Python Syllabus

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Python (Core & Advance)

1. Python Basics
What is Python
Why Python?
History of python
Applications of Python
Features of Python
Advantages of Python
Versions of Python
Installation of Python
Comparison b/w various programming languages C, Java and Python

2. Python Operations
Python Modes of Execution
Interactive mode of Execution
Batch mode of Execution
Python Editors and IDEs
Python Data Types
Python Constants
Python Variables
Comments in python
Output Print(),function
Input() Function :Accepting input
Type Conversion
Type(),Id() Functions
Comments in Python
Escape Sequences in Python
Strings in Python
String indices and slicing
3. Operators in Python
Arithmetic Operators
Relational/Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Assignment Operators
Short Hand Assignment Operators
Bitwise Operators
Membership Operators
Identity Operators

4. Python IDE’s

Pycharm IDE Installation

Working with Pycharm
Pycharm components
VS code Installation
Working with vs code
Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Features
About PIP

5. Flow Control statements

Indentation in Python
Conditional Statements

 if statement
 if…else statement
 nested if statement
 if…elif…statement
6. Looping Statements

For loop
Nested for loop
While loop
while … else
Break statememt
Continue statement
Pass statement

7. Strings in Python
Creating Strings
String indexing
String slicing
String Concatenation
String Comparison
String splitting and joining
Finding Sub Strings
String Case Change
Split strings
String methods

8. Collections in Python
Operations on collections
Functions for collections
Methods of collection
Nested collections
Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary
9. Python Lists
List properties
List Creation
List indexing and slicing
List Operations
List addresses
List functions
Different ways of creating lists
Nested Lists
List modification
List insertion and deletion
List Methods

10. Python Tuples

Tuple properties
Tuple Creation
Tuple indexing and slicing
Different ways of creating tuples
Tuple Operations
Tuple Addresses
Tuple Functions
Nested Tuples
Tuple Methods
Differences b/w List and Tuple

11. Python Sets

Set properties
Set Creation
Set Operations
Set Functions
Set Addresses
Set Mathematical Operations
Set Methods
Insertion and Deletion operation
12. Python Dictionary
Dictionary properties
Dictionary Creation
Dictionary Operations
Dictionary Addresses
Nested Dictionaries
Dictionary Methods
Insertion and Deletion of elements
Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary

13. Functions in Python

Defining a function
Calling a function
Properties of Function
Examples of Functions
Categories of Functions
Argument types
default arguments
non-default arguments
keyword arguments
non keyword arguments
Variable Length Arguments
Variables scope
Call by value and Call by Reference
Passing collections to function
Local and Global variables
Recursive Function
Passing functions to function
Anonymous or Lamda function
Filter() and map() functions
Reduce Function
14. Modules in Python
What is a module?
Different types of module
Creating user defined module
Setting path
The import statement
Normal Import
From … Import
Module Aliases
Reloading a module
Dir function
Working with Standard modules -Math, Random, Date time and os

15. Packages
Introduction to packages
Defining packages
Importing from packages file
Defining sub packages
Importing from sub packages

16. File Handling

Types of Files in Python
Opening a file
Closing a file
Writing data to files
Tell( ) and seek( ) methods
Reading a data from files
Appending data to files
With open statement
Various functions
17. OOPs Concepts
OOPS Features
Static and non static variables
Defining methods
Diff b/w functions & methods
Parameterized Constructors
Built –in attributes
Object Reference count
Garbage Collection
Types of Inheritances
Object class
Over riding
Super() statement

18. Errors and Exception Handling

Types of errors
Compile-Time Errors
Run-Time Errors
What is Exception?
Need of Exception handling
Predefined Exceptions
Try,Except, finally blocks
Nested blocks
Handling Multiple Exceptions
User defined Exceptions
Raise statement
19. Regular Expressions
What is regular expression?
Special characters
Forming regular expression
Compiling regular expressions
Findall() function
Finditer() function
Sub() function
Match() function
Search() function
Matching vs searching
Splitting a string
Replacing text

20. Database
Installing mysql database
Creating database users,
Installing Oracle Python modules
Establishing connection with mysql
Closing database connections
Connection object
Cursor object
Executing SQL queries
Retrieving data from Database.
SQL queries
Transaction Management
Handling errors

21. Python Date and Time

How to Use Date & DateTime Class
Time and date Objects
Calendar in Python
The Time Module
Python Calendar Module
22. Operating System Module
rename file/dir
remove file/dir
Os help
Os operations

23. Data Analytics

pandas module
Numpy module
Matplotlib module
Working Examples

UI Technologies

2. CSS




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