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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25115/eea.v38i3%20(1).3968

Volumen:38-4 // ISSN: 1133-3197

The Behaviour of Connected Consumer Following

Communication by Social Media: Exploratory Study on
Moroccan Ready-to-Wear Brands
E-mail: sabi.aboudou@gmail.com
E-mail: Ichraq.hammou@gmail.com
E-mail: y.makloul@uca.ma


Understanding consumer behavior allows companies to act better when faced with an individual whose choices
are becoming more and more changeable due to numerous stimuli. Moreover, the corporate brand understood
that it was necessary to actively participate in exchanges with consumers to have some control over their
behavior and since social media is a dynamic form of social grouping where groups are already formed by
affinities, tastes and trends, it is the best means of communication to promote brands. The objective of this
article is to identify the complex relationship, the different articulation and the causal relationships that exist
between communication by social media and consumer behavior in a Moroccan context through an exploratory
qualitative study conducted with 14 managers in the Moroccan ready-to-wear sector. The textual analysis of
speeches allowed us to identify a set of variables that characterize consumer behavior following communication
by social media.
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Commitment, purchase intent, virtual communities, trust.
JEL classification: Digital marketing

Recibido: 13 de Octubre de 2020

Aceptado: 25 de Noviembre de 2020
Sabrine Aboudou, Hammou Ichraq, Makloul Youssef

1. Introduction

Consumer behavior is a privileged area of academic marketing research, there is an increase in the
number of researchers which has led to an inflation of publications and this is due to the complex nature
of each individual, however the goal of these studies remains the same, it is a question of enabling
companies to act better in the face of behavior leading to the act of purchase by an individual and which
becomes more and more changing following numerous stimuli, elsewhere, one of the challenges of
marketing today is to take this complexity into account in the purchasing decision process of
customers, to define the instruments that will allow them to measure these journeys and to optimize
marketing policy.
Several factors can influence a person's consumption behavior and which are grouped in the form
of variables which relate to their psychology, their social bond such as the education they have
received and even their cultural influence such as lifestyle with his entourage.
In the space of just a few years, this incentive to buy has become very influential after the advent
of the internet, which has become the go-to place for corporate communications. Moving from a static
vision of their website, brands have gradually integrated the dynamic possibilities offered by the Web
and has set up communication mechanisms with their audience. The arrival from 2005-2008 of Web
2.0 completed the break with one-way communication to place the brand in a conversational posture
adapted to the diversity of multiple social networks.
The company brand understood that it was necessary to actively participate in the exchanges.
Digital communication is first of all a matter of marketing than of communication, it allows many
advantages more for the public of the brand than for the latter.
Thanks to their characteristics, social media are used by individuals because they offer the
possibility of co-creating, finding, sharing, evaluating information online (Chua and Banerjee, 2013),
and other authors have pointed out other reasons (the search for social interaction, information,
entertainment, etc.) and other factors which influence the use of these media (culture, age, etc.). As
for brands, the use of social media can be explained by the opportunities offered, because they help
managers build a reputation for a brand, share knowledge, acquire new customers, and launch
promotions at low cost, to develop relationships with consumers (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010;
Bolotaeva and Cata, 2010), and to gather information thus transforming consumers into active
contributors to innovation (Chua and Banerjee, 2013) and achieving marketing objectives ( Luo et al.,
2013) while developing loyalty to brands within virtual communities and establishing a customer
relationship based on interactivity.
Today brands in Morocco are aware of the importance of the presence of social media in their
activities. This explains the intense presence of ready-to-wear brands on social media and pushes them
to create communities to interact with them and create a relationship of interactivity and proximity
while having minimal communication costs. . But this is not the only reason, social media have become
the mandatory communication channel for these ready-to-wear brands, because nowadays clothing
allows consumers to mark their territory, it is therefore an act of belonging to a group attached to the
wearing of a brand and which will make it possible to meet an identity need which goes beyond the
clothing aspect. And since social media is a dynamic form of social grouping where groups are already
formed by affinities, tastes and trends, it is the best means of communication to promote ready-to-
wear brands.
It is in this sense that our research problematic fits. Indeed, we aim to answer, through an
exploratory study conducted with 14 experts in the field of Moroccan ready-to-wear to the following
question: how is social media as a means of communication for brands Moroccan ready-to-wear, do
they influence consumer behavior?
To answer this questioning, we will first present a review of the literature on the basic concepts of
our problem, then we will present the main results of our exploratory study, carried out through semi-
structured interviews with several managers in the field of Moroccan ready-to-wear brands to finish

The Behaviour Of Connected Consumer Following Communication By Social Media: Exploratory Study On
Moroccan Ready-To-Wear Brands

with a discussion of the results obtained.

2. Litterature review

2.1. Communication by social media

The dominance of Web 2.0 technologies and social media has led internet users to deal with
widespread online exposure, one of the most important of which is social media. Social networks
through online media can be understood as a variety of digital information sources created,
disseminated and used by Internet users as a way to educate each other about products, brands,
services, personalities and issues (Chauhan and Pillai 2013). Businesses are now aware of the
impending need to focus on developing one-on-one personal relationships with consumers to foster
interaction. Social media offers businesses and customers new ways to engage with each other.
Therefore, social media communication created by the company is also considered an essential part
of the business promotion mix. Marketers expect their social media communications to engage loyal
customers and influence consumer perception of products disseminate information and increase sales
(Brodie et al. 2013).
Unlike traditional sources of communication created by companies, communication via social
media has been recognized as a mass phenomenon with considerable demographic appeal (Kaplan
and Haenlein, 2013). Although corporate-created social media communications are increasing, this
remains a relatively new practice among advertisers (Nielsen 2013). This popularity of the
implementation of social media communication among companies can be explained by the viral
dissemination of information via the Internet (Li and Bernoff 2011) and by the greater ability to reach
the general public compared to traditional media (Keller 2009). In addition, Internet users are moving
away from mainstream media and are increasingly using social media to seek information and opinions
on brands and products and to engage with the brand (Bambauer-Sachse and Mangold 2011).
Consumers need instant, on-demand access to the information they need to make a purchasing
For businesses, it seems important to understand how consumers participate in an online consumer
community and whether the business is aware of the influence of the communication process on the
perception and evaluation of a brand by members. Thus, a business may be able to obtain competitive
advantages which can be distinguished between two non-economic and economic outcome variables,
which will be influenced by the introduction, design and the way a business interacts with its current
customers and potential.
Regarding the non-economic purpose of this specific form of brand communication, it is to build
strong links between the brand and consumers, which could positively influence customer
engagement in the community. Regarding the economic objective, previous research has shown that
communication by these communities can have a positive impact on an important outcome variable
which is purchasing intention behavior.

2.2. Previous research on consumer engagement in brand communities within social media and its
Consumer engagement has been defined as "a psychological state resulting from interactive and
co-creative consumption experiences with a focal agent / object" (Brodie et al. 2011). Although subject
to various interpretations, consumer engagement is often understood as a concept of motivation of
varying intensity. It concerns an object (a brand) and a subject (the consumer) and has a valence
(positive against negative) (Hollebeek and Chen, 2014).
Although brand communities arise from the strong emotional relationships that individuals have
with brands, these links appear to be fostered and improved in community contexts in social media.
Belonging to the community and identifying it contributes to increasing the intentions and behaviors
of individual consumers towards the brand.

Sabrine Aboudou, Hammou Ichraq, Makloul Youssef

Ultimately, the involvement of the brand community in social media and consumer engagement
are two congruent phenomena. Highly engaged members of the brand community in social media
present the three proposed key community markers, namely: shared awareness, shared rituals and
traditions and a sense of moral responsibility (Brodie et al. 2011).
On the other hand, the engagement of consumers in the brand communities in social media leads
to an important result variable and which concerns the intention to purchase, the latter and in an
online context, represents the desire of the consumer. To buy the products of a brand following
positive signals from users engaged with the brand online (Shaouf et al. 2016).

2.3. Purpose of purchase and its effects

The intention to purchase referred to the subjective judgment of consumers which is reflected after
the general assessment to buy products or services (Hou, 1987, Dodds et al., 1991, Blackwell et al.,
2001 and Shao et al, 2004). The declaration has several meanings, namely: (1) the will of the consumer
to consider buying, (2) the intention to buy in the future, (3) the redemption of the decision. Apart
from that, purchase intentions refer to the degree of perceptual conviction of a customer to buy a
particular product (or service).
In the virtual world and more specifically in GVCs which refer to the socialization activities that
occur in the online environment when internet users come together to form an online relationship,
”as Haron and Razzaque said in their study, platforms are an ideal place to increase consumers'
purchasing intentions. The emergence of these virtual communities allows online consumers to share
and exchange ideas, opinions and information on products / services. This opens up huge opportunities
for brands, especially those who operate their businesses online. Online consumers can develop trust
online through their interactions in virtual communities. Online retailers should seize the opportunity
to better understand their customers online by investing and engaging in virtual communities on their
website. Immediate customer feedback and recommendation can be monitored more closely and the
role of online participation should be seen as crucial in helping online marketers effectively design their
marketing strategies to gain larger market share.

3. Materials and methods

Our investigative approach in the field focused on an exploratory qualitative study whose aim is to
be interested in knowing the factors which condition a certain aspect of the behavior of the social actor
brought into contact with a reality. In our case we are going to be interested in understanding,
describing and exploring the impact of social media communication on consumer behavior. We must
also use a representative model which will be in the form of a sample of fourteen managers of
Moroccan ready-to-wear brands, so we will be able to know, in a context of Moroccan field, the
explanatory variables of this behavior which will also allow us to identify may be variables other than
those found in the existing literature.
We have chosen to work through semi-structured interviews, this method will consist in collecting
information from managers of Moroccan ready-to-wear brand companies, partly orienting their
speech on different themes concerning their marketing communication strategy at the social media
level to influence consumer behavior, thanks to the details provided by the managers we will know if
there are actually elements that we could not distinguish in the literature.
To carry out our investigation process, we used an interview guide as a method of producing data,
this guide covers four themes from general to specific, namely:
• The knowledge of managers of Moroccan ready-to-wear brands in terms of communication on
social media;
• The behavior of the connected consumer vis-à-vis the communication made by brands on social
• The effects of the opinions left by Internet users;

The Behaviour Of Connected Consumer Following Communication By Social Media: Exploratory Study On
Moroccan Ready-To-Wear Brands

• The relationships that Moroccan ready-to-wear brands maintain with consumers on social media.
Regarding the analysis of the results, we proceeded through a textual analysis by IRAMUTEQ
software (Version 0.7 alpha 2), this analysis is automatic, it starts first with the frequency of the terms
used by destructuring the original text and reorganizing it following the occurrences of the terms, to
arrive at a classification already providing general information. The results are based on visualization
tools offered by the software which offer the possibility of seeing the main themes treated, which are
represented by the active forms of the corpus.
They are first discussed in the text, rather than at the end of the paper. Number illustrations
sequentially (but number tables separately). Place the illustration numbers and caption under the
illustration in 10 pt font. Do not allow illustrations to extend into the margins. If your figure has two
parts, include the labels “(a)” and “(b)”.

4. Results

Our exploratory study on the relationship between social media communication of Moroccan
ready-to-wear brands and consumer behavior has shown significant results. Indeed, the semi-directive
interviews that we carried out with several managers of Moroccan ready-to-wear brands allowed us
to confirm our research problem. In the same way of the structure of our interview guide, we will
present the interpretation of the results by a sequence of the four axes mentioned above.
At the level of the first axis on the knowledge of managers of Moroccan ready-to-wear brands in
terms of communication on social media, the analysis made by the software has demonstrated that
the terms most present in the corpus revolve around the arguments that the managers of the
Moroccan ready-to-wear brands are advancing to show their level of knowledge, which they consider
to be a good level because of their great experience in this area. In the context of the interviews, the
word social was also very common due to the importance of the interactive nature of this type of
media which initially allows communication with the target who follows fashion and which is also a
medium which evolves quickly requiring continuous learning on the part of managers to have a good
knowledge of this area.
The social character also affects the consumer who takes the initiative to publish their own content,
seeks information and interacts with it, and especially according to the interviewees this form of
communication makes it possible to meet the needs of consumers in terms and engage with them in
a branded virtual community. This analysis also highlighted an important element which several
interviewees mentioned, which is the position of communication by social media considered to be the
main pillar of any marketing strategy for Moroccan ready-to-wear brands.
At the level of the second axis on the behavior of the connected consumer vis-à-vis the
communication made by brands on social media, the analysis suggests the presence of a strong link
between several words like consumer, engagement, confidence, intention to buy which reinforces the
idea of the main behavior of the connected consumer, namely belonging to a virtual brand community
and the importance of the criterion of trust in the context of social media in order to impact the
purchase intention of consumers.
Therefore, it can be deduced that the managers of Moroccan ready-to-wear brands stress the need
to take into account this behavior present on social media in order to establish their communication
strategy. In particular, in the creation of the brand's website with quality content and design so that it
can stimulate consumers' buying intentions or even encourage them to seek more information about
the brand through a community virtual brand created beforehand by the latter and which allow
consumers to have their own space to communicate with the brand and its members, thus creating a
good amount of word of mouth to give credibility to the brand and above all a zone of confidence
which will encourage the attitude of all connected consumers.
With regard to the third axis on the effects of the opinions that Internet users leave, textual analysis
has brought out the most frequent terms. The central "opinion" and secondary "consumer" cores have
a very significant semantic load. Thus, we detect two directions towards which the central “opinion”

Sabrine Aboudou, Hammou Ichraq, Makloul Youssef

core can tend, which consumers leave, which can be either positive or negative. In the event that these
opinions are shared in a positive sense, consumers will be encouraged to use the brand's products or
services online, this will also encourage them themselves to post other positive comments thus
creating a significant amount positive word-of-mouth advertising that will promote communication of
the Moroccan ready-to-wear brand on social media.
However, if the opinions left by Internet users tend towards a direction which is negative, two
scenarios can arise according to the interviewees: the first is in the case where there is a large amount
of negative opinions this will create a mouth- negative electronic word of mouth, which in most cases
will dampen consumers' buying intentions. On the other hand, in the second case if there is a small
amount of negative opinions, the consumer will exhibit behavior which is different and will not be
easily influenced, because following the interviews, the connected consumer is more intelligent, he
can detect whether the negative opinion is the result of a product that does not meet the needs of the
consumer, or quite simply it is a user who wishes to damage the image of the brand.
The central “opinion” core also highlights a third small “Engage” center. Indeed, it turns out that
the opinion left by Internet users generally comes from members of the virtual community who are
committed to the brand, defend it in the event of negative opinions which try to damage its image and
on the other hand in turn generate quality content on social media which is more or less free and
profitable for the brand.
At the level of this corpus, the word "opinion" seems to function as a generator of "consumer", in
the sense that the opinions left by Internet users on the brand, whether positive or negative, directly
impact consumer behavior, namely its confidence in the brand and its products which in turn will
impact his attitude and also his intention to purchase positively or negatively depending on the
quantity and meaning of the reviews.
Finally, with regard to the fourth and final axis on the relationships that Moroccan brands of ready-
to-wear maintain with consumers on social media, textual analysis has brought out the central core
"Engage" and secondary "consumer” Which have a very significant semantic load, it follows that the
communication of the brand alone on social media is not sufficient to impact consumer behavior. It is
for this reason that the central core appeared in the form of the term "engage", it is the commitment
of the brand and the consumer to communicate together and daily on social media, it is ie frequent
use creating interactivity between the parties concerned. For the majority of interviewees, the
members of the virtual community of the brand have a fairly basic knowledge in terms of
communication by social media, but as part of their engagement with the brand they have
expectations towards it to better activate like having quick answers to their requests from a
community manager, they are motivated by participation in contests or give-away games and like to
be rewarded for their commitment by winning, for example, gifts or discounts. In return, consumers
engaged with the brand online publish positive content on its products, defend it in case of consumer
insight which leaves a negative opinion and above all they try to improve the community to which they
belong so that the brand can achieve its goals. It’s ultimately a two-way relationship built on brand and
consumer engagement and it’s mainly in this situation that we can talk about successful social media
The secondary nucleus of the tree is the "consumer" generated by the "commitment" nucleus. It
also has an important semantic load as with "Purchase", because indeed, the relationship of reciprocal
commitment which links the brand to its consumers has the major objective of positively impacting
the intention of consumers to buy. Trust is also a criterion in the nature of the existing relationship,
more precisely consumer confidence in the brand on social media, moreover to amplify these brands
collaborate with influencers and bloggers to talk about the brand and recommend its products, this
method promotes the attitude of consumers who then spread a positive electronic word of mouth.

5. Discussion

Currently, many managers of Moroccan ready-to-wear brands are making efforts to improve their

The Behaviour Of Connected Consumer Following Communication By Social Media: Exploratory Study On
Moroccan Ready-To-Wear Brands

knowledge in terms of communication by social media for the simple reason that they know perfectly
well that it is the best way to get closer to the consumer, because the latter is very present and active
on these platforms. Simply being content with traditional media is no longer enough and does not
allow the brand to be more competitive.
However, social media is developing rapidly and the consumer continually changes platforms as if
it were a fashion effect, which pushes the creators of real clothing fashion to follow the technological
trends of web 2.0 and learn to use them manipulate to stay ahead of competitors. According to the
managers of the Moroccan ready-to-wear brands, the consumer connects and interacts mainly on
Instagram and Facebook because it is the most popular social networks of the moment especially since
it is a question of following the new collections in matter of clothing, it is moreover for this reason that
the brands have created their pages there even see their own virtual communities where first they can
show their commitments towards consumers thanks to the answers can provide in terms of necessary
information , product offer and reciprocity allowing these consumers to commit to their tour with the
Moroccan ready-to-wear brands are displayed on social media also insisting on the need to have a
brand website at the same time as their presence on other social networks and which plays the role of
the store or the showcase where they expose the articles and the novelties of the brand, in another
way it is their virtual domiciliation. A brand website with good ergonomics, attractive design and
quality content ensures a good image on the brand, which in some cases stimulates consumers'
intention to buy or encourages them to belong to a community virtual brand and engage with it to
follow all its movements and interact with all members. On the other hand, in other cases, the
consumer does not allow himself to be influenced by the visual aspect of the website and digs even
further in order to be able to trust the brand online plus its confidence in other consumers rather than
the brand, it is also at this time that committed consumers give their opinion and defend the brand so
that new consumers can trust it on their tour.
This process demonstrates the difference between the behaviors of the offline consumer who in
most of the times goes to the shops, chooses his favorite items tries them and decides to buy or not,
having a more demanding connected consumer behavior which makes the purchase intention process
more complex.
Communication via social media undoubtedly seems to be the preferred means for Moroccan
ready-to-wear brands to impact the purchasing intention of consumers. Although the path remains
strewn with pitfalls and not always as easy to navigate, this is explained by the large part of the power
held by Internet users which can lead either to the success of this form of communication for the brand
or to its failure, this power comes in the form of positive or negative opinions that internet users can
leave, thus leading to a whole series of impacts on consumers.
Most managers seek to have a large amount of positive opinions on their social media, which in this
case is positive electronic word of mouth, these opinions clearly guide the communication strategy
made by these brands which encourage them to have a regular presence on social media to satisfy
consumers more and more so that they develop a positive attitude towards the brand and that they
can create a relationship based on trust and lasting. Positive reviews also encourage consumers to
choose the brand's products. Indeed, a recommended product is always successful than another,
positive word-of-mouth allows the brand to achieve great confidence even among potential
customers, which promotes their attitude and therefore impacts their buying intention.
Negative opinions are undesirable by brands, even if some managers also consider them as a form
of advertising if they are obviously well managed, such as the "bad buzz" situation which becomes
"good buzz". For all managers, a large number of negative opinions or what can be called negative
word of mouth, negatively impacts the confidence of consumers who adopt an unfavorable attitude
towards the brand and therefore negatively impacts their intention of purchase. On the other hand, if
the brand has a virtual community whose members are engaged, it remains little concerned with
negative opinions if they are few. In this case, it leaves the committee members to defend it, since as

Sabrine Aboudou, Hammou Ichraq, Makloul Youssef

we have mentioned in terms of consumer behavior, the latter is more likely to trust other consumers
rather than the brand directly.

6. Conclusion

By comparing the results obtained from our exploratory study and the contributions of the
literature, we deduce that there is a very close match between the contents. Indeed, and at present,
many managers of Moroccan ready-to-wear brands are making efforts to improve their knowledge in
terms of communication by social media for the simple reason that they know very well that it’s the
best way to get closer to the consumer, because the latter is very present and active on these
platforms. Simply being content with traditional media is no longer enough and does not allow the
brand to be more competitive.
This study also demonstrates the difference between the behavior of the offline consumer who in
most of the time goes to the shops, chooses his favorite items tries them and decides to buy them or
not, unlike the behavior of the connected consumer who is more demanding , which makes the
purchase intention process more complex.
Communication via social media undoubtedly seems to be the preferred means for Moroccan
ready-to-wear brands to positively influence consumer behavior. Although, the path remains strewn
with pitfalls and not always as easy to walk, this is explained by the large part of the power held by
Internet users which can lead either to the success of this form of communication for the brand or to
its failure, this power comes in the form of positive or negative opinions that internet users can leave,
thus leading to a whole series of impacts on consumers.


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