Dsa 2
Dsa 2
Dsa 2
A stack is a container of objects that are inserted and removed according to the last-in first-out (LIFO)
principle. In the pushdown stacks only two operations are allowed: push the item into the stack, and pop
the item out of the stack. A stack is a limited access data structure - elements can be added and removed
from the stack only at the top. Push adds an item to the top of the stack, pop removes the item from the
top. A helpful analogy is to think of a stack of books; you can remove only the top book, also you can add
a new book on the top.
A stack may be implemented to have a bounded capacity. If the stack is full and does not contain enough
space to accept an entity to be pushed, the stack is then considered to be in an overflow state. The pop
operation removes an item from the top of the stack. A pop either reveals previously concealed items or
results in an empty stack, but, if the stack is empty, it goes into underflow state, which means no items are
present in stack to be removed.
Stack is an Abstract data structure (ADT) works on the principle Last In First Out (LIFO). The last
element add to the stack is the first element to be delete. Insertion and deletion can be takes place at one
end called TOP. It looks like one side closed tube.
• The add operation of the stack is called push operation
• The delete operation is called as pop operation.
• Push operation on a full stack causes stack overflow.
• Pop operation on an empty stack causes stack underflow.
• SP is a pointer, which is used to access the top element of the stack.
• If you push elements that are added at the top of the stack;
• In the same way when we pop the elements, the element at the top of the stack is deleted.
Operations of stack:
There are two operations applied on stack they are
1. push
2. pop.
While performing push & pop operations the following test must be conducted on the stack.
1) Stack is empty or not
2) Stack is full or not
Push operation is used to add new elements in to the stack. At the time of addition first check the stack is
full or not. If the stack is full it generates an error message "stack overflow".
Pop operation is used to delete elements from the stack. At the time of deletion first check the stack is
empty or not. If the stack is empty it generates an error message "stack underflow".
Representation of a Stack using Arrays:
Let us consider a stack with 6 elements capacity. This is called as the size of the stack. The number of
elements to be added should not exceed the maximum size of the stack. If we attempt to add new element
beyond the maximum size, we will encounter a stack overflow condition. Similarly, you cannot remove
elements beyond the base of the stack. If such is the case, we will reach a stack underflow condition.
When an element is taken off from the stack, the operation is performed by pop().
Source code for stack operations, using array:
STACK: Stack is a linear data structure which works under the principle of last in first out. Basic
operations: push, pop, display.
1. PUSH: if (top==MAX), display Stack overflow else reading the data and making stack [top]
=data and incrementing the top value by doing top++.
2. POP: if (top==0), display Stack underflow else printing the element at the top of the stack and
decrementing the top value by doing the top.
3. DISPLAY: IF (TOP==0), display Stack is empty else printing the elements in the stack from
stack [0] to stack [top].
return stack.pop()
We can represent a stack as a linked list. In a stack push and pop operations are performed at one end
called top. We can perform similar operations at one end of list using top pointer.
class Stack:
def isEmpty(self):
return True if self.root is None else False
def pop(self):
if (self.isEmpty()):
return float("-inf")
temp = self.root
self.root = self.root.next
popped = temp.data
return popped
def peek(self):
if self.isEmpty():
return float("-inf")
return self.root.data
1. Stack is used by compilers to check for balancing of parentheses, brackets and braces.
5. During a function call the return address and arguments are pushed onto a stack and on return
they are popped off.
6. Depth first search uses a stack data structure to find an element from a graph.
b) If the scanned symbol is an operand, then place directly in the postfix expression
c) If the symbol scanned is a right parenthesis, then go on popping all the items from the
stack and place them in the postfix expression till we get the matching left parenthesis.
d) If the scanned symbol is an operator, then go on removing all the operators from the
stack and place them in the postfix expression, if and only if the precedence of the
operator which is on the top of the stack is greater than (or equal) to the precedence
of the scanned operator and push the scanned operator onto the stack otherwise,
push the scanned operator onto the stack.
Convert the following infix expression A + B * C – D / E * H into its equivalent postfix expression.
+ A +
B AB +
* AB +*
- ABC*+ -
D ABC*+D -
/ ABC*+D -/
E ABC*+DE -/
* ABC*+DE/ -*
H ABC*+DE/H -*
End of The input is now empty. Pop the output symbols from the
string ABC*+DE/H*- stack until it is empty.
Source Code:
# An operator is encountered
while(not self.isEmpty() and self.notGreater(i)):
result= "".join(self.output)
# Driver program to test above function
exp = "a+b*(c^d-e)^(f+g*h)-i"
obj = Conversion(len(exp))
Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions:
The postfix expression is evaluated easily by the use of a stack. When a number is seen, it is pushed onto
the stack; when an operator is seen, the operator is applied to the two numbers that are popped from the
stack and the result is pushed onto the stack.
6 6
5 6, 5
2 6, 5, 2
8 2 3 5 6, 5, 5, 8 Next 8 is pushed
Source Code:
return int(self.pop())
Recursion is of two types depending on whether a function calls itself from within itself or whether two
functions call one another mutually. The former is called direct recursion and the later is called
indirect recursion. Thus there are two types of recursion:
• Direct Recursion
• Indirect Recursion
• Linear Recursion
• Binary Recursion
• Multiple Recursion
Linear Recursion:
It is the most common type of Recursion in which function calls itself repeatedly until base condition
[termination case] is reached. Once the base case is reached the results are return to the caller function. If
a recursive function is called only once then it is called a linear recursion.
Binary Recursion:
Some recursive functions don't just have one call to themselves; they have two (or more). Functions
with two recursive calls are referred to as binary recursive functions.
Example1: The Fibonacci function fib provides a classic example of binary recursion. The Fibonacci
numbers can be defined by the rule:
fib(n) = 0 if n is 0,
= 1 if n is 1,
Fib(0) = 0
Fib(1) = 1
Fib(2) = Fib(1) + Fib(0) = 1
# Program to display the Fibonacci sequence up to n-th term where n is provided by the user
nterms = 10
n1 = 0
n2 = 1
count = 0
if nterms <= 0:
elif nterms == 1:
print("Fibonacci sequence upto",nterms,":")
print(n1,end=' , ')
nth = n1 + n2
# update values
n1 = n2
n2 = nth
count += 1
Tail Recursion:
Tail recursion is a form of linear recursion. In tail recursion, the recursive call is the last thing the function
does. Often, the value of the recursive call is returned. As such, tail recursive functions can often be easily
implemented in an iterative manner; by taking out the recursive call and replacing it with a loop, the same
effect can generally be achieved. In fact, a good compiler can recognize tail recursion and convert it to
iteration in order to optimize the performance of the code.
A good example of a tail recursive function is a function to compute the GCD, or Greatest Common
Denominator, of two numbers:
def factorial(n):
if n == 0: return 1
else: return factorial(n-1) * n
Input: integer n ≥ 0
Output: n!
GCD(m, n)
Time-Complexity: O(ln n)
Input: integer n ≥ 0
1. if n=1 or n=2
2. then Fibonacci(n)=1
Towers of Hanoi
Input: The aim of the tower of Hanoi problem is to move the initial n different sized disks from needle
A to needle C using a temporary needle B. The rule is that no larger disk is to be placed above the smaller
disk in any of the needle while moving or at any time, and only the top of the disk is to be moved at a
time from any needle to any needle.
A queue is a data structure that is best described as "first in, first out". A queue is another special kind of
list, where items are inserted at one end called the rear and deleted at the other end called the front. A
real world example of a queue is people waiting in line at the bank. As each person enters the bank, he
or she is "enqueued" at the back of the line. When a teller becomes available, they are "dequeued" at the
front of the line.
Let us consider a queue, which can hold maximum of five elements. Initially the queue is empty.
0 1 2 3 4
Q u e u e E mp t y
F RO NT = RE A R = 0
0 1 2 3 4
11 RE A R = RE A R + 1 = 1
F RO NT = 0
0 1 2 3 4
11 22 RE A R = RE A R + 1 = 2
F RO NT = 0
Again insert another element 33 to the queue. The status of the queue is:
0 1 2 3 4
11 22 33 RE A R = RE A R + 1 = 3
F RO NT = 0
Now, delete an element. The element deleted is the element at the front of the queue. So the status of the
queue is:
0 1 2 3 4
22 33 RE A R = 3
F RO NT = F R O NT + 1 = 1
Again, delete an element. The element to be deleted is always pointed to by the FRONT pointer. So, 22
is deleted. The queue status is as follows:
0 1 2 3 4
33 RE A R = 3
F RO NT = F R O NT + 1 = 2
Now, insert new elements 44 and 55 into the queue. The queue status is:
0 1 2 3 4
33 44 55 RE A R = 5
F RO NT = 2
Next insert another element, say 66 to the queue. We cannot insert 66 to the queue as the rear crossed the
maximum size of the queue (i.e., 5). There will be queue full signal. The queue status is as follows:
0 1 2 3 4
33 44 55 RE A R = 5
F RO NT = 2
Now it is not possible to insert an element 66 even though there are two vacant positions in the linear
queue. To over come this problem the elements of the queue are to be shifted towards the beginning of the
queue so that it creates vacant position at the rear end. Then the FRONT and REAR are to be
adjusted properly. The element 66 can be inserted at the rear end. After this operation, the queue status is
as follows:
0 1 2 3 4
RE A R = 4
33 44 55 66
F RO NT = 0
This difficulty can overcome if we treat queue position with index 0 as a position that comes after position
with index 4 i.e., we treat the queue as a circular queue.
In order to create a queue we require a one dimensional array Q(1:n) and two variables front and rear. The
conventions we shall adopt for these two variables are that front is always 1 less than the actual front of
the queue and rear always points to the last element in the queue. Thus, front = rear if and only if there are
no elements in the queue. The initial condition then is front = rear = 0.
The various queue operations to perform creation, deletion and display the elements in a queue are as
Linked List Implementation of Queue: We can represent a queue as a linked list. In a queue data is
deleted from the front end and inserted at the rear end. We can perform similar operations on the two ends
of a list. We use two pointers front and rear for our linked queue implementation.
Source Code:
front = 0
rear = 0
mymax = 3
def createQueue():
queue = []
return queue
def isEmpty(queue):
return len(queue) == 0
def enqueue(queue,item):
def dequeue(queue):
if (isEmpty(queue)):
del queue[0]
return item
queue = createQueue()
while True:
print("1 Enqueue")
print("2 Dequeue")
print("3 Display")
print("4 Quit")
ch=int(input("Enter choice"))
item=input("enter item")
enqueue(queue, item)
rear = rear + 1
print("Queue is full")
Applications of Queues:
2. When multiple users send print jobs to a printer, each printing job is kept in the printing queue.
Then the printer prints those jobs according to first in first out (FIFO) basis.
3. Breadth first search uses a queue data structure to find an element from a graph.
There are two problems associated with linear queue. They are:
• Time consuming: linear time to be spent in shifting the elements to the beginning of the queue.
The round-robin (RR) scheduling algorithm is designed especially for time-sharing systems. It is similar
to FCFS scheduling, but pre-emption is added to switch between processes. A small unit of time, called
a time quantum or time slices, is defined. A time quantum is generally from 10 to 100 milliseconds. The
ready queue is treated as a circular queue. To implement RR scheduling
• The process may have a CPU burst of less than 1 time quantum.
o In this case, the process itself will release the CPU voluntarily.
o The scheduler will then proceed to the next process in the ready queue.
• Otherwise, if the CPU burst of the currently running process is longer than 1 time quantum,
o The timer will go off and will cause an interrupt to the OS.
o A context switch will be executed, and the process will be put at the tail of the ready
o The CPU scheduler will then select the next process in the ready queue.
The average waiting time under the RR policy is often long. Consider the following set of processes that
arrive at time 0, with the length of the CPU burst given in milliseconds: (a time quantum of 4milliseconds)
24 6 30
3 4 7
3 7 10
Using round-robin scheduling, we would schedule these processes according to the following chart:
DEQUE(Double Ended Queue):
A double-ended queue (dequeue, often abbreviated to deque, pronounced deck) generalizes a queue, for
which elements can be added to or removed from either the front (head) or back (tail).It is also often called
a head-tail linked list. Like an ordinary queue, a double-ended queue is a data structure it supports the
following operations: enq_front, enq_back, deq_front, deq_back, and empty. Dequeue can be behave like
a queue by using only enq_front and deq_front , and behaves like a stack by using only enq_front and
The output restricted DEQUE allows deletions from only one end and input restricted DEQUE allow
insertions at only one end. The DEQUE can be constructed in two ways they are
1) Using array
Operations in DEQUE
1. The A-Steal algorithm implements task scheduling for several processors (multiprocessor
3. When one of the processor completes execution of its own threads it can steal a thread from
another processor.
4. It gets the last element from the deque of another processor and executes it.
Circular Queue:
Circular queue is a linear data structure. It follows FIFO principle. In circular queue the last node is
connected back to the first node to make a circle.
• Elements are added at the rear end and the elements are deleted at front end of the queue
• Both the front and the rear pointers points to the beginning of the array.
3. Using arrays
Representation of Circular Queue:
Let us consider a circular queue, which can hold maximum (MAX) of six elements. Initially the queue is
1 Queue E mp t y
4 MAX = 6
F RO NT = RE A R = 0
C O U NT = 0
C irc u l ar Q u e u e
Now, insert 11 to the circular queue. Then circular queue status will be:
F RO NT = 0
4 RE A R = ( RE A R + 1) % 6 = 1
C O U NT = 1
C irc u lar Q u e u e
Insert new elements 22, 33, 44 and 55 into the circular queue. The circular queue status is:
1 F RO NT = 0, RE A R = 5
4 RE A R = RE A R % 6 = 5
C O U NT = 5
C irc u lar Q u e u e
Now, delete an element. The element deleted is the element at the front of the circular queue. So, 11 is
deleted. The circular queue status is as follows:
F RO NT = (F R O NT + 1) % 6 = 1
4 RE A R = 5
C O U NT = C O U NT - 1 = 4
C irc u lar Q u e u e
Again, delete an element. The element to be deleted is always pointed to by the FRONT pointer. So, 22
is deleted. The circular queue status is as follows:
F RO NT = (F R O NT + 1) % 6 = 2
4 RE A R = 5
C O U NT = C O U NT - 1 = 3
C irc u lar Q u e u e
Again, insert another element 66 to the circular queue. The status of the circular queue is:
4 F RO NT = 2
RE A R = ( RE A R + 1) % 6 = 0
C O U NT = C O U NT + 1 = 4
C irc u l ar Q u e u e
Now, insert new elements 77 and 88 into the circular queue. The circular queue status is:
66 77
55 88 1
4 F RO NT = 2, RE A R = 2
RE A R = RE A R % 6 = 2
C O U NT = 6
44 33
2 R
3 F
C irc u lar Q u e u e
Now, if we insert an element to the circular queue, as COUNT = MAX we cannot add the
element tocircular queue. So, the circular queue is full.