Inheritance and Polymorphism Cheatsheet

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Inheritance and Polymorphism

Inheritance in Java
Inheritance is an important feature of object- // Parent Class
oriented programming in Java. It allows for one
class Animal {
class (child class) to inherit the fields and
methods of another class (parent class). For // Animal class members
instance, we might want a child class Dog to }
inherent traits from a more general parent class
Animal .
// Child Class
When defining a child class in Java, we use the
keyword extends to inherit from a parent class Dog extends Animal {
class. // Dog inherits traits from Animal

// additional Dog class members


Main() method in Java

In simple Java programs, you may work with just // file
one class and one file. However, as your
class Shape {
programs become more complex you will work
with multiple classes, each of which requires its public static void main(String[]
own file. Only one of these files in the Java args) {
package requires a main() method, and this
Square sq = new Square();
is the file that will be run in the package.
For example, say we have two files in our Java }
package for two different classes: }
Shape , the parent class.
Square , the child class.
If the Java file containing our Shape class is // file
the only one with a main() method, this is the class Square extends Shape {
file that will be run for our Java package.

super() in Java
In Java, a child class inherits its parent’s fields // Parent class
and methods, meaning it also inherits the
class Animal {
parent’s constructor. Sometimes we may want to
modify the constructor, in which case we can String sound;
use the super() method, which acts like the Animal(String snd) {
parent constructor inside the child class
this.sound = snd;
Alternatively, we can also completely override a }
parent class constructor by writing a new }
constructor for the child class.

// Child class
class Dog extends Animal {
// super() method can act like the
parent constructor inside the child
class constructor.
Dog() {
// alternatively, we can override the
constructor completely by defining a
new constructor.
Dog() {
this.sound = "woof";

Protected and Final keywords in Java

When creating classes in Java, sometimes we class Student {
may want to control child class access to parent
protected double gpa;
class members. We can use the protected
and final keywords to do just that. // any child class of Student can
protected keeps a parent class member access gpa
accessible to its child classes, to files within its
own package, and by subclasses of this class in
another package. final protected boolean isStudent() {
Adding final before a parent class method’s return true;
access modifier makes it so that any child
classes cannot modify that method - it is
immutable. // any child class of Student cannot
modify isStudent()
Polymorphism in Java
Java incorporates the object-oriented // Parent class
programming principle of polymorphism.
class Animal {
Polymorphism allows a child class to share the
information and behavior of its parent class while public void greeting() {
also incorporating its own functionality. This System.out.println("The animal
allows for the benefits of simplified syntax and
greets you.");
reduced cognitive overload for developers.

// Child class
class Cat extends Animal {
public void greeting() {
System.out.println("The cat

class MainClass {
public static void main(String[]
args) {
Animal animal1 = new Animal(); //
Animal object
Animal cat1 = new Cat(); // Cat
animal1.greeting(); // prints "The
animal greets you."
cat1.greeting(); // prints "The cat
Method Overriding in Java
In Java, we can easily override parent class // Parent class
methods in a child class. Overriding a method is
class Animal {
useful when we want our child class method to
have the same name as a parent class method public void eating() {
but behave a bit differently. System.out.println("The animal
In order to override a parent class method in a
is eating.");
child class, we need to make sure that the child
class method has the following in common with }
its parent class method: }
Method name
Return type
Number and type of parameters // Child class
Additionally, we should include the class Dog extends Animal {
@Override keyword above our child class
// Dog's eating method overrides
method to indicate to the compiler that we want
to override a method in the parent class. Animal's eating method
public void eating() {
System.out.println("The dog is
Child Classes in Arrays and ArrayLists
In Java, polymorphism allows us to put instances // Animal parent class with child
of different classes that share a parent class
classes Cat, Dog, and Pig.
together in an array or ArrayList .
For example, if we have an Animal parent Animal cat1, dog1, pig1;
class with child classes Cat , Dog , and Pig
we can set up an array with instances of each
cat1 = new Cat();
animal and then iterate through the list of
animals to perform the same action on each. dog1 = new Dog();
pig1 = new Pig();

// Set up an array with instances of

each animal
Animal[] animals = {cat1, dog1, pig1};

// Iterate through the list of animals

and perform the same action with each
for (Animal animal : animals) {


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