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International Journal of Scientific Research in Civil Engineering

© 2023 | IJSRCE | Volume 7 | Issue 3 | ISSN : 2456-6667

Impact of Inflation Rate on Construction Project A Review

Rahul Kumar Pandey1, Afzal Khan2
P. G. Scholar1, Assistant Professor2
Department of Civil Engineering, Millennium Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Construction of high-rise structures was initiated in complex and dynamic
Article History:
problems resulting in circumstances of high uncertainty and risk, which
Accepted: 01 May 2023
were compounded by demanding many constraints. The occurrence of risk
Published: 11 May 2023
accidents in the phase of multi-storey construction will lead to great losses
to the proprietor and construction enterprises if the construction risk of
the structure has not been paid more attention to. The worst catastrophic
Publication Issue
may occur during structural construction is collapse of permanent or
Volume 7, Issue 3
temporary construction. If risk management is not considered in bridge
construction projects, there is chance for unwanted problems and
uncertainties, by these risks objective cannot be achieved on time, within
Page Number
budget, or with suitable quality results.
In this paper presenting review of past publications and researches.
Keywords: project management, scheduling, inflation rate, costing,
I. INTRODUCTION Likewise if the resources are adequately harnessed,
issues that relate to cost overrun would not arise which
Many factors affect the accuracy of building could result to variations and claims. Some firms rely on
construction projects cost estimating which should be claims as a result of variation incurred during the course
considered in the early stage of the estimating process. of the project execution and afterward evaluate their
Some factors can incorrectly increase the estimated profit after incurring necessary and unnecessary costs
costs and the possibility of contractual disputes between on a project.
the various parties involved. Other factors can help the Therefore, accurate estimating requires detailed study of
estimator to decrease the unnecessary cost of an item the biding documents and the environmental situation. It
and hence lead to successful tendering in a very also involves a careful analysis of all projects’ data in
competitive market. order to arrive to the most accurate estimate of the
Construction industry is very important in the economic probable cost consistent with the bidding time available
development of any nation especially in expanding and the accuracy and completeness of the information
economy like India. It controls the capital flow, as well submitted.
as labour resources, which had cost implications. As a The purpose is to test whether the project as specified
result of this, proper management of these resources is will be economically viable or whether it will generate
considered an important aspect of project works. good value for money. Leaving such feasibility studies
until after a project has started, may mean that potential

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Rahul Kumar Pandey et al Int J Sci Res Civil Engg. May-June-2023, 7 (3) : 23-29

problems are not revealed in time to influence project coordination, monitoring, and appropriate fund
planning. Although the economic and financial management are the key factors that play an essential
evaluation of the project is probably the most obvious role in reducing construction project implementation
element of the feasibility stage, external factors can play
duration and cost delays.
a major role in determining whether a project will
proceed. The project’s political context, its relationship
with the local community, the general economic H.A.Tarkasband and S.D. Joshi (2022) author stated
environment, its location and the physical conditions in that the practices adopted in different regions for
which it will be built, are the most important external qualitative risk assessment in project and time
factors. management and measures taken to overcome the
There are both empirical and anecdotal evidence which failures in overall project management. It was learnt
suggest that delays in the completion of a project, cost
whether the construction companies are following
escalation, as well as rate of inflation significantly
impact on project delivery. Indeed, overruns in both the project management tools and techniques for
time and cost is not only a general occurrence but effective execution of the plan in the completion of
equally a huge problem faced during project execution. the project successfully. Different regions follow
This usually manifests as an extension of project varied aspects of project management dependent on
duration time (time overrun), and/or an increase in the the resource availability, costs and labour work
cost of execution (cost overrun). A cost overrun occurs culture in the respective region. Certain regions may
when the cost incurred in executing a project exceeds
discover new models specific to their problems and
the estimated cost. Time overrun on the other hand is
the extension of time beyond planned completion dates introduce the same for the effective realization of
traceable to the contractors. The Department of Housing solutions. Identification of the risk factors affecting
and Public Works noted that cost overrun could be used the project well in time is important so as to tackle
interchangeably with the term cost escalation - the such risk factors.
anticipated increase (usually over a defined period) in The conclusion stated that there was a lack of usage of
the cost of executing a project
risk assessment tools and techniques during
construction project management and hence affects
on project time management, costs and labor
intensive. Also it increases the risks during project
Abdel et.al (2022) objective of the research paper was
execution and has hazards on health and safety. Time
to narrate the current management of cost and time
overrun and cost overrun are the main issues arisen
in construction sites in Khartoum state. A relatively
due to improper project management.
high response of more than 80% was received from
eligible identified professionals, and the data were
W. T. Borku and E. Yenialem (2022) author
analyzed using SPSS software. Author used the
investigated the factors that might contribute to cost
questionnaires to collect the data and process it using
inflation on construction materials is significant in
the SPSS software present amicable solutions to
order to notice attention to specific areas of
overcoming the obstacles faced by Engineers,
improvement for building construction projects in
developers, and clients, starting from the beginning to
Wolaitasodo. This research attempted to assess the
the end of projects.
impact of cost inflation, and identify problems of cost
Results concluded that natural, political, and
inflation on construction materials and adjustment
economic factors are the most important factors
and methods to manage/administer cost inflation on
affecting cost and time control. Furthermore, good
construction materials in Wolaitasodo building

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Rahul Kumar Pandey et al Int J Sci Res Civil Engg. May-June-2023, 7 (3) : 23-29

construction projects, which can serve as the way was required to derive a predictive mathematical
forward for future work in coping with this inflation. relationship between inflation rates in Sudan and the
The results revealed that the major impacts of cost trend in construction materials prices increase.
inflation on construction materials which have been Results stated that the construction industry inflation
occurring on the projects are improper risk rate is not equal to the economy-wide inflation. An
management and improper team organization. increase in construction materials prices is not only
Quality of workmanship, risk of project abandonment caused by inflation but inflation is an important
and Lack of firm price quotes are the factors that factor. Other macro-economy factors such as supply
cause the cost inflation on construction materials and and demand transportation, energy costs, raw
adjustment problems on Wolaita sodo building materials and input costs, exchange rates, import
construction projects. duties and crude oil prices also contribute to these
increases and have an effect on the trend in price
A M Faten Albtoush et.al (2020) Cost is one of the movement. It is necessary to benefit from the rate of
important key factors affected of construction inflation of construction materials (CMIR) by
performance, its need to manage and control along a working on developing it and creating a data base for
life cycle of construction project. So cost management the construction sector in Sudan, which will help in
is important in a construction project to ensure the estimating the future costs of projects and planning
success of project, the most factors affected in cost the target costs by owners and projects managers,
management that indicated through literature review which in turn will help to reduce conflicts caused by
in this study are: Poor scope definition, Inaccurate sudden change in prices or abandoned some owners
activity cost estimate, Poor work breakdown for many projects as a results of these projects
structure definition, Change in schedule, Unrealistic exceeded the cost allocated to them as a results of the
time schedule imposed in contract, Ineffective impact of construction materials for inflation and
frequency of project budget updates, Lack of proper exceeded the target cost.
training and experience of project manager, Not
implementing project management tools like Avinash R. Yadav and R. M. Swamy (2019) objective
primavera and other management software’s. The of the research paper was to test whether the project
majority of the construction project in different as specified will be economically viable or whether it
countries suffered from cost overrun, cost will generate good value for money. Leaving such
management reduce it and help the project managers feasibility studies until after a project has started, may
to achieve the success in their projects, so this study mean that potential problems are not revealed in time
encourage the engineers and other parts interested in to influence project planning. Due to a dramatic shift
construction projects to implement the cost in the capacity and volume of the Indian construction
management actively. sector over the last decade, the need of a systematic
analysis of the reasons of delays and developing a
Elkhider B. E et.al (2020) research paper portrayed an clear understanding among the industry professionals
analysis of the inflation trend in Sudan and its effect are highly crucial. The Overruns in cost and time is a
on the construction industry for the last few years. never-ending threat to a construction manager and is
Initially, a market survey was conducted to determine being faced in all types of projects which include
the pattern of prices increase over the selected period infrastructure projects, heavy construction projects,
to allow gauging the inflationary effect. Eventually, it residential or commercial construction projects etc.

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The first three factors ranked by RII method first is a track the progress of work time to time. Time and
conflict between labour, a second lack of sub- Cost Effectiveness is focused in this project. The study
contractor skills and third is poor financial control covers mainly the process of planning, scheduling the
mechanism. The first conflict between labour in the activities and monitoring. A comparison of the actual
category of labour its RII is 0.70, the second one is and original time and cost is performed in this study
lack of sub-contractor skills in the category of using project management software Primavera.
contractor its RII is 0.68 and the third one poor Results stated that 74.18% of the work was completed
financial control mechanism in the category is client in this project and project was delayed by 65.79%.
its RII is 0.63. The severity index and frequency index The cost of the project is increased by 3%. Critical
of the factors are, for conflict between labour is 70.00, path and Critical activities are found using Primavera.
for lack of subcontractor skills is 68.00 and for poor This would help in reducing the time delay and cost
financial control mechanism is 63.33. The average overrun in the project. Delay in these activities have
percentage cost growth rate for all three case studies led to delay in the project and cost overrun. Another
is 98.62% and the average actual cost percentage main reason for project delay is the pandemic that hit
change for all three case studies is 97.20%. the country off late in the worst possible manner due
to which the entire country was under lockdown. All
K. Kabirifar and M. Mojtahedi (2019) objective of the the works had come to halt due to Covid - 19
research paper was to analyze and rank EPC critical situation. And resumed after a period of one or two
activities across large-scale residential construction months which again led to the shortage of workers
projects in Iran, by using the TOPSIS method as a and equipment and the budget too.
multi-attribute group decision-making technique.
Author primarily focused on the project triangle (cost, Cooray, N. H. K.et.al (2018) the primary objective of
time, and scope) due to the fact that these factors are the research paper was identification of costs
more tangible for project’s stakeholders for the overruns in the building construction projects in Sri
purpose of assessing project success. Lanka. The relationship between cost control
Results indicate that engineering design, project techniques and construction project delivery will be
planning and controls are significant factors analysed. The study expects to adopt a composition of
contributing to project performance. In addition, qualitative and quantitative approach to conduct the
engineering has a pivotal role in project performance research process. The role of cost control techniques
and this significance is followed by the construction in determining the project delivery will be widely
phase. On the contrary, all believe procurement is scrutinized and questioned in relation with
more important than the Construction phase. academically and theoretically due to the absence of
universally accepted theory.
Nafeesa Minnath M. T and Anupama Natesh (2019) Conclusion stated that there was a significant impact
Research paper deals with an ongoing construction on the project delivery by the cost controlling
project of a Commercial Building (B+G+3) “Dream techniques used by the organization. It was identified
City Mall” at Kasaragod, Kerala and collect relevant that even the economic conditions are different the
data related to the project from the concerned impact of the cost controlling techniques on the
agencies and track the process of the work deeply, project delivery is having the same impact
with the use of a project management software named
Primavera P6 which is a tool to plan a project and to

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Muhamad Rizki Aditya et.al (2018) research paper overrun = -669673.60 + 50182.35 (time overrun) +
presented a systematic analysis to identify structural 106690.20 (inflation rate), and predicted government
work costing indicators, specifically for the bridge cost overrun = -9805996 – 148721.90 (time overrun) +
project. Regarding the existing project budgeting 1266038 (inflation rate) respectively for private and
condition to the construction implementation government-funded projects. Also, while there is
process, there are 5 important factors to be noticed evidence of the significant relationship between the
regarding the upper structure costing at Cimanuk completion cost of projects and variations in time and
Bridge project.This research identifies 36 variables of inflation rate for both private and government-
bridge upper structure construction project costing funded projects, the mean variations between time
which affect construction implementation overrun and inflation rate viz-a-viz completion cost
performance.There are 36 independent variables in are not equal for private and government-funded
this research which are analyzed in 5 factors. projects.
However, after a series of data analysis process were
done which includes the correlation test and factor Sampatti Goyal (2017) research paper analysed the
test, there are only 2strong correlation factor effect of inflation involved in the time and cost
components which are structured in 7 independent overruns in the Infrastructure projects of Rajasthan.
variables are chosen at correlation test and inter- Each project involves immense cost overrun. The
correlation test. Component factor 1 consists of X7 government is not able to implement each project
(ignoring the risk factor at the project location), X9 efficiently within the normally expected constraints
(ignoring the inflation and escalation factor), X10 of time and cost.
(incomplete contract clause), X13 (too many working Results revealed that material price escalation is the
repetitions because of bad quality), X14 (the cost of primary reason for cost overruns during execution.
material double order), X15 (the cost for worker Costs of key inputs such as iron and steel, cement,
wage), X31 (monitoring working performance to the bitumen, concrete, crude oil, etc. have fluctuated
expenses spent on the project). Component factor 2 sharply. The risk of material cost fluctuation is
consists of only the variable of X7. inherent in infrastructure projects. Inflation has more
effect on infrastructure costs where delay in project
Ikechukwu A. Diugwu et.al (2017) research paper development was higher.
aimed to explain the effect of time overrun (TO) and
inflation rate on project completion cost (PCO). Shahenda EL-Matbaegy et.al (2017) the objective of
Variations in costs and durations of projects were the research paper was to develop an appropriate risk
calculated for 250 government and private building model to mitigate the recession effect on the
projects executed between 2005 and 2015, while construction industry in Egypt. The methodology of
inflation rates for the last quarter of these years were the research was based on identifying the potential
used. A multiple regression analysis of cost overrun as risks in construction projects during the recession
the endogenous variable, with time overrun and period, characterizing their probability and impacts,
inflation rates as the exogenous variable was performing the quantitative and qualitative risk
conducted for private and government-funded analysis (based on questionaries’ survey conducted in
projects. the year 2015/2016), and statistical analysis by (SPSS)
The result revealed that the cost overrun can be was carried out to develop risks’ model and
predicted by the equations; predicted private cost

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measurement framework using the Primavera Risk excel macro was used for a probabilistic cash in
Analysis (V8) Software. prediction. Probabilistic S curves provide a
Results showed that the corruption associated with probability distribution of required cost and time to
recession is the most aspect of risks affecting the finish the project for any selected point at the project.
Egyptian construction sector during recession periods The probabilistic cash flow prediction enables the
in addition risks that related to poorly sector users to accurately determine the project cash flow
participants management abilities. position.
With the comparison between the actual and the
Y. Suponco Wisnu Broto et.al (2017) research paper output probabilistic data, it was noticed that with
proposed a model to estimate cost escalation based on respect to the duration it a perfect fit but in the case
System Dynamic (SD) approach. SD is used to of the cost the difference between the actual and
represent the correlation among risk factors deterministic is a small. Probabilistic cash flows is
influencing cost escalation and to calculate cost more accurate than deterministic one and it can be
escalation during the project period. A Causal Loop used by decision maker to evaluate the projects with a
Diagram (CLD) was made based on an in-depth higher level of accuracy.
literature review and confirmed by the experts. To
validate the model, 7 multi-years projects in III. CONCLUSION
Indonesia were used as a case study.
The results showed that the proposed model can In this paper reviewed several authors and stated that
accurately predict project cost escalation with an different authors mentioned different conditions of
accuracy of 91.21%. Simulation of SD also showed ailment and analysis of a project and scheduled the
that the change of scope of work, ambiguous contract management of these construction setups.
conditions, unpredictable conditions, project schedule
delay, inflation, and extreme weather condition are IV. REFERENCES
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