Poster Design With Emi in Mind 1691391858356

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Value of solving EMI problems early in the cycle EMI debugging Precompliance
R&S®RTO digital oscilloscope
An oscilloscope with a high-end sensitivity and comparably wide
bandwidth, enabling EMI debugging on a design engineer’s desk. Not
Scope, spectrum analyzer or precompliance receiver Why do precompliance testing? only does the hardware accelerated FFT of the R&S®RTO allow faster
Debugging Precompliance Compliance A CISPR 16-1-1 compliant receiver has the best dynamic range for certification tests. A spectrum analyzer is ► To avoid unexpected results in test labs during EMC compliance tests EMI analysis, it gives users insight into time and frequency domains
ideal for precompliance testing, thanks to its relatively high dynamic range but lower pulse resolution perfor- ► To identify surprises before real problems occur simultaneously.
Analysis during development Test of first prototype Final test before production
mance compared with an EMI receiver. A scope is optimized for examining signals in the time domain rather ► To locate interference sources by using near-field and current probes
than the frequency domain. It is also a great troubleshooting tool for understanding more about the unwanted
signals causing problems.

Fail DUT Fail

► Near-field and probing measurements 3 to 5 RF R&S®FSV3000 signal and spectrum analyzer
Pass Pass ► Ideal for debugging with both time and frequency based trigger capabilities meter Versatile signal and spectrum analyzer for design, validation, EMI
► The instrument's dynamic range can be important depending on your DUT’s emission characteristics precompliance testing and troubleshooting. With powerful RF per-
formance and up to 200 MHz bandwidth up to 44 GHz, it supports
not only mobile wireless and IoT standards, but also EMI testing with
Cost of EMC failure the R&S®FSV3-K54 option for reliable and accurate precompliance
$ Nonmetallic
DUT platform
Type N connector Optional
R&S®FPL1000 signal and spectrum analyzer
Portable benchtop for general-purpose spectrum and signal analysis
with a compact footprint and low weight. With the best-in-class RF
Radiated precompliance setup performance and the R&S®FPL1-K54 option, the R&S®FPL1000 offers
The goal is to get as close as possible to a compliance set to obtain results that will correlate. The DUT is placed accurate EMI precompliance testing. The option provides all relevant
on a nonconductive platform and the antenna is also held by a nonconductive tripod. If background signals are CISPR detectors, bandwidths, limit lines and EMI relevant functions.
too large, consider using a chamber, screen room or test enclosure. On the spectrum analyzer, use the appropri-
ate limit lines if you can obtain similar signal conditions as those found in the compliance chamber. This test is
Solving EMI problems early in the design cycle is more cost-effective than solving them later. This is an iterative process for radiated emissions. Note that many people also check conducted emissions in addition to using an LISN, as R&S®FPC spectrum analyzer
of employing best practices and checking. Of course, it is a trade-off – and needs to be balanced against functionality and shown below in the Certification section. Value instrument with basic spectrum analysis, signal generation and
scheduling. But solving problems and verifying early helps reduce costs. vector network analysis. Additionally, with the R&S®FPC-K43 receiver
mode option, the instrument can be used for basic EMI precompli-
ance testing.
Analyzing EMI with an oscilloscope Analyzing EMI with a spectrum analyzer
► High capture bandwidth and easy navigation in frequency domain ► Standard-compliant EMI detectors: peak, quasi-peak, CISPR-average, RMS-average
EMI design checklist ► Overlap FFT implementation with color-coded display of spectral components ► EMI bandwidths for commercial and military standards R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver
► Gated FFT for correlated time-frequency analysis ► Limit lines and transducers for typical measurement tasks EMI test receiver and spectrum analyzer combined in one box.
Digital, analog, power, RF, motor control, etc., should be located in separate parti- ► Capturing sporadic events with the zone trigger measurement tasks ► AM/FM audio demodulation for easier identification of interferers Designed for EMI precompliance applications with built-in
PC board partitioning tions on the board. ► Remote control of artificial networks for conducted testing via built-in AUX port ► Remote control of artificial networks for conducted testing via built-in AUX port preselection, time domain scan, and limit lines for easy reference.
While the R&S®ESRP is the optimal solution for precompliance test-
ing, the R&S®ESR and R&S®ESW are compliant with CISPR 16-1-1 for
Should be located close to the power entry of the board. This will keep associated
Power circuity return currents separated.
full compliance testing.

Group all power and I/O connectors located close together and along the same side
of the board.
EMC test software for both EMI and EMS applications with a library
of limit lines for relevant standards, flexible hardware configurations,

Full compliance
Filtering of power line preconfigured test settings and interactive measurements.
Filter circuits should be located very close to their respective power or I/O connector.
and I/O

Radiated emissions test

All signal layers and power planes (or routed power) should have an adjacent return
PC board stackup plane. Rohde & Schwarz supports all relevant commercial, automotive, military and aerospace standards, as well as
ETSI and FCC standards for radiated spurious emissions.

All critical signals passing through multiple planes should have adjacent stitching Conducted emissions test
Crossing through vias between planes (multiple ground return planes) or stitching capacitors between
multiple planes planes (multiple ground return and power planes). Test receiver/spectrum analyzer Line impedance stabilization V-network
¸ESR ¸ENV216
Crossing return High frequency signals should never cross gaps or slots in the return plane, which
plane gaps can lead to EMI.
DUT Rohde & Schwarz EMC test system
Cable shields should be bonded in short paths to the DUT enclosure. This is easiest
Cable shield termination to accomplish if all I/O and power connector shells are bonded directly to the DUT A fully integrated solution of
enclosure. multiple products including an
R&S®DST200 RF diagnostic chamber EMI receiver, antenna, cham-
Mains In most lab enviroments there are too many back- ber, preamplifier, and all the EMC
Power up and measure radiated EMI for an emissions baseline. This will help when
Bare PC boards testing the rest of the device without the use of an enclosure, provided the antenna LISN-RF to RF input Explore our EMC solution ground signals to adequately measure emissions components you need to make
and RF background environment stay constant. From standalone instruments to customized turnkey systems and for any kind of DUT, Rohde & Schwarz offers coming from a device. RF diagnostic chambers such correlated and corrected EMC
A line impedance stabilization network (LISN) placed between an AC or DC power source and the DUT creates a you a variety of solutions. Exploring our new interactive EMC solution lets you discover our exceptional range of as the R&S®DST200 are essential for reliable testing. measurements.
known impedance, provides an RF noise measurement port and isolates unwanted RF signals from the source. EMC and field test equipment without ever leaving your desk.
Characterize and test third-party power supplies for radiated and conducted emis-
Power supplies sions. Use both active and passive loads to select the best power supply for EMI.

Ensure shielding and ability for multiple bond places. Watch RGB or LVDS video
LCD displays cable pinouts for EMI issues. Test these early in the design process.
EMI standards by application and industry
Hard disc drives Test for emissions early in the design process before committing to a vendor. Choose the standard that applies to the kind of device you are making, as well to the region the device will be sold into.

Commercial standards CISPR IEC (Europe) FCC (USA) METI (Japan) R&S®HZ-14 R&S®HK116E
R&S®HZ-14 active probe set for E and H near-field R&S®HK116E biconical antenna for 20 MHz to
Industrial, scientific and medical equipment 11 EN 55011 PART 18, C J55011 emission measurements between 9 kHz and 1 GHz. 300 MHz.

12 EN 55012
Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines 25 EN 55025 JASO D001 - 82
J 1113
36 EN 55036

Electrical devices, household appliances and tools 14-1 EN 55014-1 – J55014-1

Electrical lighting 15 EN 55015 – J55015

Multimedia equipment 32 EN 55032 Part 15, B J55032

PD 3608.7138.82 V01.00
Military equipment MIL-STD-461 R&S®HZ-15 R&S®HL562E
R&S®HZ-15 probe set for E and H near-field emission R&S®HL562E ultralog antenna for EMI
Aviation DO-160 measurements between 30 MHz and 3 GHz. and EMS for 30 MHz to 6 GHz.

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