DLL Week 7 HE 6

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Teaching Date &
OCTOBER 3-7 , 2022 Quarter 1

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in the basics of food preservation
B. Performance Standards Preserve food/s using appropriate tools and materials and applying the basics of food
C. Most Essential Learning Conducts simple research to determine market trends and demands in preserved/ processed food


CONTENT Conducts simple research to determine market trends Conducts simple research to determine market trends
and demands in preserved/ processed food and demands in preserved/ processed food

References  Revised MELC in  Revised MELC in  Revised MELC in  Revised MELC in
module module module module

Teacher’s Guide
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Resources & Other
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Resources for
Development and
Directions: Looking Survey helps in Being aware of specific
A. Introduction back at the pictures , determining market ingredients in a food is a
Drill check one item trends and demands in good general practice
Review on the list of the preserved/processed for everyone but may be
Motivation preserved food that you foods like mango. especially useful for
like and write 2-3 Moreover, this will be those with food allergies
sentences why do you served as the basis in or intolerances, diabetes,
Which one is your
like this product. what kind of fruits to be or digestive diseases. In
Look at the picture Survey says… these are preserved and to market many cases, the longer
above and tell my favorite: this product in the the ingredients list, the
something about it. community. Therefore, more highly processed a
1. Where can you find this survey is important food is. However, an
Why do you like that
this place? before preserving and ingredient that is not
jam/jelly? (taste,
2. What are the things marketing food which recognizable or has a
appearance, packing,
that you will buy in the will lead to more sales in long chemical name is
supermarket/grocery the future not necessarily
In the previous lesson store? unhealthful. When
you learned about safety 3. What are the things to scanning the ingredients
and sanitation in food consider in selecting a listing on a food
processing/food product to buy? package.
preservation factors that
need to be considered in
the selection of food
items to be
Now, you will know
market demands and
trends in
foods. How do we
determine the market
demands and trends?

1. What is being done by The following need to 2nd Sample Survey In some survey, there are Decoding the
B. Development some groups to know the be identified when Result also rubrics to be ingredients list on a
Presentation choice of the people at a conducting a survey: ➢ 15 grade six followed. food label
Discussion specific period? 1.Participants/respondent Rubrics are used as a
(Controlled SURVEY s Table 2 tool for assessing The ingredients are listed
Activity) 2. Why the survey is 2. Number Choices of Preserved preserved food properly. in order of quantity by
being conducted? 3. Characteristics Mangoes Rubrics are important in weight. This means that
➢ A survey is being assessing the good the food ingredient that
done to know who or •The survey will be on quality of processed weighs the most will be
what the choice of the market trends and foods. Criteria are used listed first, and the
people is. demands. The survey to make rubrics in ingredient that weighs
➢ It is the same way for contains evaluating outputs like the least is listed last.
determining market questions that you want preserved/processed • Some ingredients like
trends or demands. to know from the food. The following are sugar and salt may be
respondent/participant. 1. Which of the the criteria to follow in listed by other names.
➢ A survey is conducted following items of
For example: assessing quality of the For
to know what the people preserved mangoes has
Survey on Market preserved/processed example, alternative
feel, what they want etc. the
Demands and Trends: food. terms for sugar are corn
Based on the results of least number of
1. Profile of the syrup, high-fructose corn
the survey, you will respondents? ____
Respondents syrup, honey, agave
know the preference of 2. Which has the greatest
_____5-10 years old nectar, cane sugar,
the number of respondents?
_____10-15 years old evaporated cane juice,
market. The product that ____
_____15-20 years old coconut
will produce is based on
2. If you were to choose 3. What does the survey sugar, dextrose, malt
the choice of that market. indicate/tell?
a fruit to be preserved, syrup, molasses, or
Survey is a data __________________
what will it be? turbinado sugar. Other
collection tool for This rubric will help you terms for sodium include
a. Mango
research. Based on the result of the in assessing
b. Banana monosodium glutamate
➢ a major research c. Pineapple 2nd survey sample above, preserved/processed food or disodium phosphate.
strategy d. Others, please it shows that 8 as to the quality. You • If the food is highly
➢ a way of collecting specify______ grade six learners will rate 3 points if the processed, it may contain
data through 1st Sample Result of the preferred dried mango preserved food possesses several food additives
1. asking people Survey than the rest of the kind the 3 points description, such as artificial colors,
2. interviews The sample result of the of preservation 2 points if some flavors, or preservatives.
3. questionnaires survey is presented presented. Therefore, the description is present or Their ingredient
4. focus group below in table form. The market demand of the observed and 1 point if names may be less
discussions table shows about the grade six learners of a the description of the familiar. Some
5. Forums best choice of the certain community in preserved/processed food preservatives promote
consumer in fruits to be terms of the kind of is not present. safety of the
You will be conducting a preserved. preservation of mango is food by preventing
survey on the current There are 25 respondents dried. This further shows growth of mold and
market demands and that these learners will Example:
trends. Research will in this survey likely to buy dried Pork Tocino bacteria. Others help
entail an extensive mango which indicates prevent spoilage or “off”
discussion. It is a very Table 1 more sales from them. flavors from developing.
broad topic. Choices of Fruits to be
The class will focus only Preserved Examples that you may
on conducting a survey see on the label include:
which as mentioned is a o Preservatives—
major research strategy ascorbic acid, sodium
and a popular way to benzoate, potassium
collect information or Questions: sorbate, tocopherols
data. Based on the result of the 1. Which the following o Emulsifiers that
Before starting, ask survey sample above, it tocino brand is best prevent separation of
yourselves: shows that 12 according to the result of liquids and solids—soy
1. Why am I conducting respondents preferred the survey conducted? lecithin, monoglycerides
the survey? mango to be preserved 2. Which of the o Thickeners to add
2. What do I want to than the rest of the fruits following brand of texture—xanthan gum,
know? presented. And most of tocino has the low pectin, carrageenan,
3. What question needs them are ages 10-15 quality? guar gum
to be answered? years old. Therefore, the Based from the survey o Colors—artificial
market conducted on assessing FD&C Yellow No. 6 or
demand of the the quality of processed natural beta-carotene to
respondents of a certain food, Jay’s Tocino is the add yellow hues
community in terms of best among the 3 brands • Fortified foods contain
fruits to be of tocino, with 9 total vitamins and minerals
preserved is mango. points that are added after
from the given criteria. processing. Either these
This further indicates nutrients were lost
that consumers will during processing, or
likely to buy they
Jay’s tocino than any were added because they
brands presented. are lacking in the
average diet.
Directions List down the Directions: Choose your Directions: Make a Direction:choose two Direction:
C. Engagement different way of BEST choice of fruits to be simple research/ survey examples of preserved Choose words you have
Differentiated collecting data in the preserved. Your honest about the food food and assess its encountered above, from
Activities survey. answer will indicate preference of your quality using rubrics the given crossword
(at least demand or trends in the community. Choose 20 below. Follow the puzzle below. Write your
three) 1. market.
2 children in your example in assessing the answer on your paper.
3 neighborhood as your quality of pork tocino in
4 respondents and the previous pages.
5 tally the responses. Use
the given format below.
Write your answer on Scoring:
your activity sheet. 3 points if the preserved
food possesses the 3
points description
2 points if some
description is present or
1 point if the description
of the
preserved/processed food
is not present
Name of Preserved
Dried Fish

1. Why conducting a 1. What is the importance 1. What is the

D. Assimilation 1. What is the 1.What are the things survey is important in of rubric in the market importance of Decoding
Generalization importance of survey? you need to identify in the market demand? demand? the ingredients list on a
Application conducting a survey? food label?
Evaluation 2. What are the different 2.In the doing a 2. Is rubric helpful in
ways of collecting data 2. Why conducting a business,is it important understanding the market 2. Why we need to know
survey is important in to know what are the demand? the ingredients that we
3. What is the meaning the market demand? demands in the certain are going to use?
of survey? community? Why?

Directions: Give your Directions: Give your Directions: Give your Directions: Give your Directions: Give your
correct answer. Write correct answer. Write correct answer. Write correct answer. Write correct answer. Write
your answer on your your answer on your your answer on your your answer on your your answer on your
activity sheet. activity sheet. activity sheet. activity sheet. activity sheet.
1. Why is it that the 1.Which of the following 1. Why do we need to
conduct of simple does NOT describes 1.The following 1.Rubrics in assessing assess preserve/
research/survey on the about survey? questions will be preserved / processed processed foods?
market a. A survey is being done considered before foods using the criteria I. We need to know the
important? to know who or what the conducting the study/ of the following health benefits of the
a. It is important to choice of the people is. survey. Which of the EXCEPT. foods we eat.
conduct simple research b. It is the same way for following does NOT a. Safety/Sanitation II. We need to know if it
to avoid a crisis. determining market belong to the group? b. Food Texture is saleable in our
b. It is important to trends or demands. c. Taste/ Flavor community or school.
conduct simple research c. A survey is conducted a. Why am I conducting d. Nutritional Value III. We need to know if
to have a high profit. to know what the people the survey? the preserved/processed
c. It is important to feel, what they want. b. What do I want to 2. What are we going to food is of good
conduct simple research d. A survey won’t tell know? use in assessing quality.
to have an the choice and interest of c. What question needs preserved/processed food A.1 only
advertisement. the consumers to be answered? as to the quality? B. I and II
d. It is important to d. Where will I buy the a. Table C. II and III
conduct simple research 2. Why conducting a products? b. Checklist D. I, II and III
for the entrepreneurs to survey is important to c. Rubrics
determine the market market demand? 2. This will entail an D. Criteria 2. Ascorbic acid, sodium
trends or demands in the extensive discussion. It benzoate, potassium
community I. survey is being done to is a very broad topic. 3.The following are sorbate and tocopherols
know who or what the items found in a product are examples of____.
2. A systematic way of choice of the people is. a. survey label, EXCEPT. a. Flavors
gathering data to know II. It is the same way for b. list a. height b. Emulsifiers
who or what the choice determining market c. data b. nutritional value c. Preservatives
of the people is or what trends or demands. d. research c. ingredients d. Colors
they feel in the III. A survey is d. weight
community using conducted to know what 3. The following need to 3. It is a criterion that
different tools. the people feel, what be identified when assess the minimal safety
This entails an extensive they want etc conducting a survey, concerns
discussion on a very EXCEPT? a. Sanitation
broad topic. A. none of the above a.Participants/respondent b. Appearance
a. survey B. I only b. Number c. Taste
b. research C. I and II c.Characteristic d. Nutritional Value
c. interview D. I,II and III d. Quality
d. Questionnaires 3. A hip or popular at a
certain point in time.
3. It is done by some
groups to know the
choice of the people at a a. needs
specific period b. trends
c. market
a. survey d. demands
b. research
c. interview
d. Questionnaires

I understand that I understand that I understand that I understand that I understand that
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________
REFLECTION I realize that I realize that I realize that I realize that I realize that
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________

Approach Used
Index of Mastery
Pupils Need

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Checked by:


Teacher I Principal II

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