Materials Inventory Management To Reduce Holding Cost and Backlog (System Dynamics Approach: A Case Study)

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36

11th International Conference on Business and Management Research (ICBMR 2017)

Materials Inventory Management to Reduce Holding Cost and

Backlog (System Dynamics Approach: A Case Study)
Pantas Marihot Lawrentsius1*, Fajar Ayu Pinagara1

Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia


This study discusses the material of inventory management to produce automobiles in PT XYZ
using system dynamics methodology with a case study design. The object of this study is an
automobile brand, X Type 1. It is selected as the sample because this type of automobile has a
highly competitive segment and a dynamic demand. Material in this sample object is divided
into four groups based on the source of the material. The purpose of this study is to analyze
the material inventory management in order to reduce holding costs and backlog. Reduction in
the holding cost can be used for other investments or to increase the company’s profits, while
the backlog reduction can improve the company’s competitive advantage. Simulations were
carried out in two scenarios: the demand fluctuating with an upward trend and with a downward
trend, in order to describe the dynamics of demand. This study found that the holding costs and
backlog reduction can be achieved by changing the safety stock coverage and lead time delivery
of materials. Safety stock coverage can be changed to the lowest level the company can apply,
while lead-time delivery of materials depends on the conditions and trends in demand.

Keywords: Backlog, holding cost, materials inventory, system dynamics

1. Introduction

Car sales in Indonesia from 2007 to 2014 experienced a rising demand trend, which decreased
in 2009 as the global financial crisis and twice in 2014 due to the policy of the government-
raised subsidized fuel prices (, 2015). In 2015, based on Gaikindo’s
data, car sales in Indonesia only reached 1 million units, a decrease by 16% compared with 2013
and 2014. Nevertheless, Indonesia has good prospects in the long term because the population
of high-income typically increases, and the level of car ownership in Indonesia is still relatively
low, or about 4% of the total population compared with that of other countries in the ASEAN
region, which reached 30% (XYZ Group, 2015).

PT XYZ1 is one of the largest car manufacturing companies in Indonesia and produces the X 2
brand car. The X brand car is a multipurpose vehicle (MPV), which has a large market share
in Indonesia and one of the largest sales volumes in PT XYZ, specifically sales of car X type
1 (hereinafter referred to as X1). One of the problems faced by PT XYZ is the dynamism of
Company name disguised by request of interviewees
Product name disguised by request of interviewees

Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 674
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36

consumer demand and the market. For the production plan, Y Sales & Operations (YSO 3 ), as
primary dealers from the same group as XYZ, will arrange the plan while considering several
factors, which is the cars’ inventory ratio that still exists in the branch or dealer, the target
market from the board of directors, macroeconomic and real market conditions, and production
capacity. This initial production plan, called “planned order, “will be implemented over the
next few months. However, one month prior to manufacture, YSO will adjust production plans
by looking at all the various factors and latest cars sales in every branch and dealer and also
look at competitor strategies, such as giving high price discounts or new product launches.
Adjustment of the production plan is called the “revised order.” Although the revised order
itself has restrictions that follow the company policy, and because XYZ purchases materials
with a planned order and manufactures the car by following the revised order, material inventory
management becomes more complex.

When the number of cars X1 requested in the revised order rise above the planned order and
beyond the limits set by the company, the amount of actual production will fall below demand,
which is called “positive backlog”(Tersine, 1994). Whereas when the number of cars X1
requested in the revised order fall under planned order, then PT XYZ will check whether the
change is well within the limit. If not, then the amount of actual production will exceed the
revised order, and there will be a surplus of production, which is called a negative backlog
(Marca, et al., 2010). Positive and negative backlog will affect production plans in the next
month, which the positive backlog will add to the production plan, and the negative backlog
will reduce it. The impact of the positive backlog is the potential loss of sales, which, if it occurs
continuously and in the long run, will have a negative effect on the company’s reputation and
revenues, which is not optimal, while the impact of the negative backlog is excess inventory
at each dealership and branch; thus, their holding costs become high. In the long run, this may
affect the sustainability of their businesses, which also would have an impact on PT XYZ.
The ideal state is to keep the backlog value low or near zero and either as positive or negative
backlog (Marca, et al., 2010).

Companies can minimize backlog by keeping material inventory levels to an optimal amount.
With the optimal inventory levels, PT XYZ can reduce holding costs and also the value of the
backlog. The holding cost is one type of inventory costs that companies spend when storing
the goods in a given period (Waters, 2003). Although it is difficult to count them, and many
companies are not taking them seriously, the cost is quite large, around 19%–35% (Waters,
2003)or even 25%–55% (Richardson & Helen, 1995) of the value of goods per year, depending
on the type of industry, and has a significant role in the company’s financial performance
(Timme & Williams-Timme, 2003).

This study aims to gain a deeper and better understanding of the complexity in materials’
inventory management using system dynamics modeling methodology, which was developed
by Forrester (1961) and Sterman (2000). Prior studies from Janamanchi (2011)discussed
forecasting and smoothing production schedules with the purpose to eliminate the bullwhip
effect and formulate policy guidelines for supply chain performance. Meanwhile, the focus of
this study is to analyze material inventory management to reduce holding costs and backlog
by modifying certain parameters. This reduction can increase a company’s profits and also
improve its competitive advantage.

Main dealer name disguised by request of interviewees

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36

2. Review of Literature

Inventories consist of goods and materials stored by an organization to be used at a specified

time (Waters, 2003). According to Heizer and Render (2014), in general, inventory is one
of a company’s assets that have a high value, representing approximately 50% of the capital
invested. Heizer and Render (2014)and Waters (2003)classified inventory into raw materials,
work-in-process (WIP goods), finished goods, spare parts, and consumable goods. Some
companies maintain a safety stock, which is extra stock to allow for uneven demand and to
cover the demand while the delivery of goods from the supplier to the company, or when the
current actual demand, is higher than the demand previously planned, or when the lead time of
actual delivery of the goods is higher than the planned lead time. Safety stock that is owned by
a company has an impact on costs, particularly the holding cost and stockout cost. The higher
the safety stock held by a company the higher the holding cost will be, but it will make the
stock out cost lower, too, and also vice versa.

According to Waters (2003), each stock has a correlation with costs that must be paid by
the company, and its value in each company varies. According to Waters (2003), Heizer and
Render (2014), and Tersine (1994), four types of inventory costs are commonly found in
various companies: 1) unit cost, which is the purchase price from suppliers; 2)stockout cost,
which is cost incurred when the company could not meet the demand; 3) ordering cost, which
is the cost incurred every time the company makes an order; 4) holding costs, which is the cost
incurred when the company stores items within a certain period. Holding costs themselves are
divided into inventory noncapital carrying cost, which is comprised of several components
such as warehousing costs, the rate of obsolescence, pilferage, the level of the damaged goods,
insurance costs, taxes, administration, and others, along with inventory capital charge, which
is related to the cost of capital.

System dynamics is a method to enhance learning in a complex system andis often simulated by
a computer in order to study the dynamic complexity, understand the source of policy resistance,
and design more effective policies (Sterman, 2000). System dynamics generally use two kinds
of diagrams to describe the state of a modeled system: the causal loop diagram (CLD) and stock
and flow diagram (SFD). According to Sterman (2000), a CLD is an important tool to represent
the feedback in a system. While the SFD consists of stock, which is an accumulation of the
difference between inflow and outflow of a process that creates a delay. Stock has a crucial role
in that it raises dynamism ina system, which shows the characteristics of the system’s state and
the basis for decision-making, raises the inertia and memory of a system, including the source
of delays, and leads to an increment in inflows and outflows that cause dynamic disequilibrium
to a system (Mass, 1980)

Material inventory in the model of the manufacturing supply chain becomes one of the
limitations in producing (Sterman, 2000). By adding the material structure in the model of
a supply chain, production will only be started if the company has enough material, and the
company should continue to reserve a certain amount of material to maintain the desired level
of material inventory. In the inventory management model in system dynamics, backlog arises
when there is a delay of receipt of the order and delivery to fulfill the order. Delay can be
caused by administrative activities, customization of goods according to customer wishes,
when delivering the goods with a particular mode of transportation, and others. Accordingly,
a model is only a creature of a real world problem. Thus, it seems more insightful to limit the

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36

inclusion of the external variables in the inventory model and a case of PT. XYZ as much as
possible in order to simplify the model. This will facilitate the development of a robust model
with enough explanatory power for the growth process. Once created, this model could be
extended later by including external factors in different settings (Farouk & Saleh, 2011).

Janamanchi (2011) examined material inventory management between two parties in supply
chain management: supplier and manufacturer. Supplier and manufacturer production and
shipment rate are constrained by two main factors: availability of material input in the required
quantity and the availability of workforce. The simulation was conducted in four scenarios—
base case, random uniform, upward trend customer orders, and downward trend customer
orders—with two purposes in each scenario: to minimize cumulative average cost per unit
(holding cost and cost related to workforce) and unfilled orders (order that cannot be fulfilled
by both parties and with assumption that they will not affect the future orders and at the same
time they are not carried forward as backlog). Janamanchi only uses safety stock coverage as
the decision variable and found that, when the customer orders exhibit a trend (either upward
or downward), manufacturers should be more focused on eliminating unfilled orders; further,
supply chain partners not only need to share information in real time but practice formulating
their inventory and production planning processes in a collaborative manner to serve the supply
chain customers.

3. Research Methodology

The study began with a scientific question and involves a series of detailed procedures and
specific data sources; therefore, it can be classified as a formal study. The primary objective
of the formal study is to test the hypothesis or to answer scientific questions posed (Cooper
& Schindler, 2011). The formulation of this research is descriptive, which wants to know the
structure of the materials inventory management system at PT XYZ, and causal predictive,
which makes predictions about the effects of changes in the trend of consumer demand for
other variables and the holding costs as well as the backlog. The study only focused on PT XYZ
as a manufacturing company that has the largest automobile production capacity in Indonesia.
Therefore, this study can be classified as a case study. The case study is research, which is
entirely contextual to some events or circumstances and the connection between them, so it
cannot be used to predict the behavior of the population (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). Bogdan
and Biklen (1982) also pointed out that the case study is a detailed examination against the
background of a subject or a person or document storage or one particular event.

Materials inventory management system at PT XYZ will be modeled by dividing the system
into three major subsystems: materials inventory, production line and backlog, and cost under
study. The three subsystems are adapted and developed from the model proposed by Janamanchi
(2011)and the manufacturing supply chain by Sterman (2000). Janamanchi develop his model
in his study from a model proposed by Sterman, which alsowas not a case study and only
offered a basic understanding about materials inventory management. In this study, because it
is classified as a case study and examines only one company, PT XYZ, there are adjustments
according to the real condition of material inventory management in PT XYZ. We divided the
materials into four groups based on the source of the material, so four constraints will need to
be considered during production process. The policy regarding planned order and revised order
also creates two kinds of backlog possibilities—positive and negative backlog—both of which
affect the car’s order and production in the next month. Because PT XYZ produces a wide

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range variety of cars, it is almost impossible to trace the workforce related to produce the X1
car only; therefore, in this study our objective is only to minimize holding costs and backlog
(positive and negative). We also include lead time as a decision variable in order to minimize
holding costs and backlog because there is another study conducted by Wang (2012), which
shows that decrement in holding cost is possible if lead time is reduced. And, due to the nature
of the automotive industry, we only use two kinds of scenarios that are possible in the future:
upward and downward trends of consumer demand.

Data collection methods used in this study includes in-depth interviews and literature studies.
In-depth interviews were conducted with face-to-face interviews with interviewees from PT
XYZ and also from the YSO. There are four interviewees: three from PT XYZ and one from
YSO. This study uses a sampling non probability method because the approach has a subjective
nature, the selection of samples or interviewees are based on certain criteria. The method used
is purposive sampling with judgment sampling type, which includes the selection of the sample
or interviewees based on the criteria established by the researchers (Cooper & Schindler, 2011).
Interviewees selected are those with sufficient experience and knowledge and can access a
company’s latest data. Interviews were conducted in the form of semi structured interviews and
open questions, which consist of a list of questions based on the study of literature prepared in
advance, but it is an open question; thus, the interviewees can answer them according to their
knowledge of real conditions.

Once the data are acquired and models are completely developed, both qualitative and
quantitative, then prior to simulation and analysis the validation tests were conducted.
According to Barlas (1994), the validation of a model is an important step in the methodology
of system dynamics, which involves the process of quantitative and qualitative tests. Three
types of tests include the direct structure test, structure-oriented behavior test, and behavior
pattern test. In each of these tests, several methods can be used. For a direct structure test, this
study uses a parameter verification test, dimensional consistency, and extreme conditions test.
For the structure-oriented behavior test, in this study the method used is the boundary behavior
adequacy and sensitivity tests. The behavior pattern test will be done by comparing the chart
from the historical data and the result of simulation, and then perform a series of statistic
tests as proposed by Sterman (2000), which is the mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute
percent error (MAPE), and mean absolute error as a fraction of the mean (MAE/mean).

4. Results and Discussion

Once the data are acquired and developed in the form of qualitative models, then the next
step is to make a quantitative model that can be simulated. Quantitative models can be seen in
Figure 1 and Figure 2. Material is divided into four groups based on the source of the material,
that is, the multiple source part (MSP), Japan source part (JSP), local source part (LSP), and
sheet material. The types of materials in MSP, JSP, and LSP are similar; they can range from the
smallest, such as a door handle or even a screw to a car engine, with the differences in quality
and the price of each material. Sheet material is used for making the car body. Figure 1 shows
the materials inventory subsystem, particularly MSP and LSP. JSP materials have exactly the
same model structure with MSP, except on the input of each parameter, likewise with the LSP
and sheet material. For MSP and JSP, as a group that has a material safety stock, there are two
minor loops, as shown with the loop identifier, which existed at MSP in Figure 2. The material
control loop is a cycle to see material availability and make a reservation as needed, while the

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36

Material MSP
Desired MSP

MSP Inventory
MSP Delivery Rate MSP Usage Rate Feasible Production

Material Stockout

Material Control MSP Inventory Feasible Production

Ready To Use Starts From MSP
MSP Feasible To

MSP Ratio
Revised Order
Adjustment MSP MSP Usage Per Car
Adjustment For MSP

Desired MSP
Delivery Rate Revised MSP Usage

MSP Safety Stock

Revised Order
Desired MSP
MSP Lead Time Inventory

Planned MSP Usage

Planned Order

Material LSP

Feasible Production

LSP Inventory
LSP Delivery Rate LSP Usage Rate

LSP Feasible To Feasible Production LSP Usage Per Car

Used Starts From LSP

Revised LSP Usage


LSP Delivery Ratio Planned LSP Usage Revised Order



Revised LSP Planned Order

Delivery Rate

Figure 1. Material Inventory Subsystem

Total Holding Cost
Fraction of JSP JSP Usage Per Car JSP Inventory
Car Price
JSP Inventory Rate
JSP Value per Material

Figure 2. Production Line and Backlog and Cost under Study Subsystem
JSP Value per Car
JSP Holding Cost
Total JSP Holding Cost
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36

JSP Holding Cost

Material Cost per Car
Actual Cost per Car Total Holding Cost
Fraction of Holding Fraction of Holding
Cost Cost Per Month Total Holding Cost
Fraction of Actual Cost Fraction of Material Total MSP Holding Cost
Cost MSP Holding Cost
MSP Value per Car
MSP Value per Material MSP Holding Cost
MSP Inventory Rate
Fraction of MSP MSP Usage Per Car MSP Inventory
Production Line and Accumulation Negative Accumulation Positive
Backlog Negative Backlog
Backlog Backlog
Positive Backlog
Feasible Production
Backlog Rate Backlog Fulfillment
Revised Order
Feasible Production
Starts From Sheet
Revised Orders Order Fulfillment
Feasible Production Rate Rate
Starts From JSP
Feasible Production
Feasible Production
Feasible Production W IP Unit Each Car
Starts From LSP
W IP Inventory Finish Good Inventory
Production Rate Finish Good Rate Delivery Rate
Production Start
Feasible Production Rate
Starts From MSP
Process Cycle Time
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Table 1. Results from Validation Test

Test Result
Parameter Verification Valid
Dimensional Consistency Valid
Extreme Condition Valid
Boundary Adequacy Valid
Behavior Sensitivity Numerical Sensitivity (safety stock coverage, lead time)
Behavior Pattern Valid, MAE = 59,77 unit, MAPE = 7%, MAE/Mean = 6%

Table 2. Decision Variable and Value

Decision Variable Actual Value Minimum/Maximum Value
JSP Safety Stock Coverage 5 day 5 – 10 day
MSP Safety Stock Coverage 8 day 5 – 10 day
JSP Lead time 1 month 0,75 – 1,25 month
MSP Lead time 1 month 0,75 – 1,25 month

material stockout loop is a cycle that shows the availability of materials and their use for
production purposes.

After the required amount compared with the amount available in each group of material,
from that four groups of material we can see how many cars are feasible to be produced,
as described in the production feasible model structure in Figure 2. Then, each material will
become an inflow to the production line and backlog subsystems. From these subsystems, we
can determine the number of backlogs by comparing the number of actual cars that can be
produced and delivered (delivery rate) with the desired from YSO (revised order). Holding
costs are calculated by first calculating the average value per unit of material, then multiply by
the percentage of the holding costand finally multiply by the quantity of material stored. In the
last section, the total holding costs coupled between the MSP and the JSP are to be used as an
objective, so it can be simultaneously minimized with optimization features.

Table 1 indicates that the model can be determined as valid and sufficient to represent material
inventory management at PT XYZ in particular to produce cars (X1). It was revealed that the
model has the numerical sensitivity toward safety stock coverage and lead time; thus, these
parameters become decision variables that can be changed during the minimization process.
Previous research conducted by Janamanchi (2011) showed that a decrement in holding costs
and unfilled orders can be achieved by changing the safety stock coverage. In addition, according
to Wedel and Lumsden (1995), a shorter lead time can lead to better customer service, fewer
supplies, and higher efficiency, so that the optimal lead time remains important for gaining a
competitive advantage. Research conducted by Wang (2012)on the supply chain of printed
circuit boards also produced a similar conclusion, namely, that shorter lead time will reduce
costs, one of which is related to the cost of holding inventory.

The range of possible change for each decision variable was taken from interviewing the
company. Table 2 shows the decision variables, the actual value of which is the current condition
in PT XYZ, and the minimum/maximum values.

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Table 3. Simulation Result for Upward Trend before and after Minimization Process
Parameter Value Before Minimization Value After Minimization
JSP Safety Stock Coverage 5 day 5 day
MSP Safety Stock Coverage 8 day 5 day
Total Holding Cost Rp18,819,560,560 Rp15,232,144,939
Accumulation Positive Backlog 1,305.96 Car 1.151,52 Car
Accumulation Negative Backlog -48.58 Car -50.34 Car
JSP Lead Time 1 month 0.84 month
MSP Lead Time 1 month 0.84 month

Table 4. Result of Sensitivity Test for Minimization Process in Upward Trend

Parameter Value with 7% Growth Value with 21% Growth

JSP Safety Stock Coverage 5 day 5 day
MSP Safety Stock Coverage 5 day 5 day
Total Holding Cost Rp13,991,208,036 Rp16,407,506,942
Accumulation Positive Backlog 954.58 Car 1.201.85 Car
Accumulation Negative Backlog -55.42 Car -49.42 Car
JSP Lead Time 0.77 month 0.77 month
MSP Lead Time 0.77 month 0.77 month

The first scenario assumes that consumer demand faces an upward trend with each month’s
request remaining volatile. In 2016 the Minister of Industry, Saleh Husin, in a Gaikindo report
(2015)targeted automobile industry growth at 5.7%. According to Noergadjito as General
Secretary of Gaikindo in Gumelar (2015), the growth of the car industry roughly followed
the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The comparison is 1% to 1.5%;that is, when
the Indonesian GDP grew by 5%, then the growth of the car industry reached 7%–7.5%. The
interviewee from the YSO also said that they are considering the calculation from Gaikindo, and
the percentages that given are still acceptable or possible to happen. For 2017 the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) in (2016) estimates Indonesia’s GDP grew by 5.3%. By
using a simple calculation, the growth of the automobile industry in 2017 is assumed to be
7.95%. Thus, in the simulation for two years from March 2016 until February 2018, car industry
growth is assumed to be 14.1% (the percentage of the first year 5.7% multiplied by the number
of last year’s production and the result multiplied by 7.95%). The growth also is assumed
already to cover the fluctuations in fuel prices, inflation, and others. Looking from the historical
data, this assumption is still acceptable and has little difference. The method used is seasonal
forecast while randomizing the demand pattern, so it will have upward trend. Table 3 shows
the results of the simulation, prior to the process of minimizing holding costs and both negative
and positive backlog, with total holding cost weight at 40% while both were, respectively, 30%
and also after minimization process is conducted. There is a decrement in total holding cost,
which amounted to Rp3.587.415.630 or about 19% during the simulation period. Accumulated
negative backlog increased two units, but in the aggregate value of the absolute backlog (total
accumulation of positive backlog plus accumulation of negative backlog), there is a decrement
from 1354 units to 1201 units, or approximately 11.3% during the simulation period.

After the first scenario simulations, a sensitivity test was conducted to see whether there will
be significant changes in the results of the minimization process if the percentage growth of the
automobile industry changed. The first is to assume if the percentage growth in the car during
the simulation period is only half that assumed or about 7%, while the second is if the growth

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of the automobile industry during the simulation period rose 50% from the initial assumption,
which is 21%. The results are shown in Table 4. From the simulation results, it seems that
the safety stock coverage is at the same level as the initial assumption. As for the lead time,
the differences range around 0.07 months from initial assumptions, or, if we count it in days
while assuming one month equals 20 working days, the difference is only 1.4 days. From these
differences, the company also may consider other factors that affect lead-time and adjust to the
growing conditions the car industry. Insert Table 4 here.

To conduct the process of minimization, the decision variable will be equal to that shown in
Table 2. From the results, it can be seen that there is a decrement in total holding costs, around
Rp2.910.471.590 (19.41%). The aggregate value of absolute backlog also declined from 584
units to 504 units, or approximately 13.69%. From the results, it appears that the JSP and
MSP safety stock coverage is at the same level as the result of the minimization process in the
upward trend scenario, which is five days. But for lead time, there is a change to 0.82 months
prior to the minimization process, which is one month.

The sensitivity test is then conducted for the same reason. The first is to assume if the downward
percentage in car demand during the simulation period is only half of the first assumption, or
approximately 6.5%, while the second is if the downward percentage in car demand during
the simulation period rose 50% from the initial assumption, namely, to 19.5%. The simulation
results revealed that the safety stock coverage has the same value as the initial assumptions.
As for lead time, there is a low difference compared with the initial assumption, only one day.

With the existence of two plans—planned order and revised order—then most likely the
backlog will always be there. The most ideal way to eliminate backlog is making a more
accurate forecast of production plans. But it is difficult for the demand with a dynamic nature,
and also each forecast method has its own limitations (Sterman, 2000). Then, the company can
create internal policies, which is to change the safety stock coverage and lead time delivery of
goods to reduce the total holding cost and backlog, as shown in the previous section. Because
the behavior from each simulation is largely synonymous, except for the difference in the
amount of each parameter, while the demand with a downward trend is lower than the upward
trend; thus, this section will only analyze the scenario with an upward demand trend. When
comparing the before and after minimization process of MSP and JSP inventory, the difference
will look like the graph in Figure 3.

The most obvious difference is in MSP inventory, which, once the minimization process is
performed, looks lower in the graph. A significant change is caused by changes in MSP safety
stock coverage, from eight to five days, and lead time from one month to 0.84 months. For JSP,
changes only happen to lead time, which also became 0.84 per month, and the chart presents
very little difference; further, the change did not have a significant impact in material supplies.
Fluctuations in the MSP and JSP inventory happen because the companies buy and store
inventory based on the demand in each month. Moreover, there is always a difference between
the delivery rate and usage rate. This is quite reasonable for companies that are utilizing
production with a pull system such as PT XYZ. For companies that are utilizing production with
a push system, the manufacturing companies determine the level of production and delivery it
to the distributor; the distributor then distributes it to the dealer or retailer. Thus, it is easier to
manage inventory levels, and the difference of delivery and usage rate is easier to minimize.

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Table 5. Simulation Result for Downward Trend before and after Minimization Process
Parameter Value Before Minimization Value After Minimization
JSP Safety Stock Coverage 5 day 5 day
MSP Safety Stock Coverage 8 day 5 day
Total Holding Cost Rp14,991,826,535 Rp12,081,354,949
Accumulation Positive Backlog 540.34 Car 435.92 Car
Accumulation Negative Backlog -44.17 Car -68.87 Car
JSP Lead Time 1 month 0.82 month
MSP Lead Time 1 month 0.82 month

With the pull system, production plans begin with the dealers and retailers. Moreover, coupled
with PT XYZ’s unique two plans, the planned order and revised order, the difference between
the delivery rate and usage rate can be even greater.

From this research, it can be concluded that, using the company implemented JIT method, it
is almost impossible to not store inventory. Uncertainties arise from the dynamics of customer
demand and require companies to keep safety stock as a buffer, so the backlog can be low.
The inventory graph also shows that inventory levels are almost never the same level as with
the desired inventory. This is because the adjustment period has reached a one-month lead-
time. When the actual inventory approaches a desired inventory, the desired inventory level
in the next month also has been changed to follow the production plan in that month. Backlog
also affects the production plan in the next month, so it will affect the amount of the actual
inventory; thus, the inventory level can be above or below the desired inventory.

MSP Inventory MSP Inventory

Sebelum 400.000

300.000 300.000
Car Materials

Car Materials

200.000 200.000

100.000 100.000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

MSP Inventory Desired MSP Inventory MSP Inve ntory De sire d MSP Inve ntory
Non-commercial use only! Non-commercial use only!

JSP Inventory JSP Inventory

400.000 400.000

300.000 300.000
Car Materials

Car Materials

200.000 200.000

100.000 100.000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
JSP Inventory Desired JSP Inventory JSP Inve ntory De sire d JSP Inve ntory
Non-commercial use only! Non-commercial use only!

Figure 3. MSP and JSP Inventory in Upward Trend before and after Minimization Process

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5. Conclusions

In this study, an internal policy, which can be taken by PT XYZ, in material inventory
management to reduce holding costs and backlog is to change the safety stock coverage and
lead time of material delivery. The results of the simulation both before and after the process of
minimization and sensitivity test are as follows:
1. When demand growth reaches 14%, then the safety stock coverage of JSP and MSP is five
days, while the lead time is 0.84 months. The results of a sensitivity test in minimization
process when the trend of demand rose 7% and 21% indicate safety stock coverage JSP and
MSP fixed at the rate of five days, with the lead-time at a rate of 0.77 months.
2. When the downward percentage of demand is 13%, then the safety stock coverage of
JSP and MSP is five days, while the lead-time is 0.82 months. The results of a sensitivity
test in minimization processes when the downward percentage of demand is 6.5%
and19.5%indicate the safety stock coverage of JSP and MSP fixed at the rate of five days,
while the lead time, when downward percentage of 6.5% is 0.88 months and when the
downward percentage is 19.5% at the level of 0.84 months.

All results indicate a reduction in the holding costs and also the value of the backlog, with an
average reduction of holding costs at 19%, and the decrement in the backlog value is between
11% and 13.7%. Even though the fraction of holding cost changed from 27%, the results of
minimization would be the same. The difference is only in the value of total holding cost. But
safety stock coverage, lead time, the percentage of decrement in the total holding cost, and the
backlog still hold the same value.

As the recommendation from the results of the minimization process, alternatives policies
that can be taken by PT XYZ when facing the upward or downward trends in demand are:
(1) Change the safety stock coverage to be as low as possible to an applicable level for the
company, (2) Change the lead time delivery of material of both MSP and JSP by adjusting via
the forecast of demand trend. When we calculate the average lead time for each scenario with
the results of minimization process and sensitivity test, the policy alternatives we obtained are:
(a) Upward trend scenario: JSP and MSP lead time is 0.793 each month, equivalent to 15.87
weekdays or rounded to 16 working days, and (b) Downward trend scenario: JSP and MSP lead
time is 0.846 each month, equivalent to 16.93 weekdays or rounded to 17 working days.

Further research can begin with developing the model by considering the various existing
constraints and assumptions. The limitation of this study is that we only analyzed the materials
inventory management to produce one type of car. The model can be developed to analyze the
company’s products as a whole, so it will offer a more comprehensive picture. Other factors
such as ordering cost, storage capacity, allocation on each production line, and other matters
also can be considered.


This research was supported by faculty of economics and business, University of Indonesia.
This is also part of thesis research. We are thankful to PT. XYZ and our colleagueswho provided
data and expertise that greatly assisted the research, although they may not agree with all of
the interpretations provided in this paper. We are also immensely grateful to reviewers for their

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36

valuable comments on an earlier version of the manuscript, although any errors are our own
and should not tarnish the reputations of these esteemed professionals. And finally, special
thanks for the love and support of our family that have been constant and essential. Thank


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