HHG4M Artefact 311 Challenge1
HHG4M Artefact 311 Challenge1
HHG4M Artefact 311 Challenge1
There are errors in this exercise: a number of areas of the brain are not associated with the
accurate function. Identify these errors.
Cerebellum The area of the brain where new memories are formed. It is
one of the first regions of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s
Left hemisphere Part of the motor cortex, this area is responsible for
coordinating voluntary movements by stimulating muscles in
various parts of the body such as those used in facial
expressions or in the act of kicking a ball.
HHG4M – Secondary question 3.1.1
Limbic system The nerve fibres linking the left and right cerebral
Occipital lobe Transfers messages from the brain to the spinal cord; it
functions involuntarily regulating blood pressure and
Pituitary gland Processes sensory information from touch and pressure but
(apophysis) on the opposite side of the body
Sensory area Tissue found in the central nervous system contains nerve
fibres. The myelin covering the nerve fibres, or axons, helps
transmit information quickly from one area of the cerebrum to
another. The myelin gives it its colour.
Temporal lobe This structure relays sensory and motor signals to the
relevant cortical areas of the brain. It is involved in the visual
system, auditory system, touch, sleep, and wakefulness.
Thalamus Controls the left side of the body and is responsible for
imagination, creativity, verbal inflection, and musicality.
White matter Relays messages between the upper cortex and lower parts
of the brain (cerebellum); plays a key role in sleep and
dreaming where REM sleep occurs.
HHG4M – Secondary question 3.1.1