Vehicle Purchase Agreement 28
Vehicle Purchase Agreement 28
Vehicle Purchase Agreement 28
1. This form states the terms & conditions of sale of the below mentioned vehicle.
2. The buyer is advised to take pictures of the seller’s vehicle as proof of condition inview of point
no. 6 under Terms & Condition.
Buyer Details
Name: _________________________________________________________
NRIC No.________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Contact No. ______________________________________________________
Seller Details
Name :_____________________________________________________________
NRIC No:____________________________________________________________
Contact No. ___________________________________________________________
Details of Vehicle:
I, the Buyer, hereby agrees to buy from the Seller, the above mentioned Vehicle for the
Sumof $____________________.
Buyer’s Signature:___________________ Seller’s Signature:_____________________
Details of Transaction:
1. If the seller does not fulfil the agreement to sell the said vehicle, the seller has tocompens
ate the buyer an amount equal to twice the amount of the deposit paid by thebuyer.
2. If the buyer does not fulfil the agreement to purchase the said vehicle, the depositwill not
be refunded.
3. . If the buyer is unable to get the loan approval for the vehicle, deposit is refundable if pro
per documentations for non-approval are provided.
4. Transfer fee of the vehicle is to be borne by the buyer and is not included in theagreed car
5. It is agreed that the seller is to hand over the spare keys, handbook and otherdocuments
which are related to the said vehicle, to the buyer, upon time of delivery.
6. . At the time of hand over, the seller undertakes to preserve the condition of thevehicle as
at the time of sale and with all accessories intact.