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Texto: A Sailor
Far back in the seventeenth century my father ran an inn in England. One day, a
sailor who was carrying a big wooden box came to stay at our inn. We all
wondered what was in the box. We called him Captain. He had a cut across one
cheek. I remember him singing an old sea song. Every day, the captain asked if
any sailors had come to the inn.

Linha a Linha:

Far back in the seventeenth century

Muito (tempo) atrás no décimo sétimo século
my father ran an inn in England.
meu pai administrava uma pousada na Inglaterra.
One day, a sailor who was carrying
Uma dia, um marinheiro que estava carregando
a big wooden box
uma grande caixa de madeira
came to stay at our inn.
veio para ficar na nossa pousada.
We all wondered what was in the box.
Nós todos “nos perguntamos” o que estava na caixa.
We called him Captain.
Nós chamávamos ele de Capitão.
He had a cut across one cheek.
Ele tinha um corte em uma bochecha.
I remember him singing an old sea song.
Eu lembro dele cantando uma antiga canção do mar.
Every day, the captain asked
Todos os dias, o capitão perguntava
if any sailors had come to the inn.
se algum marinheiro tinha vindo à pousada.

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