Bill of Material
Bill of Material
Bill of Material
A Material’s BOM consists of components that you need to produce a material. These
components may be raw material or packing materials procured directly from vendors or
subassemblies produced in-house
BOM Usage - A BOM usage controls the activities and functions that the system can
perform in Business processes.
Valid From Date – valid from Date denotes the date from which the BOM becomes
available in the production process. If No Date is given then system automatically assigns the
BOM’s creation Date (system date) as the Valid from Date
Alternative BOM - you can specify up to two digit alfa-numeric different alternate BOMs
for a material. This means that the same material can be produced in up to 99 different ways
by having an alternate BOM option available. For example, when one component of a
material's BOM is unavailable in stock, you can select another alternate BOM to continue
with the production process. When you first create a Material’s BOM, the system
automatically assigns the alternate BOM as 1. When you create a new BOM for the same
material, the system issues a warning message and internally assigns the next alternate BOM
number to it.
Base Quantity – The Base Quantity of a material denotes the quantity based on which you
define the material’s BOM components.
BOM Status - You can control the application of a material BOM from its status. When the
BOM has status 1 (active) it becomes available during Production Order Creation, if the
BOM status is 2 (inactive) then it is not available in Production Order Creation
Item Category - The item category provides further divisions to the different BOM classes.
While. Some item categories are relevant for production or for planning others are merely to
provide information Following are some of the most important predefined item categories:
L : Stock item - Stock items contain components that you store in your warehouse and
includeas a part of Inventory Management
N: nonstock item - A nonstock item is a material that isn't available in stock but is procured
directly for the given production order. A nonstock item has direct relation to the
procurement process. There is also no need to have a material master (item code) for non
stock material. If you use nonstock material, you also have to fill in the procurement details,
such as cost element, purchasing group, material group, and price
R: Variable size item - In this item category, you can use the formula and also define the
variables' sizes to enable the system to perform calculations and suggest the component's
M: intra material - This item category is commonly used in master recipes (process
industry). Materials that are temporarily used in process engineering are recorded as
components with this item category
Fixed Quantity - This checkbox denotes that regardless of production order quantity, the
component quantity remains fixed. For example, to produce a main material in
50KG, the component quantity required is 50KG. To produce 35KG of the
main material. the system calculates the component quantity of 35KG, as
defined in the material's BOM. However, if you select the fixed indicator
together with the component quantity of, say 35KG, the system calculates the
component quantity required as 35KG even if the main material's production
quantity is 50KG
Prod. Stor. Location - During the backflush process in Shop Floor Control
(SFC), the system looks for information in this field because it acts as an issue storage
Single Level BOM