Structural Analysis Unit 2

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one Bneray TH corems g > Srdouclickion — Stoain in Usneas. clasite stem “Ot ad 2 Repro gain ee Se? are 3 , 7 ‘i a Shear fone > Castggtane's jot theonan ; Li ng brows avd pla" 4 ons fy St > Delfeuions qf etaticaly chtenisale but pow 7 ~Thowe bisged Anche, (PARAL ) > Giknoduckion, Oy does, Comparision Uy las aged Aock aud Too kieged pods 2 rear Anche > Reddy's Theoveus + mt f tone kiiged aockel Noomal Hout avel tf Shean tr on aot > Geometrical Prcpeatios , Pexobolte arch, oud Chreulhraricle + “Three hitged chrealen ance ak ditbenet Levels. Abtouke moniowe bevclog rome: depres pr a ~Hlowe, Meged anth. ¢ inked plore fasts. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner ONITAS : Ensegy THEOREMS AND THREE HINGEO ARCHES O x0 Concept Strain: Gh a bax t dubyeded to © Stress Ha bax will choege & : Ong beagth Lave chaypes pf on onant BL, He Shan & Produce ts clefineed as fl lows a Stain (2) = . ge 7 Stoain t Hwa, a Measure of He ckfooretin ot ie tt adirettlad, avd hence Loxgth. Gly tte lax Vas om He motextal oud & a nonciimensi onbal Cuomdi a -f00 Anoudities With hoa no vats. Geib Sioply a satio He Swe unit pe Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Cay When | \ Culemal tonce Che coriad Lund fon) wrens au, re day, Helchom the ehawig lias! Wand ceceede y! TRE Loamkdoae fa ia “a a ie Heat ts “ihe motensoh is Grted in i tony, - ¢ Shooin Ene: fom 4 Hekibwuce ON) Ledervas Soi 4 vw. : %. Shain ewrgy dy He emuben ts clefinod on Ate tues Waxkdone in Chhoriming the bo by tre ation of en Beobled Morals ourg Oppliod force Hes wolastic badies is Kno oy elastic Strata ery. Gi senligy the edemed wow L,, (on) then on exterval loads acts on a Shuchwe, Hee Shuuctune unckag aes defpmwmetion oud hence, He Work dew TS saiist these Crtlarnal fpowes, Hie inkeowrl forces clovelop é pom dioworto firol Volue cud the wok 1b doe This trderral warkclone i Stoned oa in He Chute aud tH helps te SHouithune te Spateg back to ~Hee, Ondgivad Slape aud Side, wlawuts tue extesral Yands asa, Sersevad rome! We materiel dng clouuthoo is idl wilkin to clase Gintt E26 trowel Woke , which s Stooed as Cut 410 Strain, of He ratte sda! oud 1 ' . a hence, nes cae cee ess a adopted -fox ne we defection oy beaws aud Eusgy. eo Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner oT ® 2) Viodual oak | yait booed eredtvod . 3) Castzions's mestuod Steatn sea Contiden a ) p P, , | ° Pe yl | - PG EL, Pp "Popetes e g, 4) Figta) Le Fgte) Glnens - Havin rlation. aural Bhuchoral System os shasn Vadis) wor ge BR Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner | Ce ara 4 ste elowest os Shown in be @) be cand thy Segin See the Glow ta Whe elecucuct thovaws jrom Bow to ts bad value Pas Frain thera from ae. ils final Value @. Ket the Slrus— Shain selodion aa Sowa ta yee). het Ska be uace, work dove on the eleuent, Whe Slain Gog -bakes place = force ¢ Duplatemeust Px SaxSecx 54 = R SeSV Go & = Gv, wwe vis the volume qyite enrenct, @D Glotn ony ute ia tte lenient = J P, Se, dv Ameo. unde ghd. Shara Coe dv—-O a ES Gh the S34 Soein Cuowe Ly hincort, Stree agit 4 clemt = tpedy Strata enn Glored tn fle. Sbuctwe Us [e Pew = fb Blam x Sinaia dv -@ Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner ® Groin Borg ta Mirwoos Eloutta §stom hue to Antal hoods heb us Consider a Shaft boo 4 heagth L ne & unilyonm Crs Seutiroh Aveo A’. Atal Load ‘P'ts applied » Oud ie boar dnccegoes a clepoowradion 4. “The work clone Stoned as Strein cnay (U) ia He bo , wt be P éaval 40 over fpree(t-p) erubtiplied bye lebpowresion A, 2 EPA Az Pe Hooke!s how ae oe He ban bas Vaxiable area fy Cal SetHan, Carrier 0 Smal element tf Veagin. ct onc ones of Coad tne Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner =i > 8 Ce ee ae y 7 The ran ence lo hore ty He Sra lone leegts du wil be {porn eau) du. Pox 2A6 he total Stsclln emp Go be cohoies by pay Hie abo, exprotion ons to lagin gy te bam. pe i Uz (Pde _» © | oO 2h Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner aaislot® hae dy ebasicrrombux A= foea dy cfs W): Grodvally applied rte Lael E& = Ealeution de tho erator Ua « elemal max dow ler Les Sloaineuapy sted a L&. PL = iB PA) yy eLiwor S Cootnenorys Some Po ek upl Sashes FL Val BE Wiz We 1 uel * oh Ay ire 8S po vot Sy PYye SUE TRE ~ Phe Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Shoin Cresay Aored yy, | iat ds O° 06 Sobyertes -10 Cibo Bat, Morey $ 4 G He Yroin ed Stored yy Ho bows d Us (oe JI 260 Gl. ate. bs 2 , 4 — of te Dow. Sion a setdaugulon With width, b ond Chpih cl and He bes Sheuted fp a.uifann bocbig erred 34". Ctra, Boop ot cod, Sedion . £. 64 (ox) M-Leng> bar © gu G, bd? ihe ot (Lepyry U> 32 GF ba”) ww? [ee -_ ?* aa = 4 wat = Fy vobumecl tee om 6e 6e » Stootn enagy stored per ontt volume dt the aah U = £* 66 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Figcs) SL! Gobjevked lek us Contider a. enessbor Hy Doogie Sojet fo usihorn bending monet 44 inane gn aeeatnaee es Op totes Ha lane a RS OO ‘the wy Gh mt oppbed gochey He, Shain ensay Sioned Srall clumut wll Ie, eye: oy Mell De hy f —e for 1 am fy eA pd \ 4 SG) Hl a) M_ ee “s : Gnd we oie He de, gine AS a Ye) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner by gay pals over The, extine vaste, weget “Peto Stoned tr fhe muabut oe Bt Uf * Pde } yen 1 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner e Sold chewust dy Sri lupytin cot 2 KL Yauagoe Steg Shear Shui Te A a Ass ote Uhew Ke Foam fpoor . As Anco 4; els © 2s Pe Shean borce. the deformation du edadt —_ Ui) 8 Whee daz ShorSlota = S_ . k FE g Ag eau) dus (x. FE trom Us (k na) dt. q otal deformation ur do -f EE de Shosn ¢ wee Steood o s { I 2a Pra = K PE \ 5 2AG a L Us (ae dx. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner o. athe Sborota once] Que qo Shoat Shaves Srall aad Vs ge pale, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner or oF cbfprwation —ha SS as) Sheax ~ -{ “ha, The Sheariag Haws Oa Cnoth Suton f bet hoectog lan Coats Seon ey be fowclowk by “fis Bika, bs, ohexe @ V4 He firwt uorenk= oy ve postion d. te Cle coven aboie He poisk whise shton sles % deactzual alaet Audra its." Ws fo foeudvose Shear force, bbs width qthe Cash Seution and G, soe moment of tnt b “tte. Grats euioul ona abo He nudzl outs. Duseto Sear Fru, the belvocen toe ives udich axe Onp ab says ee WSL cheers “the shear Bho varia acm “he phe Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner d Shoain Coy due “to Seon fore be fpwclouk fd tue eladion, where shor ean foace, bis esis of the jee woment ef Courtia tF ants. Dureto Shear ak els dign align Hee pe Cudael outs." Wb tee tromvoue SI redogailon CoBh-Serion and Ge » tte Onotr Sectional cota alow “He nusbsel between “the Lies ubich are er ght fe Cheep “the, shear Shows Vanier ocsuaie The bape Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner flan ofs Af, mel oO Ba Prrabolic mame in te G8 vo : ~ tle shear Ghus datribuion dip ™ P ti va, pouwwor, 10 Simply He Competnsion A. Me Chofs- Section: 5 ba cof (vauclst gdoieily noL —10 | ovhider Seguud $ othe Sheor St (uth ds Subjeed 1? Shean Shot 27 | aciatstte cfs may be toXe » ok fn ubich AO asta 4 os and eo Ke fps fon lide epuclek on te Safe fp tee ofS. ee Ob dy. ds Whoe AY ts He Shean Sain ba giues by Ay: 2, KM ny Ga AG ‘ aye ction Hence #2 total defor tte bom che, too Shean fpnce by & 2 ee 4 (kag ds Now He Sloatn enzay Stored in He beau due +p action A, srowlwane sean fpnce ls ie by ean Soe orcas He ofe bL Vey Small Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Qe. tone Boke p monk ot ogy ciimcess boo A> “ (an) ata cutante % nn B = 30iKN P 2+ Shoiveneyy v oor ae Bor) ‘aon “Chan ‘J a u 302° h Us jee "a4 sty,» Se Jue : AR ay a dt . Besos eh aM et (3 “J (807 si Las ur eer = 900 Y i on Ong & Luyon = i sei Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner by He bend |4400 _ 1 yy ooxa Eg * Meee A 9 oO = 480 5 on eo = 400 « oS 14agD Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner ‘Deflection By Strain uy sist: Ry yaork a of Key distance * xa 1h aud bated, year" BM... oad WK wee SOT eB EM. 1x3 o 3Kree ‘op se cl Seer * 0 4 l “gal, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner S) ¢ u A, 35 Zz es Az oar es EE = 200%30x10§ ip-6 = 6000kN-m* As At ow 6000 2 0.045 « 4+ 5inm Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner “? Ghenin energy stoned by a Suply svppunted bean G a bot 4 = at aloe a as ei ae ¢ sk Simply Suppinted bom AC Spon’ h Crerig Dott Load “Us at Cadne @° Reattios ot Coch Support Ra+Rg-w “Bag ovameds obst A OMlaa0 Raed elf 20 Ree hy = Rae Rays W- &p = w-/ Ra Wf, Bad sores eg A-¥ ta A ed x fynom Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner @ ~ 4 "Strata enpy Stove ty the bese Unf a \ Ye ey" ey ax “| de ed oO Ret 4 gel 4, \ ~ oy tar, do, Pes Et . o q » My yy be dy | ara | “ees . \, ° . Me I - wil de el = a 4 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner 9 F imply Supported Brom t Coovties @ Poid-laad ‘Ly Bd — fhe kepus awed hance, od mic! Spa. Rincl “Hee Slootnentpag Stored! a Gabalate Ide Condral clfledton eee Met f tI ‘( 49 a. point bead Biiply dopposied Dawn, AB t spon | eye spat | ‘W' ak midspon ©” ig Ry 1 Ra2 Crtq20 ‘ A+ Ke Rox Wr 20 . Palas Sate + Roth Mees ection tr Ac, clistont “a! fom A! te BM b Meu a Stain every Stored ef He Pao Ac 2» acl Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner “+ Strate enapy shored fyi Ue QxSiraia “OY Shooed By AC & é : i = & 3 & on & b é i r s i * Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner 4 Oiferaly huts Um so he holt, Spo — ony Sled by Stply Supported boot Orriig Hugh % apa vel nr hac ACAD B A Siply Sapponbed "bes Ao pou l Gregg = ‘clitaibuted Load v0 pen unit aun on + Reaction at Cavs Support Row Ry ah i Bia, Gitlin hin from A BM ne ahaa (9) Siar [eet ual we O34 aft 5 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Mf 2 oo y, de 5 i) (Ve abe +a) es ws yy, ef (ar aba dob. 4Aek gb ot 5S) ~ ye6 oF. (yd AG FOR we I 5 (20-15 +3 Aes 420 —— ol p- ere | Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner @ aes | 7 . . zed, Lcodl ‘Uo! ak pov A Gutileun dp L Goods a Gpor heawrag liberate its free end the meuaber & Cinder oo Section o. : Of preconceptions for He Tewwatatng leapt, howd “heck le deflestion oF Me fpee ends 93 ysl? setae Gs ror g tele 324. “EG Seution. ~ di oh hi abe 4 ~ iB Alfie =a pr MW a HR Butilesen AB dy beagan “L Coppiog He Port Voncd "0" The. Park Ae ls dy diameter O- che pwd 081 Tot wrod inesctia dy qe sevtion bpx puaPeak Ae = HO 7 4 nat: of nt te sain fpr te Pot O° GLE) ‘ Tt Vay het He ronoce toodia ofy “He Ltn hoot pot D2 +. prone cy vein pte. ation jpn te sat Ace 6 Strain mong stored Ue es : aed a | Us ( *ey*i, , (WO” g | { gel Gi 2E(162) . ‘- 4 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner - Ww |, £8 - 5 = S'S | 260° 3g + en's (# Ly oon Fw? Aeel 3 eee i 2 a3 wo os " Eavolieg te. Wonkdeou to he. Strain eomepy vabitond Ayux8 2 Bw z 168 EG g. 23.uh (S384 EL ’ ee Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner é ‘6 ano'e Theorous: fort ho. < Bows Slowcluse, Poottial doxtbahive a “the Shain omy wit Sethe “HO a booed & Canal -lo ~}te cleflection Oy Me Poi: whese-te lad & cig, te ceflections beg. Meowred tr -Hhe cloettion f -the foal. The Load be a fone ox reer Meshensely Fits heaven Woy be vefveioted py. BU LA; DU .9 —O OP, omy od Where Us total Staoln ergy Pet; — Loacls Ai, 8;- deflection a 2 1% fe oe Fizte) A Stuply Soproted brow wth gray oes tk Ee 6 Fata Fats Brom Sokjeed to a adlttioreh Lod Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner TO Prow this ~Heorern, Conttelen a Supported brass Shon én fyle) on wich Lords PB aud R are nepties hak He deflection carck -ite Loac P/Q ond f be Ay, Ao 43 Petpectindy, v2 UrZPRA+ERA.+5B4s -® hub—He addtional Load dp be acklec! often 0a, loots BR, osd R, ond apbliie] aud teh Hte ocktivionl daflton be day das Ay. “then, He additional Shain oncoy Stored do bs given by Ou: tdpda,+pda;t Rda,+RdAg "+ “Total Fheain enogy dy the Syste B Ut+duetRA +t RA,4 % BAst YAR dA + RdA,+ +RdA, +Rda,7® Gh (44k), Band B use fo be applied Sona\ Lory Shain ston GB (Rade) Aitddi)+b Bard) +p, (Aird, ) ~® ih :— sthe Gs Should be —-® Since, a lois Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner @ be Edgy teddy +h Gas, = EAP, -O Bak from cancion ), g(Rdaaeddshaey) oA(do- Sana) psn @)@@ euetion,varguh +, (dv -teaday) » Lag a, 7 © wit lot pata pm ce due gdh, Qu VA -@® ap! , Ebay its rors ne tad, OF ay be hem “ wg -O dm ty ion _uAls pos ere 4 doesn. : ¢ aren Gea. pak ond Ein te, Cte 4 ak ng iin Jad (Pom Dove The thaw | |KN ) Deflection ak Genial (ig sit peat P | Ry+ 8a = 3+) , —aieg momenks about A EMA =? Rgxb—PRe =O a i Rye BE > RoR App cat a0 R.Ph, Sera Ry SeP Ar - ene Ryoa-p 2 kare epae | Aww ban oye 8? NY peas - snarnessts 7 SO es a4 Bdig mores’ | \Tave Sq . FanGPation AB! HC, | ye “ eae L B bettion 4 —% dittance mp Brekg, eg ke a fam BN iid. 2 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner saat pi * oe we Coiliginuds Hacoseu ded xr”) | c¢ dp dps &% ht wand Pp aos ° ee Subushle Ps3kn A, 2 1066P CEG Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Tag wnoments olouk “B EMg= © Ry +3x2-M=O Rye Bs Bri ot AB 4 ert. 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BSG a mL =i Lood & atte riddle pad Contented sy Grreodace an raga 8 hot A r om 6 Raa Ree Quw! ekg cuomeds abod A’ EMn-0 Rerh ily —wltfa=0 - Rex aul Rg (Shast et . oY yw” Ree Saul » Qa fo Taking moments about B EM ge 0 Rar Gxt, -ualvl, ~o R,. wld ar or —— Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner tate 7" fom He Support 1A’ Ry? 2a usthin Ac Spa. x _ /wil+e Ma (258) # fon Be Spe 6 ay feat BM ak ony Settion sx 3 B stance ¥ pram te Support B r wh within Spax gc Spou Ree —— Me (hss x - we” : Teel Sta op Se am beau = = (hae Ue feo 2] es f (ey _ we ge | Ws 2" (eee oe oO a0 &, vy jet J (Se ot fs Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner ay “To hind he Cortoal clefbection, ifesetiedeg He ob =e “ A: A a) “safe pe \y “alftaees | he] © ° ot aby, y, ei [58 - | 2 (ule al” ES] “2 Mm” Bxlb A » gul*— sat ES| “Bay A A, Sut 6 38.68 . BS wht A- 3 a a= Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner ® Find tHe clflertion at the a Cutieren e Condetrated Qpad ot ue jeods ou sagidiy Use “WG Gatggtinne pet jbesoea hk g A y SQ)d B Colon coryig 0 a putat ima pot te lp end A —The Bending riomank at oes Section clue hoon “He howe end ts M2-Pe "Stain ergy Shred lef He Getter aes Qo 2( EPO ay \ Sar y Purdn . ai dt * *$ “3e4 5) ° _ oe er e “Ee =). > 3 tea ed I a [et theorem q oregtions, ” ta ceflecse ba te Uno dy action rae: Pp , ae | . z -d 2 2pl is Aap ap * “cag? Ansa Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner a oN Bab Rod -tte Coudoeal alffection da Simple Sepponted Coyteg @ Concentrated Lond at mid spa. Amare Uribe Le dpi. We Gatiiinno's tnt Jeon mm xP Ken A B a gs x ABs tne Load ~ cles PU SPPondead beam Gorges Pp Ravi Re % Ree PL STBe beudt ibid ection section th Ac, distowce % fon He cud A ly M: x * Ghat 7 me Strain energy Stoned Of tM ben vs \5a e Sp, ‘+ yy \ vf BD 4, 4f PP ior 2G “hs A an eo Beh 2 aes + aa - 3 ys Pay pe 4ed 8 6e8 J the deflection to He Lie de astion Dts Cop cot i du %3 A- ap See WweL 2 ge? AGES Ae [4-2 Onze | Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner F @ | gb A Getilewr bea ts in-tte fonn df oquankr fro Circle |p te vest Pave aud is diseded to a Vendah Lord Pod its free end ov hom in bi. Pick the veal onc! hexidolal displbeents ak tte free cud. Arua Conbtavt petty Use Gayo tour Hurt ge Veottital kfplection 4; jpreeend Consides ~Hhe Section ak X a4 chase 0 tg) 7 vovuy oad at @ Gy) Cua cad Be tn rey USF Strain vere in he Cena legis vale Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner “y. Us pe? 1-028 Jo 2e9 2 28 % Tee PE fy sno , Loe Aci l~ ~F. bes du. TPR? Du? op * “aes cote pane Hosidorlal Laphlacement:; — Qreewhene 4 no honidortoh fyrce ot te len ed PY | chav howe. bee 8 os hat" ty Shain emay Ub ge é , ue ( 7* CeranoraeC89)] eco : 268 Since Me PRSMO + OR (1-C18) hor gn9-+QeCi-729) 2 theese Au? aq | a C Noo Sabet Gao "b. in Ay al ( meee) [Rites JR ° , pe ef (Sino ~ sinB cos0)1o | | B](o0- 208) do | Pe Orbe -1+k) Po tae Bn Plbet «ree He | IA | Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner a (UNtT LOAD METHOD : Considers Hee bod Shon tn 1 (a) which is Sobjected —fo Pe PB Pi BB applied Grose. batclaplooma load ot Pols be Ai, Ay /Ag,-~~.. An ond ak ‘Poi 0! be A. Then, Exteel wontcine =F Oi tf dgR +4 Bat = els Ae, aud Grreincwy stoned 2 St pea A B Fylo A body obj to Lind aud cbfowred cope bere PY Brew aud ely He Shin tn he chewed + aRat Pate pAnfas (Pedy -O Now Conides to Same Bobjetted tp a unit Loadtappliea cpedielly of! whe i freed. Spiten P fms Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner hol -lhe cluplacemad ot Warne nn be By Bar by Mepect oud the cliplaconed ot" bog hla shams prokited In “He clement be p! aud Ite Movsa be &.thaw Extecrol vortedosa 2-111 8 GDrtesmod, v0) dona * f 4 pddy | zits [te eldv —~ @ Now, ik P oe of joe 4s applied -to He bey lnm . \KN myo ie - . (P - a / ~~ , / HyCe) syste 4; hprces applied to obey External wonders 2bAR+b A,B a —-- +4 Mehr lad Bice, Unit Load 's abonosly attr, Quearel work dow «(4 pedv+ fred, Since He Ste p! out Hye deformation BAG trbesinel unk acti, Hoods +0 eiternal wok. Abaya AR tee = fi ped ed 6) 5 | Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Sei @ruoston O jor Cassadlion ©) me 1% = ple dv 4 = Spt ev —@® where A.» debilection ak Paid Uhene unitload & opted aud Vs measured ba the direchion or unitdoad . Alnor tr ou element clue -to vat Qroad., ! p-4 on. ele Sloutn tn the clewent due to gi Sone Sys the eauation 4 the bas of wit Load metiod. ECTION Unit hoAD MisTHOD - AppLieATion! To BEAM Defrectio' a —— fyi A typieal beau Sobjeded to ont boed Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner “Combides he hasan shen th by (a) Sobjected 10 P-forces . He Soe th He elewot ak Fay prom neutral axis ly p: # er Y! gohowe M tele, moment ackig ot He eben, . Gloate th the elewet due 40 poo gytous oo, iy TE * “gid hob mm be Hue mores at He ottion where the cfowank Ws Cortichaed, cut to aril Iand attig ad as Skaon in figie). ' mM Stes p> 2 foon auction) A 2 ( ple dv on Bdge” SiC Grande 7 oe fpens fa) 0 cd Fran eavotion@), meds Gt needs ch bnaley moeal coe 2 agi bond & os eh ocd | 4 apphatde to oy ifs pore Pe au [pfleuce effert ts Comidlered , (le inte oer Ken Me ce chal) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner (si) _ QP! Detenmtre He daflecHon oud sotalion at —he free oud 4 He Gorton Laat Shaon 0 fig. Use Untt Load melteod + Qren 2 2200 at aud 9. i2xiohmnn. 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Sh, the Qiu antl, & seplated suc trot Bh Combis 4, rrewbews AD, DG, EF fa aud Gg wrth Lads U9, , Ws W239 Uy aiteg ot Yoiks OE, GG, the Menbors Carry tee arial Compare es, 4 Heute, He abou Ghuttue Obtaired doer not Conbain SF oid Bound bs Sobjeched to coal price Conprovsce Such Shuthoe & Kram as Viner ait. Prati thy nok Vorible to Conte Boh Stren arch becouse, of. moieg Load On fH. Stherefyse, ashes ane gonaly Constoucted in Ciruular, (Poaleatic ny ebiptiol dapes, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner . @ eo * Bopy's THEOREM : “The budé foment: of Gon Bell an asth (4 eased -to Hho. ential inkesiph lekoeun He Liter arch aud the Godse lise tome y © o€ vy, ¥% [Ome Penedo Fuge) Crrsiden a Becton ak P distawe % trom A, as anth sthaon in fig (1). het He Often Coordinate qe P be y+ fon tte 94 Hen Ge lads, “He Linen aoek Con be Constautled ° Cif HS Keown). Since furiaulan Peygon supanenks He. bucig arent cligaam fo Some Sale He Vestal intercept RB of +He Suton “pi will give the beudé reononk Chie. +o exterval Load systus. Gf Hie ose is pow to a Salt d 4 tom apm Cet Lom ap be He Seale oto satick ts dren?” Uneod digroat - Stale) lems 9 bbe the Stole dood disprou. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Go) PP ® ¥ Moment ot \,' \ Cb Baro. [p~< 4 uM A LEO Soe ® \ s *€ Se. ~— tor Y the vole ¢- Hb Huw Known . Ta dy ote Known e “eky Momeds 4, oll freer bout ' 3’, Stoibondy Ve Gu be Known. Abken hovig nan steattion Component, “iid tela If Medial Shean (SG ba) oucl Normal Hout (nv) oF SG] Setim Pos be easily Collated, Uotth rebowne 40 Hip Ce) where tautlitosuen qi lept- Pontion PA hos beer Shon ~The Vertical aud hoxiaontal svatton on te Section P ore Ve Vy- aud HaeHe Now , setaloty seg the Sethian ak P wage oh sreolQ Ox) F 2 VEoS9 =Hatn6 | —® ~ an Binilaly mune nonmal to te Section MG ronal rows |N] ysino+ HC=88_ I. —t o Ce Vase - Haind Ne Hes vsind Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner _— ~~ SS Taree HINGED PARA BoLic ARCH: ~The. aust 4 & Prwubola csth Ora ok tue Left had hisge A in bg Ca) Gu be Uxtllen a, % J © ku (h-x) as WG \ \ whee Ks a Conleuc. 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