Diplomatic History - 2004 - FEIN
Diplomatic History - 2004 - FEIN
Diplomatic History - 2004 - FEIN
The study of American culture has traditionally been cut off from the study
of foreign relations. —Amy Kaplan2
*The author thanks archivist-historian extraordinaire David Langbart for help in locating
the main primary sources cited in this essay. He also acknowledges the State Department’s
FOIA team, especially Robert E. Service, for its declassification of those materials. He
expresses his gratitude to his fellow members of the Little Summit—Amy Chazkel, Joanne
Freeman, Christopher Hill, and Pablo Piccato—for their harsh and helpful reading of an early
attempt to assemble Project Pedro’s story, Virginie Marier for her research assistance and deft
critique of various versions, and Karen Garner for her suggestions about the entire essay’s final
form. Finally, he thanks Mary Litch of Yale’s crack Information Technology Services for
digitizing this essay’s images and John Lewis Gaddis for asking, “So what?”
1. Samuel Flagg Bemis to Charles Seymour, 23 February 1949, Folder 797, Box 67, Series
II, Group 74, Samuel Flagg Bemis Papers, Archives and Manuscripts division, Sterling
Memorial Library, Yale University (hereafter SFBP).
2. Amy Kaplan and Donald E. Pease, eds., Cultures of United States Imperialism (Durham,
NC, 1993), p. 11.
3. Edward Said, “Secular Interpretation, the Geographical Element, and the Methodol-
ogy of Imperialism,” in After Colonialism: Imperial Histories and Postcolonial Displacements, ed.
Gyan Prakash (Princeton, NJ, 1995), p. 34.
Diplomatic History, Vol. 28, No. 5 (November 2004). © 2004 The Society for Historians
of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR). Published by Blackwell Publishing, Inc., 350 Main
Street, Malden, MA, 02148, USA and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK.
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704 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
In 1957 Mexico City was the site of funerals for two celebrities, each responsi-
ble for the cultural production that marked twentieth-century Mexico: painter
Diego Rivera and movie star Pedro Infante.4 It is unsurprising that one of
Mexico’s leading newsreels, Noticiario clasa, would feature segments about the
passing of these two icons of postrevolutionary culture. But it was surprising
that these images would be encountered, decades after their commercial exhi-
bition, not in the Filmoteca of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
where one was accustomed to finding forgotten Mexican films, but buried in
motion-picture vaults containing the output of the (now defunct) United States
Information Agency (USIA); that records regarding their production and dis-
tribution could best be recovered not through research in Mexico City but
through a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of State; that
those who produced Noticiario clasa and its successor productions gave them a
secret name, Project Pedro, unknown not only to the millions who viewed them
but even to the technicians who produced them. Perhaps it is not so surprising,
however, if we consider Project Pedro as part of the archive of U.S. empire, an
outpost of the formal system of extraterritorial control of information institu-
tionalized and globalized through Cold War.
4. Noticiario clasa 834 and 803; all audiovisual citations are to the Records of the United
States Information Agency, Record Group 306 (NARG 306), Motion Picture and Sound
Recording Branch, National Archives II, College Park, Maryland. On Infante’s funeral, see
Anne Rubenstein, “Bodies, Cities, Cinema: Pedro Infante’s Funeral as Political Spectacle,” in
Fragments of a Golden Age: The Politics of Culture in Mexico, 1940–2000, eds. Gilbert Joseph,
Anne Rubenstein, and Eric Zolov (Durham, NC, 2001).
5. Production has particularly picked up since 9/11. For a few prominent post-2000 exam-
ples, across ideological and methodological spectrums, see Niall Ferguson, Colossus: The Price
of America’s Empire (New York, 2004); John Lewis Gaddis, “Setting Right a Dangerous World,”
The Chronicle of Higher Education Review 48, no. 18 (2002); David Harvey, The New Imperial-
ism (New York, 2003); Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Empire (Cambridge, MA, 2001);
Chalmers A. Johnson, Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire 2nd ed. (New
York, 2004).
6. Neil Smith, American Empire: Roosevelt’s Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization
(Berkeley, CA, 2003).
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New Empire into Old : 705
9. The best overview of the USIA’s bureaucratic operation remains Robert E. Elder,
The Information Machine: The United States Information Agency and American Foreign Policy
(Syracuse, NY, 1968). Historical works on U.S. foreign policy and culture in Europe have
proliferated. Some highlights are: Jessica Gienow-Hecht, Transmission Impossible: American
Journalism as Cultural Diplomacy in Postwar Germany, 1945–1955 (Baton Rouge, LA, 1999);
Walter Hixson, Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945–1961 (New
York, 1997); Richard Kuisel, Seducing the French: The Dilemma of Americanization (Berkeley,
CA, 1993); Richard Pells, Not Like Us: How Europeans Have Loved, Hated, and Transformed Amer-
ican Culture since World War II (New York, 1997); Reinhold Wagnleitner, Coca-Colonization and
the Cold War: The Cultural Mission of the United States in Austria after the Second World War
(Chapel Hill, NC, 1994).
10. The literature about U.S. diplomacy’s commercial and ideological relationships to
culture industries continues to grow since the appearance of Emily Rosenberg’s Spreading the
American Dream: American Economic and Cultural Expansion, 1890–1945 (New York, 1982); on
the important interwar relationship with Europe, see Frank Costigliola, Awkward Dominion:
American Political, Cultural, and Economic Relations with Europe, 1919–1933 (Ithaca, NY, 1984).
One of the most interesting (and neglected) works, because it deals with how state and film
industry intervened to Americanize the U.S. domestic market at cinema’s birth, is Richard
Abel, Red Rooster Scare: Making Movies American, 1900–1910 (Berkeley, CA, 1999). Other
notable works are: Ruth Vasey, The World According to Hollywood, 1918–1939 (Madison, WI,
1997); Todd Bennett, “Culture, Power, and Mission to Moscow: Film and Soviet-American
Relations during World War II,” Journal of American History 88, no. 2 (September 2001);
Thomas Doherty, Projections of War: American Culture and World War II (New York, 1993);
Clayton Koppes and Gregory Black, Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits, and Propaganda
Shaped World War II Movies (Berkeley, CA, 1990); Kyoko Hirano, Mr. Smith Goes to Tokyo:
Japanese Cinema under the American Occupation, 1945–1952 (Washington, DC, 1992). On
the prewar confrontation of U.S. corporate work culture in the Americas, see Thomas F.
O’Brien, The Revolutionary Mission: American Enterprise in Latin America, 1900–1945 (Cam-
bridge, 1996).
11. Kaplan and Pease, eds., Cultures of United States Imperialism, 11.
12. Gail Bederman, Manliness and Civilization: A Cultural History of Gender and Race in the
United States, 1880–1917 (Chicago, IL, 1995); Matthew Frye Jacobson, Barbarian Virtues: The
United States Encounters Foreign Peoples at Home and Abroad, 1876–1917 (New York, 2001);
Melani McAlister, Epic Encounters: Culture, Media, and U.S. Interests in the Middle East,
1945–2000 (Berkeley, CA, 2001); Mary Renda, Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture
of U.S. Imperialism (Chapel Hill, NC, 2001); Robert W. Rydell, All the World’s a Fair: Visions
of American Empire at American International Expositions, 1876–1916 (Chicago, IL, 1984);
Shelley Streeby, American Sensations: Class, Empire, and the Production of Popular Culture
(Berkeley, CA, 2002); Laura Wexler, Tender Violence: Domestic Visions in the Age of Imperialism
(Chapel Hill, NC, 2000). On the relationship between twentieth-century U.S. international
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New Empire into Old : 707
relations and historiography, see Ian Tyrrell, “Making Nations/Making States: American His-
torian in the Context of Empire,” Journal of American History 86, no. 3 (December 1999).
13. Christina Klein, Cold War Orientalism: Asia in the Middlebrow Imagination, 1945–1961
(Berkeley, CA, 2003), p. 263.
14. Donald E. Pease and Robyn Wiegman, eds., The Futures of American Studies (Durham,
NC, 2002).
15. See LaFeber, The New Empire: An Interpretation of American Expansionism, 1860–1898,
chapter 1.
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708 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
19. Samuel Flagg Bemis to Charles Seymour, 23 February 1949, Folder 797, Box 67, Series
II, Group 74, SFBP.
20. Samuel Flagg Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy
(New York, 1949).
21. Samuel Flagg Bemis, “The Pedagogical and Historical Peregrinations and Reflections
of Samuel Flagg Bemis” [1964], p. 419, Box 49, Series II, Group 74, SFBP.
22. For an example, see the most recent description of International History of the United
States in the Twentieth Century in Yale College Programs of Study: Fall and Spring Terms,
2003–2004 99.7, 1 August 2003, p. 325. On Bemis, see Mark T. Gilderhus, “Founding Father:
Samuel Flagg Bemis and the Study of U.S.-Latin American Relations,” Diplomatic History 21,
no. 1 (Winter 1997); Gaddis Smith, “The Two Worlds of Samuel Flagg Bemis,” Diplomatic
History 9 (Fall 1985).
23. One specific area where culturalist work has contributed immeasurably to the
advancement of our understanding of foreign policy as text and context is gender. See Frank
Costigliola, “The Nuclear Family: Tropes of Gender and Pathology in the Western Alliance,”
Diplomatic History 21, no. 2 (Spring 1997); Frank Costigliola, “ ‘Unceasing Pressure for Pene-
tration’: Gender, Pathology, and Emotion in George Kennan’s Formation of the Cold War,”
Journal of American History 83, no. 4 (March 1997); Robert D. Dean, Imperial Brotherhood:
Gender and the Making of Cold War Foreign Policy (Amherst, MA, 2001); Emily S. Rosenberg,
Financial Missionaries to the World: The Politics and Culture of Dollar Diplomacy, 1900–1930 (Cam-
bridge, MA, 1999).
24. For an example, see Mark Frey, “Tools of Empire: Persuasion and the United States’s
Modernizing Mission in Southeast Asia,” Diplomatic History 27, no. 4 (September 2003).
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710 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
25. Much recent comparative historical work has emphasized the commonalities between
U.S. imperialism and that of other nations. See, for example, Michael Adas, “From Settler
Colony to Global Hegemon: Integrating the Exceptionalist Narrative of American Experience
into World History,” American Historical Review 106, no. 5 (December 2001); Paul Kramer,
“Empires, Exceptions, and Anglo-Saxons: Race and Rule between the British and United States
Empires, 1880–1910,” Journal of American History 40 (March 2002); Ann Laura Stoler, “Tense
and Tender Ties: The Politics of Comparison in North American History and (Post) Colo-
nial Studies,” Journal of American History 88, no. 3 (December 2001).
26. The best statement about the usefulness of Area Studies for research about global cul-
tures, relevant for the practice of U.S. international history, is Arjun Appadurai, Modernity at
Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization (Minneapolis, MN, 1998), chapter 1. Some useful
examples, across fields, that work from without to understand U.S. international history are:
Jeffrey H. Jackson, Making Jazz French: Music and Modern Life in Interwar Paris (Durham, NC,
2003); Gilbert Joseph, Revolution from Without: Yucatán, Mexico, and the United States, 1880–1924
(Durham, NC, 1988, 1982); Gilbert Joseph, Catherine LeGrand, and Ricardo Salvatore, eds.,
Close Encounters of Empire: Writing the History of U.S.-Latin American Cultural Relations (Durham,
NC, 1998); Julio Moreno, Yankee Don’t Go Home!: Mexican Nationalism, American Business
Culture, and the Shaping of Modern Mexico, 1920–1950 (Chapel Hill, NC, 2003); Matthew Con-
nelly, A Diplomatic Revolution: Algeria’s Independence and the Origins of the Post-Cold War World
(New York, 2002); Louis A. Pérez, On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality, and Culture (Chapel
Hill, NC, 1999); Micol Seigel, “The Point of Comparison: Transnational Racial Construction,
Brazil and the United States, 1918–1933” (Ph.D. diss., New York University, 2001); Mauricio
Tenorio-Trillo, “Stereophonic Scientific Modernisms: Social Science between Mexico and the
United States, 1880s–1930s,” Journal of American History 86, no. 3 (December 1999); David
Thelen, “The Nation and Beyond: Transnational Perspectives on United States History,”
Journal of American History 86, no. 3 (December 1999); David Thelen, “Rethinking History
and the Nation-State: Mexico and the United States,” Journal of American History 86, no. 2
(September 1999); Daniel T. Rodgers, Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age
(Cambridge, MA, 1998); Kate A. Baldwin, Beyond the Color Line and the Iron Curtain: Reading
Encounters between Black and Red, 1922–1963 (Durham, NC, 2002).
27. The most sustained synthetic statement about the relationship of American Studies
and Areas Studies to an interdisciplinary U.S. international history is Michael J. Hogan,
“ ‘The Next Big Thing’: The Future of Diplomatic History in a Global Age,” Diplomatic History
28, no. 1 ( January 2004). See also Michael H. Hunt, “The Long Crisis in U.S. Diplomatic
History: Coming to Closure,” Diplomatic History 16, no. 1 (Winter 1992). On recent moves
toward Latin America, see Max Paul Friedman, “Retiring the Puppets, Bringing Latin America
Back In: Recent Scholarship on United States-Latin American Relations,” Diplomatic History
27, No. 5 (November 2003).
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New Empire into Old : 711
28. Walter D. Mignolo, Local Histories/Global Designs: Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and
Border Thinking (Princeton, NJ, 2000), pp. 207–08. For a useful critique of transnational and
diaspora studies as dangerously establishing a new essentializaing postnationality, see Arif
Dirlik, Postmodernity’s Histories: The Past as Legacy and Project (Lanham, MD, 2000), chapter 7.
29. On the role of the Americas in the development of cultural diplomacy, see Frank
Ninkovich, The Diplomacy of Ideas: U.S. Foreign Policy and Cultural Relations, 1938–1950 (Cam-
bridge, 1981). On Cold War in the Americas, across time, see David Green, The Containment
of Latin America: A History of the Myths and the Realities of the Good Neighbor Policy (Chicago,
IL, 1971); Stephen G. Rabe, Eisenhower and Latin America: The Foreign Policy of Anticommu-
nism (Chapel Hill, NC, 1988); Gaddis Smith, The Last Years of the Monroe Doctrine, 1945–1993
(New York, 1994).
30. See Seth Fein, “Everyday Forms of Transnational Collaboration: U.S. Film Propa-
ganda in Cold War Mexico,” in Close Encounters of Empire: Writing the Cultural History of U.S.-
Latin American Relations; Gerald K. Haines, The Americanization of Brazil: A Study of U.S. Cold
War Diplomacy in the Third World, 1945–1954 (Wilmington, DE, 1989).
31. On the political idea in its African and Asian contexts, see H. W. Brands, The Specter
of Neutralism: The United States and the Emergence of the Third World, 1947–1960 (New York,
1989). On its development as a social category, see Arturo Escobar, Imagining Development: The
Making and Unmaking of the Third World (Princeton, NJ, 1995); Robert A. Packenham, The
Dependency Movement: Scholarship and Politics in Development Studies (Cambridge, MA, 1992);
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712 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
Robert A. Packenham, Liberal America and the Third World: Political Development Ideas in Foreign
Aid and Social Science (Princeton, NJ, 1973).
32. “Barometer Study on Public Opinion: Preliminary Report,” p. 3, USIA Office of
Research, Country Project Files (1951–64), Box 72, NARG 306.
33. “Mexican Newsreel Project,” Shelton (IMS-USIA) to Frank H. Oram (IAA-USIA), 31
March 1955, USIA Accession Lot 62C185, Box 11, author’s Freedom of Information Act
request, State Department case no. 200004119.
34. “Delegation of Limited Contractual Authority to T.B. Shelton,” Theodore C.
Streibert to Clive L. Duval, 11 May 1956, “Mexican Cartoons: Project Pedro,” Folder 2,
Motion Picture Rights and Permissions files, NARG 306.
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New Empire into Old : 713
35. On Tompkins and Estudios Churubusco, see Seth Fein, “Transcultured Anticommu-
nism: Cold War Hollywood in Postwar Mexico,” in Visible Nations: Latin American Cinema and
Video, ed. Chon Noriega (Minneapolis, MN, 2000). On World War II and Hollywood in
Mexico, see Seth Fein, “Myths of Cultural Imperialism and Nationalism in Golden Age
Mexican Cinema,” in Fragments of a Golden Age: The Politics of Culture in Mexico, 1940–2000,
eds. Gilbert Joseph, Anne Rubenstein, and Eric Zolov (Durham, NC, 2001); and Seth Fein,
“Transnationalization and Cultural Collaboration: ‘Mexican’ Cinema and the Second World
War,” Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 17 (1998). On the postwar decline in com-
mercial relations between the two industries, see Seth Fein, “From Collaboration to Con-
tainment: The International Political Economy of Mexican Cinema after the Second World
War,” in Mexico’s Cinema: A Century of Films and Filmmakers, eds. Joanne Hershfield and David
Maciel (Wilmington, DE, 1999).
36. McDermott to Shelton, 30 January 1957, “Mexican Cartoons: Project Pedro,” Folder
2, Motion Picture Rights and Permissions files, NARG 306.
37. See Shelton to McDermott, 29 January 1958; “Amendment No. 5 (Agreement No. IA-
2428) ‘Project Pedro’,” 21 April 1958, USIA Accession Lot 66A274, Box 84, author’s Freedom
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714 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
Project Pedro was part of a wider field of national projects in Latin America,
notably in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Brazil. In each of these countries, USIA
directly aided national newsreels. These nationally distinct programs attempted
to compensate locally for what the USIA neglected to do centrally in the 1950s
owing to the relatively minor position Latin America held in the global for-
mulation of U.S. foreign policy. As USIA film chief Shelton expressed it to the
embassy’s PAO during Project Pedro’s first months of production: “one of the
principal reasons for establishing the Pedro project was the fact that there is a
great dearth of material available here on matters relating to Mexico or, for that
matter, Latin America in general. I think you can well understand that the news-
reels of the world (and we have access to practically all of them) cover that which
is most news-worthy, and it is true, I believe you will agree, that Mexico and
Latin America, in general do not occupy a very important place in the overall
news-making activities of the world today. This, of course, operates as a severe
limiting factor on the material with any significance to Mexico which is avail-
able to us.” Hence, from Washington’s perspective, Project Pedro’s value would
be not principally as an outlet for international footage but as a transnational
producer of Mexican news within a Cold War frame. “I think you should use
every single means at your disposal,” Shelton advised the USIS in Mexico City,
“to persuade Tompkins to cover as many local happenings as possible which
have some significance because this will, of course, enhance the value of the
reel. We can, of course, supply a very considerable amount of general news
material composed of events that happened around the world, but I believe that
the thinking so far has been that we should stick as closely as possible to events
having some relation to Mexico and Latin America.”38
Unlike its other American newsreel relationships, which simply received
international footage shot by U.S. companies, Project Pedro involved Wash-
ington’s covert ownership of a national entity. The particular history of the U.S.
presence within Mexican film production—a presence that since World War
II mixed commerce and propaganda, Hollywood and U.S. foreign policy—
facilitated that intervention. And that history converged with that of commer-
cial U.S. newsreels at home and in the world in the mid-1950s. As Project Pedro
began, many of the dominant U.S. newsreels were ceasing production, as living
rooms replaced movie theaters as the site of audiovisual news consumption. In
fact, the two major newsreels that survived into the late 1960s, Hearst and Uni-
versal, did so because of USIA contracts to produce information for those areas
of the world where television had not yet achieved hegemony.39 While they
receded nationally, U.S. newsreels also declined internationally throughout the
of Information Act request, State Department case no. 200004119 (hereafter cited as SD-
38. Shelton to McDermott, 29 May 1957, SD-FOIA.
39. Raymond Fielding, The American Newsreel, 1911–1967 (Norman, OK, 1972), 308–309.
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New Empire into Old : 715
decade. As a USIS assessment noted, “American newsreels are on their way out
in Mexico.” Between 1955 and 1958 the number of U.S. productions exhibited
went from five to two, and the remaining pair, MGM and Universal, were
winding down their operations. The embassy concluded that “for all practical
purposes the propaganda impact of American newsreels in Mexico has van-
ished.” This vacuum stimulated Washington’s desire to engineer a Mexican
alternative to the commercial representation of its view of the world presented
by U.S. companies, since “Mexican newsreels . . . remain the only effective film
medium for reaching 35 mm [i.e., commercial] audiences in Mexico.” As was
the case across media and across the world, USIA moved in Mexico to work
directly in an area where it deemed the commercial presence of U.S. informa-
tion inadequate to wage Cold War.40
Project Pedro also developed at a moment of notable national as well as
international change in Mexican mass communications. Not only were U.S.
newsreels decreasingly visible, Mexican television production and reception was
growing rapidly. Between 1956 and 1958 the estimated number of Mexican
television sets in operation more than doubled (from 170,000 to 375,000) as
did the estimated audience they served (from 1,020,000 to 2,250,000, within a
national population of around thirty million).41 USIA frequently placed mate-
rial on Mexican TV, but it did not directly produce any programs on a regular
basis for the tightly controlled monopoly. U.S. corporate sponsorship of
Mexican news was, however, present from the outset of TV production in 1950,
when General Motors began to underwrite Mexico City Channel 4’s nightly
fifteen-minute newscast.42
Despite television’s rapid development in Mexico relative to the rest of Latin
America, it did not displace motion pictures as the dominant form of audiovi-
sual mass communication in the 1950s. Moviegoers encountered eight nation-
ally distributed weeklies that, like the rest of Mexican mass media, were privately
owned by members of the political establishment (or their cronies) and
depended upon official patronage. Moreover, like the era’s feature films, news-
reels operated within the representational parameters established by the state-
party’s culture.43 This was as much a matter of internal producer behavior as
external state intervention by the censors who worked in the Secretaría de
40. “Motion Pictures: Newsreels in Mexico,” USIS Mexico City to USIA, 11 July 1958,
pp. 1–2, SD-FOIA.
41. “Television Facts Summary: Latin America Area,” S-42-58, Office of Research, Special
Reports 1953–63, Box 15, NARG 306.
42. José Luis Gutiérrez Espíndola, “Información y necesidades sociales: Los noticiarios
de Televisa,” in Televisa: el quinto poder, ed. Raúl Trejo Delarbre (Mexico City, 1985), pp. 65–66;
Fernando Mejía Barquera, La industria de la radio y la televisión y la política del estado mexicano,
Volumen I (1920–1960) (Mexico City, 1989), pp. 162–95.
43. On the ideological relationship between the Mexican state and mass culture, see Roger
Bartra, Blood, Ink, and Culture: Miseries and Splendors of the Post-Mexican Condition, trans. Mark
Alan Healey (Durham, NC, 2002); Claudio Lomnitz-Adler, Deep Mexico, Silent Mexico: An
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716 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
Anthropology of Nationalism (Minneapolis, MN, 2001); and Carlos Monsiváis, “Notas sobre la
cultura mexicana en el siglo XX,” in Historia general de México, ed. Daniel Cosío Villegas
(Mexico City, 1988).
44. On the transition from countryside to cityscape as the dominant national representa-
tion in Mexican cinema, see Jorge Ayala Blanco, La aventura del cine mexicano en la época de oro
y después (Mexico City, 1993), pp. 93–107.
45. See Ricardo Pérez Montfort, “El discurso moral en los noticieros fílmicos de 1940 a
1960,” in Los archivos de la memoria, ed. Alicia Olivera de Bonfil (Mexico City, 1999).
46. José Agustín, Tragicomedia mexicana 1: la vida en México de 1940 a 1970 (Mexico City,
1990), pp. 136–40.
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New Empire into Old : 717
Figure 2: Movie star Dolores del Río at a 1957 luncheon honoring the Mexican film indus-
Figure 1: President Adolfo Ruiz Cortines speaking at 1957 Freedom of the Press Day cele-
bration, Noticiario clasa 810 (reproduced at the National Archives).
49. This was expressed in Mexican film by director Alejandro Galindo’s ¡Espaldas mojadas!
[Wetbacks!] (1953), the release of which was delayed for two years at the behest of the
State Department, which worked to have it suppressed throughout Latin America. See Seth
Fein, “Dicen que soy comunista: Nationalist anticommunism and Mexican Cinema in the 1950s,”
Nuevo Texto Crítico 10, no. 21 ( Jan–June 1998). On Operation Wetback, see Juan Ramón
García, Operation Wetback: The Mass Deportation of Mexican Undocumented Workers in 1954
(Westport, CT, 1980) and Julian Samora, Los Mojados: The Wetback Story (Notre Dame, IN,
1971). On U.S.-Mexican relations in the 1950s, see Olga Pellicer de Brody and Esteban
Mancilla, Historia de la revolución mexicana, 1952–1960: El entendimiento con los Estados Unidos
del desarrollo estabilizador (Mexico City, 1978).
50. See, for example, General Juan F. Azcárate to Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, 24 February 1954;
and 2 September 1953, expediente 523.3/14; and Carlos González (EMA) Ruiz Cortinés, 25
July 1957, exp.151.3/1811, ramo Ruiz Cortines, fondo Presidentes, Archivo General de la
Nación, Mexico City.
51. “Mexican Newsreel Project,” Shelton (IMS-USIA) to Frank H. Oram (IAA-USIA), 31
March 1955.
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720 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
52. “Agreement and Terms of Grant between the United States of America and Richard
Kelsey Tompkins,” 4 June 1956, p. 2, SD-FOIA.
53. Amendment No. 1, Agreement No. IA-2428, 17 October 1956, pp. 1–2, 4–6; and
“Checklist for P.A.O., Project ‘Pedro’ Amendment of 10/17/56,” SD-FOIA.
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New Empire into Old : 721
mined the deal with EMA. Tompkins and Azcárate agreed to financial terms
but parted ways over editorial authority. This was the non-negotiable issue for
In search of a new entree to national production and distribution, Tompkins
turned his attention to Noticiario Nacional, S.A., a company jointly owned by
Gabriel Alarcón, who controlled the mammoth Cadena de Oro network of
movie theaters, and the político Luis Manjarrez, senator from the state of
Puebla. Underlining the always present connections between politics and pri-
vately owned mass communications in Mexico, Alarcón’s fortunes had grown
through his alliance with Puebla’s dominant political boss, Maximino Avila
Camacho (1891–1945), who served as secretary of communications and public
works in the presidential administration of his younger brother, Manuel
(1897–1955), during World War II.54
Less financially sound than EMA, Noticiario Nacional was desperate for new
capital. The debt-ridden Alarcón welcomed Tompkins’s overture, but the
embassy paused over the additional funds required by its front-man to make
this deal.55 Despite the deal’s cost, USIS considered the company a more attrac-
tive opportunity than EMA, because its long-running main product Noticiario
clasa “is the oldest production of its kind in the Republic of Mexico—and the
only one locally produced which has maintained its ‘news’ tenor,” while many
of its competitors had shifted to magazine formats comprised of lighter subject
matter.56 As much as the quality of its production, USIS valued Noticiario clasa’s
extensive exhibition, noting that it “has among the best distribution arrange-
ments of any Mexican newsreel.” In arranging access to that national audience,
the new agreement between USIA and Tompkins reproduced the basic struc-
ture of the EMA deal, but involved a more complex corporate arrangement
whereby a separate Mexican company, Impulsora Anahuac, S.A., headed by
Tompkins (and that included Alarcón and Manjarrez, as well as del Villar as offi-
cers), would actually own Noticiario Nacional. Meanwhile, that company’s
board would be reconfigured in public records to include Tompkins in a seem-
ingly secondary position.57
The covert control Tompkins achieved over a major newsreel satisfied
Washington. USIA’s Motion Picture Service’s chief outlined its benefits to the
agency’s General Counsel, who had to approve the contract: “Two features in
particular distinguish this arrangement from the prior ones in desirability: first,
because, for the first time we have a written agreement signed by the indige-
nous principals that commit them to go forward with the operation; second,
because we are dealing through a new ‘holding’ corporation, which . . . is
already organized (incorporated), and need only be activated. Additionally it is
worthy of note that the newsreel now to be controlled (‘Noticiario clasa’) is con-
sidered to be by far the best in Mexico, and it is the one [ex-PAO] Mr. Ander-
son initially tried to ‘infiltrate’ when he first went to Mexico (the company
producing this reel has heretofore been too well off financially to be interested
in any overtures).” Compared to earlier options, Shelton judged that “Ou[r]
control (through Tompkins) of the operation will be implemented and strength-
ened in several ways: As ostensible owner of 50% of the company, and as
Chairman of the Board with statutory veto authority of such office, Mr. Tomp-
kins will be able to exert all practical control on both companies and their
In effect, the new system involved a double prestanombre. Tompkins’s
company, Impulsora Anahuac, would control Noticiario Nacional, which would
ostensibly continue to operate under Alarcón’s leadership. At worst this arrange-
ment risked revealing a link to Tompkins, who was, in any case, a well-
established member of the Mexican filmmaking community, but his own links
to USIA would remain contractually hidden. An additional advantage of the
deal was Cadena de Oro’s distribution of Cine mundial produced by Productores
Unidos, S.A. Emilio Azcárraga Milmo operated Productores Unidos, part of his
father’s (Emilio Azcárraga Vidaurreta’s) mass-media empire, which had long-
standing links of its own to U.S. radio and motion-picture concerns as well as
the U.S. government.59 Through Tompkins’s arrangement, USIA would be able
to place footage with Cine mundial as well as with a biweekly regional newsreel,
Actualidades del norte, that Alarcón produced for circulation in the eighty
theaters he operated in and around Monterrey, Mexico’s northern industrial
Project Pedro commenced operation in February 1957. USIS noted that “it
was immediately apparent that Noticiario Nacional had been greatly misman-
aged,” and the embassy engaged Arthur Andersen and Co. to audit its new
enterprise. Surveying local operations, Noticiario Nacional’s (USIS-imposed)
rial of international origin was inserted,” not based strictly on its intended ide-
ological effect but in anticipation of “genuine and universal interest” that had
palpable public appeal. Brown concluded, “The vehicle has been improved
gradually until now it is of interest to theatergoers, not merely tolerated by
them.” He calculated that it “has a propaganda impact of 1,643,540 persons per
Although USIS officials expressed satisfaction at the newsreel’s improved
quality and expanded audience, they (correctly) doubted that it would soon pay
for itself (even if Tompkins achieved all their recommendations for cost cuts
and revenue expansion). The main problem was that only 38 percent of possi-
ble advertising time was currently sold: “the weekly cost of getting out the news-
reel is some $43,000 [pesos] on top of which there was another $8,000 [pesos]
to be paid to the four Mexican businessmen who fronted as the operation’s man-
agement. If the newsreel sold all of its advertising spots, it would take in only
$49,500 [pesos, or 3,960 dollars].” USIS estimated that if would be at least six
months until “even a break-even condition” could be achieved.63 In fact it would
never break even. This was a problem for Mexican newsreels generally, not just
Project Pedro. As Noticiario Nacional reported: “Federal District decree inser-
tions in the news reel are limited to four spots and one publicity item. This
places a definite ‘top’ on potential income from the operation.”64
The state’s regulation of newsreel ads assured dependence on extracommer-
cial (usually political) sources of revenue in exchange for representation. Such
contrived “news” segments regularly provoked public incredulity and antipa-
thy: “The definition of ‘indirect publicity’ appears to be rather flexible, inci-
dentally, and very often the number of such items exceeds by far the official
figure of one. Audiences are extremely sensitive to material of the ‘indirect’
variety, and such items are often met with loud whistles, the Mexican equiva-
lent of the Bronx cheer. But more often than not the patience of the Mexican
audience is strained to the breaking point, and the public indulges in the not
too diverting, but somewhat consoling, game of trying to guess who paid for
what—and did he get his money’s worth.”65 Just as all Mexican newsreels
depended upon various forms of official and unofficial subsidies from Mexico
City sources, Project Pedro depended upon Washington’s secret payments in
order to meet its costs. In its case, its extracommercial relations produced
expanded international coverage that seemed actually to enhance its reception,
as long as it did not appear didactically ideological (which, in fact, it rarely
USIA’s official mission did not include covert operations. Selling democracy
secretly was publicly ruled out when the agency was formed in 1953. Never-
theless, USIA did regularly produce materials without attribution. If publicly
challenged, legally it would have to admit its involvement. In fact, its objective
in Mexico and elsewhere was to work covertly from within apparently sover-
eign national mass media. USIS was aware of the risks this posed to Washing-
ton’s very interests in sponsoring Project Pedro, the international image of the
United States as a beacon of freedom in the Cold War. The embassy’s PAO
believed that USIA could survive public fallout from disclosure that it provided
unattributed newsreel material to a Mexican firm, but it would have more dif-
ficulty countering revelations of its secret ownership of a Mexican company:
“the fact that the USIS in Mexico was in reality the majority stockholder in a
firm engaged in the production and showing of newsreels, if it became known,
would occasion serious embarrassment to the U.S. Government. The newsreels
themselves would be discredited and since the ownership of stock in such a cor-
poration in Mexico is illegal, the corporation itself would be seriously damaged.
. . . It is noted that the production of movies is one of the so-called seven
restricted industries in Mexico.”66 To avoid such disclosure, USIS assiduously
operated Project Pedro as a Mexico City enterprise that abided by local regu-
lation. Regarding Tompkins’s position, Shelton pointed out that, “I think the
pertinent point is that as far as Project Pedro is concerned that Tompkins is not
the majority stockholder. His ownership is exactly equal to that of the other
proprietary group. His control is by virtue of tacit agreement and offices held.
He does not have ‘stock control’ of the company’s affairs. Since Mexican nation-
als own 50% of the stock, the corporate structure is legal and the stock own-
ership of Tompkins (an American national) is fully disclosed. Therefore it would
be our thought that disclosure of the Agency’s ‘control’ of Tompkins, except
of course as the publicity might affect its business success, could not affect the
In Mexico, as much as anywhere else in the world, the agency succeeded in
penetrating a locally legitimate national mode of cultural production through
implementation of “gray propaganda,” covertly produced and distributed infor-
mation that did not attribute its connection to the agency. Officially, it did not
engage in the “black propaganda” (covert misinformation and psychological
warfare) that was the domain of the CIA (whose international subsidization of
intellectuals and mass media is better known, if still inadequately researched, to
historians of Cold War Europe).68 As a former USIA deputy director explained
Defects: The Struggle for Cultural Supremacy During the Cold War (New York, 2004); Christo-
pher Lasch, “The Cultural Cold War: A Short History of the Congress for Cultural Freedom,”
in Towards a New Past: Dissenting Essays in American History, ed. Barton J. Bernstein (New York,
1968); Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and
Letters (New York, 1999).
69. Thomas C. Sorensen, The Word War: The Story of American Propaganda (New York,
1968), p. 65.
70. McDermott to Hill, 10 December 1958, SD-FOIA.
71. Stephen R. Niblo, Mexico in the 1940s: Modernity, Politics, and Corruption (Wilmington,
DE, 1999), p. 349.
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New Empire into Old : 727
72. “Report of Gross Income from Space Sales by Category,” in “Report to Mr. R. K.
Tompkins on Operations of Noticiario Nacional, S.A. and Impulsora Anahuac, S.A.,” 7 January
1958, p. 12.
73. Noticiario clasa 834, 848.
74. Noticiario clasa 802.
75. Noticiario clasa 815, 818, 823, 838, 847, 856; El mundo en marcha 9, 56.
76. Noticiario clasa 851, 855, 857, 860, 867; El mundo en marcha 110, 141, 155. On Ortiz
Mena’s role in U.S.-Mexican relations under López Mateos, see Olga Pellicer de Brody and
Esteban Mancilla, Historia de la revolución mexicana, 1952–1960: El entendimiento con los Estados
Unidos y la gestación del desarrollo estabilizador (Mexico City, 1978), pp. 259–67; Agustín, pp.
196–200. On his proximity to the PRI’s presidential nomination in 1958, see Juan José
Rodríguez Prats, El poder presidencial Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, 2nd ed. (Mexico City, 1992), p. 236.
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728 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
between Washington and Mexico City over their Mexican newsreels’ content.
Two years after Project Pedro began, USIA’s exasperated Motion Picture Service
director regularly sent the same kind of critique to the agency’s Mexico City
proconsul that he had since production began: “The real program value of
projects such as the Mexican newsreel is achieved through materials shot in
the local country in support of U.S. objectives in that country. . . . It is not the
intent to completely ‘carry’ the reel through stories that we supply. It is for
this reason that we have been so insistent that USIS work with the local pro-
ducer to see that materials of program value are photographed in Mexico;
and that a USIS staff member work with the producer on editing and writing
the material to insure that we get the maximum benefit from materials
Unhappy about Project Pedro’s performance during its first ten months of
operations, USIA ordered both a new audit of its finances and a USIS assess-
ment of its “performance from a non-fiscal point of view.”80 McDermott
supported continuation of Tompkins’s undertaking, even though “it will require
additional subsidization for another year before it becomes completely self-
supporting.” He blamed the financial failure on “undue optimism” and “a lack
of sufficient knowledge of newsreel operation here.” But the PAO believed that
Project Pedro’s future “depends in large measure on Washington,” on the
USIA’s ability to provide better footage, not drastic changes in Mexico City
Based on this evaluation, USIA continued to fund Project Pedro, making sig-
nificant new disbursements in the first half of 1958. However, by the summer,
unable to pay its bills, including its debt to Alarcón, Tompkins’s Impulsora
Anahuac went into liquidation, and Noticiario Nacional released its final issue
of Noticiario clasa after two decades of production. But this was not Project
Pedro’s last reel. In fact, U.S. officials in Washington and Mexico City saw
Impulsora Anahuac’s demise as an opportunity to start a new enterprise from
scratch that would draw upon the previous year and a half’s experience as it
implemented reforms to improve management and content (and to exchange
USIA’s position as a secret owner to a potentially less embarrassing role as a
secret contractor).82 Despite its shortcomings, Project Pedro offered a unique
angle of access, otherwise unavailable to the United States in Mexico. In assess-
ing the overall situation of Mexican newsreel production and consumption, as
Noticiario Nacional dissolved, USIS noted that Mexico offered few opportuni-
ties for consistent control of any of the nationally run operations, many of which
83. “Motion Pictures: Newsreels in Mexico,” USIS Mexico City to USIA, 11 July 1958,
pp. 3–4, USIA Accession 66A274, Box 84, SD-FOIA, capitalization in original.
84. El Mundo en Marcha #302, Walter Thompson de México, S.A., Depto. De Radio
y Televisión, 17 August 1957, USIA Accession 66A274, Box 91, author’s SD-FOIA; “OCB
Paper ‘Principles to Assure Coordination of Gray Activities,’ ” p. 3. March of Time had a long
history of collaborating with the U.S. foreign policy in Mexico: Seth Fein, “Hollywood,
Mexico-United States Relations, and the Golden age of Mexican Cinema” (Ph.D. diss., Uni-
versity of Texas at Austin, 1996), pp. 283–90. On Luce’s film operation, see Raymond Field-
ing, The March of Time, 1935–1951 (New York, 1978).
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New Empire into Old : 731
85. “A Study of Audience Opinions of the ‘El mundo en marcha’ and Exposure to
Advertising Media,” November 1958, International Research Associates, S.A. de C.V., Mexico
City, File MX5805, Box 74, USIA Office of Research, Country Project Files, 1951–64, NARG
86. Claudia Fernández and Andrew Paxman, El Tigre: Emilio Azcárraga y su imperio Tele-
visa (Mexico City, 2000), pp. 162, 54–58. Zabludovsky would continue to be the face of Mexican
TV news for decades, hosting the Televisa monopoly’s prime-time broadcasts into the 1990s.
87. “OCB Paper ‘Principles to Assure Coordination of Gray Activities,’ ” McDermott and
Scott, 19 November 1957, p. 5, SD-FOIA.
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732 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
88. Carment Baez to RK Tompkins Asociados, S.A. de C.V., 6 January 1961, “Mexican
Cartoons: Project Pedro,” Folder 4, Motion Picture Rights and Permissions files, NARG 306.
89. “Report on Story Usage, Mexican Newsreels,” USIS-Mexico City to USIA, 6 January
1960, SD-FOIA.
90. “Amendment No. 6, Agreement IA-2428, ‘Project Pedro,’ 11 August 1958, pp. 5–6;
“30 September 1958 Agreement between USIA and R. K. Tompkins y Asociados,” SD-FOIA.
In addition to his work in Mexico, Rathvon supervised covertly funded film production in
Europe, including a 1956 film, secretly funded by the CIA, based on George Orwell’s Nine-
teen Eighty-Four, see Saunders, The Cultural Cold War, p. 295.
91. Daniel Garcia (IMS) to Shelton, 25 November 1958, SD-FOIA.
92. “Motion Pictures: Newsreel Guidance,” USIS-Mexico, 9 October 1958, SD-FOIA.
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New Empire into Old : 733
sive than competitive reels. The ‘international’ material supplied has been dis-
appointing, both by reason of the material selected and because such timely
material as has been provided consistently arrives to hand so late as to be unus-
able.”93 Rathvon and McDermott also continued to blame the agency for a lack
of message material to interpolate with El mundo en marcha’s local production.
But Shelton defended his unit’s work, citing its comparative success elsewhere:
“We have this same kind of project going in numerous other countries all over
the world, and in these countries the newsreel is generally considered to be one
of the most effective of all program vehicles.”94 He advised Rathvon that “[w]e
had always expected that the reel would never carry more than 1/3 international
stories, and that at least 2/3 of every issue would be Mexican material.” USIA
had increased its delivery of international footage to ease Project Pedro’s initial
reorganization under the ex-Hollywood executive, but Washington expected a
more Mexican-centric Cold War production for the future.95
There were, in fact, obstacles to USIA’s objectives that were endemic to
Project Pedro’s operation within the highly regulated Mexican film industry.
For one, cost remained an issue. As the embassy’s PAO explained: “the opera-
tors, while willing to cover such outstanding events as the Acapulco meeting of
the two presidents [López Mateos and Eisenhower], and any items we request
within the Federal District, have placed limitations on coverage anywhere in
Mexico unless reimbursed for travel expenses.”96 In 1959 changes in the Federal
District’s regulation of newsreel advertising that reduced the number of twenty-
second spots from five to four challenged Project Pedro’s attempts to achieve
self-sufficiency, forcing it to continue to depend on Washington subventions. A
year after starting El mundo en marcha, Rathvon reported, “[d]ue to the growing
reputation of the reel we might well be able to maintain it on at least a break-
even basis were it not for the arbitrary and harassing action of the government
of the Federal District in regulating all the news reels and revistas. . . . It is too
early to judge our chances of breaking even next year, but you can readily see
the difficulty we would be in without outside support.” El mundo en marcha’s
production chief suspected that rival print media might have been behind the
new efforts to squeeze the finances of newsreels. In any case, the change forced
newsreels to search for more “informal” funding, whether from national or, in
Project Pedro’s case, international patrons.97
Beyond the impact of its commercial regulation, the state’s official censor-
ship also limited Project Pedro’s editorial autonomy. For example, footage of
“Vice President Nixon’s welcome in Washington following his South American
tour, was not used by CLASA because the Mexican Government film censor’s
93. “Project Pedro: Quarterly Progress Report,” R.K. Tompkins, 14 November 1958, SD-
94. Shelton to McDermott, 23 March 1959, SD-FOIA.
95. Shelton to Rathvon, 20 April 1959, SD-FOIA.
96. McDermott to Shelton, 6 April 1959, SD-FOIA.
97. Rathvon to Shelton, 10 September 1959, SD-FOIA.
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734 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
office removed all Nixon footage from all newsreels distributed in Mexico.”
This ban included “scenes of the Vice President’s reception in Uruguay and
Argentina which, though they showed no violence, arrived here after the Lima
and Caracas receptions. . . . The Directorate General of Cinematografía
informed USIS ‘extra-officially’ that the footage had been deleted in order to
avoid any unfavorable reactions among theatre audiences in Mexico,” where
Nixon had made a successful official visit in 1956.98 Here was an irony of
Mexican mass culture: the authoritarian state’s control of content forced it to
anticipate public opinion. Widespread recognition that the state determined
what was privately exhibited meant that film censors expected that audiences
viewed newsreels as signs of official sentiment. In this case, as in others, the
state was unwilling to sanction a commercially produced presentation that
seemed too pro-American. The PRI’s own reliance on anticommunism in the
late 1950s to suppress domestic opposition, for example by imprisoning dissi-
dent labor leaders as foreign-directed subversives, demanded that it perform its
Cold War sovereignty through independence from Washington’s foreign
Rituals of PRI rule also dictated specific changes. Government censors, for
example, banned El mundo en marcha’s experiment with diegetic sound, instead
of the usual voice-over narration, in its coverage of Ruiz Cortines’s 1958 Informe
(state of the nation) address. USIS reported that “[t]he live sound footage was
deleted by the Government’s censorship office . . . on the grounds that theatre
audiences might register disapproval.” Apparently it felt the aural effect would
reduce the president’s aura.100 In another case, government censors cut footage
of Ambassador Hill’s attendance at the annual commemoration of the Niños
Héroes, the legendary boy cadets who sacrificed their lives in defending Mexico
City from invading U.S. forces in September 1847. The scene had included
important Mexican politicians seated near the ambassador and, hence, violated
“a Presidential directive forbidding closeups in newsreels of politicians, all of
whom seem to be vying for position in the interregnum” between López
Mateos’s July election and December inauguration. But this was not the only
material state censors deemed beyond the pale for that week’s issue; they
also banned footage of devastating floods, prompting a USIS official to
comment that “ ‘newsreel’ is hardly the term to use in describing this kind of
product in Mexico.”101 His observation revealed also a perhaps half-conscious
recognition that “U.S. propaganda” was hardly the term to describe Project
Pedro’s output.
98. “Motion Pictures: CLASA Newsreel,” McDermott to USIA, 14 August 1958, SD-
99. Agustín, Tragicomedia mexicana 1: la vida en México de 1940 a 1970, p. 176.
100. “Motion Pictures: EL MUNDO EN MARCHA Newsreel,” USIS-Mexico City to
USIA, 8 September 1958, SD-FOIA.
101. “Motion Pictures: EL MUNDO EN MARCHA Newsreel,” USIS-Mexico City to
USIA, 26 September 1958, SD-FOIA; El mundo en marcha 56 was the affected issue.
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New Empire into Old : 735
The state’s quotidian control of content affected all Mexican newsreels, not
just Project Pedro. But it affected Project Pedro differently, since its objectives
strove for Cold War significance according to Washington’s ideological agenda,
not Mexico City’s. Still, the most important force limiting what Project Pedro
projected in Mexican movie theaters was not state intervention but public recep-
tion. In explaining why so few locally produced Project Pedro segments ven-
tured into Cold War politics, an unusually astute agency analyst pointed
out that “there are very definite limitations on what can be done locally and
used to further program objectives. Not the least of these is the suspicion
that Mexican audiences have toward local stories carried by their newsreels
since almost all such stories are but thinly disguised paid advertisements.”102
Freedom from the need to impose such unpopular stories helped El mundo
en marcha achieve its favorable reception, even as its lack of Cold War
messages frustrated its Washington benefactors. Hence, what had made Project
Pedro an increasingly popular product with growing national distribution—how
much it combined the best parts of other Mexican newsreels with international
footage—rendered it ineffective propaganda to Washington eyes. While its
Mexicanized content and form preserved its covert relationship with USIA, it
also minimized the agency’s influence on production. This communications
conundrum frustrated a USIA assessor: “my position has never yet been clearly
outlined as to how far USIS can control, suggest, or define our stake in this
operation, partly due, of course, to the shrouds imposed on our relationship.”
Of particular concern, as his mid-1960 evaluation observed, was its seemingly
pointless overproduction of trivial segments about social life and diversions [see
Figure 3]: “It should also be noted that out of the average reel of 699 feet, 249
feet is on sports—mostly bullfights, local boxing and soccer. Possibly this is due
to something in relation to their need for placing their advertising plugs; but
to my mind it is definitely affecting the use of your clips sent from the United
Washington never understood why so much of what was shot in Mexico
City seemed apolitical. Rathvon explained that the very aspects of El mundo en
marcha’s content that USIA criticized, namely its representation of popular
culture and social amusements, were what provided the newsreel its public cred-
ibility: “the local footage has been predominant and we have won acceptance
as a Mexican reel. Although it is not always easy to find entertaining material
we have done an increasingly effective job. The emphasis on sports and bull-
fights is not simply filler. It is what the Mexican theatre-goers want and
expect.”104 Message footage had to come from New York, because it could
not be adequately constituted from Mexican material. To do this better,
Figure 3: Mexican newsreels prominently projected bullfighting and other sports events that
often generated “sponsorship fees” for “incidental product placement, usually a beer or soft
drink,” such as in this scene, Noticiario clasa 828 (reproduced at the National Archives).
How much Project Pedro served U.S. foreign policy would remain a baf-
fling question for its Washington and Mexico City patrons. Despite both its
ideological shortcomings and the fact that USIA footage “is also gratefully
accepted by other newsreels with no charge,” the unusual access Project Pedro
provided Washington led the embassy’s PAO to “reluctantly recommend,” in
February 1959, that Ambassador Hill support subsidizing Tompkins’s operation
for an additional year: “We do control this newsreel as to content and they are
pleased to carry what we want. Other newsreels use whatever of the offered
footage they desire. Such control is good for any special occasion that might
arise.”107 As we will see, it was in fact the broader field of Mexican public culture
reproduced by Project Pedro’s competitors that limited USIS’s ability to shape
Tompkins’s increasingly popular production.
prior to the Berlin Wall’s construction.108 Regarding U.S. foreign policy, the
emphasis was unsurprisingly on nonmilitary, technological achievements and
the progress they promised to the rest of the world. Most notable among these
was the Eisenhower administration’s Atoms for Peace initiative, which sought
to erase destructive associations of U.S. atomic power by demonstrating the
progressive ends to which Washington intended to direct nuclear energy glob-
ally.109 In one of Project Pedro’s few direct references to U.S. military power,
El mundo en marcha covered the Acapulco visit of the nuclear submarine Paul
Revere, which had recently seen action in Korea.110
U.S. leadership in science was a dominant theme of agency-supplied footage.
Following the Soviet Union’s successful October 1957 Sputnik launch, U.S.
space exploration became a prominent presence. Noticiario clasa even reconfig-
ured its opening sequence at the end of 1957 to associate its dissemination with
satellite communication. Animation depicted a rocket launched from a map of
Mexico, the scene then shifted to an aerial view of the country, and finally of
Earth from outer space as the soundtrack produced wan electronic beeps sup-
posedly emanating from an orbiting satellite. The new title read: “NOTICIAS
reel was retitled Satélite, although satellite communication had no role in the
newsreel’s distribution.111
In Sputnik’s wake, the representational practices of U.S. foreign policy
became centered on extraterrestrial achievement (matching the new orientation
of domestic educational and science policy) by depicting the U.S. response, its
Explorer satellite, to the Soviet challenge.112 Through outer space Project Pedro
connected Mexican development with U.S.-Mexican relations. For example, El
mundo en marcha prominently featured the opening of a space tracking station
in Guaymas, Sonora.113 The segments emphasized the installation as a national
site of technological advancement operated by Mexicans in the service of world
progress. Hence, the manned Mercury missions of the early 1960s became a
source of not only U.S. advancement but also Mexico’s, facilitated by techno-
logical transfer from the United States. In this case, El mundo en marcha relo-
calized the Cold War in the provinces and in the U.S.-Mexican borderlands, as
it remapped Mexico’s place in global history through its contribution to extra-
terrestrial exploration as international scientific ally of the United States. In a
more terrestrial cross-border moment, U.S.-Mexican relations, transnational
capital and Mexican popular culture converged when, in a spot sponsored by
Coca-Cola of Mexico, Noticiario clasa featured the 1957 Little League World
Figure 4: The White House visit of the 1957 Little League World Series champs, Monter-
rey Industrial, offered Project Pedro a unique cross-border opportunity, Notciario clasa 823
(reproduced at the National Archives).
Series victory of the Mexican team from Monterrey. Footage of the clinching
game was followed by that of a White House reception where the Mexican
players met President Eisenhower [see figure 4].114
International events appear in USIA-supplied newsreel footage described by
locally developed narration. Often third-world flashpoints provide opportuni-
ties to represent the United States as supportive of postcolonial nation-states.
In the Suez Crisis’s aftermath, Noticiario clasa focused on Ralph Bunche’s role
in directing the United Nations’ involvement in that Middle East conflict’s res-
olution. Beyond underlining cases where U.S. foreign policy supported decol-
onization or noninterventionism in the postcolonial world, the mobilization of
Bunche’s visage (in Ghana as well as in Egypt and Jordan) sought to demon-
strate that the United States was a meritocracy that had produced one of the
world’s most famous diplomats, an African American leading the work of the
United Nations.115 Like contemporary overt USIA productions distributed
globally, Project Pedro also went to great lengths to project progress in U.S.
race relations and the professional achievements of African Americans within
the United States. In the 1960s USIA propaganda would “discover” the U.S.
Latino presence in order to advance its leadership of the Western Hemisphere,
but in the late 1950s African Americans still stood for all people of color in the
United States in the audiovisual competition for hearts and minds in the so-
called third world.116 Other international episodes that threatened U.S. prestige
among nations of the nonaligned world could not entirely be erased. In early
1961, for example, Patrice Lumumba appeared as Jacobo Zabludovsky flatly
narrated that the “ex-Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo had been
shot while trying to escape from prison.”117 More typical were seemingly
innocuous segments about Laotian peasants struggling against Communist
incursions from Vietnam.118
While it is notable how rarely images from contemporary Cold War
battlegrounds appeared, there are instances that jar conventional teleologies.
Through the footage distributed globally by USIA, and interpolated by Project
Pedro’s newsreels, we can recover liminal moments in the history of U.S.
foreign policy during the Cold War and of the power of national forces of
production to shape the content of Washington’s transnationally produced
propaganda. At the outset of 1959, for example, El mundo en marcha critically
compared the arrival of ousted Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in Mexico to
his initial exile there twenty years earlier. Over images of Cubans denouncing
their ex-leader and a portrait of Fidel Castro, the narration describes the revo-
lution’s triumph in positive terms.119 A later segment about Castro’s April 1959
visit to the United States includes footage of prorevolutionary street demon-
strations punctuated by a final shot of an English-language sign that states, “We
love you Fidel.”120
More significant, and predictable, than El mundo en marcha’s initially favor-
able Castro coverage is its virtual noncoverage of Cuba after U.S.-Cuban rela-
tions took a decisively negative turn. The absence of anti-Castro propaganda
between April 1959 and April 1961 reveals much about Project Pedro’s local
operation. El mundo en marcha neither reproduced Mexican mass media’s
generally favorable coverage of the revolutionary regime, including Mexico’s
friendly diplomacy with Castro’s government, nor did it express Washington’s
increasingly open hostility to Havana. Just as the newsreel’s national operation
curtailed negative reporting about Cuba, its USIA connection prevented any
positive representations. But in the aftermath of the Kennedy administration’s
Bay of Pigs fiasco, USIS invoked Cold War politics to pressure U.S. multina-
116. On the presence of race in U.S. foreign policy in this period, see Mary Dudziak, Cold
War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy (Princeton, NJ, 2000) and Penny
M. Von Eschen, Race Against Empire: Black Americans and Anticolonialism, 1937–1957 (Ithaca,
NY, 1997), chapter 7.
117. El mundo en marcha 130.
118. El mundo en marcha 55, 56, 57, 140.
119. El mundo en marcha 28.
120. El mundo en marcha 38.
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New Empire into Old : 741
tionals in Mexico to withdraw their ads from competing newsreels that favor-
ably covered Havana. In late summer 1961, the embassy’s PAO “called in all the
USA advertising companies and advertisers, and told them he thought it inap-
propriate that they should be the principal financial support of two Commu-
nist-owned newsreels in Mexico; they agreed to withdraw all advertising from
those Reels; in redistributing that advertising, ‘Pedro’ received enough financ-
ing so that for the first time it showed a profit for several weeks in August and
September.”121 Following its coverage of Castro’s first visit to the United States,
El mundo en marcha’s next, and final, mention of Cuba was unavoidable. In the
immediate aftermath of the Bay of Pigs invasion it projected Ambassador Adlai
Stevenson defending the United States in the United Nations Security Council
against Cuba’s accusations that it had covertly directed the counterrevolution-
ary invasion.122 Kennedy’s admission of U.S. involvement, days later, unsur-
prisingly received no play at all. Coverage of the Cuban missile crisis did not
produce a dilemma for El mundo en marcha, because by 1962 Project Pedro no
longer existed.
Long considered cost ineffective, Project Pedro persistently elided the expec-
tations of the officials who commissioned its production. This was particularly
perplexing for those who oversaw the program from Washington, since Project
Pedro seemed to have the most favorable conditions of all USIA’s transnational
audiovisual operations: “the Agency has never been at all satisfied with the fin-
ished product—neither as to what it contains or how it handles its content. This
is a real anomaly. No one questions the sincere loyalty of the Americans asso-
ciated with the Reel (Tompkins and his wife, and his uncle, N.P. Rathvon, semi-
retired, who used to own R.K.O.), and IMS sends it more and better footage
from New York than any of the 50 or so other Reels in the world that we have
working arrangements with. Somehow, at USIS level, liaison dissolves and there
is no effective control or guidance.” Motion Picture Service officials speculated
over whether or not Project Pedro had been sabotaged by USIS officers in
Mexico City who possibly resented the direct connections between the Mexican
newsreel operations and Washington or the fact that the project was a legacy
of an earlier USIS regime.123
While never grasping Project Pedro’s inherent contradictions, derived from
the particular context of Mexican state and culture industries, USIA did recog-
nize that the endeavor’s demise meant the end of a uniquely positioned outpost
of empire: “Our present situation, organizationally, is ideal, and was achieved
over a period of several years at considerable cost and difficulty, using devious
121. “Project Pedro,” Frank Tribbe to Irwin (General Counsel’s Office), 12 October 1961,
p. 1, “Mexican Cartoons: Project Pedro” Folder 2, Motion Picture Rights and Permissions
files, NARG 306.
122. El mundo en marcha 140.
123. “Project Pedro,” Frank Tribbe (General Counsel’s Office) to Irwin (IGC) 26 July
1961, p. 2, “Mexican Cartoons: Project Pedro,” Folder 2, Motion Picture Rights and Permis-
sions files, NARG 306, underlining in original.
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742 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
means and four corporate organizations. If the project is killed, these American
owners would be unable to operate without our subsidy and would be unwill-
ing to operate in the ‘local manner,’ as described above, and so would sell the
Reel. Once sold, the loss would be irretrievable and we could not expect to re-
establish our position. Our present Reel has a good local standing and is not
known to have any USA Government connection.” El mundo en marcha had even
recently “received a commendation from the government’s movie control office,
saying it was an example to the other newsreels of what such a vehicle should
be.” Although USIA regularly provided footage to another Mexican producer,
it would never have in Mexico the editorial license, however limited, that
Project Pedro provided.124
Despite Project Pedro’s declining costs, by the end of 1960 the embassy’s
PAO had turned against the enterprise. Jack McDermott appealed to the
agency’s Latin American area office in a campaign against the Motion Picture
Service’s desire to continue its subsidization of Tompkins’s newsreels.125
Throughout 1961, he insisted that the Motion Picture Service’s director, Turner
Shelton, who believed that Project Pedro was a critical counterweight to
“Communist-controlled” Mexican newsreels, “go to Mexico himself and inves-
tigate thoroughly why ‘Pedro’ is ineffective (if not actually counterproduc-
tive).”126 At the same time, McDermott successfully lobbied the Kennedy
administration’s new ambassador to Mexico, Thomas Mann, to kill Pedro.127 He
explained that the newsreel’s failure was due not to USIS mismanagement but
to the difficulties of profitably producing propaganda within a Mexican news-
reel given local conditions, especially state regulation. He objected to Shelton’s
urgent advocacy of Project Pedro’s continuation: “Turner makes the point that
if this is killed we leave the field to the Commies. Such is not the case. There
are seven newsreels in action, two of which [including EMA’s] are controlled by
the outfit which uses Bloc footage. Two others would continue to use our
footage, but at no cost to us. . . . He has a fetish about these classified projects
and has probably wasted more money than any other element in the Agency.”128
If, in the end, the local context of its production limited Project Pedro’s
impact as propaganda, foreign policy determined the timing of its termination
in September 1961.129 By then, the Americas were at the center of Washing-
ton’s conceptualization of the Cold War as public diplomacy. The kind of inat-
tention to the region that had prompted the need to formulate transnational
130. Samuel Flagg Bemis, “How to Stop the Reds in Latin America,” U.S. News & World
Report, 28 December 1959. Bemis only voted once for a Democratic presidential candidate; he
voted for Kennedy in 1960, because he believed him more hawkish than Nixon, whom he
judged based on the Eisenhower administration’s foreign-policy record. LaFeber turned his
attention to the Panama Canal in Walter LaFeber, The Panama Canal: The Crisis in Historical
Perspective (New York, 1979). See Neil Smith, American Empire: Roosevelt’s Geographer and the
Prelude to Globalization, chapter 1. For more on Bemis and the Cuban Revolution, see Gaddis
Smith, The Last Years of the Monroe Doctrine, pp. 98–103.
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744 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
131. William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick, The Ugly American (New York, 1999
132. Henry Mayers to Samuel Flagg Bemis, 28 December 1959, Folder 659, Box 52, Series
II, Group 74, SFBP.
133. Stephen Rabe, The Most Dangerous Area in the World: John F. Kennedy Confronts Com-
munist Revolution in Latin America (Chapel Hill, NC, 1999); Michael E. Latham. Moderniza-
tion as Ideology: American Social Science and “Nation Building” in the Kennedy Era (Chapel Hill,
NC, 2000).
134. Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (New York,
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New Empire into Old : 745
135. Edward Said, “Secular Interpretation, the Geographical Element, and the Method-
ology of Imperialism,” p. 34.
136. Ranajit Guha, Dominance without Hegemony: History and Power in Colonial India
(Cambridge, MA, 1997).
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746 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y
ative of a more real story or as the soft derivative of hard policies. In other
words, the reel is real. And the images projected on the screen reproduce the
forces of production behind, around, and in front of it.
In the post-Cold War as in the Cold War, U.S. foreign policy seeks to
control the everyday representation of the world transnationally. In the Cold
War, bipolarity forced U.S. methods underground as it feared charges of
imperialism while it managed its empire in the name of freedom, anticommu-
nism, and anti-imperialism. In the post-Cold War, unipolarity allows the United
States to operate openly as it imposes imperial infrastructure in the name of
free markets and democracy. In contrast to the United States Information
Agency’s covert production of Project Pedro in the Cold War, post-Cold War
Washington’s Broadcasting Board of Governors has overtly imposed its recently
launched Arab-language satellite television network for the Middle East, Al-
Hurra (“the free one”). In so doing, it demonstrates the longevity, across the
Cold War/post-Cold War divide, of U.S. foreign policy’s desire to control infor-
mation beyond the borders of the United States, even as it trumpets free
markets as the way to free ideas.137 But as it learned during the Cold War, Wash-
ington is learning again in the post-Cold War that imperial designs are often
frustrated by local receptions. Arjun Appadurai’s observation about methodol-
ogy for the study of globalization holds true for investigation of Cold War and
post-Cold War transnational culture, when it demands “examination of how
locality emerges in a globalizing world, of how colonial processes underwrite
contemporary politics, of how history and genealogy inflect one another, and
of how global forces take local form.”138
It may seem odd to end an essay dedicated to Walter LaFeber with a recon-
sideration of Samuel Flagg Bemis, but it should seem oddly logical. In part
this is because their work is dialectically bound, because Bemis’s exceptionalist
notion of “protective imperialism” was what so many so-called revisionists
wrote against, methodologically as well as ideologically.139 Bemis was aware of
this. In his memoir he flintily noted, “Some of today’s critics of American
foreign policy are prone to find their own country in the wrong, without com-
paring it with the other side. They would doubtless brand as ‘corny’ or ‘square’
my defense, subject to scholarly truth and balance, of the record of the United
137. For an analysis of how Bush II foreign policy perpetuates a longer twentieth-century
history of imperial designs, see Walter LaFeber, “The Bush Doctrine,” Diplomatic History 26,
no. 4 (Fall 2002). On Al-Hurra and U.S. foreign policy, see Seth Fein, “The Medium Shapes
the Message,” Yale Global Online, 7 May 2004, at http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/display.article?id
138. Appadurai, Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, p. 18; see also Seth
Fein, “Culture across Borders in the Americas,” History Compass (2003), at http://www.history-
139. Samuel Flagg Bemis, The Latin-American Policy of the United States (New York, 1971),
p. 110.
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New Empire into Old : 747
States in its dealings with other nations. One of my colleagues in another uni-
versity is said to have begun a course in the subject by referring to me as Samuel
American Flagg Bemis.”140 Yet both Bemis and LaFeber understood that the
sources of twentieth-century U.S. globality (whether viewed from a critical or
triumphal perspective) began in the formulation of the Western Hemisphere
idea.141 And it is well known, not just by his students but by his readers, that
LaFeber shares Bemis’s assessment about one of the key architects of the foreign
policy that conceptualized the position of the United States in the Americas:
“No one man has been more important in the foundations of American foreign
policy. If you don’t agree that John Quincy Adams was America’s greatest Sec-
retary of State, name a greater.”142 It was the Monroe Doctrine’s mixture of eth-
nocentric idealism and defensive rhetoric that has framed the discourses of U.S.
expansion, as both new empire and old, from multipolarity to bipolarity to
To study that imperial expansion, U.S. diplomatic history must continue to
move not only toward culture but also the world. It must, to poach from
Chakrabarty, provincialize the United States.143 For if, as the words of Samuel
Flagg Bemis and Amy Kaplan attest and as the works of Walter LaFeber have
always demonstrated, the history of U.S. international relations is central to the
study of U.S. culture and society, then scholars must be willing to do on a soci-
ocultural level, at the nexus of the international and the transnational, the work
that Bemis advocated for the study of diplomacy: to work beyond the borders
of the United States. Bemis’s emphasis on the importance of multinational
research expressed his belief that the history of U.S. development was intimately
related to its international relations.144 Just as the history of culture cannot be
viewed as a derivative of more conventional designations of international
power—as discrete economic, political, or military fields—the history of the rest
of the world must be seen as part of the history of the United States. To do this,
American Studies and diplomatic history must embrace that other refugee of
Cold War knowledge production, Area Studies. If American Studies matured
in the crucible of the Cold War’s first decade, when the United States needed
to promote itself as a leading civilization vis-à-vis Europe, Area Studies “took
off” in its second, when U.S. foreign policy sought to win third-world hearts
and minds. To bring together American Studies and Area Studies, cultural
studies and diplomatic history, is to bring together the history of the United
States and the rest of the world, to reformulate endogenous and exogenous
realms as relational rather than fixed. It is to see Project Pedro—itself a remnant
of that critical moment between American Studies and Area Studies, between
Bemis’s protective imperialism and LaFeber’s new empire, between Berlin and
Havana, between the 1950s and 1960s—at once as part of the concentric his-
tories of U.S. foreign policy and Mexican culture. It is to place international
history in a transnational frame: to see Mexico as part of the history of the
United States and the United States as part of the history of Mexico.