DRW NewPlayersGuide v1.6
DRW NewPlayersGuide v1.6
DRW NewPlayersGuide v1.6
The Setting
While your characters were born and raised on Toril, an unfortunate event happened resulting in their death. Alas it was not the
end. A powerful Archmage on the world Sorela in the Outer Dark Crystal Sphere has merged himself with a device connected to
the weave and used that power to scour the different worlds looking for people that could help bring the corrupt and evil infested
world of Sorela into the light. Coming across Toril, a world of heroes, he began pulling the souls of the people who showed
promise back from death, resurrecting them on the new world.
The world we use is a new creation that has given us freedom to write and create almost all of its lore. We still continue to create
lore based on where the players take us. There are 4 Head Game Masters. Each of these OGM’s run a specific direction of the
world, North, East, South, and West. The rest of the GM’s help the OGM’s and run plenty of adventures in their areas and even
have their own plot going on that often happens within the main city and players can get involved with it all in discord RP.
Character Creation - Part One of Two
All characters start at level 3 with a 27 point buy. You can take the average on health or ask a GM to be with you while you roll.
Below is a list of the source books we use as well as extra additions that have been added as time has gone on.
Source Books
Players Handbook
Dungeon Masters Guide
Volo’s Guide to Monsters
Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything*
Swords Coast Adventurer's Guide**
*We do not allow the custom racial abilities or backgrounds from Tasha’s
** We do not allow Winged Tieflings
Additional Items
Grung - One Grung Above
Leonin - Mythic Odyssey of Theros
Minotaur - Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Loxondon - Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Genasi - Elemental Evil Players Guide
Athlete - Mythic Odyssey of Theros
Plaintiff - Acquisitions Incorporated
Archaeologist - Tomb of Annihilation
Anthropologist - Tomb of Annihilation
Ascendant Dragon Monk - Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Drakewarden Ranger - Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Bard: College of Spirits - Van Richtens Guide to Ravenloft
Warlock: Undead - Van Richtens Guide to Ravenloft
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, all spells
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, all feats
Game Sessions
GM’s will post their games in one of the Sign-Up channels. This will provide information such as what levels can sign up, what the
difficulty is, the max players, and a summary of what the adventure is about.
You can then sign up by reacting to the event with your class icon.
There are four types of games, Adventures, Hunts, Specials, and Events.
Adventures, these are done in level ranges. If you are the correct level you can sign up. Players are selected for adventure games
based on their priority. This is based on when they last played, how many games they have played within the last week, what order
they signed up in, and finally if they have any player warnings.
Essentially, your prio will be higher if you have not played as recently as others who have signed up and have played less games
in the past week.
Hunts, these are games that have been requested, usually to hunt for a material for a magic item. They work the same way as
Adventures for prio except the Hunter who has a spot despite their priority. A player can request a hunt once every 30 days. Hunts
still provide LPs and loot.
Specials, these are sessions that do not grant LP but may still provide loot. They will often not have a level range. Players are
usually picked specifically by other players so that a certain group can go together. We use this for player lead group adventures or
Thief Guild missions.
Events, these include things such as Arena Fights, or random events that drag players into roll20. They usually do not have a level
range and they do not give LP. They may occasionally give loot. They are usually much shorter and so do not stop you gaining
downtime. These also usually do not affect your future priority.
Characters begin gathering downtime after their first Adventure that counts against their priority. They get 1 day of downtime
every day that goes by where they have not adventured in that day. They can then spend downtime to do a variety of different
downtime activities from the PHB, XGtE, or even our special homebrew downtime supplements. A work week is 5 days.
A player can accumulate a maximum of 20 days downtime at any one time, after 20 any more days are not counted and lost
With each resurrection a person goes through their soul or essence becomes harder to pull back.
When a character performs a resurrection spell, they must make a standard check against a DC of 10. The DC increases by 1 for
each time the dead character has been resurrected before (Not including the initial one from the setting).
On a success, the creature is returned to life if its soul is willing. On a failure, the creature's soul is lost, and further resurrection
rituals fail automatically.
Only the strongest of magic can bypass this ritual, in the form of True Resurrection or Wish spells. These spells can also return to
life a creature whose soul was lost from a failed ritual.
Quick resurrection
When a creature is targeted by the spell Revivify, the caster makes a spellcasting ability check against the target's death DC. On a
success, the spell takes hold and the creature is resurrected. On a failure, the creature's death DC is increased by 1, and they can't
be resurrected until they are resurrected by a spell with a casting time longer than one action.
The setting we are in is on the world Sorela on the continent of Fengar. Fengar is made up of two regions. The Inner, and the
Outer Region. The Inner Region is somewhat safe and where the majority of the civilised population lives. The Outer Regions are
the much more dangerous lands and where a large portion of the adventurers explore.
The Capital of Fengar is a city called Torrim, this is where characters are resurrected and where the majority of discord RolePlay
happens. The city has 5 districts and a central island. Each district is quite different and ran by different NPC’s, these areas each
belong to a certain OGM who is in control of that area. While all five OGMs work together in regards to the central island, much
like how the cities rulers work together to rule the island and the city as a whole.
The Inner Region, much like the city, is split up into five regions, Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western. These work in the same
way the districts do in that IC (In Character) they are ruled over by the particular ruler, OOC (Out of Character) the specific OGM
controls the area.
While we use the same day names and numbers, we do have specific names for the months in Sorela.
The current year is 1633. In regards to the Forgotten Realms timeline, it is the latest year.
Storing - 31 days (December)
Midwinter - 31 days (January)
Melting - 28-29 days (February)
First Green - 31 days (March)
First Planting - 30 days (April)
Lightsborn - 31 days (May)
First Harvest - 30 days (June)
Highsun - 31 days (July)
Last Planting - 31 days (August)
Sunsfall - 30 days (September)
Last Harvest - 31 days (October)
Darksborn - 30 days (November)
The City
The city of Torrim is mostly accessible through discord RP. On the central island there are a few shops where you can buy things
IC. The items available are in the Pinned Messages. To buy something, simply post as your character stating what you are buying
and how much it is. When it is reacted to with a money emote by a GM you will know it went through successfully.
For potions or ingredients use the Alchemy Shop, for weapons and armour use the Blacksmiths, and for everything else use the
General Store.
There are many churches or areas dedicated to certain gods throughout Torrim. These are usually recognisable as being called
Temples or Churches. These places can also offer spell casting of certain kinds for a price. These prices may change based on the
current events, and how your character stands with the district you are in.
Characters are welcome to stay in The Tower, the place they are resurrected, for free for an indefinite amount of time. While here
their lifestyle is considered comfortable, their food is provided free and they are, for the most part, safe. However after a while you
may be expected to move out, especially if the tower's rooms fill up. You can approach a certain district to rent a house, or if you
prefer to stay on central you can rent an apartment in the Adventurers Guild.
We also now include the ability to build your own buildings using our Homebrew supplement. You can rent a plot of land within
the city to build on, or purchase land outside the city to build on. Building outside the city however comes with risks that get worse
the further away you go.
Like most places, the city and its surroundings have laws. Some of these laws are specific to the district/region. Something that is
legal somewhere, may not be legal in another district. We highly recommend you look over the laws on our Player Information
spreadsheet as breaking the laws even in Discord will likely result in your character being wanted or caught and punished.
We have a few homebrew rules in an effort to make the game both more fun and more balanced. These are all detailed below. Most
new homebrew rules go through via Player Votes, majority winning.
Custom Inspiration
At DM's discretion (which 99% of the time will be yes) you can choose to use your inspiration AFTER a roll to re-roll it or take the
advantage already rolled. This is symbolised in game as you doing something that didn't go great, so you instantly correct what you
were doing or change what you were doing and attempt it again. You can describe this act yourself or let the GM roll with it.
Changing Subclass
A player can change their subclass, such as a Fighter changing from Arcane Archer to Battle Master.
This takes a number of days
of downtime = 5 + 2 x to your class level, and 100gp x your level.
(Example: A level 5 fighter would need 15 days of downtime and
Selling Things
The majority of weapons/armour and possibly other things that are found "out in the wild" such as on enemies or dead people are
either greatly damaged or rusted, it is unlikely to have been kept well maintained. Because of this, unless stated otherwise, these
items are only good for smelting or scraps and can be sold for 10% of their base price.
Occasionally you may find better quality items, these will go off the normal RAW rules of 1/2 price.
Your own armour or weapons that you have bought yourself are assumed to have been cleaned and maintained by you, so these
are still also able to be sold at the normal 1/2 price.
Magic Items
Magic items can be traded to other players between adventures ONCE PER MONTH, keep in mind these items could get broken
or stolen.
If you trade/give/sell a magic item please send a message in the "PM-TRADE-TRACKER" channel.
Learning Languages and Tools
If a character learning a language is spending time during downtime with someone who speaks or knows the language or tool they
are learning and that character is okay teaching them, then the character can reduce the time to learn the language by two
workweeks. A character can only teach one person at a time.
Homebrew - Part 1 of 2
Homebrew - Part Two of Two
A PvP role can be requested for your character. If you do not have this PvP role you cannot purposefully harm, kill, steal, be
harmed, be killed, or be stolen from by other players (unless it’s a GM making them do it for plot reasons or deems the situation
calls for PvP to be allowed).
If you get this PvP role, your character can do the above to any other characters who also have the PvP role enabled. Please
remember this role is permanent for your character. It cannot be undone.
As well as the role, we will require players to add (PvP) on the end of the character name with it in their nickname. Think of it like
your name being in red to other players.
In regards to stealing party loot during adventures, while still down to GM's discretion, if all present players have the PvP role
then there is nothing stopping one from trying to steal party loot before or after it has been found by the entire party. If there is
even one player without PvP, you cannot steal party loot.
To get this role, ask in gm-questions stating which character you want it enabled on.
Please remember, you must still have valid IC reasoning to act out against another player in any way, just because two characters
have PvP enabled does not mean you can for no reason just decide to attack them.
Note! GMs can say that PvP is enabled between characters if they deem the situation justified for it. Extreme example, if character
A kills character B's NPC brother, the player who controls character B could request to attack character A in retaliation and the
GM would likely allow it.
Downtime rolls
For any downtime rolls that are performed.
Static permanent bonuses are allowed.
Any spells are allowed.
Anything that would normally give advantage, instead now gives a +3 bonus.
Homebrew - Part 2 of 2