BOW Cookery9 Q1

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Subject COOKERY Grade Level GRADE 9

Quarter FIRST Total # of Teaching Days for the whole 40 DAYS
Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in preparing
Performance Standards The learners independently prepare appetizers

Suggested Mode of
Most Essential Unpacked Learning *Day/ Activities/Tasks (List down
Week Lesson Objectives Assessment
Learning Competency (List down Sessio the target activities for F2F/,
Number (behavioral in nature & SMART) (Formative &
Competency the unpacked LCs) n Home-based/ODL, and/or
Pre- Assessment Answer the questions Formative
(Diagnostic Test) Paper and Pencil Test Assessment

WEEK 1 LO 1. Perform 1.1 identify tools and 1 a. Identify kitchen tools a. Guessing / Name Formative
mise equipment needed and equipment. Game Assessment
en place in the preparation of Picture Parade
TLE_HECK9- appetizers
12PA-Ic-3 b. Recognize the tools
and equipment in
preparing appetizer.
b. Observe how canteen
staff clean, sanitize,
and prepare tools,
utensils, and
equipment needed in
preparing egg.
2 a. Demonstrate the use of a. Arranging the steps Formative
the different tools and chronologically. Assessment
equipment in preparing
b. Actual

1.2 clean, sanitize, 3 a. Recognized kitchen a. Video Presentation Formative

and prepare tools, tools and equipment to Viewing the importance Assessment
utensils, and be cleaned and sanitized. nutritional value of an
equipment based on egg.
the required tasks b. Identify the chemicals b. Make a pictorial report
to be utilize in cleaning with illustration showing
and sanitizing. the qualities of a fresh
egg in terms of egg size
and grading.

4 a. Identify the factors a. Draw the structure of

that influence cleaning an egg and label each
process. part

b. Suggest techniques on
how to make cleaning
5 1. Perform cleaning and a. clean and sanitize Summative
sanitizing of tools and tools and equipment by Assessment
equipment in the food performing the given
laboratory/kitchen. activity. You will be
asked to clean and
sanitize the tools and
equipment in the food
laboratory. Follow the
procedures properly in
performing the task. See
cookery manual page 57.
WEEK 2 1.3 Identify the 6 a. Identify the a. Video Presentation Formative
Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Assessment
cleaning. Cleaning. b. Enumeration

b. Enumerate the Factors c. Worksheet

that influence Cleaning.
7 a. State the process in a. Flashcard parade Formative
cleaning and sanitizing. b. Class Assessment

8 a. Demonstrate cleaning a. create/collect Formative

and sanitizing of the album/pictures of Assessment
different tools and different uses of eggs in
equipment. culinary arts

1.4 Store kitchen 9 Discuss Proper Storage of a. Video presentation on Formative

tools and equipment. Kitchen Tools and cooking variety of egg Assessment
Equipment. dishes

b. Organize Kitchen b. Brain Storming,

Cabinets. Sharing of ideas.

c. Appreciate the
importance of good
housekeeping practices.
10 a. Follow Safety and First a. Perform the given Summative
Aid Procedure. recipe, follow the Assessment
procedures and
b. Handle Storing ingredients given
Procedure Properly to (Choose from the variety
Avoid Hazards. of egg dishes)

c. Perform Storing
WEEK 3 LO 2. Prepare a 2.1 differentiate 11 a. Discuss the History of a. Class Formative
range of between hot and Appetizer. interaction/Deliberation Assessment
appetizers cold appetizers b. Determine the b. Essay/Journaling
TLE_HECK9- Characteristics of an 1. What are the ways
12PA-Ic-3 Appetizer. of presenting
c. List down Local food?
Appetizers. 2. Why is it
important to learn
the proper way of
presenting egg
12 a. Identify the types of a. Debate Formative
Appetizer. b. Assessment
b. Differentiate Hot and
Cold Appetizer.
c. Describe the
Characteristics of Hot
and Cold Appetizer.
2.2 prepare a variety 13 Identify the Tools and a. Charades Formative
of appetizers Equipment Needed in b. Class interaction Assessment
Preparing Appetizer.
Classify Appetizer
According to Ingredients.
Clean, Sanitize and
Prepare Tools and
Equipment based on
Required task.
14 Determine the Structure a. Pictionary Formative
of a Canape. b. Worksheet Week 3 Assessment
Identify Food Items used
to decorate Canape.
Follow the Guidelines in
Assembling Canape.
2.3 Prepare Canape 15 a. Perform Mise en Place a. Prepare and cook a Summative
WEEK 4 b. Check Tools, French omelet Assessment
Ingredients, Materials individually using the
and PPE’s. given recipe. Present
c. Present Canape your product in an
hygienically and artistic way. Your
attractively using product and
suitable garnish and performance will be
following the Guidelines evaluated using the
in Assembling. given rubric. Take a
picture of your output
and compile
16 Follow Workplace Safety a. Talk in one minute Formative
Procedure Before, During b. Draw/sketch the Assessment
and After Laboratory. different tools and
equipment in preparing
starch and cereal dishes
2.4 rate the finished 17 1. State the Sources of a. Brainstorming Formative
product using rubric Starch Assessment
2. Explain the
Classification of Starch
and Composition and
18 1. Examine Starch a. Board rotation Formative
Granule and Composition b. Pick the winner Assessment
of Starch
2. Differentiate the
Starch Properties and
2.5 follow workplace 19 1. Explain the Functional a. Popping the balloon Formative
safety procedures Properties of Starches (pop and explain) Assessment
2. Break down the b. one word splash
Nutritional Significance (vocabulary terms)
of Noodles and Pasta or
Alimentary Paste
20 1. Prepare and cook Cook Spaghetti Noodle Summative
starch and cereal dishes and follow the step-by- Assessment
2. Follow hygienic step procedure of
practices while working cooking spaghetti noodle
in the kitchen. to achieve al dente
3.1 identify the 21 1. Identify Factors a. Brain Storming, Formative
LO 3. Present a fundamental of Affecting Starch Paste Sharing of ideas. Assessment
range plating Viscosity and Starch Gel
of appetizers Strength
TLE_HECK9- 2. Discuss Functions of
WEEK 5 12PA-Ii-5 Starch and Application in
Filipino Dishes
22 1. Analyze Common a. Team up and learn. Formative
Problems in Starch Assessment
2. Examine Principles in
Cooking Cereals
23 1. Define al dente a. Video Presentation Formative
2. Identify Basic Viewing how to cook Assessment
Principles in Preparing various types of starch
Pasta and cereal dishes
3.2 identify the 24 1. Cite Risk in the a. Worksheet week 5 Formative
accompaniments of preparation and cooking Assessment
appetizers of starch and cereal
dishes and other food
2. Apply Guidelines on
WEEK 6 proper and safe handling
of food a. Prepare and cook
25 1. Prepare and cook meaty spaghetti using Summative
various types of starch the given recipe. Assessment
and cereal dishes
2. Follow hygienic
practices while working
in the kitchen.
3.3 present 26 1. Identify Techniques in a. Class Formative
appetizers Preparing Pasta before interaction/Deliberation Assessment
attractively Plating
2. Discuss Techniques in
Preparing Pasta before
27 1. Recognize Techniques a. a. Brain Storming, Formative
in Preparing Pasta before Sharing of ideas Assessment
Plating b. Worksheet week 6
2. Explain Techniques in
Preparing Pasta before
28 1. Recognize the different a. Make an album of Formative
Plating and Presenting twenty different kinds of Assessment
Pasta Dishes starch and cereal dish
2. Create different kinds presentations with
of starch and cereal dish recipes.
presentations with
3.4 observe sanitary 29 1. List the tools, a. Note down the Formative
practices in ingredients, and procedures in your Assessment
presenting procedure in making notebook and make a
appetizers homemade pasta by narrative observation on
hand a short bond paper
2. Watch a video showing (guide question in
how to make a watching)
homemade pasta

30 1. present starch dishes Given the needed tools Summative

with suitable plating and and equipment, prepare Assessment
garnishing according to and present Baked
standards Lasagna following the
2. Follow hygienic recipe given (choose your
practices while working own recipe from the
in the kitchen. pasta recipe)
31 1. Explain the principle a. Question of the day Formative
behind FIFO. b. Make a slogan Assessment
4.1 utilize quality 2. store dry pasta showing the importance
LO 4. Store trimmings properly of proper storing of food.
Appetizers 3. value the importance
TLE_HECK9- of storing dry pasta.
12PA-Ij-6 32 1. Discuss the proper a. Arranging the steps Formative
WEEK 7 way of storing cooked chronologically. Assessment
pasta b. Choose one specific
2. Apply the proper way kind of pasta and write
of storing cooked pasta on your paper the proper
procedure of cooking it.
33 1. Recognize the proper a. Worksheet week 7 Formative
way of storing fresh and Assessment
frozen pasta
2. Make use the proper
way of storing fresh and
frozen pasta
34 1. identify the ingredients a. Essay/Journaling Formative
used in cooking pasta. 1. Why do we Assessment
2. Cook and store pasta. need to check
3. Value the importance the receipt and
of storing cooked pasta. the date of
storage for the
food package?
35 1. Prepare and cook a. Prepare and cook any Summative
various types of starch cereal dish from among Assessment
4.2 keep appetizers and cereal dishes those recipes which you
in appropriate 2. Follow hygienic have compiled in the
conditions to practices while working previous activity.
maintain their in the kitchen.
freshness, quality,
WEEK 8 and taste
36 1. Know the proper a. State your answer in Formative
storage of starch and at least 3 to 5 sentences. Assessment
2. Determine the How will you keep the
standard operating fresh food quality of
procedures in storing starch and cereal
starch and cereals. dishes?
3. Value the importance
of standard operating
procedures in storing
starch and cereals
37 1. Discuss the proper a. Explain the following. Formative
way of storing cooked Why do we need to store Assessment
pasta food properly?
2. Value the importance Why do you need to
in proper way of storing consider the temperature
cooked pasta in storing food?

38 1. Recall the proper way a. Worksheet week 8 Formative

of storing fresh and Assessment
frozen pasta
2. Summarize the proper
way of storing fresh and
frozen pasta
39 1. Classify the a. Classify them Formative
ingredients used in Accordingly Assessment
cooking pasta. b. Fill in the Blanks
2. maintain optimum
freshness and quality of
starch and cereal dishes
according to standards

40 1. Identify guidelines Give one risk in the Summative

pertaining to food safety preparation and cooking Assessment
2. Give examples of of starch, cereal dishes
guidelines pertaining to and other foods and give
food safety some guidelines
pertaining to food safety.
Post- Assessment Answer the questions Formative
(Diagnostic Test) Paper and Pencil Test Assessment
*If 4 days/sessions per week
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher III Head Teacher VI, TLE Department School Principal IV

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