Report Sequence 222222
Report Sequence 222222
Report Sequence 222222
Field Report By
Hasbun Ullah
Roll No 02
Batch VI
Semester 7 th
Table of Content
Salt range is the name given to the hill system situated in the northern Punjab province of
Pakistan, in Jehlum, Chakwal, khushab and Mianwali districts. The Salt range confined between
latitude 32°18’N to 33° 06’N and longitude 71°50’E to 73° E.
The name salt range was first time used by Elpinston, in 1808, due the fact that area
contains huge reserve of table salt. The salt deposits of the area were deposited as a result of
evaporation of Tethys Ocean. The salt range is one of the most important regions in Pakistan, It is
easily accessible and display wide range of geological features and paleontological remains. A
stratigraphic succession from Precambrian to recent is exposed at Salt Range. It has therefore rightly
called “Field museum of Geology”.
Salt Range is exposed on Earth due to Salt Range Thrust (SRT). In north, Salt Range is
bounded by Main boundary Thrust (MBT), in south by SRT, in west by Indus River and in the
east, it is bounded by Jehlum fault.
The Salt Range contains the most important geologic and paleontological localities in
Pakistan, and is one of the outstanding field areas in the entire world. Despite its easy accessibility,
it has a wealth of geological and paleontological features. In fact, it represents an open book of
geology where various richly fossiliferous stratified rocks are very well exposed due to lack of
Stop 1:
At day 1st, we started our journey from University of Swabi, Ambar. After travelling for
few hours we reached Katas Raj, Kalar Kahar.
At Katas Raj, We observed the following two formations.
1. Sakesar Limestone
2. Chorgali Formation
1. Sakesar Limestone:
Sakessar limestone mainly consists of cream light grey color, nodular,
massive limestone with marl having chert nodules. Forams are very abundant there.
Upper contact is conformable with Chorgali formation. Age assigned to this
formation is early Eocene.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Sakessar limestone is clean nodular limestone which show deposition in shallow
shelfal marine condition. The microfacies of sakessar limestone shows the Deeping upward
sequence. It shows the rise in sea level and Transgressive system Tract.
It also have inner shelf fossil over outer shelf fossil which shows fall in the sea level
and high stand system tract. So the sequence stratigraphy of Sakessar Limestone is still
controversial but generally it is consider as Transgressive System tract.
2. Chorgali Formation:
Chorgali formation there mainly consist of yellowish grey Marl. Its lower contact
is conformable with Sakessar limestone. Age assigned to this formation is middle Eocene.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Chorgali is the last formation deposited by Thethys ocean after that thethys
ocean is closed. Chorgali formation have Shallow shelfal marine fauna and it have
almost 80% of shales with limestone, the shale is deposited by clastic input. All this
characteristics of chorgali formation shows the fall in sea level and high stand sytem
tract. There is maximum flooding surface (MFS) between Sakessar Limestone and
Chorgali formation.
Chorgali Formation
Sakesar Limestone
After studying the above two formations, we went straight to Choa-Saidan Shah,
there we spent a night in Cliff View Hotel.
Next morning, after breakfast we started our journey towards Khewra Gorgue. Along roadside
we observe the following three formations.
1. Dandot Formation
2. Tobra Formation 3. Baghanwala
Formation Stop 1:
1. Dandot Formation:
Dandot formation is consist of yellowish sandstone. Age assigned to this
formation is Permian.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Dandot formation is deposited in shallow marine condition in eastern Salt
range, in central range it was deposited in tidal flat environment, while in western
Salt range there is no Dandot formation. This shows that In Paleozoic time coastal
onlap was at the western Salt Range. Overall Dandot formation shows rise in Sea
level and transgressive system tract.
Stop 2:
2. Tobra Formation:
Tobra formation in Choa Saidan Shah, is consist mainly of conglomerate
having boulders, pebbles of pink granite (from indian shield rock) and matrix of clay
and shale. Fossil like glossopteris and gangmopteris are present in it. Going from east
to west the lithology change from coarser to finer pebbles showing the change in
deposition of environment from tilitic to fresh water. Age assigned to this formation is
early Permain.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Tobra formation was deposited by Glacier. It is thinner at central
Salt range while thicker at eastern and western Salt Range due to uplifting of central Salt
range. There is two Sequence Boundary in Eastern Salt Range, one is between
Baghanwala formation and Tobra Formation, and the Second is between Dandot
Formation and Sakessar Limestone. Lower facies of tobra formation is deposited by
Glacier and the upper is deposited by outwash plan which shows fall in Sea level and
Low stand system tract. Tobra formation have several episode of rise and fall.
Stop 3:
3. Baghanwala Formation:
The Baghanwala formation is consists mainly of maroon color sandstone having
interbeds of shale characterized by an abundance of Salt pseudomorphs. Ripple marks are
common. It is well-exposed in eastern Salt range. Age assigned to this formation is
middle Cambrian.
Tobra Formation
Dandot Formation
Tobra Formation
Baghanwala Formation
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Baghanwala formation was deposited in tidal flat. In exposed part due to
evaporation halite deposit but at the same time fresh water dissolved salt and deposit sand
in salt structure. Baghanwala formation have flaser and lenticular bedding. It shows the
regression of sea level because the shallow environment is replaced by tidal flats.
Stop 4:
Our stop 2 on day was in Khewra Gorge. Khewra Gorge is present in Eastern Salt Range.
It is located about a distance of 1km from the Khewra town, after this town it is named as
Khewra Gorge. “Khewra Gorge is known as the Museum of Geology”. In 2 nd we observed Salt
Range formation.
The Salt Range has been divided into three members;
Bhandar Kas Gypsum Member: It is comprised of massive gypsum, dolomite and marl.
It overlies the Billianwala member.
Sahiwal Marl Member: This member overlies the Bhandar Kas Member and is
comprised of an upper bright marly unit and a lower unit containing dull red marls.
In salt range formation fossil are not present. Age assigned to this formation is
Precambrian. Thickness is about 1000m. Upper contact is conformable with Khewra
Sequence Stratigraphy:
The environment of deposition is regressional lagoon. The lagoon is not of the
local scale but a deep seated lagoon or isolated platform from the main marine body, due
to transgression water entered in that lagoon and after regression water remained in that
lagoon and due to
evaporation Salt range is deposited. Here the calcite is absent because of the clastic input
which incorporated the calcite and made the marls, dolomite is also absent because of
high rate of evaporation that directly deposited the gypsum, and then finally salt is
deposited thus complete calcite-halite cycle is present but disturbed at different places
because of the clastic input and sea level fluctuation. So the salt range formation shows
regression ofFig
Salt Range Formation
Stop 5:
5. Khewra Sandstone:
Fig 5(a ): Khewra Sandstone
This formation mainly consists of sandstone. Sandstone is thin to thick bedded
and the color is purple to brown or yellowish brown. Massive sandstone is also present
which is of maroon color. The grain size of the sandstone is also varying in this formation.
Few intercalations of brown shale are also present. The Sandstone is characteristically
cross- bedded. Ripple marks, ball and pillow like structures are also present in it. Age
assigned to this formation is early Cambrian. Lower contact is conformable with Salt range
formation and have gradational contact with khussak formation.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
The environment of deposition is deltaic(paralic system). At the base of khewra
sandstone there are channelized beds which forms in delta plains and above these
channelized beds there are tabular beds which forms in delta front, so the deposition of
delta front over the delta plain shows transgression i.e. rise in sea level. Overall it is
regression because of delta.
Stop 6:
6. Kussak Formation:
Kussak formation consists of greenish to
dark grey color shale, Glouconitic sandstone and
siltstone. Conglomerate beds are also present,
which show that erosion take place but no force
were there for transportation, so it is deposited
there again. Age is Cambrian. Upper contact is
conformable with Jutana formation.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
The enivornment of deposition is
shallow marine (terrigineous shelf) because
Glauconite deposits in shallow marine, above
Fig 6: Kussak Formation
the khewra there is boulder bed which shows
the revinment surface. The kussak formation is
the shallow marine deposition over delta which
shows the transgression of the sea level and
transgressive system tract.
Stop 7:
7. Jutana Formation:
This formation mainly consists of yellowish white or cream colored, partly
sandy dolomites and dolomitic(magnesium) sandstone with few shale intercalations.
Dolomite is thin to thick bedded and in the upper part it is also massive and brecciated.
Age assigned to this formation is middle Cambrian.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Jutana formation was deposited in carbonate platform so it shows
rise in sea level. It is well distributed in eastern salt range and dies out at the western salt
range which shows that at that time coastal onlap was at western Salt range.
1. Tobra Formation
This formation present Zaluch Nala is different from the Tobra Formation present in
Eastern Salt Range. In Zaluch nala Tobra formation has complex facies. It consists of
green, massive unit of clay silt, sand and boulders.
Stop 2:
2. Warcha Sandstone:
This formation consists of grity sandstone. Age assigned to this formation is early
Permian. Warcha Sandstone is same in zaluch nala as warchha Sandstone in Central Salt range.
Stylolite Feature boulder is also present.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Warchha sandstone was deposited in fluvial environment. In Warchha Sandstone
braided river deposits is overlain by meandering river deposits which shows rise in sea
level and transgressive system tract.
Fig 2a:
Warcha Sandstone
Fig 2b:
Warcha Sandstone
Fig 3c:
Stop 3:
3. Sardhai
This formation is consists of bluish and greenish grey clay. Age assigned to this
formation is Middle Permian.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Sardai formation was deposited in fluvial dominated delta. It shows rise in
sea level and transgressive system tract.
Stop 4:
4. Amb Formation:
The Formation mainly consists of grey, medium or thick bedded to massive,
partly sandy limestone and dolomite with few, thin intercalations of dark-grey to black
shale. Clear limestone is its diagnostic feature. This formation is highly fossiliferous.
Various fossils found are Brachiopods, Gastropods, Ammonoids, trilobites etc. Index
specie Productus (brachiopod) is also found abundantly inthisformation. Due to the
presence of Fossil age assigned to this formation is Permian. Upper contact with Chiddru
formation is transitional and conformable.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
The Wargal limestone shows the Transgression of sea level. The Wargal
limestone is deposited in Transgressive system tract, but some reports says that in Wargal
formation regression started and it was deposited in High stand System tract.
Stop 6:
6. Chiddru Formation:
It consists of dark-grey sandy shales at the base, overlain by calcareous
sandstone and sandy limestone. The Chhidru Formation contains abundant brachiopods
and gastropods, and subordinate microfossils. Due to the presence of these fossils age
assigned to this formation is Late Permian. Environment of deposition of this formation is
shallow marine. Upper contact with Mianwali formation is disconformable.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
formation shows fall in sea level and high stand system tract. But it is in the later stage of
high stand system tract.
Stop 7:
7. Mianwali Formation:
This formation is mainly composed of limestone, siltstone,
dolomite, shale and sandstone. The fossils found in this formation are ceratites
(cephalopod). Age assigned to this formatiion is early Triassic. Lower contact with
Chidru formation is marked by Paraconformity. Upper contact with overlying Tredian
formation is sharp, well defined and conformable.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
The presence of Ammonoids indicates that
Mianwali formation was deposited in shallow marine environment. It shows rise in sea
Stop 8:
8. Tredian Formation:
This formation consist of sandstone with ripple marks and slump structures,
interbedded with shale. This formation contains spores, pollens and wood fragments. Age
assigned to this formation is Middle Triassic. Upper contact with Kingriali formation is
gradational and conformable.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Stop 9:
9. Kingriali Formation:
This Formation contains thin to thick-bedded or massive, grey dolomite and
dolomitic limestone. Benthic fossils are present. Age assigned to this formation is
Late Triassic. Environment of deposition of this formation is shallow marine
environment. Upper contact is with Datta formation of Jurassic age and the contact
is Disconformable.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Stop 10:
10. Datta Formation:
This formation consist of sandstone, siltstone and shale of different colors.
Sandstone is red to maroon, grey, green and white in color. Shale, siltstone and mudstone
are irregularly distributed. Oil seap and lateritic beds are present. The reddish color is due
to Sulphur. This formation is
poorly fossiliferrous.
Age assigned to this
formation is Early Jurassic.
Upper contact of this
formation is un
with Samana suk
formation in Salt Range.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Datta formation was deposited in deltaic environment. It is the typical example of
paralic succession. It has lateritic bed which was deposited in the Inter flew area of delta.
This shows fall of sea level..
Stop 11:
11. Hangu Formation:
This formation consists of dark grey sandstone, shale and intercalation nodular
argillaceous limestone. Age assigned to this formation is Early Paleocene. Upper contact
of this formation is with Lockhart formation and this contact is transitional and
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Hangu Formation is deposited in deltaic environment. It is consist of lateritic bed
which shows fall in sea level and low stand system tract.
Stop 12:
12. Lokhart Formation:
Grey to dark gray, medium to thick massive bedded, brecciated limestone. The
limestone displays very well developed nodularity. The limestone ontains abundant
foraminifers. On the basis of these fossils the age of the formation is assigned as Middle
Paleocene. Upper contact with Patala formation is transitional and conformable.
Sequence Stratigraphy:
Stop 13:
13. Patala Formation:
It is comprised of shale and marl with subordinate limestone and sandstone
interbeds. The environment of deposition is transitional marine environments. The age
assigned to this formation is Late Paleocene. Upper contact with overlying Nammal
formation is transitional and conformable.
Sequence Stratigraphy: