Flight Training Instruction: Naval Air Training Command
Flight Training Instruction: Naval Air Training Command
Flight Training Instruction: Naval Air Training Command
2. Action
a. Remove pages iv, v, 1-6, 1-8 and 2-7 and replace with pages in enclosure (1).
3. Future printing of this Flight Training Instruction will incorporate the change. CNATRA
POC is LCDR Adam J. Hutchinson, N716A. He can be reached via phone or email at,
DSN 861-3903 or adam.j.hutchinson2.mil@us.navy.mil.
By direction
Encl: (1) Change 2 Pages iv, v, vii, viii, and 1-1 through 1-5, and 2-2 through 2-28.
2. Action.
a. Remove pages iv, v, vii, viii, and 1-1 through 1-5, 2-2 through 2-28 and replace with
pages in enclosure (1).
3. Future printing of this Flight Training Instruction will incorporate the change. CNATRA
POC is LCDR Derek McHaney, N716, DSN 861-3193.
Chief of Staff
By direction
24 Oct 12
4. CNATRA P-763 (New 10-9) PAT and CNATRA P-874 (New 03-08) are
hereby cancelled and superseded.
1 Changes made per transmittal letter (18 Nov 13)
2 Changes made per transmittal letter (18 Oct 21)
3 Changes made per transmittal letter (24 Apr 23)
This course does not require any special safety precautions other than those normally
found on the flightline.
Terminal Objective:
Upon completion of this course of instruction, the Instructor Under Training (IUT) will be able
to perform the Out-of-Control Recoveries and Spins described in this Flight Training Instruction.
Conditions and standards are defined in CNATRAINST 1542.154 (series) and CNATRAINST
1542.165 (series).
Instructional Procedures:
2. The IUT will demonstrate knowledge of the material presented through successful
completion of the flight maneuvers.
Instructional References:
This Flight Training Instruction (FTI) has been written to provide aerodynamic background
information, to amplify procedures for recovery from inadvertent Out-of-Control Flight (OCF)
encountered in the T-6A/B TEXAN II, and to establish procedures for intentional OCF training.
It is designed to provide the IUT with the fundamental knowledge needed to recognize, prevent,
and recover from aerodynamic loss of control of the aircraft.
Departure from controlled flight is practiced to familiarize the IUT with those realms of flight,
which may be encountered as a result of control misapplication by an inexperienced Student
Naval Aviator (SNA), Student Naval Flight Officer (NFO), or IUT. The intent is to expose the
IUT to disorienting flight regimes and reinforce the essential need for prompt and correct flight
conditions analysis. For example, am I spinning? Have I already departed controlled flight or
am I just in an unusual attitude? Once you have analyzed the flight condition, you must be
prepared to affect the proper recovery procedures.
The objective of IUT OCF/Stall/Unusual Attitude training is to teach three basic principles in
order of priority:
2. Analyze the situation (OCF/Stall/Unusual Attitude) and take proper action if prevention
3. T-6 handling and aerodynamic characteristics both positive and negative to form an
appropriately confident IP.
A confident IP is one who practices Threat and Error Management (TEM) in that they consider
the SNA’s potential errors, traps and repairs the error, and if necessary can recover correctly
from the undesired aircraft state (OCF/Stall/Unusual Attitude). OCF IP’s should depart the
aircraft from controlled flight using the multiple control error scenarios in this FTI and teach the
IUT to recover swiftly and preserve altitude. Next, the OCF IP should set up the same error and
have the IUT block/prevent the departure with physical control inputs and/or taking the controls
from the simulated SNA. It is critical the IUT understands what to guard against via
well-presented scenario based training, not to make them airsick or show off. The OCF IP’s
aerodynamic knowledge must be strong and a thorough preflight discussion on AOA/airspeed
awareness and defensive techniques is essential. Lastly, the OCF IP should discuss with the IUT
ejection required scenarios, such as the approach turn stall with rudder in the pattern by noting
the entry and recovery altitudes. Ejection is the final means of recovery from a life threatening
undesired aircraft state. Although, mission completion cannot be achieved, life is preserved.
Flight at high Angle of Attack (AOA) is an inherent part of stall, spin, and aerobatic training.
The pilot’s confidence necessary to operate in these regimes effectively is key to his/her ability
to analyze and recover easily from the possible out-of-control condition associated with high-
AOA maneuvering.
It is important to realize the AOA the pilot sees just prior to departure will vary significantly
depending upon what kind of maneuver he/she is performing (i.e., the amount of yaw rate the
pilot is experiencing). The higher the yaw rate or sideslip, the lower the indicated AOA at
departure. The T-6A/B has proven its capability to enter and recover very easily from both Post-
Stall Gyrations (PSGs) and spins. The T-6A/B NATOPS Flight Manual is the only source of
officially recognized OCF and spin recovery procedures; therefore, this FTI is designed to
amplify and supplement the NATOPS Flight Manual.
The motion of an airplane in a spin can involve many complex aerodynamic and inertial forces
and moments; however, there are certain fundamental relationships regarding spins with which
all aviators should be familiar. Two primary factors must be present for an airplane to spin:
1. Stalled AOA.
In the case of spins, we are concerned with the aerodynamic characteristics which take place at
an AOA above stall.
This discussion concerns the spin characteristics of aircraft with moderate to high aspect ratio
wings, moderate wing loading, and with little or no sweepback (T-6A/B).
In most airplanes, particularly light trainers, the rudder is the principal control for recovery from
a spin; therefore, the configuration of the vertical stabilizer and rudder, as well as the placement
of the horizontal control surfaces, has a very important effect on spin recovery. Figure 1-2
illustrates the T-6A/B rudder and horizontal stabilizer in various airflow conditions.
You can see in Figure 1-2, the swept vertical fin is very nearly blanked out by the horizontal
stabilizer and there is little, if any, effective rudder to stop rotation. For this reason, if you
should enter an inverted spin in an aircraft with a conventional cruciform tail shown in
Figure 1-3, you will probably recover quicker than from an erect spin because of greater rudder
effectiveness and undisturbed airflow over the vertical fin and rudder. Conversely, in a T-tail
design (Figure 1-3), the vertical stabilizer and rudder are more effective in an erect spin.
On the T-6A/B, a dorsal fin is designed to provide more vertical tail area for directional stability
during large sideslip angles. Ventral fins and strakes are also on the tail to improve directional
stability and enhance spin characteristics and recovery. They aid in damping oscillations in
pitch, surges in rotation, and help to prevent the tail from going to excessively high vertical
angles. All these devices are depicted in Figure 1-4.
A number of other factors also influence the spin. Forward center of gravity (CG) aids in spin
recovery, while aft CG tends to flatten the spin, resulting in less control effectiveness for
recovery. In other words, the further aft the CG, the flatter (less nose-down) the spin.
Figures 1-5 and 1-6 show airflow over the fin and rudder in the two CG locations.
Mass distribution is a term which describes the construction technique in which the mass of an
airplane is distributed between the fuselage and wings. Assuming aircraft are “flattened” into the
xy plane, the maximum moment of inertia invariably occurs around the yaw, or the z-axis.
Depending on the aircraft’s mass distribution, 1x is either greater or less than 1y as shown in
Figure 1-7. Wing-loaded aircraft tend to spin more nose-down (T-6A/B), while fuselage-loaded
aircraft tend to spin flatter (F-14).
A stall departure usually begins with a yaw, then can involve a pitch up, nose slice, pitch-roll
coupling, or some other type of Post-Stall Gyration (PSG), which results in an out-of-control
situation. To recover successfully, the pilot must assess the disorienting situation immediately
and apply NATOPS Flight Manual Inadvertent Departure from Controlled Flight Recovery
Procedures (also referred to as “OCF Recovery Procedures” in this FTI).
In a flat spin, the horizontal tail may be stalled and ineffective because of the high AOA on the
horizontal stabilizer and elevators. The vertical fin and rudder may also be blanked out with the
rudder ineffective because of a lack of airflow (Figure 1-8). Since a flat spin is primarily a
yawing motion, there will be a high sideslip angle with the possibility of a stalled vertical tail as
well, and conversely, an ineffective rudder. If the wing, horizontal stabilizer and vertical tail are
all stalled in a flat spin, there is very little you can do with the flight controls to recover because
they are all ineffective. Fortunately, there is no tendency for the T-6A/B to spin flat, so you
should never encounter this problem.
Outside visual references cannot be relied upon to determine whether or not you are in a spin!
You must interpret the message the cockpit instruments are sending. In a steady-state erect spin,
airspeed will stabilize at 120-135 KIAS, AOA will be at 18+ units, and the turn needle will be
fully deflected in the direction of spin. The altimeter and VSI will show a rapid rate of descent,
with the altimeter possibly lagging behind the actual altitude. The balance ball gives no useful
indication of spin direction.
Figures 1-9a/b shows the needle pegged in the direction of rotation for the T-6A/B in an erect
Figure 1-9a T-6A Turn Needle Figure 1-9b T-6B Turn Needle
Generally speaking, ailerons are not very effective in light aircraft at stalled AOA and should not
be used for entry or recovery. In fact, application of ailerons creates a yawing motion in the
opposite direction, known as adverse yaw. At spin initiation, a cross-control situation enhances
spin entry. Conversely, deflection of ailerons into the spin reduces the autorotation rolling
moment by reducing the AOA on the “inside” wing and can produce the adverse yaw necessary
to aid rudder yawing moments to affect recovery.
Figure 1-10 diagrams the forces which occur during the spin that cause the aircraft to autorotate.
As the AOA increases in normal flight, both lift and drag increase; but as the aircraft stalls, lift
drops sharply while drag continues to rise. During the initiation of the spin, as rudder is applied
at the stall in the direction of desired spin, the yawing motion increases the speed of the outside
wing. The increase in local airflow shallows the relative airflow vector, which in turn creates a
reduction of AOA, an increase in lift and reduction of drag. These forces result in a rolling
motion in the direction of initial yaw input. The inside wing experiences a corresponding
reduction in airspeed and lift, an increase in AOA and drag, which adds to the rolling motion.
Although the outside wing is still in a stalled condition, it is less stalled than the inside wing
(Figure 1-10). Because of the greater lift on the outside wing, the aircraft will roll in the
direction of rudder deflection and will generally go slightly inverted or make a barrel roll type
maneuver during the spin entry. As you can see in Figure 1-10, the inside or down-going wing
has a greater AOA, less lift, and more drag than the outside wing. Figure 1-11 shows how the
slightly greater and more forward tilt of the resultant lift-drag vector of the outside wing drives
that wing forward and up in a self-sustaining rolling and yawing motion known as autorotation.
Therefore, the T-6A/B spin is described as a nose-low autorotation.
After about three turns, the rate of rotation stabilizes, and because of high drag at the higher
AOA, the rate of descent stabilizes to about 400-500 feet per turn. The aircraft is now in a
steady-state spin. The primary method for recovery from any OCF condition is to perform the
critical action steps of NATOPS Flight Manual Inadvertent Departure from Controlled Flight. If
however, it is determined that the aircraft is in a steady-state spin, the pilot should execute anti-
spin recovery procedures as follows:
2. PCL - Idle.
5. Smoothly recover to level flight after spin rotation stops using unusual attitude recovery.
If recovery from an erect spin does not occur within one and one-half turns after applying anti-
spin recovery inputs, verify cockpit indications of AOA, airspeed, and turn needle for a steady-
state spin and visually confirm proper spin recovery controls are applied.
Inverted spins are an interesting and spectacular realm of flight; a realm with which most pilots
are unfamiliar. Aerodynamically, the inverted spin is quite similar to the erect spin, since the
conditions that are required to enter an inverted spin are:
2. Yaw.
An inverted stall is more difficult to enter than an erect stall, although it can be done either
deliberately or inadvertently. In some aircraft, elevator authority is insufficient to induce the
negative load factor required to stall in level, inverted flight; however, inverted stalls can be
achieved in nose-high, slow airspeed, inverted flight. For example, the T-6A/B can enter an
inverted stall from entering a loop at slow airspeed.
Naval Air Test Center (NATC) evaluations of the T-6A/B spin characteristics revealed that while
recovery from an inverted spin was easily accomplished, the spin itself proved to be very
disorienting to the pilot. For this reason, intentional inverted spins in the T-6A/B are prohibited.
Disorientation experienced by the pilot during an inverted spin is primarily because the yaw and
roll occur in opposite directions. Pilots are more sensitive to motion about the longitudinal axis
than the vertical axis, and are consequently more likely to interpret an inverted spin in the
direction of roll rather than the direction of yaw. Regardless of whether the aircraft is spinning
erect or inverted, the turn needle will always deflect fully in the direction of spin and is the only
reliable indication of spin direction.
In the T-6B, steady-state inverted spins are characteristically flatter than erect spins with the
nose of the aircraft approximately 30° below the horizon.
2. AOA pegged at zero (the AOA indicator does not display negative values).
The pilot will experience a load factor of -1.5 Gs. In a standard inverted spin, the average spin
rate is approximately 120° per second and the aircraft will lose roughly 450 feet per turn,
descending at approximately 9,000 feet per minute.
Perform the first four steps of NATOPS Flight Manual Inadvertent Departure from Controlled
Flight Procedures to verify aircraft is truly in an inverted spin. If so, the quickest recovery is
accomplished in the following manner:
2. PCL - Idle.
4. Control stick - Aft of neutral with aileron neutral (up to full aft stick may be used).
5. Smoothly recover to level flight after spin rotation stops using unusual attitude recovery.
The stick will “float” near the full forward position, so you will have to apply a pull force of
about 30 lbs. to place the stick in the neutral position. The aircraft will recover to a steep,
inverted, nose-down unusual attitude. As stated earlier, although they are not encountered
frequently, inverted spins can be extremely disorienting!
Loss of control of an aircraft can be a confusing and disorienting experience. Sound familiar? A
rapid analysis of the specific phase of OCF is essential for executing a prompt recovery. Visual
and “seat of the pants” cues are not sufficient to differentiate among the departure, Post-Stall
Gyrations (PSGs), incipient spin, or steady-state spin phases.
Even the seemingly obvious determination of whether or not the aircraft is in an erect or inverted
attitude may not always be possible through sensory cues. In an erect spin, the airplane may spin
in a relatively nose-low attitude with a high rate of roll, or it may spin in a flat attitude with a
high yaw, but very little roll rate. In a steady-state spin, the flight path is vertical (i.e., straight
down). The axis of the spin or the center of the spin rotation is also straight down.
In a steep, nose-down attitude, the axis of rotation lies forward; in extreme cases, the axis may be
forward of the entire aircraft. As the nose rises to a flatter attitude, the axis of rotation moves aft.
If it moves behind the cockpit, and if at the same time a high yaw rate is present, the pilot will
experience high transverse (eyeballs-out) G forces. The pilot may interpret these transverse G
forces as negative Gs. This phenomenon is illustrated in Figure 1-12.
The problem is further compounded when roll, pitch, and yaw oscillations cause variations in the
direction and magnitude of G forces and literally tumble the pilot about the cockpit.
Since outside visual and sensory cues cannot be relied upon to determine the mode of flight,
intuitive responses must be ignored. The only satisfactory means to analyze the situation and
thereby recover from OCF properly is by referencing your flight instruments. While it is true the
AOA, airspeed indicator, and turn needle are sufficient to provide all the information necessary
for recognition and recovery, the altimeter can never be ignored because of the obvious safety
factor. In fact, in accordance with the NATOPS Flight Manual, you should consider altitude
The AOA indicator primarily enables you to determine whether the flight mode is upright or
inverted. The instrument will be pegged at 18+ units if upright, and 0 units if inverted. If the
AOA indicator displays neither of the above indications, the aircraft is not in a steady-state spin.
Airspeed in a steady-state spin will either be stable or it will oscillate above and below a constant
airspeed. Airspeed above or below the characteristic range (120-135 KIAS) indicates the aircraft
is in some other flight mode. Steadily increasing airspeed above 135 KIAS indicates the aircraft
will not reach a steady-state spin and could develop into a high-speed spiral.
The turn needle will be fully pegged in the direction of the spin, but it does not provide other
information about the phase of flight. For example, the needle may also be fully pegged during
PSGs or a high-speed spiral! The turn needle, therefore, can only be relied on to indicate the
direction of rotation since the pilot may misinterpret visual cues during the extreme
disorientation that often accompanies OCF.
You must reference the altimeter to determine how much "time" is available for recovery.
Remember, 6,000’ AGL is the NATOPS recommended minimum altitude for uncontrolled
ejection in the T-6A/B.
The proper recovery procedure from a loss-of-control situation depends upon an accurate
analysis of the condition. Erroneous analysis and subsequent improper control inputs have often
resulted in the pilot worsening the situation and losing the aircraft. Figure 1-13 presents an
overview of the typical OCF sequence.
Pro-Spin Controls
The recovery procedure from the Stall, Departure, PSG, or Incipient Spin phase is to FIRST,
PCL - idle and SECOND, Controls – neutralize. Any other control input will only aggravate
the situation. Even slight deviations from neutral may prevent recovery.
Since you may be thrown about the cockpit under varying positive and negative Gs and since
control forces will probably differ from those you normally experience, neutralizing the controls
may not be a simple matter. In addition, your natural instinct upon losing control may be an
attempt to counter a roll with aileron, which will only make matters worse.
Now that OCF aerodynamics and some design problems have been discussed, there are several
factors that affect a pilot’s performance when the aircraft departs controlled flight that should be
Time Distortion. Studies show the average pilot, under the stress of OCF, perceives time to be
passing about five times faster than it really is. This misconception leads to reluctance on the
pilot’s part to maintain proper recovery control inputs long enough to be effective. Instead, the
pilot feels the control inputs have been held long enough and recovery should have taken place;
therefore, it must be necessary to "try something else," thereby delaying or even preventing
recovery. The only sure way to avoid problems brought about by time distortion is to analyze
the problem accurately, know the aircraft’s recovery procedures, maintain recovery inputs, and
be patient. The altimeter will indicate when it is time to stop attempting recovery and eject from
the aircraft.
G-Force Distortion. G-force distortion, or perceived "seat of the pants" cues can cause you to
analyze a situation incorrectly and apply improper recovery inputs. Disregard perceived G
forces! Look at the instruments! Believe them!
Control Inputs. The pilot’s natural tendency usually will be contrary to necessary and proper
control application, primarily in the use of ailerons. For example, upon experiencing a wing
drop or roll during departure, the pilot’s instinct is to counter with ailerons, which induces
adverse yaw, aggravates the departure, and can lead to a spin. The pilot should visually check
the controls to ensure they are in the correct position for recovery.
Seat Restraint. OCF flight may cause the pilot to be thrown out of reach of the controls.
Keeping lap belts as tight as possible will help prevent this problem; however, under heavy G
loads, reaching the controls will take a definite effort, even if the pilot is strapped in tight.
Know the procedures. Inadvertent Departure from Controlled Flight Recovery Procedures
must become second nature.
Neutralize the controls. Upon losing control, simultaneously position controls to neutral until
recovery or a steady-state spin has been positively confirmed.
Be patient. Hasty control applications can lead to trouble. Also, be patient with the control
inputs you have applied (i.e., neutral) when an aircraft experiences OCF.
Check the altimeter. If sufficient altitude is not available, EJECT. There is no reason to spend
the rest of your life trying to recover the aircraft. Do not waste time when you have made your
decision. If you have not recovered by 6,000’ AGL and you have not ejected, you are extremely
time-limited, since the aircraft will impact the ground in less than 45 seconds.
Intentional OCF maneuvers are conducted to enhance pilot proficiency in OCF recovery. OCF
training shall only be conducted on NATOPS training flights, NATOPS check flights, or as part
of approved curriculum training flights authorized by unit Commanding Officers or higher
authority. All intentional OCF maneuvers shall be done with a clearly defined horizon, clear of
clouds. OCF maneuvers may be performed over an undercast cloud layer that does not exceed
4,500 ft AGL. Clearing turns and the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checklists shall be
accomplished prior to initiating any practice OCF maneuver. All maneuvers shall be recovered
above 6,000’ AGL.
OCF is the seemingly random motion of the airplane about one or more axes and originates from
a stalled condition when the inertial forces on the airplane exceed the aerodynamic control
authority. OCF usually results from stalls in accelerated or out-of-balanced flight or from stalls
where improper recovery control inputs are applied. OCF can be divided into three categories:
1. Post-Stall Gyrations (PSGs) are the random motions of the airplane about one or more
axes immediately following a stall. A PSG can occur at normal flying speed (from an
accelerated stall) or at slow speed following a normal stall. The PSG can be extended through
continued application of post-stall controls or misapplication of stall recovery controls. At
normal flying speeds, a PSG will dissipate kinetic energy so that the aircraft tends to slow to a
potential incipient spin condition. At slow airspeeds, the post-stall condition is accompanied by
flight controls that are ineffective compared to the inertial forces present. PSGs may be
extremely violent and disorienting. The intuitive response of rapidly applying controls in all
axes in an attempt to stop the PSG is generally ineffective or exacerbates the random motions.
PSGs are aggravated by holding aft stick and rapid cycling of the rudder pedals. A pilot can
usually identify a PSG by noting an uncommanded (and often rapid) aircraft motion about any
axis, an immediate feeling of lost control authority, stalled or near-stalled AOA, random (usually
transient) airspeed and random turn needle deflection.
2. Incipient Spin is the motion occurring between a PSG and a fully developed spin.
Additionally, the reversal phase of a progressive spin is also an incipient spin. Any stall can
progress to an incipient spin if steps are not taken to recover the aircraft at either the stall or PSG.
An incipient spin is a spin-like motion in which the aerodynamic and inertial forces are not yet in
balance, but where there is sustained, unsteady yaw rotation. As a result, an incipient spin is
characterized by oscillations in pitch, roll, and yaw attitudes and rates. In an incipient spin, the
nose attitude will likely fluctuate from the horizon to the vertical (nose down), the yaw rate will
increase toward the Steady-State value, and the wings will rock about a nearly level attitude.
The incipient phase lasts approximately two turns. A pilot can usually identify an incipient spin
by noting stalled AOA, airspeed accelerating or decelerating towards a Steady-State Spin value,
and fully deflected turn needle. Visual indications are misleading and may lead to the false
impression of a Steady-State Spin.
3. Steady-State Spin motion is considered to be OCF because control input in any one of the
three axes does not affect an immediate response about that axis. To develop a Steady-State
Spin in the T-6A/B requires maintaining pro-spin control inputs during the incipient spin phase.
With such a dedicated effort required to develop a Steady-State Spin, one might conclude there is
no danger of entering one inadvertently. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There are several
documented instances (some resulting in mishaps) in which pilots have attempted to recover
from OCF in its earliest stages and because they used improper procedure(s), forced the aircraft
into a spin. To identify a Steady-State Spin properly, the pilot must depend on certain cockpit
indications and avoid the natural instinct to rely on visual cues. For instance, hanging in the
straps while the aircraft is upside down and spinning around does not equate to an inverted spin.
Understanding of this extremely important point is somewhat obscured by the out-of-date notion
that a "good" pilot can always depend on visual cues to determine what is happening to his
aircraft. To identify a Steady-State Erect Spin, one must note 18+ units (pegged) AOA, a
steadied airspeed of 120-135 KIAS, and a fully deflected turn needle. Indications of an inverted
spin are 0 units AOA, airspeed 40 KIAS, and a fully deflected turn needle. Any indications other
than these signify something other than a Steady-State Spin.
In the event of inadvertent progressive spin entry, execute NATOPS Inadvertent Departure from
Controlled Flight procedures while analyzing the aircraft’s flight condition. Minimum entry
altitude for a Progressive Spin Tendency maneuver is 19,000 feet AGL.
2. Procedures:
a. Perform the procedures for a normal erect spin entry in either direction.
b. After stabilized steady-state erect spin indications are achieved, smoothly apply full
rudder opposite the direction of turn needle while continuing to hold full aft stick.
c. Hold control inputs until spin direction reverses and airspeed remains below 140 KIAS.
Do not allow airspeed to build past 150 KIAS with full rudder
pedal deflection.
In the event recovery has not occurred within two turns, re-verify
IDLE/NEUTRAL as the stick may be slightly aft of the true
neutral stick position. Controls neutral is a physical stick and
rudder position causing the ailerons, elevator, and rudder to be
perfectly aligned with their respective wing, horizontal, and
vertical stab surfaces. Neutral cannot be determined by feel as
this will most likely cause the pilot to place the stick in the
position where control forces are light based on current trim
settings. The controls neutral position and the trimmed position
may be very different causing a delay in aircraft recovery.
1. Discussion. Intended as a one-time IUT SSR, the fully developed erect spin control release
recovery as found in NATOPS chapter six, is meant as a T-6 empennage design confidence
booster, vice a recovery technique. This SSR is also conducted to help new IPs overcome the
OCF time distortion illusion causing an un-trained pilot to not trust recovery procedures and
begin cycling the controls in an unsuccessful attempt to recover.
2. Procedures:
a. Enter a left or right spin using normal procedures at a minimum of 18,000 feet AGL.
c. Release all controls and observe the control stick and rudder pedals seek neutral.
d. Once aircraft has regained controlled flight take the controls and recover.
Spin entry to recovery may require 5000 feet or more of altitude.
During the time distortion, do not forget who has the controls to
execute swift recovery once the aircraft regains controlled flight.
Recovery from PSGs and incipient spins (including the reversal phase of the progressive spin) is
accomplished through prompt, positive neutralization of flight controls in all axes. Patience and
the maintenance of neutral controls are vital, since an immediate aircraft response to neutralizing
may not be apparent to the pilot. In addition, cycling the controls or applying anti-spin controls
prematurely can aggravate aircraft motions and prevent recovery. Wrestling with the aircraft in a
PSG or incipient spin may delay or prevent recovery and increase altitude loss.
An important distinction must be made between stalls and OCF. OCF is preceded by a stall, but
a stall is not necessarily OCF. A stall by itself is mild and is associated with the partial or
apparent complete loss of control authority in one axis (almost exclusively the lateral axis as the
nose drops). OCF includes a rapid uncommanded motion that accompanies or follows a stall as
well as a more complete loss of control effectiveness. Stall recovery procedures are not
appropriate for OCF and should be abandoned once it has been determined that the aircraft has
departed controlled flight. For example, an Approach Turn Stall (ATS) that exhibits the normal
characteristic of the nose-down pitch should be recovered using the stall recovery procedure. If,
however, during the stall or recovery, the aircraft begins a rapid and uncommanded roll, the stall
recovery should be abandoned and out-of-control recovery should be initiated (PCL - idle,
neutral controls, etc.).
Just as important as the distinction between stalls and OCF is the distinction between steady-state
spins and other categories of OCF. After neutralizing the flight controls, if cockpit instrument
indications show a steady-state spin has developed, the appropriate anti-spin control inputs will
ensure a more rapid recovery from the spin.
1. Recovery from OCF will be accomplished in the following manner:
a. PCL - Idle.
b. Controls - Neutral.
c. Altitude - Check.
b. PCL - Idle.
d. Control stick
ii. Inverted Spin - Aft of neutral with ailerons neutral (up to full aft stick may be
This step will require your right hand and both feet and will, in all probability, require a visual
check to confirm the controls at the neutral position. It is possible that you will have to work
against stick forces to neutralize. Experience has shown that neutralizing controls abruptly, but
smoothly, is more effective than doing so slowly. Visual confirmation of neutral stick is vital,
because the natural position to which your hand will fall is aft of neutral. Neutralizing the rudder
assumes the ability to reach the pedals - not so easy if your harness is loose and you experience
negative G forces.
Scan the altimeter frequently, especially if the recovery is delayed. You should always be aware
of the aircraft’s altitude and know approximately what 6,000’ AGL is on the barometric
The purpose of this step is to ensure that the aircraft is NOT in a steady-state spin. If the aircraft
is in anything other than a steady-state spin, the correct recovery inputs have already been set
(neutral), and all that is required is to wait until the aircraft regains controlled flight to begin the
unusual attitude recovery. Only if all three instruments indicate a steady-state spin should any
form of anti-spin input be applied. A steady-state spin can normally be ruled out after noting
AOA and airspeed. Checking the turn needle is required primarily to determine the correct
rudder to use if AOA and airspeed indicate a steady-state spin. Being upside down and rotating
does not necessarily equate to an inverted spin. For example, the possible AOA values for a
steady-state spin in the T-6A/B are 18+ units (pegged) or 0 units. Noting any other value
immediately indicates the aircraft is not in a steady-state spin and applying anti-spin controls are
inappropriate. The same applies for any airspeed value other than zero (40 KIAS) or stabilized
between 120-135 KIAS. The steps of checking altitude, AOA, airspeed, and turn needle should
take no more than one to two seconds (Figure 2-1).
Assuming a steady-state spin, the controls at this point will be neutral. In order to execute the
appropriate spin recovery, use full rudder opposite the turn needle deflection and move the stick
a bit more forward. Recovery may take up to two more full turns.
After the aircraft regains controlled flight, execute unusual attitude recovery as appropriate.
Barring any complications, the aircraft will return to controlled flight expeditiously. The unusual
attitude that follows will in most cases be nose-low. While maintaining the nose-low attitude,
check the position of the wings. If inverted, roll in the shortest direction to the upright position
and then complete the recovery by leveling the wings and commencing a smooth pullout, not to
exceed the aircraft G limits or 16 units AOA.
Stalls can be categorized as either normal or accelerated. A normal stall will occur when the
aircraft is in an unaccelerated flight condition. The primary warnings of an approaching
unaccelerated stall in the T-6A/B include: the stick shaker, decreasing airspeed, and increasing
AOA. Other indications may include airframe buffet (although somewhat more subtle) and
decreasing control effectiveness. An accelerated stall will occur in an accelerated flight
condition (increased Gs), such as a pull-up or level turn maneuver. Accelerated stalls exhibit
more severe characteristics than normal stalls. A "secondary stall" which may be experienced
while recovering from a normal stall (such as those experienced periodically during the approach
turn stall recovery), is actually an accelerated stall. Such a stall can be caused by the rapid
addition of power, increasing the aircraft AOA, and inducing a stall at a higher than normal
airspeed and G loading.
If it is not the pilot’s intention to stall the aircraft, and stall warning such as stick shaker or
airframe buffet are experienced, then take immediate action to avoid the stall. Actions that
reduce AOA, such as relaxing back stick pressure, smoothly advancing power, leveling the
wings, and centering the ball (RELAX, MAX, LEVEL, BALL) are all appropriate. If such
warnings are ignored, subsequent departure and PSGs are probable. Misapplication of stall
recovery controls may result in a departure from controlled flight. Accomplish T-6A/B
NATOPS Flight Manual stall recovery as follows:
1. Reduce AOA - This may require a reduction in back stick pressure, or moving stick
progressively towards neutral, or moving stick forward of the trim position.
3. Use aileron and rudder, as required, to maintain wings level coordinated flight.
4. As flying speed is regained, smoothly increase back pressure on the control stick to stop
altitude loss.
Stall departure is normally recognized by rapid yawing and a nose-down pitching movement,
usually toward the direction of rudder input. The departure will be followed by PSGs if the
controls are not neutralized promptly. Positively neutralizing the controls will cause the airplane
to recover from the stall departure, but may result in an ensuing unusual attitude from which the
pilot must ultimately recover.
If control inputs are held after the aircraft departs controlled flight, the aircraft will continue to
oscillate randomly about any or all axes in increasingly nose-low attitudes, which may or may
not develop into a spin. From a 1 G departure, these oscillations are comparatively mild with a
roll in the direction of applied rudder. With ailerons applied opposite to rudder deflection, nose-
low attitudes and faster roll rates will result.
PSGs resulting from accelerated departures are similar, except initial roll rates will be higher
(assuming the same amount of rudder deflection). In either case, neutralizing the controls will
affect rapid recovery, normally in a nose-low attitude. AOA and airspeed should be checked
prior to starting pullout.
If pro-spin controls are maintained through the PSGs and incipient phase, a spin will develop. A
spin is characterized by stable pitch attitudes, AOA, vertical velocity, airspeed, and yaw rates.
Cockpit indications of an erect spin are: airspeed - stabilized between 120-135 KIAS, AOA -
18+ units, and turn needle - fully deflected in direction of spin. Other characteristics include
approximately 60 degrees nose-down attitude and 400-500 feet per turn rate of descent.
It is essential that new Primary Flight Instructors are introduced and become comfortable with
OCF so they are able to recover the aircraft if/when a student puts them in that situation. Equally
important is to teach instructors the preventative measures concept of “defensive positioning.”
The following is a discussion of maneuvers that students commonly perform and sometimes
perform incorrectly. This section is an amplification of common student errors found in the
Contact FTI and is intended to provide the new instructor with additional knowledge on the
The spin is a terrific confidence builder for a young aviator and is a relatively simple maneuver
to perform, but if not entered correctly or if the student is slow to put in the proper inputs, you as
the instructor may end up in a flight regime you did not intend to enter.
2. As the student rolls out after completing the clearing turn, look at his head to see if he is
looking out the opposite direction of the last 90º of the clearing turn. This may be an early
indication they are going to spin the wrong way. You can either confirm the direction verbally
or wait to see if they are leading rudder in the correct direction. If they are leading with the
wrong rudder, confirm verbally. Look for the early signs.
3. As the instructor, you must constantly be vigilant for other traffic. Try to look around and
clear your aircraft in both directions. At the stall, if the student puts in the wrong rudder, either
let him continue if you have cleared the area and debrief it after you have recovered or recover
immediately by taking the controls and performing OCF Procedures. What you do not want is
confusion in the cockpit at the stall and subsequent cycling of the rudder pedals.
4. As the nose of the aircraft comes up, you as the instructor should now focus inside the
cockpit. You should be shadowing the controls and begin scanning your instruments, looking
for stalled AOA (altitude, AOA, airspeed, and turn needle). If you do not see the correct control
inputs going in, go ahead and put them in, then debrief it later. Silence the horn.
5. The spin entry should be very methodical and deliberate; it should not be a slow "milked"
entry with insufficient back stick to stall the AOA. If you see the proper control inputs are not
put in, apply them in a timely manner to avoid a spiral or unusual attitude.
6. After you are in the spin (executing a fully developed steady-state spin), confirmed by
stalled AOA and stable airspeed (120-135 KIAS), shadow the controls by blocking the aileron
and rudder. Now we are looking for a correct recovery. Make sure as you are shadowing the
controls, you do not block the rudder as the student is trying to put in the correct inputs.
7. Upon spin recovery, the student may leave the recovery rudder in too long; emphasize the
controls go to neutral once rotation stops.
The ATS is a relatively benign maneuver and as an instructor, you will do many of them;
however, due to this maneuver’s normally benign nature, it can catch you by surprise. You may
end up in an OCF scenario you did not intend to be in if the student does something unexpected.
The purpose of this instruction is not to reiterate what is already covered in the Contact FTI, but
to prepare the instructor for the unexpected. With that said, this excerpt from the Contact FTI
bears reiteration with regard to the ATS.
As an instructor, you will have the opportunity to recover from the "botched" ATS under an
approved OCF syllabus; however, the student is being taught the procedure to recover from an
ATS that may save their life should this occur in the landing pattern. We are not teaching them
to recover this maneuver from OCF.
1. During the descent after the clearing turn, check the student’s trim. This can be done by
either having the student show their hands or by scanning the trim indicators. This helps the
student learn the correct trim inputs for the pattern. It will affect your departure from controlled
flight if they are incorrectly trimmed and enter a secondary stall.
2. As the student enters the stall, you should shadow them on the controls. It is not
uncommon for the student to raise the nose after beginning the recovery and enter a secondary
stall. If this occurs at the point when the power is spooling up, you could depart to the left due to
torque effect. You can solve this early by verbally telling them to relax some back stick.
3. It is also not uncommon for the student to use the left rudder when recovering from an
approach turn stall to the left. Point out that the student may enter left rudder incorrectly on
recovery from an approach turn stall to the right. Additionally, in either case, left rudder is
always incorrect to counter the torque. You can prevent this by shadowing the controls with
your right foot over, not on, the right rudder pedal; you can prevent the student’s inadvertent left
rudder input with an artificial stop. Lastly, note that it does not require full rudder to abruptly
depart the aircraft when the engine spools up. With full rudder input at a stalled or near-stalled
condition, you need to be concerned about an approach turn spin, with the gear and flaps down.
The slip is a terrific way to lose excessive altitude while maintaining airspeed and ground track;
however, with a misapplied rudder or inattention to airspeed, the student could depart or stall the
1. Pre-brief the student to say “Wing down, top rudder” as they are lowering the wing to
enter the slip. You should shadow them on the controls as they enter.
2. Ensure the rudder (slip) is taken out before the student tries to change directions and lower
the other wing and swap rudders. The rudder should be taken out smoothly and entered
smoothly. If the student is not taking out the rudder before making turns, they may inadvertently
enter a skid. Again, shadow the controls.
3. If a student is changing rudders and changing the wing in a rapid or rough manner, they
could depart the aircraft due to a rapid increase in yaw rate. Due to the out-of-balanced flight
condition, the stall speed will be higher. In either case, shadow the controls.
With regard to the ELP, the previous slip defensive positioning applies. In addition, here are
other ELP considerations.
When simulating a power loss emergency, once you say, “Simulated” and pull the power
towards Idle, the student still has the controls (stick and PCL), but you are the only one who will
move the PCL to a SIMULATED feather condition (4-6% torque). Leave your hand near the
Landing Pattern errors are contained in the Contact FTI. As an instructor it is important to
maintain a vigilant scan and Situational Awareness (SA) while in high-traffic environments,
where your attention will be divided between trying to teach a young aviator how to land, and at
the same time, keeping an eye on interval. Do not trust the student in the front to do this. It is
important to note that students will have bad landings. Your task as an instructor is to know the
difference between a bad landing and an unsafe landing; the first is part of the learning curve, the
latter should be waved off.
2. Ballooning.
3. Porpoise landing.
5. Overshoot/Undershoot final.
6. Low/High.
7. Slow/Fast.
1. Shadow the student on the controls. Do not ride the controls; they need an opportunity to
make mistakes and learn to correct them on their own.
2. Do not overload the student to the point where they are task saturated on every pass and
lose SA; this may help keep them from doing something unexpected.
By teaching defensive positioning methods, we can expect our instructors to be able to prevent
situations from developing beyond their capability. Defensive positioning training will improve
our reaction time by allowing us to “feel” an improper input and act correctly or not allow the
improper input to be accomplished at all if that is the suitable thing to do. It is just as important
to recognize an unsafe situation developing and prevent it from happening, as it is to properly
assess an OCF regime and recover from it correctly. A good example of defensive positioning
occurs during an ATS (especially to the left) when the student’s tendency is to apply left rudder
vice the correct input of right rudder. By placing your right foot over, not specifically on, the
right rudder pedal, you can prevent the Student’s inadvertent input with an artificial stop,
preventing the dreaded approach turn spin. Other examples include “guarding” the rudder pedals
during forced landings, working to prevent a slip from becoming a skid, or keeping your hand
behind the stick during takeoffs and landings to prevent over-rotation, over-flare, or push-over
after ballooning.
Defensive positioning must be an integral part of the Instructor Training Syllabus to be instilled
effectively in all of our flight instructors prior to “hitting the pits.”
1. Spiral
a. Discussion. The spiral is a nose low, increasing roll rate, and increasing airspeed
maneuver that can easily be confused with a spin. Incomplete pro-spin inputs or
improperly rigged flight controls have been known to cause the T-6 aircraft to enter a
spiral when attempting to enter a spin. The intensity of spirals encountered in the T-6
vary widely and are extremely sensitive to flight control position. Roll rates as high
as 270° /sec and descent rates up to 27,000 fpm have been encountered during spirals
in the T-6 emphasizing the importance of IP vigilance monitoring control inputs and
aircraft response.
Recovery from a spiral is achieved by neutralizing the flight controls and correcting
for any ensuing unusual attitude.
A consistent spiral entry in the T-6 aircraft can be achieved to the right at flight idle
power by applying full aft / neutral stick while holding neutral pedals. It may be
possible to conduct the spiral to the left using the “J-hook” method; however, results
may be inconsistent. The IUT will scan and call out altitude, AOA, airspeed, and turn
needle to differentiate between a spin and a spiral. Airspeed will continue to build
unless NATOPS Inadvertent Departure from Controlled Flight procedures are
executed. The OCF IP should maintain pro-spiral control inputs until the airspeed
approaches 150 KIAS to allow the IUT ample opportunity to recognize the aircraft is
not in a steady-state spin. Minimum entry altitude for the spiral demo is 19,000 feet
AGL. NATOPS Inadvertent Departure from Controlled Flight procedures shall be
initiated no later than 12,500 feet AGL or airspeed approaches 150 KIAS, whichever
occurs first.
b. Procedures:
(a). Establish the aircraft at or above 19,000 feet AGL in straight and level
flight at 120 KIAS.
(b). Retard the PCL to flight idle while smoothly selecting and holding full
aft/neutral stick and rudder pedals.
(c). IUT shall report altitude, AOA, airspeed, and turn needle following spiral
(d). The OCF IP will maintain pro-spiral control inputs until airspeed
approaches 150 KIAS.
(b). As the nose of the aircraft begins to roll off in the direction of the spin,
follow the nose of the aircraft with the stick, first to the left until the stick
reaches full aileron input, and then to a position forward of neutral. At
the same time, the rudder may be moved off the stop to a position slightly
less than full deflection or maintained at the stop.
(c). IUT shall report altitude, AOA, airspeed, and turn needle following spiral
(d). OCF IP will maintain pro-spiral control inputs until airspeed approaches
140 KIAS, but no greater than 150 KIAS (due to rudder position deflected
from neutral).
The OCF IP may elect to use the Spiral or Progressive Spin tendency as a
defensive technique maneuver during IUT contact training or OCF refresh
flights. When the improper flight control inputs are realized, the IUT will
correct the control input to prevent the error or utilize the NATOPS
Inadvertent Departure from Controlled Flight procedures. At all times, the
OCF IP will observe the recovery limitations of both maneuvers and take
the controls to affect recovery if IUT inputs are improper or un-timely.
a. Description. Stall the aircraft while simulating a landing approach and recover
safely with minimum loss of altitude.
b. General. The maneuver will be flown and recovered by the IUT. Enter with
sufficient altitude to ensure recovery by 6,000’ AGL.
c. Procedures:
i. Establish the aircraft in the downwind configuration (gear down, 120 KIAS).
ii. Perform the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checks and clearing turn.
iii. Roll out and stabilize the aircraft at 120 KIAS, level flight (simulating
downwind leg).
iv. Simulate the transition near the abeam position IAW Contact FTI procedures.
Power should be approximately 15% torque, flaps set to takeoff (TO), airspeed
115 KIAS, trimmed in a descending 30° AOB turn to simulate the approach turn
to final. Report over the ICS, “Gear down, flaps TO, speedbrake retracted,
Before Landing Checklist complete.”
v. Once stabilized at 115 KIAS in the simulated approach turn, raise the nose to 5-
10 degrees nose high, then reduce power to idle. Adjust ailerons to maintain
AOB between 30-45 degrees, and increase back stick pressure to hold the pitch
vi. At the stall (or first indication of stall [stick shaker or buffet] as directed by the
OCF Instructor), recover IAW the Contact FTI or NATOPS Flight Manual (as
appropriate) with minimal loss of altitude.
b. General. The aft stick stall demonstrates the potential for the aircraft to maintain a
level flight attitude while holding a full stall. Maneuver will be flown at a minimum
of 13,500’ AGL.
c. Procedures:
i. Perform the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checks and clearing turn
(13,500’ AGL minimum).
ii. Set wings level and reduce the power to idle or 4-6% torque. Use elevator
pressure to maintain altitude, stop trimming at 150 KIAS.
iv. Do not allow the nose to fall at the point of stall; maintain full aft stick and
neutral rudder through the stall, and use aileron as required to maintain wings
level. Note the pegged AOA and excessive descent rate.
a. Discussion. The level accelerated stall demo highlights the T-6 aircraft’s power-off
accelerated stall characteristics. An aircraft will stall when the lift limit of the wing is
exceeded. The angle of attack associated with the lift lim1it at stall is a constant
value. However, the airspeed at which the lift limit occurs varies depending on
aircraft gross weight, altitude, and normal load factor (Nz). Nz is the ratio of the lift a
wing is generating compared to the weight of the aircraft. Nz of 1.0 G is associated
with un-accelerated flight. Anytime Nz is not 1.0 G, the aircraft is in accelerated
Equation (1) illustrates the relationship between stall speed and Nz. Because stall
speed is a function of Nz × gross weight, a change in Nz is essentially an effective
change in the gross weight of the aircraft. An Nz of 2.0 G would effectively double
the weight of the aircraft and result in a higher stall speed at the same angle of attack.
𝑁𝑧 𝑊
𝑉𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 𝐾 √𝛼 Eqn (1)
𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝜌
Nz or “G-forces” are commonly associated with turning flight. In a level turn, there
is a simple geometric relationship between Nz and angle of bank, equation (2).
However, the level turn - Nz equation can lead to the misconception that accelerated
flight can only occur in a turn. Accelerated flight can occur in any attitude. A great
example is dive recovery in a tactical jet aircraft where the G-forces encountered can
exceed 9.0 G’s with the wings level.
𝑁𝑧 = cos(𝐴𝑂𝐵) Eqn (2)
The T-6 level accelerated stall demo illustrates the key point that during positive G-
loading, stall speed will be higher than the 1.0 G stall speed. Additionally, the T-6
stall demonstrates a classic example of out-of-control flight in a benign regime. The
stall is entered from a left or right hand, 60° angle of bank turn targeting 2.0 G with
flight idle set. At the stall with full aft/laterally neutral stick and rudder pedals, the
aircraft will enter an un-commanded roll to the right.
In a Power-Off stall, the aircraft will roll off to the right due to
aircraft characteristics designed to help the pilot combat torque
effect and p-factor at high power settings. At idle, the prop still
generates thrust, causing the aircraft to roll right once the ailerons
are no longer effective. In a power-on scenario, above 60%, torque
roll causes the aircraft to roll off to the left during a full stall.
Rudder application will exacerbate the OCF departure (regardless
of power setting) as it is the most effective control surface below
stall speed.
Figure 2-2 Generic AOB vs. Required G’s Diagram for any aircraft
This is the actual T-6A Vn diagram. Any solution inside the cone will generate
sufficient lift. Any solution outside of the cone is a stall.
This is the actual T-6B Vn diagram. Any solution inside the cone will generate
sufficient lift. Any solution outside of the cone is a stall. Note the T-6B diagram is
calculated 465 lbs heavier than the T-6A diagram due to avionics diffrences.
The T-6B stall speed at 2 G’s is just under 125 KIAS. At 5 G’s the stall speed is 200
KIAS, which is vastly higher than the level 1 G stall speed of 90 KIAS (the rotate
speed). The maneuver should be demonstrated in both right and the left turns. The
main objective of this maneuver is immediate recognition and recovery.
Furthermore, this maneuver highlights the essential differences between Contact FTI
nose low unusual attitude and NATOPS Inadvertent Departure from Controlled Flight
procedures. This maneuver should be entered no lower than 13,500 feet AGL and
recovered no less than 10,000 feet AGL.
b. Procedures:
i. Establish the aircraft at 140 KIAS in straight and level flight at or above 13,500
feet AGL.
ii. Retard the PCL to idle, roll the aircraft left or right to approximately 60° angle
of bank, and establish a level 2 G turn.
iii. As the aircraft decelerates, continue to increase aft stick to maintain 2 G’s.
v. Once AOA is less than 18 units, swiftly recover from unusual attitude. Apply
power if airspeed is insufficient to maintain level flight, AOA remains below 18
units, and oil pressure is normal.
a. Discussion. This maneuver is very similar to the level accelerated stall, but is
allowed to develop into a partial aft stick (not at the stop) botched recovery. The off
aft stop stick placement enables the aircraft to display a “pitch bucking” tendency
wherein the aircraft does not enter a spin or spiral, but is prevented from recovery due
to the incorrect stick position. The aircraft will lazily roll off to the right and
accelerate causing the nose to come up due to the aft stick then roll off again (still
stalled) continuing to accelerate. Each pitch up or “buck” will cause successively
b. Procedures:
i. Establish the aircraft in straight and level flight at or above 17’000 feet AGL.
ii. Retard the PCL to idle, passing 120 KIAS roll right to 90° AOB allowing the nose
to slice to approximately 60° nose down. Use slight right rudder to accomplish
the nose drop and apply full aft stick to induce the accelerated stall.
iii. Following stall and roll off, position the stick approximately ½ -1” off the aft stop
with neutral ailerons and now neutral rudder pedal. Hold these control inputs.
iv. Note the AOA less than 18 units and airspeed rapidly building demonstrating
potential for pilot confusion. Use NATOPS Inadvertent Departure from
Controlled Flight procedures prior to “pitch bucks” of 3.8 G’s or by 12’500 feet
a. Discussion. This maneuver displays the T-6’s docile stall characteristics and multiple
pre-stall warnings while in a slip (wing down/top rudder). The cross controlled stall
is starkly different from the skidded turn stall or approach turn stall (wing
down/bottom rudder) both displaying violent departures with excessive altitude loss,
which may be un-recoverable at low altitude. In the skidded turn stall or approach
turn stall, rudder and aileron are applied in the same direction; however, the cross
controlled stall in a full slip, typically results in a nose drop vice rolling departure.
The aircraft does not violently depart at stall onset as the rudder and ailerons are in
opposition. If the stall is not recovered, the aircraft may depart controlled flight in the
direction of the rudder once ailerons are no longer an effective counter to the rudder’s
aerodynamic force.
The slip is a safe and effective means to dissipate altitude, especially during a forced
landing when idle power is no longer available with the prop feathered. The slip is
safer than using idle power to dissipate energy because once it is taken out, all lift
returns vice the distraction of resetting the torque to 4-6% on the EICAS. Idle power
is also a poor choice due to spool up time for a waveoff especially when the density
altitude (PA corrected for Temp) is high. As an example, Roswell, NM at 3671 feet
MSL field elevation when the temp is 30°C has a DA around 5500 feet. Consider
that both USN T-6B Class A loss of airframe mishaps occurred with the PCL at idle
causing airspeed to decay rapidly. Most experienced T-6 pilots consider an on speed
slip (120 or 125 KIAS) to be a favored energy dissipation tactic. There are many pre-
stall warnings that occur in the slip:
ii. PFD AOA above the green band (10-11 units AOA) (gear up)
v. Airframe buffet
If the pilot has failed to heed all previous warnings and fully stalls the aircraft, the
nose will drop. Reducing AOA by relaxing aft stick pressure will cause the aircraft to
immediately regain controlled flight. Protecting the aircraft during the slip is as
simple as the mantra: “Wing down, top rudder. Easy in, easy out.” This saying with
active IP control defensive positioning will prevent skids and the potential for rudder
swap, which will only depart controlled flight in a fully stalled condition.
b. Procedures:
i. Establish a 125 KIAS PEL profile in the clean configuration at 4-6% torque or
PCL to Idle.
ii. Initiate a slip up to full top rudder. Apply aft stick to maintain 125 KIAS and note
the descent rate.
iii. Continue to gradually apply aft stick noting all of the pre-stall warnings the
aircraft provides.
iv. At uncommanded nose drop and/or unplanned rolling motion, relax aft stick
pressure to decrease AOA.
a. Discussion. Many IP’s and some SNA’s on their aerobatic solos have reported near
OCF or actual OCF scenarios at the top of the Loop, Immelmann (non-solo), or in
rare cases the Barrel Roll. In all situations, airspeed or proper G-loading at the entry
was mismanaged causing excessively low airspeed at the top of the maneuver. As
stated in the T-6B NATOPS, stalls conducted above 60% torque will roll off to the
left even with full aileron and rudder applied in the opposite direction. All of the
stated maneuvers occur well above 60% torque, which could cause an exciting torque
roll departure when the aircraft is fully stalled possibly in an inverted attitude. The
best defense is to terminate any over the top maneuver if airspeed is less than 180
KIAS prior to achieving a vertical attitude. If the SNA or IP fail to conduct a Contact
FTI nose high unusual attitude recovery, the next best response as airspeed
approaches the stall is to select IDLE/NEUTRAL. This will eliminate any threat of
torque roll and secondarily protect the engine oil system should the aircraft un-load
below 1 G. Allow the aircraft to seek the horizon. Recover from the unusual attitude
and apply power to accelerate…ONLY ONCE OIL PRESSURE HAS RETURNED
TO NORMAL. If conducted correctly, the recovery will be gentle. It is not
uncommon to see the airspeed bottom at 40 KIAS, which is the minimum air data
computer (ADC) read-out.
The second potential extreme nose high unusual attitude may be encountered at
attitudes around 60-70° nose up and the pilot has failed to recognize the near stalled
condition. Ideally, if the IP is paying attention, a power reduction (as required) and
standard Contact FTI nose high unusual attitude recovery is preferred. If airspeed
bleeds off excessively, the solution is to select IDLE power, apply left or right aileron
forcing the nose of the aircraft to gently slice towards the horizon. Keeping the ball
centered is key to preventing any OCF departure. If IDLE/NEUTRAL is selected and
the wings are level, the aircraft will uncomfortably un-load and oil pressure will
drastically decrease as the nose violently seeks the earth. Keeping the aircraft loaded
(slightly aft of neutral with AOA well less than 18 units) and placing the wings in a
slight roll will make this recovery seem benign.
The stick can be placed in a slightly aft of neutral position
maintaining a slight G-load only because the aircraft has not yet
departed controlled flight. The procedures found in this maneuver
are used to prevent OCF caused by torque roll. If at any time OCF
is encountered, immediately execute NATOPS Inadvertent
Departure from Controlled Flight procedures.
As both of these scenarios are very likely in the aerobatic training environment,
exposure to these extreme nose high unusual attitude recoveries give the IP an instant
safe solution. IPs that have never been shown this situation have reported the need to
think quickly and fortunately chose IDLE/NEUTRAL when their aircraft departed
controlled flight. The objective as an IP is not to let the aircraft ever un-intentionally
depart controlled flight. The OCF IP will demonstrate either recovery procedure and
then allow the IUT to attempt. Subsequent exposures do not require a demonstration
unless requested by the IUT.
b. Procedures:
i. The OCF IP will place the aircraft in one of the two unusual attitude scenarios
(improper loop or extreme nose high level attitude).
ii. Once the rapidly decaying airspeed and missed opportunity to conduct normal
power on recovery procedures is recognized, select PCL to Idle and reduce aft
stick to prevent the stall.
iii. Recover the nose low unusual attitude and apply power once the AOA is
confirmed below 18 units and the oil pressure has returned to normal.
The nose will begin to fall and oil pressure will appear to be
normal; however, there may be a delayed drop in oil pressure. Do
not apply power until this drop has occurred and oil pressure has
The following is a list of maneuvers that the OCF IP may give to the IUT in an effort to build
confidence and demonstrate the flight characteristics of the T-6A/B. All maneuvers shall be
performed at a minimum of 13,500’ AGL and shall be planned to be completed by 10,000’ MSL.
All aircrew shall ensure that the PCL is at IDLE at the time of departure.
a. Description. This entry into OCF flight is a good introduction to both OCF recovery
and to the consequences of misapplied controls during a low-altitude slip. Departure
will generally be gentle.
b. General. The Aileron Swap may be done either to the left or the right. One possible
scenario includes clean glide to High Key with improper slip inputs. The IUT should
note the altitude loss and importance of maintaining good defensive positioning
during any slip maneuver.
c. Procedures:
i. Perform the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checklist and clearing turn.
ii. Establish the aircraft in a right/left hand descending 125 KIAS turn (4-6%
torque, gear and flaps up, 30 degrees AOB).
iii. Smoothly apply back stick pressure and reduce the power to idle. At the onset
of stick shaker, smoothly bank the aircraft in the opposite direction.
iv. After the aircraft departs, recover in accordance with OCF Recovery
b. General. Although there are many possible scenarios, we will demonstrate this
maneuver in the clean configuration, simulating a glide to intercept the ELP. In this
scenario, incorrect rudder application (skid) is made in an attempted slip to High Key.
Once recognized, opposite rudder is smoothly applied and the aircraft departs in the
direction of rudder application. The IUT then takes the controls and recovers the
aircraft using OCF Recovery Procedures.
c. Procedures:
i. Perform the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checklist and clearing turn.
ii. Establish the aircraft in a 125 KIAS glide, 4-6% torque, gear and flaps up.
iii. In the glide, add wing down and incorrect rudder (bottom) to enter a skid. Use
aileron to maintain 30 degrees AOB. Verbalize error, then simultaneously raise
the nose, move PCL to idle, and smoothly apply opposite rudder until the
aircraft departs controlled flight (recommend departing below 120 KIAS).
b. General. A botched approach turn stall can quickly develop into an OCF scenario.
c. Procedures:
i. Perform the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checklist and clearing turn.
ii. Setup an ATS in a clean configuration. As the aircraft reaches full stall, reduce
PCL to idle and add full pro-turn bottom rudder.
b. General. All pilots need to be aware of the negative effects of an improper slip.
c. Procedures:
i. Perform the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checklist and clearing turn.
ii. In the clean configuration, slow to 125 KIAS and set torque 4-6%.
iii. Begin a 30 degree AOB turn to the left/right, reduce the PCL to idle.
b. General. It is not uncommon for a pilot to have to recover from a spin earlier than
planned. Any number of things may necessitate an early recovery, such as a Master
Caution/Warning light, TCAS hit, etc.
c. Procedures:
i. Perform the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checklist and clearing turn.
iii. After the aircraft departs, but prior to development of a steady-state spin,
recover in accordance with OCF Recovery Procedures.
b. General. All pilots should be aware of the effects of yaw inputs on a stalled aircraft.
The maneuver is setup by a standard aft stick stall, with the introduction of rudder to
depart the aircraft.
c. Procedures:
i. Perform the Pre-Stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatic Checklist and clearing turn.
ii. Setup an aft stick stall, note descent rate, AOA and ability to maintain level
a. Discussion. If the slip is allowed to go into a deep stall, the aircraft will roll in the
direction of applied rudder. This is a repeatable and airframe safe method to initiate
OCF. The control inputs (full slip) are already in place prior to the stall and departure
unlike the aileron swap and the rudder swap, which if not initiated correctly could
result in a NATOPS prohibited abrupt cross-controlled (snap) maneuver.
b. Procedures:
i. Establish a 125 KIAS PEL profile in the clean configuration 4-6% torque or PCL
to Idle.
ii. Input a slip up to full top rudder and gradually increase aft stick flying through
all impending stall warnings listed in the above cross controlled stall procedure.
iii. Allow the aircraft to enter a deep stall and depart from controlled flight.
The procedures outlined in this FTI have been gleaned from the experiences and misfortunes of
others. Training methods listed herein have been thoroughly tested through years of flight
experience with the T-6A/B aircraft and have proven their ability to expand the skill envelope of
each new IUT. Every T-6A/B IUT is encouraged to read and live by the procedures outlined in
the NATOPS Flight Manual and this FTI. A solid understanding of the above maneuvers will
provide instructors with the ability to limit their exposure to the “near tragic” situations that
students may inadvertently put them in.
AOA: The instantaneous angle between a reference line on the airplane (usually the wing chord
line) and the relative wind (Figure A-1).
BODY AXIS SYSTEM: The system by which the axis of flight or aircraft movement are
determined (Figure A-2).
DEPARTURE: The phase of flight during which the airplane goes from controlled to
uncontrolled flight (Figure A-3).
MOMENT OF INERTIA (I): A measure of the resistance of a body to angular acceleration, for
any given axis. 1x, 1y, and 1z are moments of inertia about respective body axes.
SIDESLIP ANGLE: Relationship between the displacement of the airplane centerline from the
relative wind rather than from a reference axis (Figure A-4).
STALL: That AOA beyond which a further increase in AOA will not produce a corresponding
increase in lift (this is not an all-inclusive definition).
YAW ANGLE: Relates to the displacement of the airplane centerline from some reference
azimuth. This term is normally used in wind tunnel tests and is presented here only to eliminate
or minimize the tendency to confuse it with angle of sideslip or yaw rate (Figure A-6).
YAW RATE: Rate of change of yaw angle or how fast the nose of the airplane is moving across
the horizon (measured in degrees per second (deg/sec)).