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Services and equipment Section E Services and equipment Part E1 Fire fighting equipment Part E2 Smoke hazard management Part E3 Lift installations Part E4 Visibility in an emergency, exit signs and warning systems NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 170Services and equipment Section E Services and equipment PartE1 Fire fighting equipment Performance Requirements EP1.1 Fire hose reels EP1.2 Fire extinguishers EP1.3 Fire hydrants EP1.4 Automatic fire suppression systems EP1.5 Fire-fighting services in buildings under construction EP1.6 Fire control centres Verification Methods EV1.1 Fire Safety Verification Method. E1.0 Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions Ewisress E1gts E1.3 Fire hydrants E1.4 Fire hose reels E1.5 Sprinklers E1.6 Portable fire extinguishers ewer E1.8 Fire control centres E1.9 Fire precautions during construction E1.10 Provision for special hazards Specification E1.5 Fire sprinkler systems 1. Scope 2. Application of automatic fire sprinkler standards 3. Separation of sprinklered and non-sprinklered areas 4, Protection of openings 5. Fast response sprinklers 6. Sprinkler valve enclosures 7. Water supply 8. Bullding occupant warning system 9. Connection to other systems 10. Anti-tamper devices ‘11. Sprinkler systems in carparks 12, Residential care buildings 13, Sprinkler systems in lft installations ‘Specification E1.5a Class 2 and 3 bulldings not more than 25 m In effective height 1. Scope and application 2. System requirements Specification E1.8 Fire control centres. 1. Scope Purpose and content Location of fire control centre Equipment not permitted within a fre control centre Ambient sound level for a fire control centre Construction of a fire contro! room Protection of openings in a fire control room Doors to a fire contro! room Size and contents of a fire control room eenegsen NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 171Services and equipment Part E2 10. Ventilation and power supply for a fire contro! room 11. Sign for a fire control room 12, Lighting for a fre control room ‘Smoke hazard management Performance Requirements EP2.1 Automatic warning for sleeping occupants EP2.2 Safe evacuation routes Verification Methods EV2.1 Fire Safely Verification Method E2.0 Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions E2.1 Application of Part E2.2 General requirements E2.3 Provision for special hazards Specification E2.2a Smoke detection and alarm systems 1. Scope Type of system ‘Smoke alarm system ‘Smoke detection system Combined smoke alarm and smoke detection system ‘Smoke detection for smoke control systems Building occupant warning system ‘System monitoring eNogaen Specification E2.2b Smoke exhaust systems 1. Scope ‘Smoke exhaust capacity ‘Smoke exhaust fans ‘Smoke reservoirs ‘Smoke exhaust fan and vent location Make-up alr ‘Smoke exhaust system control ‘Smoke detection eNoghen Specification E2.2¢ _ Smoke-and-heat vents 1. Adoption of AS 2665 2. Controls Specification E2.2d Residential fire safety systems Part ES 1. Application 2. Residential local fire alarm systems — Residential care buildings 3. Connection of residential sprinkler systems to a fire station or other approved monitoring service Lit Installations. Performance Requirements EP3.1 Stretcher facilities EP3.2 Emergency lifts EP3.3 Emergency alerts EP3.4 Lift access for people with a disability Verification Methods EV3.1 Fire Safety Verification Method EV3.2 Emergency alerts on the use of lifts E3.0 Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions 3.1 Lift installations NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 172Services and equipment E3.2 Stretcher facility in lifts E3.3 Warning against use of lifts in fre E3.4 Emergency lifts E3.5 Landings 3.6 Passenger lifts E3.7 Fire service controls 3.8 Residential care buildings E3.9 Fire service recall control switch 3.10 Lift car fire service drive control switch Specification E3.1__Lift installations Part E4 1. Scope 2. Lift cars exposed to solar radiation 3. Lift car emergency lighting 4. Cooling of lft shaft 5. Lift foyer access 6. Emergency access doors in a single enclosed lift shaft Visibility in an emergency, exit signs and warning systems Performance Requirements EP4.1 Visibility in an emergency EP4,2 Identification of exits EP4,3 Emergency warning and intercom systems Verification Methods EV4.1 Emergency lighting EV4.2 Fire Safety Verification Method. 4,0 Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions Eaters 4.2 Emergency lighting requirements E4,3 Measurement of distance 4.4 Design and operation of emergency lighting 4,5 Exit signs 4.6 Direction signs E4,7 Class 2 and 3 bulldings and Class 4 parts: Exemptions 4.8 Design and operation of exit signs 4,9 Emergency warning and intercom systems Specification 4.8 Photoluminescent exit signs 1. Scope 2. Application 3. Illumination 4, Pictorial elements 5. Viewing distance 6. Smoke control systems NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 173,Services and equipment Part E1 Fire fighting equipment Performance Requirements EP1.1 Fire hose reels Afire hose reel system must be Installed to the degree necessary to allow occupants to safely undertake initial attack on a fire appropriate to— (a) the size of the fre compartment; and (©) the function or use of the building; and (6) any other fre safety systems installed in the building; and (a) the fre hazard, EP1.2 Fire extinguishers Fire extinguishers must be installed to the degree necessary to allow occupants to undertake initial attack on a fire appropriate to— (a) the function or use of the building; and (b) any other fire safety systems installed in the building; and (©) the fire hazard, EP1.3 Fire hydrants Afire hydrant system must be provided to the degree necessary to facilitate the needs of the fire brigade appropriate to— (a) fire-fighting operations; and (b) the floor area of the bullding; and (©) the fire hazard, Application: EP1.3 only applies to a building where a fire brigade Is avallable to attend. EP1.4 Automatic fire suppression systems NSWEP1.4 ‘An automatic fire suppression system must be installed to the degree necessary to control the development and spread of fire appropriate to— (a) the size of the fre compartment; and (©) the function or use of the building; and (6) the fre hazard and (a) the height of the bulaing es in b EP1.5 Fire-fighting sei ings under construction ‘Suitable means of fre-ighting must be installed to the degree necessary in a bullding under construction to allow Initial fire attack by construction workers and for the fire brigade to undertake attack on the fire appropriate to— (a) the fire hazard; and (b) the height the building has reached during Its construction. EP1.6 Fire control centres ‘Suitable facilities must be provided to the degree necessary in a bullding to co-ordinate fire brigade intervention during an NCC 2019 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 174EP1.6 Services and equipment ‘emergency appropriate to— (a) the function or use of the building; and (b) the floor area of the butlding; and (©) the height of the building Tas EP1.7 Verification Methods EV1.1 Fire Safety Verification Method Compliance with EP1.1, EP1.2, EP1.3, EP1.4 and EP1.6 Is verified when a bullding Is designed in accordance with ‘Schedule 7. NCC 2019 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 175Services and equipment Part E1 Fire fighting equipment Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions E1.0 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions Tas E1.0 (a) Where a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution is proposed, Performance Requirements EP1.1 to EP1.6 are satisfied by ‘complying with— () £1.10 £1.10; and (i) ina building containing an atrium, Part G3; and (il) ina building in an alpine area, Part G4; and (v)_fora building containing an occuplable outdoor area, Part G6; and (V) for additional requirements for Class 9b bulldings, Part H1; and (vi) for farm butlaings and farm sheds, Part H3. (b) Where a Performance Solution is proposed, the relevant Performance Requirements must be determined in accordance with A2.2(3) and A2.4(3) as applicable. Eiteeee This clause has deliberately been left blank, E1g*ee0e This clause has deliberately been left blank, 1.3 Fire hydrants (a) Affire hydrant system must be provided to serve a bullding— (having a total floor area greater than 500 m2; and (i) where a fre brigade station Is— (A) no more than 50 km from the bullding as measured along roads; and (8) equipped with equipment capable of utilising a fire hydrant. () The fire hydrant system— () must be installed in accordance with AS 2419.1, except— (A) a Class 8 electricity network substation need not comply with clause 4.2 of AS 2419.1 If— (aa) it cannot be connected to a town main supply; and (bb) one hour water storage Is provided for fire-fighting; and (B) where a sprinkler system is installed throughout a building in accordance with AS 2118.1, AS 2118.4, AS 2118.6, FPAA101H or FPAA01D the fire hydrant booster protection requirements of clauses 7.3(c)(lI) and 7.3(d)(il) of AS 2419.1 do not apply; and (C) a fire hydrant booster assembly may be located between 3.5 m and 10 m of the bullding, and need not comply with clause 7.3(a)(Il) of AS 2419.1 where the assembly Is protected by an adjacent fire-rated freestanding wall that— (aa) achieves an FRL of not less than 90/90/90; and (bb) extends not less than 1 m each side of the outermost fire hydrant booster risers within the assembly and Is not less than 3 m wide; and NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 176E13 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions (cc) extends to a helght of not less than 2 m above finished ground level; and (i) where internal fre hydrants are provided, they must serve only the storey on which they are located except that a sole-occupancy unit— (A) Ina Class 2 or 3 bullding or Class 4 part of a bullding may be served by a single fire hydrant located at the level of egress from that sole-occupancy unit; or (8) of not more than 2 storeys in a Class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 bullding may be served by a single fire hydrant located at the level of egress from that sole-occupancy unit provided the fire hydrant can provide coverage to the whole of the sole-occupancy unit. SAE.3(c), (0), (e) and (9 1.4 Fire hose reels (a) E1.4 does not apply to— () a Class 2, 3 or 5 bullding or Class 4 part of a building; or (i) a Class 8 electricity network substation; or (il) a Class 9¢ bullding; or (iv) classrooms and associated corridors in a primary or secondary school. SA E1.4(a)(v) and (vi) () Afire hose reel system must be provided— () to serve the whole building where one or more internal fire hydrants are installed; or (i) where intemal tre hydrants are not installed, to serve any fre compartment with a floor area greater than 500 m (©) The fire hose reel system must— ()__ have fire hose reels installed in accordance with AS 2441; and (i) provide fire hose reels to serve only the storey at which they are located, except a sole-occupancy unit of not more than 2 storeys in a Class 6, 7, 8 or 9 bullding may be served by a single fire hose ree! located at the level of egress from that sole-occupancy unit provided the fire hose reel can provide coverage to the whole of the sole-occupancy unit. (d) Fire hose reels must be located internally, externally or in combination, to achieve the system coverage specified in AS 2441 (e) _ Inachieving system coverage, one or a combination of the following criteria for individual internally located fire hose. reels must be met in determining the layout of any fire hose reel system (Fire hose reels must be located adjacent to an internal fire hydrant (other than one within a fire-Isolated exit), except that a fire hose reel need not be located adjacent to every fire hydrant, provided system coverage can be achieved. (li) Fire hose reels must be located within 4 m of an exit, except that a fire hose reel need not be located adjacent to every exit, provided system coverage can be achieved (ll) Where system coverage Is not achieved by compliance with (|) and (i), additional fire hose reels may be located In paths of travel to an exit to achieve the required coverage. (f) Fire hose reels must be located so that the fire hose will not need to pass through doorways fitted with fire or smoke doors, except— () doorways in walls referred to in C2.5(a)(v) In a Class 9a building and C2,5(b)(Wv) in a Class 9¢ building, separating ancillary use areas of high potential fire hazard; and (i) doorways in walls referred to in C2.12 or C2.13 separating equipment or electrical supply systems; and (il) doorway openings to sharts referred to in C3.13, (@) Where the normal water supply cannot achieve the flow and pressures required by AS 2441, or is unreliable— () apump; or NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 17E14 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions (i) (il) both a pump and water storage facility, water storage facilty; or must be Installed to provide the minimum flow and pressures required by clause 6.1 of AS 2441 1.5 Sprinklers Asprinkler system must— (a) (b) NSW Table E1.5 NT Table E1.5 Vie Table E1.5 Table E1.5 Requirements for sprinklers be installed in a bullding or part of a bullding when required by Table E1.5; and ‘comply with Specification E1.5 and Specification E1.5a as applicable. floor area not more than 200 m?, located within a multi-classified building. (Occupancy Where sprinklers are required All classes— Throughout the whole building I any part of the building (a) Including an open-deck carpark within a multi- has an effective height of more than 25 m. classified building; but (b) excluding— (). an open-deck carpark being a separate building; and (i) a Class 8 electricity network substation, with a [Class 2 oF 3 building (excluding a building used as a residential care building) and any other class of bullding (excluding a bullding used as a residential care building) [containing a Class 2 or 3 part. Throughout the whole building, Including any part of lanother class, if any part of the bullding has a rise in storeys of 4 or more and an effective height of not more than 25 m. [Class 5 building used as a residential care bullding Throughout the building and In any fre compartment [containing a Class 3 part used for residential care. (Class 6 In fre compartments where elther of the following apply. (a) ()_Avolume more than 21000 m?, Afioor area of more than 3500 m? [Class Ta, other than open-deok carparks, Tn fre compartments where more than 40 vehicles are accommodated. (Class Ga health-care building used as a residential care building Throughout the building and in any fire compartment [containing a Class 9a part used for residential care. [Class 9¢ building Throughout the building and any fire compartment [containing a Class 9¢ part. [Class ob see Part Ht [Atrium construction see Part G3 [Large isolated buildings jsee Clause C2.3 [Occupancies of excessive hazard == In fire compartments where elther of the following apply. (a) (b) Aficor area of more than 2000 m2 Avolume of more than 12000 m’. Notes to Table E1.5: 1. See Specification C1.1 for use of sprinklers in Class 2 bulldings and carparks generally 2. See Part 2 for use of sprinklers to satisfy Smoke Hazard Management provisions. 3. See C1.13 and Specification C1.1 for use of sprinklers in bulldings containing fire-protected timber. NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 178E15 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions 4, _ For the purposes of this Table, occupancies of excessive fire hazard comprise bulldings which contain— a. hazardous processes or storage Including the following 1. Aircraft hangars. |, Cane furnishing manufacture, processing and storage. Ill, Fire-lighter and fireworks manufacture and warehousing, 1. Foam plastic and foam plastic goods manufacture, processing and warehousing e.g. furniture factory. v. Hydrocarbon based sheet product, manufacture, processing and warehousing e.g. vinyl floor coverings. vl. Woodwool and other flammable loose fibrous material manufacture. b. combustible goods with an aggregate volume exceeding 1000 m? and stored to a height greater than 4m Including the following: 1. Aerosol packs with flammable contents. I Carpets and clothing. lil, Electrical appliances. I. Combustible compressed fibreboards (low and high density) and plywoods. ¥. Combustible cartons, irrespective of content vi. Esparto and other fibrous combustible material vil. Furniture including timber, cane and composite, where foamed rubber or plastics are incorporated. vill, Paper storage (all forms of new or waste) e.g. bales, sheet, horizontal or vertical rolls, waxed coated or processed, ix. Textiles raw and finished, e.g., rolled cloth, clothing and manchester x. Timber storage including sheets, planks, boards, jotsts and cut sizes. xl. Vinyl, plastic, foamed plastic, rubber and other combustible sheets, offcuts and random pieces and rolled material storage, e.g. carpet, tar paper, linoleum, wood veneer and foam mattresses. xil, All materials having wrappings or preformed containers of foamed plastics, E1.6 Portable fire extinguishers (a) Portable fire extinguishers must be— () provided as listed in Table £1.6; and (i) fora Class 2, 3 or 5 bullding or Class 4 part of a bullding, provided— (A) to serve the whole Class 2, 3 or 5 building or Class 4 part of a building where one or more internal fire hydrants are installed; or (8) where internal fire hydrants are not installed, to serve any fire compartment with a floor area greater than 500 m2, and for the purposes of this clause, a sole-occupancy unit in a Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part of a bullding Is considered to be a fire compartment; and (il) subject to (b), selected, located and distributed in accordance with Sections 1, 2,3 and 4 of AS 2444. (0) Portable fire extinguishers provided in a Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part of a bullding must be— () an ABE type fre extinguisher, and (i) aminimum size of 2.5 kg; and (il) distributed outside a sole-occupancy unit— (A)_ to serve only the sforey at which they are located; and (8) so that the travel distance from the entrance doorway of any sole-occupancy unit to the nearest fire extinguisher is not more than 10 m. SA Et.6(c) and (d) NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 173E16 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions Table E1.6 Requirements for extinguishers (Occupancy class Risk class (as defined In AS 2444) |General provisions—Class 2 to 9 buildings (except |(a) To cover Class AE or E fire risks associated with within sole-occupancy units of a Class 9c building). emergency services switchboards.N (0) To cover Class F fire risks Involving cooking olls and fats in kitchens (6) To cover Class B fire risks in locations where flammable liquids in excess of 50 litres are stored or used (not including that held in fuel tanks of vehicles) (8) To cover Class A fre risks in normally occupied fire compartments less than 500 m? not provided with fire hose reels (excluding open-deck carparks). (@) To cover Class A fre risks In classrooms and associated corridors in primary and secondary schools not provided with fire hose reels. ()Tocover Class A fre risks associated with a Class 2, 3 or 5 building or Class 4 part of a building [Specific provisions (in addition to general To cover Class A and E fre risks = provisions)— (a) Class 9a health-care building, Including a Class {a bullding used as a residential care bullding. (b) Class 3 parts of detention and correctional occupancies. (©) Class 3 accommodation for children, aged persons and people with disabilities, including a Class 3 bullding used as a residential care building. (a) _Class 9¢ building. Notes to Table E1.6: 1. For the purposes of this Table, an emergency services switchboard is one which sustains emergency equipment operating in the emergency mode. 2. AClass E fire extinguisher need only be located at each nurses’ station, supervisors’ station or the like. 3. Additional extinguishers may be required to cover fire risks in relation to special hazards provided for In E1.10, 4, The fire risks In a Class 2 or 3 bullding or Class 4 part of a bullding must include risks within any sole-occupancy nits, however portable fire extinguishers are not required to be located within a sole-occupancy unit unless the sole-occupancy unit has a floor area greater than 500 m2, Ey teens This clause has deliberately been left blank, 1.8 Fire control centres fire control centre facility in accordance with Specification E1.8 must be provided for— (a) a building with an effective height of more than 26 m; and () a Class 6, 7, 8 or 9 building with a total floor area of more than 18000 m?. E1.9 Fire precautions during construction In a bullding under construction— (a) not ess than one fire extinguisher to sult Class A, B and C fires and electrical fires must be provided at all times on each storey adjacent to each required exit or temporary stairway or exit; and NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 180E19 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions (b) after the building has reached an effective height of 12 m— () the required fire hydrants and fire hose ree!s must be operational in at least every storey that is covered by the roof or the floor structure above, except the 2 uppermost sforeys; and (i) any required booster connections must be installed £1.10 Provision for special hazards ‘Suitable additional provision must be made if special problems of fighting fire could arise because of— (a) the nature or quantity of materials stored, displayed or used in a building or on the allotment; or (b) the location of the building in relation to a water supply for fire-fighting purposes. Tas E1.101 Explanatory Information: Cross-volume considerations Part B4 of NCC Volume Three sets out the requirements for access for maintenance to fire-fighting water services. NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 181Services and equipment Specification E1.5 Fire sprinkler systems Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions 4. Scope This Specification sets out requirements for the design and installation offre sprinkler systems. 2. Application of automatic fire sprinkler standards Vie Spec E1.5 2. ‘Subject to this Specification, an automatic fe sprinkler system must comply with— (@) forall building classifications: AS 2118.1; or (b) fora Class 2 or 3 bullding with an effective height of not more than 25 m and a rise in storeys of 4 or more: ‘Specification E1.5a and the relevant provisions of this Specification as applicable; or (c) for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9a (other than a residential care building) or 9b parts of a bullding with an effective height not more than 25 m, which also contains Class 2 or 3 parts: a sprinkler system in accordance with Specification E1.5a as for a Class 2 or 3 bullding and the relevant provisions of this Specification except— (i) a FPAA101D sprinkler system cannot be used where the Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9a (other than a residential care building) or 9b parts— (A) contain more than 2 storeys; or (B) are more than 25% of the total floor area of the building; or (C) are located above the fourth storey; and (ll) @FPAA101D or FPAA101H sprinkler system cannot be used where the Class 7a part (other than an open- deck carpark) accommodates more than 40 vehicles; or (4) fora combined sprinkler and fire hydrant system: AS 2118.6; or (e) fora Class a health-care building used as a residential care building: AS 2118.4 as applicable; or (f) fora Class 2, 3 or 9¢ building: AS 2118.4 as applicable. » . Separation of sprinklered and non-sprinklered areas Where a part of a building Is not protected with sprinklers, the sprinklered and non-sprinklered parts must be fire- separated with a wall or floor which must— (@) comply with any specific requirement of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of the BCA; or (b) where there is no specific requirement, comply with the relevant part of AS 2118, FPAA101D or FPAA101H. 4, Protection of openings Any openings, including those for service penetrations, in construction separating sprinklered and non-sprinklered parts of a building, including the construction separating the areas nominated for omitted protection in AS 2118.1 ‘must be protected in accordance with the Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions of Part C3 a . Fast response sprinklers Fast response sprinklers may be installed only if they are suitable for the type of application proposed and It Is demonstrated that the sprinkler system Is designed to accommodate their use. 2 . Sprinkler valve enclosures (@) Sprinkler alarm valves must be located in a secure room or enclosure which has direct egress to a road or open space. (b) Allsprinkler valve rooms and enclosures must be secured with a system sultable for use by the fire brigade. NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 182Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions 7. Water supply (a) Arequired sprinkler system must be provided with at least one water supply. (b) Avequired sprinkler system in a bullding greater than 25 m in effective height must be provided with dual water supply except that a secondary water supply storage capacity of 25,000 litres may be used It— (i) the storage tank is located at the topmost storey of the building; and (W) the bullding occupancy Is classified as no more hazardous than Ordinary Hazard 2 (OH2) under AS 2118.1; and (lil) an operational fire brigade service Is available to attend a building fire. 8. Building occupant warning system A required sprinkler system, except a FPAA101D sprinkler system, must be connected to and activate a building ‘occupant warning system complying with Clause 7 of Specification E2.2a, 9. Connection to other systems Where a smoke hazard management system is installed and is actuated by smoke detectors, the sprinkler system, must, wherever practicable, be arranged to also activate the smoke hazard management system, 10. Anti-tamper devices (2) Where a sprinkler system Is Installed— (i) over any stage area in a theatre, public hall or the like, visual and audible status indication of sprinkler valves must be provided at the location normally used by the stage manager; or (Wn space housing lift electrical and control equipment (Including machine rooms, secondary floors and sheave rooms), any valves provided to control sprinklers in these spaces must be located adjacent to the space. (b) Any valves provided to control sprinklers required by (a) must be fitted with anti-tamper monitoring devices connected to a monitoring panel, 44. Sprinkler systems in carparks sprinkler system protecting a carpark complying with Table 3.9 of Specification C1.1 in a mull-classified building must— (@) be independent of the sprinkler system protecting any part ofthe building not used as a carpark; or (©) if forming part of a sprinkler system protecting a part ofthe building not used as a carpark, be designed such that the section protecting the non-carpark part can be Isolated without interrupting the water supply or otherwise affecting the effective operation of the section protecting the carpark. 12. Residential care buildings In addition to the provisions of AS 2118.4, a sprinkler system in— (@) a Class 3 bullding used as a residential care bullding; or () a Class a health-care building used as a residential care building; or (©) a Class 9c bullding, must— (@) be provided with a monitored main stop valve in accordance with AS 2118.1; and (e) be permanently connected with a direct data link or other approved monitoring system to a fire station or fire station dispatch centre, NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 183,12 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions 13. Sprinkler systems in lift installations (a) Where sprinklers are installed in a space housing lift electrical and control equipment, Including machine rooms, secondary floors and sheave rooms, sprinklers in these spaces must— () have heads protected from accidental damage by way of a guard that will not impair the performance of the head; and (ii) be capable of being isolated and drained, elther separately or collectively, without isolating any other sprinklers within the butlding, (b) Valves provided to control sprinklers referred to in (a) must be installed In accordance with Clause 10(b). NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 184Services and equipment Class 2 and 3 bui effective height Specification E1.5a lings not more than 25 m in Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions 4. Scope and application This Specification sets out requirements for the design and installation of fire sprinkler systems, and concessions for Class 2 and 3 buildings not more than 25 m in effective height with a rise in storeys of 4 or more. The Deemed- to-Satisfy Provisions of this Specification take precedence where there is a difference to the Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions of Sections C, D and E. 2. System requirements Vie Spec E1.5a 2(a) (@)_Arequired automatic fre sprinkler system installed in a Class 2 or 3 bullding with an effective height of not more than 25 m and a rise in storeys of 4 or more must comply with— () A82118.1; or (i) AS 2118.4, as applicable; or (ll) FPAA1O1D, except for residential care buildings; or (iv) FPAA1O1H, except for residential care buildings. () Class 2 or 3 building not more than 25 m in effective height with a rise in storeys of 4 or more provided with an automatic fre sprinkler system under Clause 2(a)(I) or 2(a)(I) may be constructed in accordance with Clause 3a), as applicable, provided— () the automatic fre sprinkler system Is permanently connected to a fire alarm monitoring system connected toa fire station or fre station dispatch centre in accordance with Specification E2.2d if— (A) the system has more than 100 sprinkler heads; or (B)_ inthe case of a residential care bullding, the building will accommodate more than 32 residents; and (ll) the automatic fre sprinkler system is fitted with sprinklers complying with clauses 4.4, 4.5 and 5.5.2 of AS 2118.4 In bedrooms; and (i) an automatic smoke detection and alarm system is installed in accordance with Specification E2.2a except that it need not be connected to a fire alarm monitoring system connected to a fire station or fire station dispatch centre, and in the case of a residential care building it must be installed In accordance with— (A) Specification E2.2a Clause 4; or (8) both— (aa) Specification £2.2a Clause 3, provided Specification E2.2a Clause 3(a)\Il) Is applied as if the building was not protected with a sprinkler system; and (bb) Specification £2.24; and (Wv)_ ina residential care building, the automatic smoke detection and alarm system and the automatic fire sprinkler system are connected to a local fire indicator panel provided in accordance with Specification 2.24; and (v) fire orders are provided in a Class 3 bullding In accordance with G4.9 as for a building in an alpine area, 3. Permitted concessions (a) The following concessions are permitted for Class 2 and 3 bulldings provided with a required automatic fire sprinkler system In accordance with Clause 2(a)(!) or 2(a)(I) ()_ The FRL for self-closing fire doors, as required by C3.8 and C3.11, may be reduced to not less than -/30/30. (i) The FRL for— (A) all non-loadbearing internal walls and shafts constructed of fire-protected timber, as required by NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 185Services and equipment (b) Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions Specification C1.1 to have FRLs greater than -/60/60, may be reduced to -/60/60 and service penetrations through non-loadbearing internal wails and shafts constructed of fire-protected timber, as required by C3.15, may be reduced to not less than -/60/15; and (8) all other non-loadbearing internal walls, as required by Specification C1.1, may be reduced to -/45/45 and the FRL for service penetrations through internal non-oadbearing walls and shafts, as required by C3.15, may be reduced to -/45/15, (ll) The FRL for fire-isolated stairways enclosed with non-loadbearing construction, as required by D1.3, may be reduced to -/45/45. (iv) Except in a residential care building, the maximum distance of travel, as required by D1.4(a)(I)(A), may be Increased from 6 m to 12 m. (v) The maximum distance of travel from a single exit serving the storey at the level of egress to a road or open space, as required by D1.4(a)(})(B), may be increased from 20 m to 30 m. (vl) The maximum distance between alternative exits, as required by D1.5(c)(I), may be Increased from 45 m to 60 m. (vil). Internal fre hydrants in accordance with E1.3 are not required where— (A) the building Is served by external fire hydrants that provide compliant coverage installed in accordance with E1.3, except that in a residential care bullding the nozzle at the end of the length of hose need only reach the entry door of any sole-occupancy unit to be considered as covering the area within the sole- occupancy unit; or (8) dry fire hydrant system that otherwise complies with AS 2419.1 Is installed in the bullding and— (aa) each fire hydrant head Is located In accordance with E 1.3 and fitted with a blank end cap or plug; and (bb) the pipework is installed in accordance with E1.3 (as for a required fire main) except that it need not be connected to a water supply; and (cc) a hydrant booster inlet connection Is provided In accordance with E1.3; and (dd) an external street or feed hydrant capable of providing the required system flow Is located within 60 ‘m of the hydrant booster connection. (vil) An emergency warning and intercom system need not be provided in a residential care building in accordance with E4.9 if a warming system with an override public address facil Is installed in accordance with Specification 2.24, ‘The following concessions are permitted for Class 2 and 3 buildings provided with a required automatic fire sprinkler system In accordance with Clause 2(a)(il}) (Window openings need not be protected in accordance with C3.11(g) provided the room served by the window |s sprinkler protected, (i) The FRL for— (A) service penetrations through non-loadbearing internal walls and shafts, as required by C3.15, may be reduced to ~/60/15; and (8) non-loadbearing fire-resisting lt and stair shafts, as required by Specification C1.1, may be reduced to - 160160. (il) The maximum distance of travel, as required by D1.4(a)(i)(A), may be Increased from 6 m to 12 m. (v)_ The maximum distance of travel from a single exit serving the storey at the level of egress to a road or open space, as required by D1.4(a)(})(B), may be increased from 20 m to 30 m. (v) The maximum distance between alternative exits, as required by D1.5(c)(I), may be Increased from 45 m to 60 m. (vi) Internal fre hydrants in accordance with E1.3 are not required where— (A) the building Is served by external fire hydrants that provide compliant coverage installed in accordance with 1.3; or (8) adry fire hydrant system that otherwise complies with AS 2419.1 Is installed in the bullding except— NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 186Services and equipment (e) Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions (aa) the system pipework Is not connected to the water supply; and (bb) an on-site fire pumpset is not required; and (cc) the minimum fire hydrant outlet flow of 6 Lis may be achieved when boosted by a fire brigade pumping appliance; and (dd) the minimum pipe sizes specified in AS 2419.1 do not apply, and— (e2) each fire hydrant head is located in accordance with E1.3 and fitted with a blank end cap or plug; and (f)ahydrant booster inlet connection is provided in accordance with E1.3; and (gg) an external street or feed hydrant capable of providing the required system flow Is located within 60 ‘m of the hydrant booster connection. ‘The following concessions are permitted for Class 2 and 3 buildings provided with a required automatic fire sprinkler system In accordance with Clause 2(a)(\v): 1} (i) ay (iv) wy Window openings need not be protected in accordance with C3.11(g) provided the room served by the window |s sprinkler protected, The FRL for— (A) service penetrations through non-loadbearing internal walls and shafts, as required by 3.15, may be reduced to ~/60/15; and (8) non-loadbearing fire-resisting lt and stair shafts, as required by Specification C1.1, may be reduced to - 160160. ‘The maximum distance of travel, as required by D1.4(a)I)(A), may be increased from 6 m to 12m. ‘The maximum distance of travel from a single exit serving the storey at the level of egress to a road or open space, as required by D1.4(a)(\(B), may be increased from 20 m to 30 m. ‘The maximum distance between alternative exits, as required by D1.5(c)(I), may be Increased from 45 m to 60 m. NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 187Services and equipment Specification E1.8 Fire control centres Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions 4. Scope This Specification describes the construction and content of required fire control centres and rooms. A fire control room Is a fre control centre in a dedicated room with additional specific requirements. Clauses 2 to 5 apply to fire control centres (including fre control rooms), Clauses 6 to 12 apply additional requirements to fire control rooms. 2. Purpose and content fire control centre must— (@) provide an area from which fire-fighting operations or other emergency procedures can be directed or controlled: and (b) contain controls, panels, telephones, furniture, equipment and the lke associated with the required fe services in the building; and (©) not be used for any purpose other than the control of — () fire-fighting activities; and (W))_ other measures concerning the occupant safety or security 3. Location of fire control centre Afire control centre must be so located in a building that egress from any part of Its floor, to a road or open space, does not involve changes in level which in aggregate exceed 300 mm, 4, Equipment not permitted within a fire control centre ‘An internal combustion engine, pumps, sprinkler control valves, pipes and pipe fitings must not be located in a fire control centre, but may be located in rooms accessed through the fire control centre 5. Ambient sound level for a fire control centre ()_ The ambient sound level within the fire control centre measured when all fire safety equipment is operating in the manner in which it operates in an emergency must not exceed 65 dB(A). () The measurement must be taken for a sufficient time to characterize the effects of all sound sources. Where there is not a great variation in noise level, a measurement time of 60 seconds may be used. 6. Construction of a fire control room Afire control centre in a building more than 50 m in effective height must be In a separate room where— (@) the enclosing construction is of concrete, masonry or the lke, sufficiently impact resistant to withstand the Impact of any likely falling debris, and with an FRL of not less than 120/120/120; and (b) any material used as a finish, surface, lining or the like within the room complies with the requirements of ‘Specification C1.10; and (©) services, pipes, ducts and the lke that are not directly required for the proper functioning of the fire control room do not pass through it; and (@) openings in the walls, foors or celing which separate the room from the interior of the building are confined to doorways, ventlation and other openings for services necessary for the proper functioning of the facility 7. Protection of openings in a fire control room ‘Openings permitted by Clause 6 must be protected as follows: (a) Openings for windows, doorways, ventilation, service pipes, conduits and the like, in an external wall of the NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 188Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions building that faces a road or open space, must be protected in accordance with the Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions of Part C3. (b) Openings in the floors, ceilings and internal walls enclosing a fire control room must, except for doorways, be protected in accordance with the Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions of Part C3. (©) Adoor opening in the internal walls enclosing a fire-control room, must be fitted with a self-closing -1120/30 smoke sealed fire door. (@) Openings associated with natural or mechanical ventilation must— (not be made in any celling or floor immediately above or below the fire control room; and (ll) be protected by a ~/120/— fire damper if the opening Is for a duct through a wall required to have an FRL, other than an external wall 8. Doors toa fire control room (a) Required doors to a fire control room must open into the room, be lockable and located so that persons using escape routes from the building will not obstruct or hinder access to the room. (b) The fire control room must be accessible via two paths of travel— (one from the front entrance of the building; and (ll) one direct from a public place or fire-/solated passageway which leads to a public place and has a door with an FRL of not less than —/120/30. 9. Size and contents of a fire control room (a) Afre control room must contain— (I) Fire Indicator Panel and necessary control switches and visual status indication for all required fire pumps, ‘smoke control fans and other required fire safety equipment installed in the building; and (i) atelephone directly connected to an external telephone exchange; and (ll) a blackboard or whiteboard not less than 1200 mm wide x 1000 mm high; and (iv) a pin-up board not less than 1200 mm wide x 1000 mm high; and (v) a raked plan layout table of a size sultable for laying out the plans provided under (vi); and (vi) colour-coded, durable, tactical fire plans. (©) Imadaition, a fire control room may contain— ()_ master emergency control panels, lit annunclator panels, remote switching controls for gas or electrical ‘supplies and emergency generator backup; and (i) bullging security, surveillance and management systems if they are completely segregated from all other systems, (©) Affe control room must— () have a floor area of not less than 10 m? and the length of any internal side must be not less than 2.5 m; and (W)_ifonly the minimum prescribed equipment is installed — have a net floor area of not less than 8 m? with a clear space of not less than 1.5 m? in front of the Fire Indicator Panel; and (i) additional equipment is installed — have an additional area of not less than 2 m? net floor area for each additional facility and a clear space of not less than 1.5 m? in front of each additional control or indicator panel, and the area required for any path of travel through the room to other areas must be provided in addition to the requirements (il) and (Il) 40. Ventilation and power supply for a fire control room fire control room must be ventilated by— NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 18910 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions (@) natural ventilation from a window or doorway in an external wall of the bullding which opens directly into the fire control room from a road or open space; or (b) a pressurisation system that only serves the fire control room, and— (Is installed in accordance with AS 1668.1 as though the room Is a fire-isolated stairway; and (W)_ Is activated automatically by operation of the fire alarm, or sprinkler system complying with Specification 1.5, installed in the building and manually by an over-riding control in the room; and (lll) provides a flow of fresh alr through the room of not less than 30 alr changes per hour when the system Is ‘operating and any door to the room Is open; and (iv) has fans, motors and ductwork that form part of the system but not contained within the fire control room protected by enclosing construction with an FRL of not less than 120/120/120; and (v) has any electrical supply to the fire control room or equipment necessary for Its operation connected to the supply side of the main disconnection switch for the building, and no openable devices other than necessary doorways, pressure controlled relief louvres and windows that are openable by a key, must be constructed in the fire control room, 41. Sign for a fire control room ‘The external face of the door to the fire control room must have a sign with the words— FIRE CONTROL ROOM In letters of not less than 50 mm high and of a colour which contrasts with that of the background. 42. Lighting for a fire control room Emergency lighting in accordance with the Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions of Part E4 must be provided in a fire control room, except that an illumination level of not less than 400 lux must be maintained at the surface of the plan table. NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 190Services and equipment Part E2 Smoke hazard management Performance Requirements EP2.1 Automatic warning for sleeping occupants In a bullding providing sleeping accommodation, occupants must be provided with automatic warning on the detection of ‘smoke so they may evacuate in the event of a fire to a safe place. Application: EP2.1 only applies to a Class 2, 3, 9a or Sc building or Class 4 part of a bullding. EP2.2 Safe evacuation routes (a) _ In the event of a fire in a bullding the conditions in any evacuation route must be maintained for the period of time ‘occupants take to evacuate the part of the bullding so that— () the temperature will not endanger human life; and (i) the level of visit ty will enable the evacuation route to be determined; and (li) the level of toxicity will not endanger human fe. (b) The period of time occupants take to evacuate referred to in (a) must be appropriate to— () the number, mobility and other characteristics of the occupants; and (li) _ the function or use of the building; and (li) the travel distance and other characteristics of the building: and (lv) the fire load and (¥) the potential fre intensity; and (vi) the fire hazard and (vil). any active fire safety systems installed in the building; and (vill) fre brigade intervention. Limitation: EP2.2 does not apply to an open-deck carpark or open spectator stand. Verification Methods V2.1 Fire Safety Verification Method ‘Compliance with EP2.1 and EP2.2 Is verified when a building Is designed in accordance with Schedule 7. NCC 2019 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 191Services and equipment Part E2 Smoke hazard management Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions E2.0 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions (a) Where a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution is proposed, Performance Requirements EP2.1 to EP2.2 are satisfied by ‘complying with— () 2.110 £23; and (i) ina building containing an atrium, Part G3; and (il) ina building in an alpine area, Part G4; and (iv) for adaitional requirements for Class 9b buildings, Part H1 (0) Where a Performance Solution is proposed, the relevant Performance Requirements must be determined in accordance with A2.2(3) and A2.4(3) as applicable. E2.1 Application of Part (a) The Deemed-to-Satisty Provisions of this Part do not apply to— () any open-deck carpark; or (i) any open spectator stands or (ill) a Class 8 electricity network substation with a floor area not more than 200 m®, located within a multi-classified building, () The smoke exhaust and smoke-and-heat vent provisions of this Part do not apply to any area not used by occupants for an extended period of time such as a storeroom with a floor area less than 30 m?, sanitary compartment, plant oom or the lke E2.2 General requirements (a) Abullding must comply with (b), (c), (@) and— (Table £2.2a as applicable to Class 2 to 9 bulldings such that each separate part complies with the relevant provisions for the classification; and (i) Table E2.2b as applicable to Class 6 and 9b buildings such that each separate part complies with the relevant provisions for the classification, () An air-handling system which does not form part of a smoke hazard management system in accordance with Table E2.2a or Table E2.2b and which recycles alr from one fire compartment to another fire compartment or operates In a manner that may unduly contribute to the spread of smoke from one fire compartment to another fire compartment must— () be designed and installed to operate as a smoke control system in accordance with AS 1668.1; or (i) (A) Incorporate smoke dampers where the alr-handling ducts penetrate any elements separating the fire compartments served; and (8) be arranged such that the air-handling system Is shut down and the smoke dampers are activated to close automatically by smoke detectors complying with clause 7.5 of AS 1670.1; and for the purposes of this provision, each sole-occupancy unit in a Class 2 or 3 bullding Is treated as a separate fire compartment. (©) Miscellaneous air-handling systems covered by Sections 5 and 6 of AS 1668.1 serving more than one fire compartment (other than a carpark ventilation system) and not forming part of a smoke hazard management system ‘must comply with that Section of the Standard. (4) Assmoke detection system must be installed In accordance with Clause 6 of Specification E2.2a to operate AS 1668.1 systems that are provided for zone pressurisation and automatic alr pressurisation for fie-tsolated exits. NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 192E22 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions E2.3 Provision for special hazards Additional smoke hazard management measures may be necessary due to the— (a) special characteristics of the bullding; or (b) special function or use of the building; or (c) special type or quantity of materials stored, displayed or used in a building; or (d) special mix of classifications within a bullding or fire compartment, which are not addressed in Tables E2.2a and E2.2b. NSW Table E2.2a 2. — Refer D1.7(d) for pressurisation of a fire-tsolated exit having more than 2 access doorways from within the same storey. EI ar koa ee OLe ad [A Class 2 and 3 bullding or part of a building and Class 4 part of a bullding must be provided with an aufomatic smoke| Jdetection and alarm system complying with Specification £2.2a, Note: Refer C2.14 for division of public corridors greater than 40 m in length. [A Class 5, 6, 7b, 8 or 9b building or part of a building must be provided with a zone pressurisation system between vertically separated fire compartments in accordance with AS 1668.1. Notes: 1. Refer Table E2.2b for Specific Provisions applicable to a Class 6 (In a fire compartment having a floor area of more| than 2000 m2) and 9b bullding or part of a bullding, 2. This requirement does not apply to a building that has a fire compartment containing a Class 5, 6, 7b, 8 or 9b part (or a combination of these classes in the same fire compartment) where there Is only one fire compartment| containing these classifications in an otherwise Class 2, 3, 9a or 9c bullding 3. The requirement for pressurisation ‘between vertically separated fire compartments’ refers to fire compartments above and below each other, and does not apply to fire compartments within the same storey. [A Class Ga bullding must be provided with— (a) _an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with Specification £2.2a; and NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 193E23 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions (b) _ a Zone pressurisation system belween vertically separated fre compartments In accordance with AS 1668.1 Notes: 1. Abullding more than 25 m in effective height requires a sprinkler system under E1.9. 2. The requirement for pressurisation ‘between vertically separated fire compartments’ refers to fire compartments above and below each other, and does not apply to fire compartments within the same storey. Bulldings not more than 25 m in effective height [A Class 2 and 3 bullding or part of a building and Class 4 part of a bullding— (a) _ must be provided with an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with Specification E2.2a; and (b) where a required fire-Isolated stairway serving the Class 2 or 3 parts also serves one or more storeys of Class 5, 6, 7 (other than an open-deck carpark), 8 or 9b parts— () the fire-isolated stairway, Including any associated fire-isolated passageway or fire-isolated ramp, must be provided with an automatic air pressurisation system for fire-Isolated exits in accordance with AS 1668.1; or (i) the Class 5, 6, 7 (other than an open-deck carpark), 8 and 9b parts must be provided with— (A) an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with Specification E2.2a; or (8) 2 sprinkler system (other than a FPAA101D or FPAA101H syste) complying with Specification E1.5; and () where a required fre-solated stairway serving the Class 4 part also serves one or more storeys of Class 5, 6, 7 (other than an open-deck carpark), 8 or 9b parts— (i) a-system complying with (b)) or (by) must be installed; or (i) a smoke alarm or detector system complying with Specification E2.2a must be provided except that alarms or detectors need only be Installed adjacent fo each doorway into each fre-1solated stairway (set back horizontally from the doorway by a distance of not more than 1.5 m) to inate a building occupant warning system for the Class 4 part Notes: 1. Refer €2.14 for division of public corridors greater than 40 m in length 2. Refer Table E2.2b for Specific Provisions applicable to a Class 6 (in a fre compartment having a floor area of more than 2000 m?) and 9b building or part of a building, ina (@) Class 5 or 9b schoo! bullaing or pat ofa building having arise in storeys of more than 3; or (0) Class 6, 7, 8 oF 9b building (other than a schoo) or part ofa bulding having arise in storeys of more than 2; or (6) building having arise in storeys of more than 2 and containing — (i) Class 5 oF 9b schoo! part; and (ll) Class 6, 7, 8 or 9b (other than a school part the building must be provided with— (6) ineach required fre-tsolated stairway, including any assoclatedfire-solated passageway or fretsolated ramp, an automatic alr pressurisaton system for fre-isolated exits In accordance with AS 1668.1; or (e) zone pressurisation system between vertically separated fire compartments in accordance with AS 1668. Ifthe building has more than one fre compartment; or (9) an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with Specification E2.2a; or (@) a sprinkler system (other than a FPAA01D or FPAA101H system) complying with Specification E1.6. Note: The requirement for pressursation ‘between vertically separated fire compartments’ refers to fre compartments Jabove and below each other, and does not apply to ire compartments within the same storey. (@) Ina Class 7 or 8 building, which does not exceed 18000 m? in floor area nor exceed 108000 min volume, the bullding must be provided with— (i) _ a sprinkler system complying with Specification E1.6, and provided with perimeter vehicular access NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 194E23 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions ‘complying with C2.A(b); oF (i) an automatic fre detection and alarm system complying with AS 1670.1 and monitored in accordance with Clause 8 of Specification E2.2a; or (ill) an automatic smoke exhaust system in accordance with Specification E2.2b; or (v) automatic smoke-and-heat vents in accordance with Specification E2.20; or (v) natural smoke venting, with ventilation openings distributed as evenly as practicable and comprising permanent openings at roof level with a free area not less than 1.5% of floor area and low level openings which may be permanent or readily openable with a free area not less than 1.5% of floor area. () Ina Class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 building, which exceeds 18000 m? in floor area or 108000 m* in volume, the building must be provided with— () Ifthe celting height of the fire compartment is not more than 12 m— (A) an automatic smoke exhaust system in accordance with Specification E2.2b; or (8) automatic smoke-and-heat vents in accordance with Specification E2.2c; or (i) Ifthe celting height of the fire compartment is more than 12 m, an automatic smoke exhaust system In accordance with Specification E2.2b. Notes: 1. Refer Table E2.2b for Specific Provisions applicable to a Class 6 (In a fire compartment having a floor area of more than 2000 m?) and 9b bullding or part of a building, 2. _ Refer provisions under Class 2 and 3 bulldings and Class 4 part of a building in this Table where a Class 5, 6, 7b, 8 and 9b building contains a Class 2, 3 or 4 part. 3. _ Reference to “the bullding” being provided with specified measures, means to the nominated classes within the building. For parts of the bullding of other classes, see other parts of this Table. A Class 8a health-care bullding or a Class 8c building, or a bullding containing a part thereof, must be provided throughout with— (@) an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with Specification E2.2a; and (©) automatic shutdown of any alr-randling system which does not form part of a zone pressurisation system (other than individual room units with a capacity not more than 1000 L/s, systems serving critical treatment areas and miscellaneous exhaust air systems installed in accordance with Sections 5 and 6 of AS 1668.1) on the activation of (smoke detectors installed in accordance with (a); and (il) any other installed fre detection and alarm system including a sprinkler system complying with Specification E1.5; and (@) ina building having a rise in storeys of more than 2 and not more than 25 m effective height (not being a Class 8¢ butlding)— () zone pressurisation system between vertically separated fire compartments in accordance with AS 1668.1; or (il) sprinkler system complying with Specification 1.5 throughout with residential sprinkler heads in patient care areas. Notes: 1. Refer to Clause 2 of Specification C2.5 for the provisions for smoke dampers. 2. The requirement for pressurisation ‘between vertically separated fire compartments’ refers to fire compartments above and below each other, and does not apply to fre compartments within the same storey. CEng A Class 7a building, Including a basement, provided with a mechanical ventilation system in accordance with AS 1668.2 must comply with clause 5.5 of AS 1668.1 except that— (a) tans with metal blades suitable for operation at normal temperature may be used; and (b) the electrical power and control cabling need not be fire rated Basements (other than Class 7a bulldings) [A basement, not counted in he rise in storeys in accordance with C1.2, must— NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 195E23 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions (a) comply with measures in accordance with this Table applicable to the bullding generally; and (b) where the basement has a total floor area of more than 2000 m2, be provided with— ()ifnot more than 2 below ground storeys— (A) azone pressurisation system between vertically separated fire compartments in accordance with AS 1668.1, I the basement has more than one fire compartment; or (B) an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with Specification £2.2a; or (C)_asprinkler system (other than a FPAA101D or FPAA101H system) complying with Specification E1.5; or (©) if more than 2 below ground storeys, a sprinkler system (other than a FPAA101D or FPAA101H system) complying with Specification E1.5. Notes: 1. Refer Table E2.2b for specific provisions applicable to a Class 6 (In a fire compartment having a floor area of ‘more than 2000 m2) and 9b building or part of a building, 2. Basements with more than 3 below ground storeys or containing Class 6 or Sb occupancies with a large number of occupants may require special consideration in accordance with E2.3. 3. The requirement for pressurisation ‘between vertically separated fire compartments’ refers to fire compartments above and below each other, and does not apply to fire compartments within the same storey. Refer Part G3, NSW Table E2.2b Table E2.2b Specific provisions Class 6 bulldings — In fire compartments more than 2000 m2 (a) Where the floor area of a Class 6 part of a fire compartment Is more than 2000 m2, the fire compartment, must be provided with— () an automatic smoke exhaust system complying with Specification £2.2b; or (li) automatic smoke-and-heat vents complying with Specification E2.2c, ifthe building is single storey; or (lll) ifthe floor area of the fire compartment Is not more than 3500 m? and the bullding— (A) _Issingle storey, an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with Specification E2.2a; or| (8) has arise in storeys of not more than 2, a sprinkler system (other than a FPAA101D or FPAA101H system) complying with Specification E1.5, (b) The provisions of (a) do not apply to— ()_aClass 6 sole-occupancy unit that— (A) has a floor area of not more than 2000 m?; and (B) Is single storey with a main public entrance opening to a road or open space; and (C) Is separated from other parts of the fire compartment by construction, including openings, penetrations and junctions with other building elements, that prevents the free passage of smoke; and (i) _ parts of any other classification that are smoke separated from a Class 6 part by construction complying with (iC). (a) Where the floor area of a Class 6 part of a fire compartment is more than 2000 m?, the fire compartment, Including the enclosed common walkway or mall, must be provided with— () an automatic smoke exhaust system complying with Specification £2.2b; or (li) automatic smoke-and-heat vents complying with Specification E2.2c, ifthe building is single storey; or (lll) Ifthe floor area of the fire compartment is not more than 3500 m? and the bullding has a rise in storeys of not more than 2, a sprinkler system (other than a FPAA101D or FPAA101H system) complying with Specification NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 196E23 Services and equipment Deemed-o-Satisly Provisions ETS: (b) The provisions of (a) do not apply to— ()_aClass 6 sole-occupancy unit that— (A) opens onto the enclosed common walkway or mall if the Class 6 sole-occupancy unit has a floor area of| not more than 1000 m2; or {B) does not open onto the enclosed common walkway or mall Ifthe Class 6 sole-occupancy unit— (aa) has a floor area of not more than 2000 m2; and (ab) Is single storey with a main entrance opening to a road or open space; and (ac) Is separated from other parts of the fire compartment by construction, including openings, penetrations and junctions with other bullding elements, that prevents the free passage of smoke; and (i) _ parts of any other classification that are smoke separated from a Class 6 part by construction complying with (i(B)(ac). Note: A fire compartment having a floor area of more than 3500 m? in a Class 6 bullding requires a sprinkler system lunder 1.5. Q e [A bullding or part of a building used as a nightclub, discotheque or the like must be provided with— (a) automatic shutdown of any alr-handling system (other than miscellaneous exhaust alr systems installed in accordance with Sections 5 and 6 of AS 1668.1) which does not form part of the smoke hazard management, system, on the activation of— () smoke detectors installed complying with Clause 6 of Specification E2.2a; and (i) any other installed fire detection and alarm system, including a sprinkler system complying with Specification 1.5; and (b) (an automatic smoke exhaust system complying with Specification £2.2b; or (i) automatic smoke-and-heat vents complying with Specification E2.2c, ifthe bullding Is single storey; or (lll) a sprinkler system (other than a FPAA101D or FPAA101H system) complying with Specification E1.5 with fast response sprinkler heads. [A bullding or part of a bullding used as an exhibition hall must be provided with— (a) automatic shutdown of any alr-handling system (other than miscellaneous exhaust alr systems installed in accordance with Sections 5 and 6 of AS 1668.1) which does not form part of the smoke hazard management, system, on the activation of— () smoke detectors installed complying with Specification £2.22; and (i) any other installed fire detection and alarm system, including a sprinkler system complying with Specification 1.5; and (b) where the floor area is more than 2000 m? and not more than 3500 m2— (an automatic smoke exhaust system complying with Specification £2.2b; or (i) automatic smoke-and-heat vents complying with Specification E2.2c, ifthe bullding Is single storey; or (lll) a sprinkler system (other than a FPAA101D or FPAA101H system) complying with Specification E1.5; and (©) where the floor area Is more than 3500 m2, a sprinkler system (other than a FPAA101D or FPAA101H system) complying with Specification 1.5 and— (an automatic smoke exhaust system complying with Specification £2.2b; or (i) automatic smoke-and-heat vents complying with Specification E2.2c, ifthe bullding Is single storey. ‘A bullding or part of a building used as a theatre or public hall which— (a) Isa schoo! assembly, church or community hall, and has a stage and any backstage area with a total floor area of more than 300 m?; or NCC 2018 Building Code of Australia - Volume One Page 197
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