’ genetic materials are
These products are used for: ·Flavor and/or texture
changed, the subsequent changes are not
passed along to offspring. Examples: Organ cells
·Intentional adulteration with bacteria or fungi (molds)
such as skin cells, liver, heart, lungs, etc., which
E.g., Cheese, Bread, Yogurt, Wine, Beer, Sauerkraut, and
vary from one another
2. Reproductive cells- are the sperm cells and egg
Classical Biotechnology (From 1800 to the middle of
cells. Subsequent changes in the genetic
the 20th century)
makeup of these cells would be passed along to
“Industrial exploitation of the fermentation the person’s offspring (UM-School of Medicine,
process for the following products Nd).
Different types of beverages (like wine, beer,
Gene Therapy and Genetic Engineering
cider, and others)
Glycerol, Acetone, Butanol The genes determine the growth and function of an
Lactic acid, Citric acid organism and are inherited from the parents.
There are two terms related to gene manipulation that
Chemical transformations to produce
can be distinguished based on purpose.
therapeutic products
Substrate + Microbial Enzyme Product Genetic engineering’s goal is to modify the genes to
enhance the capabilities of the organism beyond what is
Modern Biotechnology
normal (University of MissouriSchool of Medicine, n.d.).
Crucial discoveries were reported during the Second
World war period and beyond, which led the path for “Both technologies have ethical controversy for use in
modern biotechnology and its current status. For the plants, animals, and humans. For genetic engineering,
first time, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) mysteries have for example, would it be proper to modify human genes
been demystified by having the “Double Helix” to make.
structural model of it in 1953 by James Watson, Francis
Crick, and Francis Rosalind Franklin. (Brown, n.d.).
Arguments in Favor of Gene Therapy and Genetic 3. It may be becoming irrelevant in some cases. This is
Engineering because the selection of healthy embryos for
implantation is now possible in in-vitro fertilization.
1. Use of gene therapy for the cure and prevention
of some diseases or disorders.
2. Use of genetic engineering as genetically
Some of the pressing questions onbGene Therapy
modified (GM) crops (also known as GMO --
Genetically Modified Organisms in agriculture. (UM-School of Medicine, n.d):
a) Crops resistant to insects and/or pests “How can the “good” and “bad” uses of these
b) Crops resistant to herbicides and pesticides, which technologies be distinguished?
allow the use of chemicals to be used for such GMO Who decides which traits are normal and which
crops. constitute a disability or disorder?
c) Crops with greater nutritional value Will the high costs of gene therapy make it
d) Selective breeding of farm stock, race horses, and available only to the wealthy?
show animals. Could the widespread use of gene therapy make
e) Insulin from genetically modified bacteria, growth society less accepting of people who are
hormone, a protein used in blood clotting, and other different?
pharmaceuticals Should people be allowed to use genetic
f) Human physical and behavioral enhancements engineering to enhance basic human traits such
g) Gene selections for offspring. as height, intelligence, or athletic ability?”
Examples of GMO:
Fig. 2. Photos of GMO Crops Arguments Against Genetic Engineering from Ethicists:
Ethical Controversy
As of now, globally, human reproductive cloning
remains condemned, due to psychological, social, and
physiological risks, and loss of life associated with
cloning. Also, thorough molecular testing on cloned
embryos is necessary to fully ascertain a healthy embryo
and to check if the cloning process is complete. In
addition, a viable pregnancy is not guaranteed.
The nature of reproduction, human identity, and
eugenics are some of the philosophical issues that also
have been raised. Moreover, the idea of creating
SLM 4.1 Biodiversity
What is ECOLOGY?
What is an ECOSYSTEM?
The ecosystem is a biological community of living 1. TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM
species that interact as a system with their
A terrestrial ecosystem is a land-based community of
environment's non-living components.
organisms and the interactions of biotic and abiotic
Habitat is the type of natural environment in which a
components in a given area. They are as follows:
particular species of organism lives. A species' habitat is
where the species can find food, shelter, protection, and
mates for reproduction
What is a SPECIES?
Species (can be singular and plural in form) is a group of
living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable
of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
The Species is the main natural taxonomic unit, ranking
below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g.,
Homo sapiens, the scientific name of humans.
Types of ecosystem
An ecosystem can be as small as an oasis in a desert, or Forest
as big as an ocean, spanning thousands of miles.
A forest is an area of land dominated by trees and 2. Aquatic ecosystem
animals that live in coordination with the abiotic factors Aquatic ecosystems are ecosystems present in a body of
of the environment. water. These can be further divided into two types,
Freshwater & Marine
In a grassland ecosystem, the vegetation is dominated
by grasses and herbs.
The freshwater ecosystem is an aquatic ecosystem that
includes lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and wetlands.
These have no salt content in contrast with the marine
The marine ecosystem includes seas and oceans. These
have a more substantial salt content and greater
biodiversity in comparison to the freshwater ecosystem.
Biotic Components
Abiotic Components
Types of diversity
Below is the list of some examples of common names
and their binomial names:
All diversities help in maintaining the correct balance of
Apple – Pyrus maleus
nature. But, gradually over the years, there has been a
Banana – Musa paradiscium
major loss in the biodiversity across the globe. The loss
Elephant – Proboscidea elephantidae
of biodiversity could adversely affect our environment
Horse – Eqqus caballus
as the balance is lost and the natural food web is
Human – Homo sapiens
Lemon – Citrus limonium
Thus, due to its major role in our survival, conservation
Maize – Zea mays
of biodiversity has now become a matter of high
Onion – Allium cepa
priority. Everybody is paying high attention to it.
Orange – Citrus aurantium
Pig – Artiodactyla suidae
Genetic Diversity
Pineapple – Ananus sativus
It is basically the variety of species expressed at the
Potato – Solanium tuberosum
genetic level by each individual in a species. No two
Rabbit – Leporidae cuniculas
individuals belonging to the same species are exactly
Watermelon – Citrullus vulgaris
similar. For example, in the species of human beings,
Wheat – Triticum aestivum
each human shows a lot of diversity in comparison to
another human. People living in different regions show a
Other labeling of organisms:
great level of variation.
Some labels classified the existence of distinct species to
provide additional information about species
Threat to Biodiversity:
Greenhouse Effect
Technologies used to address climate change
The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon on the
Earth's surface. A giant vacuum cleaner called Direct Air Capture (DAC)
was made by Climeworks sequestering tons of carbon in
Feedback the atmosphere to help lessen the concentration of
carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere.
Feedback is a term used in the discussion of research
topics in climate variability that represents the natural The BioSolar leaf comprises millions of microalgae made
systems that happen on Earth that interact and by Arborea, which mimic photosynthesis.
influence atmospheric activities.
Its mechanism concerns the production of growth
Human Activities solutions mixed with microorganisms that feed on
carbon dioxide.
The impact of human activities has been the most
recent cause of the rapid pace of the world's climate Smart cities are now being designed together with
change. artificial intelligence, smart sensors, and the internet of
things (IoT) to help down harmful earth emissions,
Effects of rapid and severe climate change
securing the community's health
CFR education (2019). What Are the Effects Of Climate
There are countless other innovations, and some can be
Change? | World101 CFR [Video]. Youtube.
categorized as carbon reduction technologies, improved
battery efficiency, cooling tech, and geoengineering the
The Ecological Footprints larger environment.
SLM 4.3 Energy Crisis 1.3 Energy is neither created nor destroyed but it can
be transferred and transformed. The total amount of
"There is no energy crisis, only a crisis of ignorance." energy in the universe is finite and constant.
R. Buckminster Fuller One example of an energy change is when potential
Learning Objectives: energy becomes kinetic energy or when one object
moves another object.
Define “energy” and the natural laws that govern it.
1.4 Energy available to do useful work decreases as it
Understand how energy affects the lives of individuals is transferred from system to system. Energy is lost
and societies. when energy is transferred between two systems.
Understand the global energy demand as of the Year The energy “lost” has been used up (though it is still
2021. around somewhere). The efficiency of a system can be
Understand the causes of the global energy crisis. seen when it loses less energy.
Understand the energy situation in the Philippines. 1.5 Energy comes in different forms and can be
divided into categories. Light energy, elastic energy,
Understand/Enumerate the effects of the global energy chemical energy, and more are “forms” of energy.
Whereas, kinetic and potential energy is the two
Understand/Enumerate the possible solutions to the categories of energy. Kinetic energy is related to motion.
global energy crisis. The Potential energy of an object or system is related to
its position relative to another object or system.
Devise a plan on how to save electricity at home.
1.6 Chemical and nuclear reactions involve the transfer
and transformation of energy. For a given mass, nuclear
Energy is a physical quantity that follows precise natural reactions are much larger than those chemical
laws: reactions. Examples such as nuclear bombs, reactions at
the centers of stars, nuclear bombs, and both fission-
1.1 Energy is a quantity that is transferred from
and fusion-based nuclear reactors are transformation by
system to system. It is the ability of a system to
nuclear reactions.
do work.
Chemical reactions, on the other hand, happen in both
living and non-living systems on the earth.
A system has done work if it has exerted a force on
1.7 Different units are used to quantify energy. As with
another system over some distance, [and therefore],
other physical quantities, many different units are
energy is transferred from one system to another” (U.S
associated with energy: joules, calories, ergs,
Department of Energy, 2014).
kilowatt-hours, and BTUs.
The conversion of units is possible using a conversion
1.2 The energy contained within a system that is
(For example 1 calorie = 4.186 joules).
responsible for its temperature is called “heat” energy.
1.8 Power is a measure of energy transfer rate.
Methods of heat transfer:
Power is the energy transferred per time. One joule of
1) convection (heat is transferred by movement
energy transferred in one second is called a Watt (i.e., 1
of a heated fluid such as air or water),
joule/second = 1 Watt).
2) conduction (heat or electricity passes through
or along something.), and
3) radiation (energy released in the form of particle or
electromagnetic waves).
The quality of life of individuals and societies is affected ·The drop in energy use during 2020 does not show
by energy choices (U.S Department of Energy, 2014): much sign of helping the world reach climate goals –
with emissions rising too.
1.Economic security is impacted by energy choices.
Economic consequences like higher energy costs and ·Emerging economies fueled the rise in demand
energy price fluctuation/instability. worldwide.
2.National security is impacted by energy choices. ·Renewable energy is capturing a larger share of the
Nations with stable energy sources, and or with market but is still a long way behind fossil fuels.
diversified energy sources are more secure than those
Moreover, concerning the clean energy initiatives (like
zero CO2 emission policy), the following are facts based
3.Environmental quality is impacted by energy choices. on a global survey.
Tapping energy sources may affect/disrupt the
·Most people around the world don’t blame climate
policies for rising energy costs, finds a new survey.
4. Increasing demand for and limited supplies of fossil
·Consumer support for ending the use of fossil fuels
fuels affects the quality of life. If a nation has a limited
remains strong.
supply of fossil fuels with little or no available other
sources of energy, this situation will have many social ·But they expect surging energy prices to reduce their
and economic consequences. spending power.
5. Access to energy resources affects the quality of life. UNDERSTANDING THE CAUSES OF THE GLOBAL ENERGY
Human health, access to education, socioeconomic CRISIS (RINKESH. (2020)
status, gender equality, global partnerships, and the
environment are greatly affected by access to energy Overconsumption- puts strain on natural
resources or lack thereof. resources/fossil fuels, gas, oil, and coal; moreover, the
use of it causes pollution, an additional problem to bear.
6. Some populations are more vulnerable to the impacts
of energy choices than others.
7. Energy decisions have economic, social, and Overpopulation- increases the demand for the
environmental consequences. Energy decisions tend to consumption of products. Everything uses
benefit with positive consequences for the poor, transportation to move products that use petroleum.
marginalized, or underdeveloped populations but they Poor infrastructure of power generation stations or
are also the most susceptible to negative consequences. equipment is also a reason for energy shortage.
UNDERSTANDING THE GLOBAL ENERGY DEMAND AS Unexplored Renewable Energy Options- we should give
OF THE YEAR 2021 more focus on the use of renewable energy.
·Recent highlights on global energy fuel consumption Delay in commissioning power plants. The gap between
show that fuel fossil is still the primary source of fuel at the supply and demand increases causing load-shedding
around 40%, followed by coal, at @30%, natural gas at and breakdown.
@25%, and renewables, hydroelectric and nuclear
energy @below 10% level (still a long way behind fossil Waste of Energy. We should conserve energy.
fuels). Weakness of the distribution systems which causes
ENERGY NEWS: breakdown/tripping and energy loss.
·Global energy demand quickly returned to pre- Natural calamities and accidents.
pandemic levels as global economies emerged from Conflicts, wars, and attacks
lockdown, according to analysis from bp Statistical
Review of World Energy, 2022. Other Factors such as political events, severe weather
conditions, strikes, and tax hikes can increase demand
or hinder supply.
1. Environmental Effects. The burning of fossil
fuels releases carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gasses that cause global warming.
2. Fluctuating or high prices of energy resources.
The effect of this is in increasing the prices of
energy products.
3. Political Disturbance.
4. Effect on Tourism Industry. Increased costs of
tourism make it hard for individuals to afford it.
UNDERSTANDING THE ENERGY SITUATION IN THE Action towards Renewable Resources would result in
PHILIPPINES the reduction of the world's dependence on non-
renewable sources of energy.
The power supply shortage is not only common in Luzon
but in the whole country. Communities face rotating a) Bio-energy -is produced from biomass
brown out to cope with this situation. (biological materials) through the process of
anaerobic decomposition. Biogas is a
combination of mostly methane and carbon
b) Geothermal- energy from the earth
c) Hydroelectric- kinetic energy of water flowing
from a dam or river
According to the government’s Power Development
d) Solar - is the most popular form of renewable
Plan for 2017 to 2040 forecasts. There will be an annual
energy which uses captured sunlight to create
5 percent growth in the electricity demand. It is
predicted to reach 49,287 MW in 2040.
e) Wind – electricity generation using windmills.
Therefore, the country needs 43,765 MW of added
F) Ocean- with the “Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
capacity to come available. The need to conserve is
(OTEC) [where electricity is produced] by the
crucial but we need more power to deal with it. We
temperature difference between deep cold ocean water
need to boost and support all renewable energy
and warm tropical surface waters” (U.S. Energy
alternatives such as windmills, solar energy, and
Information Administration, 2019).
hydropower plants. Energy security and issues with high
energy prices should also be considered as we find g) Hydrogen and fuel cells – Hydrogen is a combustible
solutions (The Manila Times, 2020). gas that can be used as fuel using a fuel cell. “A fuel cell
is a device that generates electricity through an
The power supply shortage is not only common in Luzon
electrochemical reaction, not combustion. In a fuel cell,
but in the whole country. Communities face rotating
hydrogen and oxygen are combined to generate
brown out to cope with this situation.
electricity, heat, and water” (FCHEA, n.d.).
According to the government’s Power Development
h) Tidal – the power of tides is converted into electricity
Plan for 2017 to 2040 forecasts. There will be an annual
by various methods.
5 percent growth in the electricity demand. It is
predicted to reach 49,287 MW in 2040. i) Human Power
3 Lighting Controls.
8. Creating urban green spaces. “Happiness depends on your mindset and attitude.”
(Black 2021)
9. Use of electric, hydrogen-fuel, and nanotech fuel cells
for vehicles. What is Happiness?
A Fuel Cell Car ·In society, external circumstances have been pursued
by humans. They have identified possession, respect,
Research News (2016, August 8). Using nanotechnology career, and similar things as sources of happiness.
to give fuel cells more oomph [Image]. Unfortunately, happiness does not rely on outside circumstances but rather on your mindset and attitude.
342/Fuelcellcar.jpg (Black 2021)
We need to boost and support all renewable energy Happiness is difficult to obtain because it is acquired. It
alternatives such as windmills, solar energy, and should be learned like a child who is trying to learn how
hydropower plants. Energy security and issues with high to walk. It should identify what it is and its purpose. We
energy prices should also be considered as we find could not cultivate it immediately in our minds.
solutions (The Manila Times, 2020).
It is a process to learn how to think and act.
• From Nicomachean Ethics (philosophical inquiry into ·Technology facilitates the creation of idealistic cultural
the nature of the good life for a human being) Written production—literature, music, and visual arts.
by Nicomachus, Aristotle’s son.
·Heidegger’s words remind us that technology is not
• Human flourishing arises as a result of different value-neutral; it has normative value, either good or
components such as: bad.
1. Phronesis (Wisdom) ·He seeks to illuminate that nature and people are
vulnerable to the controlling power of technology. He
2. Friendship
argues that we might escape this not by rejecting
3. Wealth technology but by perceiving its danger.
4. Power ·Reality is not presented in the same way in all eras and
·In ancient Greek society, they believed that acquiring
these would undoubtedly bring the seekers happiness, ·Reality is not something that human beings can ever
allowing them to participate in the larger concept of know once and for all; it is relative in the most literal
what we call "the good." sense of the word—it exists only in relations.
·Elements that contribute to human flourishing change ·Reality "in itself" is inaccessible for human beings;
as time passes. when they try to perceive or understand it, it is not
reality "in itself" anymore but a "reality for us."
·People found ways to live more comfortably, explore
more places, develop more products, and make more Essence of Technology
·The essence of technology is not something we make; it
·Humans of today are expected to become "men of the is a mode of being or of revealing.
·Technology holds sway over beings that we do not
·Supposedly, he should situate himself in a global normally think of as technological, such as gods and
neighborhood, working side by side with institutions history.
and the government to be able to reach a common goal.
·Modern and industrial technology are the main parts of
·Competition as a means of survival has become passé. technology. Factories and other industrial processes
show what technology is all about.
·Coordination is the new trend.
·Technology is not simply the practical application of
Science, Technology, and Human Flourishing natural science.
·Every discovery, innovation, and success contribute to Questioning as the Piety of Thought
our pool of human knowledge
·In stepping back and taking stock of things, we begin to
·Human’s perpetual need to locate themselves in the wonder and question. One may admire the intricacy of
world by finding proof to trace the evolution mechanisms and the sophistication of mobile
·Elicits our idea of self-importance applications. Another may marvel at the people and
circumstances that allowed for such technology.
·Technology is a human activity we excel as a result of
achieving science. (Heidegger) ·There is so much wealth of insight that can be gathered
when people stop, think, and question.
·Good is inherently related to the truth.
·Questioning is the piety of thought. Martin Heidegger
Technology is a way of revealing
Enflaming: Way of Revealing in Modern Technology
·Technology is a way of revealing things (Martin
Heidegger) In today’s technology, revealing is accomplished through
framing. In simpler terms, it is as if nature is put in a box
or inside a frame so that it can be better understood Aristotle was convinced that a genuinely happy life
and controlled according to people’s desires. required the fulfillment of a broad range of conditions,
including physical as well as mental well-being.
·In looking at the world, two ways of thinking are
distinguished: ·Aristotle argues that virtue is achieved by maintaining
the Mean, which is the balance between two excesses.
*In calculative thinking, one orders and puts a system
(Treddenick, 2004)
on nature so it can be understood better and controlled.
Everyone seeks Eudaimonia
*In meditative thinking, one lets nature reveal itself to
him or her without forcing it. Eudaimonia is a Greek word translated as “happiness”
which is sometimes can be misleading like most
·One kind of thinking is not in itself better than the
translations from ancient languages.
other. The human person has the faculty for both and
would well use them in synergy. It is perceived, nowadays, that happiness is often
conceived of as a subjective state of mind. However,
Human Person Swallowed by Technology
happiness is an end or goal that encompasses the
·Although the individual does indeed take part in the totality of one’s life.
revealing of nature, limits must still be recognized.
·It is not something that can be gained or lost in a
Humans do not call the shots on this earth.
moment, like pleasurable sensations. It is more like the
·If we allow ourselves to get swallowed up by modern ultimate value of your life as lived up to this moment,
technology, we lose the essence of who we are as measuring how well you have lived up to your full
beings in this world. potential as a human being. (Lear, J., 2000; Kraut, 1997)
“Happiness turns out to be an activity of the soul by Virtue Enables the Human Person to Flourish
Aristotle distinguishes two kinds of virtue: those that
For as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a pertain to the part of the soul that engages in reasoning
spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a (virtues of mind or intellect), and those that pertain to
man blessed and happy” - Aristotle (Nicomachean the part of the soul that cannot itself reason but is
Ethics, 1098a13,18) nonetheless capable of following reason (ethical virtues,
virtues of character).
• What is “the good life”? This is one of the oldest
philosophical questions. ·Intellectual virtues are in turn divided into two sorts;
those that pertain to theoretical thinking, and those
• It has been posed in different ways – How should one that pertain to practical thinking.
live? What does it mean to “live well”? – but these are
just the same question. ·Aristotle describes ethical virtue as a “hexis” (“state”,
“condition”, “disposition”) – a tendency or disposition,
• After all, everyone wants to live well, and no one induced by our habits, to have appropriate feelings.
wants “the bad life.” Defective states of character are “hexes” as well, but
they are tendencies to
• “Happiness depends on ourselves.” More than Virtue is the mean between two extremes
anybody else, Aristotle enshrines happiness as the
central purpose of human life and a goal in itself.