The Ultimate Guide To ChatGPT Prompts
The Ultimate Guide To ChatGPT Prompts
The Ultimate Guide To ChatGPT Prompts
To ChatGPT Prompts
For Communications and Marketing
ChatGPT, OpenAI’s conversation chatbot, is spearheading this revolution,
and has been the subject of countless online articles and videos which
oscillate from demonstrations of relish to terror, or at the very least worry to
see AI replace humans in creative industries where workers thought they
would be shielded from automation.
ChatGPT is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate all
types of written content. It responds to conversation starters, or
prompts, which the human user must enter in the online chat interface to
obtain a response.
In this ultimate guide to ChatGPT prompts, we'll explore the many ways this
technology can help communications and marketing boost their creativity
and productivity.
From creating more compelling social media content to generating fresh
ideas for blog posts and email campaigns, ChatGPT prompts offer a wealth
of possibilities for communications departments of all sizes. Along the way,
we'll delve into the technical underpinnings of this innovative technology,
as well as some best practices for using it in your day-to-day operations.
Whether you're a seasoned marketing pro or just getting started in the field,
this guide is your one-stop shop for all things ChatGPT prompts.
Note: the goal of this guide is not to teach users how to work around ChatGPT’s
limitations on what it deems to be “inappropriate content.” There is already
ample content available online about this, and we feel that this knowledge is not
useful in a professional context so we are purposefully leaving it aside.
How does ChatGPT
work ?
Add humor
1. Brand name: List [20] brand names for a [Company / Product] that does 10. Social media content ideas: Give me [10]
[Activity] ideas for [social platform] pieces of content about
2. Brand slogans: Create [20] slogans for [Brand Name]. [topic].
3. Company vision / mission statements: Create a vision and mission 11. Social media post caption: Write [5] versions
statement for [Brand Name]. The brand values are [Values] and we care about of a [social platform] post about [topic]. The post
[X]. must mention [X]. You can base the posts on the
4. Value proposition statements: Create the value proposition statement for following facts: [list of facts to include in the
the [Brand / Product]. The brand is unique because it has the following USPs post].
[USPs]. 12. Instagram story: Create the storyboard for a
5. Marketing personas: Our product does [product description]. Create [5] [3]-screen Instagram story about [topic].
consumer personas for it. 13. TikTok / Instagram Reel / YouTube Short:
6. Elevator pitch: Create the elevator pitch for our [Brand / Product]. Create the storyboard for a [60]-second long
7. Content marketing ideas: Generate [20] content marketing ideas to promote [TikTok video / Instagram reel / YouTube Short]
the [Brand / Product] to generate [KPI (awareness, traffic, sales…)]. about [topic].
8. Ad copy: Write [5] versions of an ad for [media] to [promote / sell] [product].
9. Call-to-action: Suggest [10] calls-to-action to get people to [take desired
20. Blog post ideas: Provide [20] blog article topic ideas for a
14. Video ideas: List [10] creative ideas for video
[brand / product] in [industry] targeting [target audience].
content to [marketing objective]. This is for a
21. Content headlines: Provide [10] headlines for a blog article
[brand / product] in [industry] targeting [target
about [topic].
22. Blog post summary: Write the summary of a blog article
15. Video script: Write a script for a [duration]
about [topic].
video about [topic] for [distribution platform].
23. Introduction paragraph: Write the introduction
paragraph of a blog article about [topic].
24. Article: Write a [500-word] article about [topic].
26. Press release headline: Suggest [15] 30. Make it shorter / longer.
press release headlines for [announcement] 31. Add humor / drama.
by [company]. 32. Add details.
27. Press release content: Write a press 33. Make it as detailed as possible.
release about [announcement]. Include those 34. Mention [X].
facts: [list of facts]. 35. Don’t mention [X].
28. Pitch to a reporter: Write the email pitch 36. Make it more positive / neutral /
to [reporter] at [media outlet] about negative.
[announcement]. 37. Make it catchier.
29. Holding statement: Write a holding 38. Write in the style of [media outlet /
statement about [topic]. Include those facts: author].
[list of facts]. 39. Write it as a [poem / song].
30. Q&A: Write a [30]-question Q&A about 40. Make it understandable by a
[topic]. 5-year-old.
41. Add/remove scenes.
That’s it! We tried to make the guide as extensive as possible,
but of course the possibilities to come up with new prompts are
endless. If you think we have overlooked anything major or
small, feel free to contact us so we can make the addition.
Remember that when it comes to ChatGPT prompts, the only
limit is your own imagination.
Thank you for consulting our Guide, and please share your
content creating experience using ChatGPT with us!
Eliott Maidenberg
JIN in the US is led by Eliott Maidenberg. Eliott has spent 10 years
developing and implementing digital and marketing communication
programs for global brands such as Chipotle, eBay, Europcar, Ricoh
Imaging, Royal DSM, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Electronic Arts and
Euronext, to name a few.
Valentin Redondie
+33 (0)7 88 10 26 80