A 214-Myr Astronomically Tuned Record of Relative

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A 2.14-Myr astronomically tuned record of relative geomagnetic

paleointensity from the western Philippine Sea

Article in Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres · January 2003

DOI: 10.1029/2001JB001698


62 737

3 authors:

Chorng-Shern Horng Andrew Roberts

Academia Sinica Australian National University


Wen-Tzong Liang
Academia Sinica


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JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 108, NO. B1, 2059, doi:10.1029/2001JB001698, 2003

A 2.14-Myr astronomically tuned record of relative geomagnetic

paleointensity from the western Philippine Sea
Chorng-Shern Horng
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Andrew P. Roberts
School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, Southampton Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK

Wen-Tzong Liang
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Received 6 December 2001; revised 23 May 2002; accepted 26 September 2002; published 30 January 2003.
[1] We present a 2.14-Myr astronomically tuned relative geomagnetic paleointensity
record from the western Philippine Sea. Pseudosingle-domain titanomagnetite is the only
magnetic mineral identified and variations in titanomagnetite concentration fall well
within the accepted limits for relative paleointensity variations. No significant temporally
persistent periodicities are observed in wavelet analyses of the paleointensity time series or
in the rock magnetic parameters used for relative paleointensity normalization. This
suggests that our paleointensity record is largely free of rock magnetic or lithological
artefacts and that it represents a reliable record of geomagnetic behavior with no evidence
for modulation of the field at Earth orbital periods. The paleointensity record is highly
coherent with the Sint-800 global paleointensity stack for the last 800 kyr and with a
coeval record from the West Caroline Basin. Our record confirms that it is normal for the
geomagnetic field to undergo dynamic changes within polarity intervals, with relatively
frequent collapses of the field to low paleointensities and concomitant deviations away
from the stable field direction. We do not observe an asymmetrical sawtooth form in our
paleointensity record, which might suggest that previously observed asymmetrical
sawtooth paleointensities result from rock magnetic artefacts. Also, we do not observe a
persistent 100-kyr inclination periodicity, in contrast to the suggestion that geomagnetic
field directions are modulated by orbital eccentricity. Good agreement between our
paleointensity record and the coeval West Caroline Basin record provides the beginning of
a detailed view of geomagnetic field behavior between 0.8 and 2.14 Ma. INDEX TERMS:
1520 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism: Magnetostratigraphy; 1521 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism:
Paleointensity; 1560 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism: Time variations—secular and long term; 9355
Information Related to Geographic Region: Pacific Ocean; KEYWORDS: geomagnetic paleointensity,
magnetostratigraphy, spectral analysis, wavelet analysis, Philippine Sea

Citation: Horng, C.-S., A. P. Roberts, and W.-T. Liang, A 2.14-Myr astronomically tuned record of relative geomagnetic
paleointensity from the western Philippine Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B1), 2059, doi:10.1029/2001JB001698, 2003.

1. Introduction until relatively recently, problematical to obtain full vector

time series because the ancient field intensity is more
[2] Vector records of the geomagnetic field that span long
difficult to accurately extract from sediments. In the last
periods of geological time are important for developing an
decade, there has been a great deal of activity directed toward
understanding of the long-term behavior of the dynamo that
determining the relative paleointensity of marine sedimen-
generates the geomagnetic field. Deep-sea sedimentary
tary sequences. Coupled with high-quality dating constraints
sequences represent suitable targets for such studies because
usually provided by oxygen isotope analyses of foraminiferal
they are often deposited more continuously than other geo-
calcite, it has been demonstrated that, on a global scale, there
logical archives of geomagnetic information. Despite the
is considerable coherency among relative paleointensity
ease with which the direction of magnetization can be
records from geographically widely distributed sites [Tauxe
determined for long sedimentary sequences, it has been,
and Wu, 1990; Tric et al., 1992; Meynadier et al., 1992;
Schneider, 1993; Tauxe and Shackleton, 1994; Yamazaki and
Copyright 2003 by the American Geophysical Union. Ioka, 1994; Weeks et al., 1995; Stoner et al., 1995, 1998;
0148-0227/03/2001JB001698$09.00 Yamazaki et al., 1995; Lehman et al., 1996; Schneider and

EPM 8-1

Mello, 1996; Schwartz et al., 1996; Guyodo and Valet, 1996,

1999; Roberts et al., 1997; Channell et al., 2000; Laj et al.,
2000; Guyodo et al., 2001]. The similarity among these
globally distributed paleointensity records suggests that the
signal is dominated by the dipole component of the geo-
magnetic field. In addition to providing constraints on geo-
dynamo behavior, such work has been pursued in order to
provide a high-resolution magnetostratigraphic dating tool
for the Brunhes Chron [e.g., Guyodo and Valet, 1996, 1999;
Stoner et al., 1998; Channell et al., 2000; Laj et al., 2000;
Kiefer et al., 2001] and to understand how geomagnetically
modulated temporal variation of cosmogenic isotope pro-
duction, such as 14C [Mazaud et al., 1991; Laj et al., 1996a]
and 10Be [Frank et al., 1997], can affect the use of dating
techniques that employ cosmogenic isotopes. Time series
analyses of relative paleointensity records indicate that
periodicities associated with the Earth’s orbit are present in
some records [Channell et al., 1998; Yamazaki, 1999] and
that other significant periodicities are also present in some
records [Tauxe and Wu, 1990; Tauxe and Shackleton, 1994].
However, spectral analysis using a more sophisticated wave- Figure 1. Location map of core MD972143 from Benham
let technique suggests that the orbital periodicities observed Rise, western Philippine Sea.
for the last 1.1 Myr by Channell et al. [1998] are an
expression of lithological variations and are not character- also be tested for orbital influences and for the presence or
istic of the geodynamo [Guyodo et al., 2000]. Spectral absence of asymmetrical sawtooth paleointensity behavior.
analysis of long geomagnetic time series is clearly important
for testing such interpretations and for understanding the 2. Geological Setting and Core Description
mechanisms that generate the geomagnetic field.
[5] Core MD972143 (length 38 m) was recovered from
[3] Fluctuations in geomagnetic paleointensity are now
Benham Rise (15.87N, 124.65E) in the western Philippine
well documented for the last 800 kyr, for which a stacked
Sea (Figure 1; water depth of 2989 m) during the IMAGES
global paleointensity curve (Sint-800) has been produced
III cruise of the French R/V Marion Dufresne in 1997. The
[Guyodo and Valet, 1999]. A global paleointensity stack has
sediments consist mainly of hemipelagic calcareous oozes
also been constructed for the interval around the Jaramillo
with intercalated tephra layers. The core top (0– 0.12 m) is
Subchron (0.95– 1.10 Ma) [Guyodo et al., 2001]. In order to
void, and cracks occur between subbottom depths of 0.78
understand the longer-term behavior of the geomagnetic
and 0.87 m. A white foraminiferal sand layer, dominated by
field, it is necessary to obtain long records with high-
reworked fossils, exists between 32.91 and 33.95 m. The
resolution age control, but few well-constrained records
top of this sand layer marks the base of the paleointensity
are available beyond the Jaramillo Subchron. The records
record presented in this paper.
of Valet and Meynadier [1993] (hereinafter referred to as
VM93) and Meynadier et al. [1994], from the equatorial
Pacific and Indian Oceans, respectively, span the last 4 Myr. 3. Methods
However, the reliability of their observed asymmetrical 3.1. Paleomagnetic Measurements
sawtooth paleointensity pattern has been called into question [6] Paleomagnetic samples were obtained by pressing
by numerous workers [e.g., Kok and Tauxe, 1996a, 1996b; plastic cubes (7 cm3) into the sediments. A total of 1441
Mazaud, 1996; McFadden and Merrill, 1997] and needs to samples were continuously collected, with minimal gaps
be tested by obtaining further coeval paleointensity records. between samples down to the foraminiferal sand layer at
Several other longer records have been published, including 32.91 m. The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) was
high-resolution records from the California margin for the measured on all samples with a 2G Enterprises supercon-
last 1.4 Myr [Guyodo et al., 1999; Hayashida et al., 1999], ducting rock magnetometer. To examine the stability of the
low-resolution records for the last 1.8 Myr from the central NRM, stepwise alternating field (AF) demagnetization was
equatorial Pacific [Laj et al., 1996b; Verosub et al., 1996], carried out on each sample using an in-line three-axis
and a low-resolution Ontong-Java Plateau paleointensity demagnetizer linked with the rock magnetometer. After
stack for the interval between 0.78 and 2.58 Ma [Kok and measurement of the NRM, 12 demagnetization steps were
Tauxe, 1999]. Some of these records lack precise age control, measured between 5 and 80 mT, with a 5 – 10 mT increment
with dating constrained only at the respective reversal at each step. Characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM)
boundaries. There is clearly a paucity of paleointensity directions were determined by performing a linear regres-
records with high-resolution age control older than 1.1 Ma. sion through the data for multiple demagnetization steps
[4] In this paper, we present a 2.14-Myr paleointensity [Kirschvink, 1980].
record from the western Philippine Sea, with age control
based on astronomical tuning of high-quality d18O data. The 3.2. Mineral Magnetic Measurements
length of the record makes it suitable for developing a de- [7] Several magnetic properties were measured to check
tailed view of long-term paleointensity variations which can whether the MD972143 sediments are suitable for relative

Figure 2. Magnetic properties and chronostratigraphic framework for core MD972143. From left to
right, versus depth: low-field magnetic susceptibility (c), intensity of the natural remanent magnetization
(NRM) prior to demagnetization, declination and inclination, respectively, of the characteristic remanent
magnetization (ChRM), which was calculated using data from multiple demagnetization steps, maximum
angular deviation (MAD) values associated with the ChRM determinations, polarity (black, normal;
white, reversed), with depths indicated for polarity boundaries (SR, Santa Rosa polarity interval;
J, Jaramillo Subchron; CM, Cobb Mountain Subchron; O, Olduvai Subchron; and RII, Réunion II
Subchron), and d18O variations, with numbers indicating d18O stages after Shackleton and Pisias [1985],
Shackleton et al. [1990], and Shackleton et al. [1995]. Peaks in magnetic susceptibility and NRM
represent volcanic ash layers.

paleointensity determinations. Low-field magnetic suscepti- Technical difficulties prevented acquisition of high-quality
bility (c) was measured for all samples using a Bartington ARM data, which are therefore not used in this paper. Sa-
Instruments MS2 magnetic susceptibility meter. Anhysteretic turation isothermal remanent magnetizations (SIRMs) were
remanent magnetizations (ARMs) were imparted to the z axis imparted using a DC field of 1 T. The SIRMs were then
of all samples using an 80 mT AF and a 0.1 mT bias field. subjected to AF demagnetization at peak fields of 10, 15 and

20 mT. Hysteresis parameters, including saturation magnet-

ization (Ms), saturation remanence (Mr), coercive force (Bc)
and coercivity of remanence (Bcr), were measured on 313
subsamples (30 mg) up to maximum fields of 1 T using a
Princeton Measurements Corporation Micromag Alternating
Gradient Magnetometer (sensitivity of 10 11 A m2).
3.3. Spectral Analysis
[8] Wavelet analysis was used to test for the presence of
significant spectral power within the relative paleointensity
time series and within the rock magnetic parameters used
for paleointensity normalization. For nonstationary time
series, wavelet analysis is particularly useful for identifying
periodicities that might be present at different times. In
order to conduct wavelet analysis on a time series with
irregular spacings between points, it is necessary to resam-
ple the time series with uniform spacing. This was achieved
by calculating the average time spacing for the original data
points and by resampling the record at this average time
spacing. A red-noise background spectrum was assumed
and was estimated from the best fit with the global spec-
trum. A Morlet wavelet was used as the basis function.
Details of the wavelet analysis technique are given by
Torrence and Compo [1998]. In addition, the software
package ‘‘AnalySeries’’ [Paillard et al., 1996] was used
to perform cross-spectral analysis between our relative Figure 3. Depth versus age plot for core MD972143,
paleointensity record and the Sint-800 and VM93 records using the astronomically tuned age model of Horng et al.
to delineate their spectral power, coherency and phase [2002], which was constructed after subtraction of 0.93 m of
relationships. Before conducting cross-spectral analysis, sediment represented by volcanic ash layers. Variations in
each investigated time series was normalized to unit var- sedimentation rate throughout the studied age interval are
iance and resampled at a constant 2-kyr interval. The shown in the bottom panel.
Blackman-Tukey technique with a Bartlett window type
was used for cross-spectral analysis. Regardless, it is evident that the declinations change by
180 at each polarity reversal and that the paleomagnetic
directions reliably record the geomagnetic signal. Values of
4. Results the maximum angular deviation [Kirschvink, 1980] are
4.1. Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy and Age Control generally below 5, which indicates that ChRM directions
[9] Horng et al. [2002] developed a magnetic polarity are well defined. In addition to the Jaramillo and Olduvai
stratigraphy and detailed d18 O stratigraphy for the subchrons, it is possible to recognize the Santa Rosa [follow-
MD972143 core in order to provide new astronomically ing Singer and Brown, 2002], Cobb Mountain and Réunion
calibrated age estimates for short polarity events in the II polarity intervals within the Matuyama Chron in core
Matuyama Chron. In this paper, we focus on paleointensity MD972143 (Figure 2). The d18O stratigraphy of Horng et al.
determinations for the MD972143 core. We briefly discuss [2002] is clearly delineated back to stage 81 (Figure 2) by
relevant magnetostratigraphic and d18O results, as presented correlation of the oxygen isotope record from core
by Horng et al. [2002], in order to establish the suitability of MD972143 with the composite d18O record of Shackleton
the studied sediments for relative paleointensity determina- and Pisias [1985], Shackleton et al. [1990], and Shackleton
tions. The sediments recovered in core MD972143 gener- et al. [1995]. Stage 81 is identified immediately above the
ally have stable magnetizations, with 95% of samples foraminiferal sand layer [Horng et al., 2002], which pro-
showing clear univectorial decay to the origin of vector vides an age constraint of 2.14 Ma for the base of the
component diagrams. Secondary remanence components paleointensity record presented here.
are generally small and a characteristic remanent magnet- [10] Astronomical calibration of the MD972143 record
ization (ChRM) was almost always identified after demag- was achieved [Horng et al., 2002] by tuning the d18O record
netization at 10 –20 mT. Using the ChRM data from the to a target curve constructed using the astronomical solution
stepwise-demagnetized samples, it was possible to construct of Laskar et al. [1993]. The orbital components of the d18O
a clear magnetic polarity stratigraphy (Figure 2). The data from core MD972143 clearly match the target curve
average ChRM inclinations in the normal and reversed and provide confidence in the results of the astronomical
polarity intervals are 30.3 and 30.7, respectively, which tuning procedure. We use the age model produced by Horng
are not significantly different from the inclination expected et al. [2002] for presenting our paleointensity record.
for a geocentric axial dipole field at the site latitude [11] In Figure 3, we show a plot of sedimentation rate for
(±29.6). The ChRM declinations clearly undergo progres- the interval above the white foraminiferal sand layer (32.91 –
sive down-core changes (Figure 2), which probably indi- 33.95 m) after removing 0.93 m of the sediment record
cates that the sediments twisted during core recovery. represented by volcanic ash layers which are treated as

Figure 4. Mineral magnetic properties for core MD972143. (a) Representative hysteresis loops. (b)
Plot of Mr/Ms versus Bcr/Bc for 313 samples [Day et al., 1977], which indicates that the magnetic mineral
assemblage is dominated by pseudosingle-domain (PSD) titanomagnetite (SD, single domain, and MD,
multidomain). (c) Plot of IRM1T versus c for all samples except those from volcanic ash horizons which
are not considered for paleointensity determinations. The clustering of the data indicates that the
titanomagnetite particles have a relatively narrow range of concentrations and the near linearity of the
cluster indicates that the range of grain size variation is also narrow. If a line of best fit is fitted through
the data, it would have a positive intercept on the horizontal axis, which indicates that paramagnetic
minerals contribute to the susceptibility. (d) and (e) Down-core variations of grain-size-dependent
magnetic parameters IRM1T/c and Mr/Ms, respectively. (f ) Down-core variations of the S ratio indicate
that a ferrimagnetic mineral dominates the magnetic properties. This is consistent with the identification
of titanomagnetite [Horng et al., 2002].

instantaneous deposits that are not representative of longer-

term sedimentation. These volcanic ash layers are generally
evident as peaks in down-core profiles of c and NRM
intensity (Figure 2). Below the foraminiferal sand layer, the
chronology is less secure, and this older portion of the core is
therefore not used in the present study. Temporal variations in
sedimentation rate were determined (lower panel of Figure 3)
using 56 age control points from the d18O stratigraphy
[Horng et al., 2002]. Sedimentation rates varied between 1
and 2 cm/kyr for the studied time interval, except for the last
340 kyr where sedimentation rates were generally higher
than 2 cm/kyr. This higher apparent sedimentation rate for the
uppermost part of the core might be partially attributable to
lower compaction of the surficial sediments.

4.2. Mineral Magnetic Properties

[12] In order for a sediment to be suitable for relative
paleointensity studies, the magnetization of the sediment
must be linearly related to the Earth’s magnetic field strength
[e.g., King et al., 1983; Tauxe, 1993]. In order to meet this
condition, empirical studies indicate that the magnetization
of the sediment should be carried by magnetite, preferably in
the pseudosingle-domain (PSD) grain size range (1 – 15 mm),
and that the concentration of the magnetite should not vary
by more than a factor of 10 [Tauxe, 1993]. Mineral magnetic
properties are shown for core MD972143 in Figure 4
(excluding samples with high volcanic ash contents). Horng
et al. [2002] carried out X-ray diffraction analysis and
electron probe microanalysis on magnetic extracts. Their
results indicate that a surficially oxidized low-titanium
magnetite is the only magnetic mineral present. Hysteresis
loops have regular shapes (Figure 4a) and are not wasp-
waisted [e.g., Roberts et al., 1995], which is consistent with
the presence of a single magnetic mineral without a bimodal
mixture of grain sizes. Hysteresis parameters, as shown in a
‘‘Day plot’’ [Day et al., 1977] (Figure 4b), are consistent
with the dominance of particles in the PSD size range. A plot Figure 5. Two estimates of relative geomagnetic paleo-
of IRM1T versus c has relatively uniform slope, which intensity for the last 2.14 Myr from core MD972143:
suggests that the titanomagnetite grains in core MD972143 NRM20 mT/c and NRM20 mT/IRM20 mT. Ages are plotted
have a narrow range of grain sizes (Figure 4c). Down-core with respect to the astronomically tuned age model of Horng
plots of grain-size-dependent parameters such as IRM1T/c et al. [2002]. The magnetic polarity zonation for the core is
and Mr/Ms (Figures 4d and 4e) have no resemblance to d18O summarized on the right-hand side of the figure, along with
variations (Figure 2), which indicates that the observed the ages derived for the polarity boundaries by Horng et al.
minor grain size variations are not climatically controlled. [2002]. Abbreviations for polarity intervals are the same as
Maximum and minimum values of c and IRM1T vary by a in Figure 2.
factor of 2.5 (Figure 4c). The titanomagnetite concentra-
tion therefore varies by much less than a factor of 10, as
suggested by Tauxe [1993] as a requirement for relative tions for the MD972143 core (after demagnetization of the
paleointensity studies. The interpretation that titanomagne- NRM and IRM at 10, 15, and 20 mT). Comparison of
tite is the dominant magnetic mineral in core MD972143 is NRM/c and NRM/IRM data indicates that both parameters
supported by S ratio data (S ratio = IRM 0.3T/IRM1T; see provide equivalent estimates of the geomagnetic relative
Verosub and Roberts [1995]), which generally vary between paleointensity (Figure 5). Indistinguishable results were
0.95 and 1.00, with an average of 0.98 (Figure 4f ). Thus, in obtained for normalizations at each of the above demagnet-
summary, it appears that the sediments of core MD972143 ization levels; therefore, for the sake of simplicity, we have
meet the mineralogical requirements for relative paleointen- only shown the normalization at 20 mT in Figure 5. The
sity determinations because the magnetization is dominated details of the paleointensity curves, including variations in
by titanomagnetite with a narrow range of concentrations in frequency and amplitude of the signal, are reproduced for
the PSD size range. both normalization parameters. We therefore use the
NRM20 mT/c curve for comparison with other paleointen-
4.3. Relative Paleointensity Determinations sity records for the remainder of this paper.
[13] We have normalized the NRM with c and IRM in [14] In order to assess the robustness of the paleointensity
order to estimate relative geomagnetic paleointensity varia- proxies shown in Figure 5, it is useful to conduct spectral

Figure 6. Wavelet analysis of the relative paleointensity proxy (NRM20 mT/c) for core MD972143. (a)
NRM20 mT/c for the studied 2.14 Myr time series. (b) Wavelet power spectrum for the paleointensity
time series. Orbital periods of precession (23 kyr), obliquity (41 kyr), and eccentricity (100 kyr) are
shown as dashed lines. Other ticks on the right-hand scale indicate periods of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 200
kyr. Contour lines surrounding intervals with light shading indicate statistically significant power at the
95% confidence level for red noise with a lag 1 autoregressive process [see Torrence and Campo, 1998].
Curved lines on either side of the figure indicate the ‘‘cone of confidence’’ where edge effects become
important. (c) Global wavelet spectrum for the entire paleointensity time series. The dashed line indicates
the 95% confidence level (i.e., none of the spectral peaks are globally significant). (d) The scale-
averaged variance of the wavelet power spectrum, which shows the localization of spectral power for
periods ranging from 90 to 110 kyr.

analysis of the paleointensity time series as well as for the which suggests that the paleointensity proxy is not con-
normalizing parameters to check for nongeomagnetic con- taminated by nongeomagnetic lithological signals. We
tamination of the signal. In paleointensity studies, it is therefore conclude that the NRM20 mT/c paleointensity
normal to calculate a power spectrum for the entire time proxy for the MD972143 core provides a useful geomag-
series to test for significant periodicities in the signal. netic signal.
However, Guyodo et al. [2000] showed that wavelet anal- [15] In Figure 8, we compare the relative paleointensity
ysis [see Torrence and Campo, 1998] is a more powerful record from core MD972143 with the Sint-800 global stack
technique for paleomagnetic data sets because it enables of Guyodo and Valet [1999] for the last 800 kyr and with
identification of temporal variations in observed periodici- the West Caroline Basin record of Yamazaki and Oda
ties. Wavelet analyses of the NRM20 mT/c paleointensity [2002] and the equatorial Pacific record of Valet and
proxy and of the normalizing parameter (c) for the last 2.14 Meynadier [1993] for the older interval of the core. Agree-
Myr are shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. In both ment between the MD972143 and Sint-800 data sets is
cases, the global wavelet spectrum (Figures 6c and 7c) generally good, with close agreement between the form of
contains no significant periodicities for the entire time the curves, and generally in the timing and amplitude of
series, although some temporally localized periods are maxima and minima. The only significant discrepancies
significant in the wavelet power spectra (Figures 6b and occur at 310, 430 –450, 490, 590– 620, and 730 ka. The
7b). These localized peaks in the wavelet power spectrum similarity between the Sint-800 and MD972143 paleointen-
are not coincident for the NRM20 mT/c and c time series, sity records can be quantitatively tested by cross-spectral

Figure 7. Wavelet analysis of the relative paleointensity normalizing parameter (c) for core
MD972143. (a) Magnetic susceptibility (c) for the studied 2.14 Myr time series. (b) Wavelet power
spectrum for the c time series (compare Figure 6). (c) Global wavelet spectrum for the entire c time
series. The dashed line indicates the 95% confidence interval (i.e., none of the spectral peaks are globally
significant). (d) The scale-averaged variance of the wavelet power spectrum, which shows the
localization of spectral power for periods ranging from 90 to 110 kyr.

analysis (Figure 9). Significant coherency is evident across between the two records in terms of frequency and ampli-
a broad range of frequencies, which suggests that the tude of the signal. In some cases, there are temporal offsets
records are quantitatively similar and that the MD972143 between correlative paleointensity features, which simply
core has recorded dominantly dipolar geomagnetic intensity results from differences in the age models for the two time
fluctuations at least over the last 800 kyr. series. These offsets are particularly obvious around the
[16] In contrast to the general agreement between the Cobb Mountain and Réunion II polarity intervals (Figure 8).
MD972143 paleointensity record and Sint-800, visual cor- The generally impressive agreement between these two
relation between our record and VM93 for the interval records provides clear evidence that both cores contain a
between 0.80 and 2.14 Ma is less convincing (Figure 8). robust dominantly dipolar signal that will enable develop-
In particular, the records show no similarity between 800 ment of a detailed view of geomagnetic field behavior
and 930 ka, 1430 –1630 ka, and within the Olduvai Sub- between 0.8 and 2.14 Ma.
chron (1770– 1950 ka). This generally poor agreement is [17] One of the intervals where there is a discrepancy
demonstrated in Figure 10 where we plot results of cross- between the MD972143 and West Caroline Basin records
spectral analysis between the two paleointensity records for is at around 900 ka, between the Jaramillo Subchron and
the interval from 0.80 to 2.14 Ma. In contrast to the the Matuyama/Brunhes (M/B) boundary. Several published
comparison with Sint-800 (Figure 9), the coherency with paleointensity records have good chronological control for
VM93 is significant at only a narrow range of frequencies the interval between 0.73 and 1.10 Ma, which makes it
(Figure 10). Despite the relatively poor agreement with possible to examine this apparent discrepancy in more
VM93, visual correlation between the MD972143 paleo- detail (Figure 11). The additional paleointensity records
intensity record and the West Caroline Basin record of shown in Figure 11 include the Mediterranean LC07 record
Yamazaki and Oda [2002] is good. Apart from discrepan- of Dinarès-Turell et al. [2002], the North Atlantic ODP
cies at 900 ka and 1970 –2070 ka, there is close agreement Site 983 record of Channell and Kleiven [2000], and the

Figure 8. The relative paleointensity record for core MD972143 compared to the Sint-800 global
paleointensity stack [Guyodo and Valet, 1999] for the last 800 kyr and compared to the West Caroline
Basin record of Yamazaki and Oda [2002] and the equatorial Pacific paleointensity record of Valet and
Meynadier [1993] (VM93) for the interval from 800 ka to 2.14 Ma. ChRM inclinations are also shown to
indicate the positions of polarity reversals documented in core MD972143 (dotted lines indicate the
inclinations expected for a geocentric axial dipole field at the site latitude). Black, normal polarity, and
white, reversed polarity on the polarity log, which has the same labels as in Figure 2.

Figure 9. Spectral power, coherency and phase resulting from cross-spectral analysis of NRM20 mT/c
for core MD972143 and the Sint-800 paleointensity stack of Guyodo and Valet [1999] for the last 800
kyr. There is significant coherency between both signals across a broad range of frequencies, which
suggests that the records are quantitatively similar.

Jaramillo paleointensity stack of Guyodo et al. [2001]. Subchron. For other parts of the paleointensity record
Paleointensity minima are evident at each polarity transi- between the Jaramillo Subchron and the M/B boundary,
tion in each record. In addition to the paleointensity serial correlation between coeval features is less clear
minimum at the M/B boundary, all of the records contain (Figure 11). Dinarès-Turell et al. [2002] showed that, for
evidence of a minimum (DIP 1) that preceded the M/B the interval between 0.78 and 0.88 Ma, the records of Valet
boundary by 15 kyr [Kent and Schneider, 1995]. Com- and Meynadier [1993] and Meynadier et al. [1994] com-
parison of the positions of these paleointensity minima pare less favorably with other records from the Pacific
indicates that there are discrepancies between the ages used Ocean [Guyodo et al., 1999], the Ontong Java Plateau [Kok
for the polarity boundaries. The principal reason for the and Tauxe, 1999], and the Mediterranean Sea. Dinarès-
discrepancy is that Horng et al. [2002] used the most Turell et al. [2002] suggested that there are reasonable
recent astronomical target curve of Laskar et al. [1993] for matches between these records when one considers the
their astronomical calibration of the MD972143 record, uncertainties in age control for some of the records.
whereas some of the other records are based on different Modification of the age models for these records and those
astronomical target curves. These discrepancies are of the in Figure 11, within allowable age constraints and with
order of only a few thousand years, which does not tuning to a common astronomical target curve, will help to
compromise comparison of the paleointensity records. In reduce the apparent discrepancies among the records.
particular, it should be noted that agreement among the Nevertheless, on the basis of published records, paleointen-
published records is good in the vicinity of the Jaramillo sity variations in this age interval are less clearly coherent

Figure 10. Spectral power, coherency and phase resulting from cross-spectral analysis of NRM20 mT/c
for core MD972143 and the equatorial Pacific paleointensity record of Valet and Meynadier [1993]
(VM93) for the interval from 800 ka to 2.14 Ma. Coherency between these records is poor compared to
that between core MD972143 and the Sint-800 paleointensity stack, as shown in Figure 9 (see text for

than for the Jaramillo Subchron [Guyodo et al., 2001] and the VM93 record for the age interval between 0.8 and 2.14
older intervals (Figure 8). Ma. Does this observation have any implications concern-
ing the reliability of VM93 and are asymmetrical sawtooth
5. Discussion paleointensity variations observed in the MD972143
record? Third, is there any evidence in the paleomagnetic
[18] The relative paleointensity data presented in this record from core MD972143 that suggests the presence of a
paper provide a record with high-quality age control; such 100-kyr periodicity in inclination, as recently suggested by
records are still rare for the time interval beyond 1.1 Ma. Yamazaki and Oda [2002]?
The record from core MD972143 provides the opportunity
to address some important questions concerning long-term 5.1. Orbital Influence on the Intensity of the
behavior of the geomagnetic field. First, are any significant Geomagnetic Field?
(orbital) periodicities present in the relative paleointensity [19] Statistically significant power at the orbital eccen-
data from core MD972143? Second, the MD972143 pale- tricity period (100 kyr) and at other periods has been
ointensity record shows significant coherency with the Sint- reported in several paleointensity studies of sedimentary
800 global paleointensity stack for the past 800 kyr, and sequences [Tauxe and Wu, 1990; Tauxe and Shackleton,
with the West Caroline Basin record of Yamazaki and Oda 1994; Channell et al., 1998; Yamazaki, 1999]. The magnetic
[2002] back to 2.14 Ma, but it shows poor coherency with properties of core MD972143 are highly uniform and

et al. [2000], who used wavelet analysis to demonstrate that

the inferred eccentricity modulation of geomagnetic field
intensity suggested by Channell et al. [1998] represents a
subtle expression of lithological variations rather than being
a characteristic of the geodynamo. Wavelet analysis there-
fore appears to be a particularly powerful tool for testing the
origin of persistent periodicities in records of geomagnetic
relative paleointensity.

5.2. Asymmetrical Sawtooth Paleointensity Behavior?

[20] When Valet and Meynadier [1993] provided evi-
dence that geomagnetic paleointensity variations have an
asymmetrical sawtooth form between successive reversals,
it was suggested that geomagnetic field behavior was
deterministic. That is, the primary constraint on the timing
of the next reversal is the intensity to which the field
rebounded after the previous reversal. This conclusion
conflicts with over 30 years of analysis of long-term field
behavior [e.g., Cox, 1968; McFadden et al., 1987], where
the probability of a polarity transition should not be a
function of field intensity. The observation of asymmetrical
sawtooth paleointensity behavior has therefore been hotly
debated. Criticism has focused on geomagnetic [e.g.,
McFadden and Merrill, 1997] and rock magnetic [e.g.,
Kok and Tauxe, 1996a, 1996b; Mazaud, 1996] arguments,
with new records [e.g., Laj et al., 1996b; Kok and Tauxe,
1999] often not confirming the observations of Valet and
Meynadier [1993]. The number of records that span several
reversals is still small; thus new records that can constrain
the problem are valuable.
[21] Inspection of the paleointensity record from core
MD972143 indicates that it does not have an obvious
asymmetrical sawtooth form (Figure 8). Rather, the paleo-
intensity variations seem to occur on a similar scale to those
in the Brunhes Chron, with relatively broad maxima and
Figure 11. Comparison of paleointensity records between intermittent minima that seem to correspond to geomagnetic
0.73 and 1.10 Ma, including the records from core excursions or short polarity intervals. There is close agree-
MD972143, West Caroline Basin core MD982185 [Yama- ment between our record and that of Valet and Meynadier
zaki and Oda, 2002], Mediterranean core LC07 [Dinarès- [1993] for some intervals (e.g., 950– 1400 ka; Figure 8).
Turell et al., 2002], North Atlantic ODP Site 983 [Channell However, lack of coherency between the two records for
and Kleiven, 2000], and the Jaramillo paleointensity stack other intervals (Figure 10) and the generally excellent
of Guyodo et al. [2001]. agreement between our record and that of Yamazaki and
Oda [2002] raises the question of whether VM93 is con-
sistently reliable. The sediments from core MD972143 are
clearly satisfy the criteria of Tauxe [1993] for relative magnetically much more uniform than those studied by
paleointensity investigations. It is therefore useful to inves- Valet and Meynadier [1993]. The fact that for the last 800
tigate the spectral content of the paleointensity record from kyr, the geomagnetic paleointensity appears to be well
core MD972143 to test the claim that the geodynamo is in recorded by sediments with the same magnetic properties
some way energized by orbital forcing. Wavelet analysis of as the interval from 800 ka to 2.14 Ma suggests that this
the MD972143 paleointensity record indicates that there is earlier interval should record paleointensities as faithfully as
no statistically significant power at the orbital eccentricity the younger interval in core MD972143. The coeval record
period (Figure 6b). The scale-averaged variance contains a of Yamazaki and Oda [2002] also contains no evidence for
peak for the 100-kyr eccentricity period at 800 ka; however, asymmetrical sawtooth paleointensity behavior. Together,
this peak is not statistically significant at the 95% con- these records provide independent evidence that asymmet-
fidence level (Figure 6d). Although there are also peaks in rical sawtooth paleointensities might result from rock mag-
the global power spectrum (Figure 6c), the 2.14-Myr record netic artefacts, as has been suggested in the literature.
from core MD972143 is notable for its lack of significant
temporally persistent power at any period. This suggests, in 5.3. Orbital Influence on Paleomagnetic Inclination?
contrast to the findings of Channell et al. [1998] and [22] Yamazaki and Oda [2002] provided evidence for a
Yamazaki [1999], that orbital eccentricity or other orbital 100-kyr periodicity in paleomagnetic inclination data as
components are not geomagnetically significant over the well as in their paleointensity record from the West Caro-
last 2 Myr. Our results are consistent with those of Guyodo line Basin. As demonstrated above, our wavelet analysis for

Figure 12. Wavelet analysis of the absolute value of the paleomagnetic inclinations for core
MD972143. (a) Absolute value of the paleomagnetic inclination for the studied 2.14 Myr time series. (b)
Wavelet power spectrum for the inclination time series (compare. Figure 6). (c) Global wavelet spectrum
for the entire inclination time series. The dashed line indicates the 95% confidence level. (d) The scale
averaged variance of the wavelet power spectrum, which shows the localization of spectral power for
periods ranging from 90 to 110 kyr.

the MD972143 relative paleointensity record does not persistent power at the 100-kyr eccentricity period in our
support a long-term modulation of the geomagnetic field record suggests that the conclusion concerning orbital
by orbital eccentricity. It is therefore worth testing whether eccentricity modulation of the geomagnetic field [Yamazaki
our inclination data contain any evidence for a temporally and Oda, 2002] is questionable. It should be noted that
persistent eccentricity-related periodicity. We have per- Yamazaki and Oda [2002] did not demonstrate that the
formed a wavelet analysis of the absolute value of the spectral power at the 100-kyr orbital eccentricity period was
paleomagnetic inclinations from the MD972143 core. statistically significant. We therefore consider it premature
Absolute values have been used to remove the effect of to accept the hypothesis of orbital modulation of the geo-
step shifts in the inclination records at each respective magnetic field without more robust evidence.
polarity transition. Wavelet analysis of the MD972143
inclination record (Figures 12b and 12c) confirms the 5.4. Long-Term Geomagnetic Field Behavior
finding of Yamazaki and Oda [2002] that the greatest [23] As expected, the MD972143 paleointensity record
concentration of power in the global power spectrum occurs has minima in correspondence with each geomagnetic rever-
at the 100-kyr eccentricity period (Figure 12c). However, sal. In addition, there are minima at times of known geo-
this dominant periodicity is only statistically significant at magnetic excursions during the Brunhes Chron (Figure 8).
the 95% confidence level at around 1.8 Ma and near both Directional fluctuations away from the expected axial geo-
ends of the record (Figures 12b and 12d), where edge centric dipole inclination at the site latitude are evident in the
effects become important and where the results are less MD972143 record (Figure 8) in association with the
meaningful. Lack of statistically significant, temporally observed paleointensity minima, although the Laschamp

event at 40 ka is the only excursion for which reversed record of Yamazaki and Oda [2002]. Good coherence
polarity inclinations are observed. Our data therefore confirm between records for the older age interval suggests that
the suggestion that collapse of the field to low paleointen- we are starting to obtain a reliable and detailed view of
sities, with associated directional fluctuations, are a normal geomagnetic field behavior for the last 2 Myr.
part of long-term geomagnetic field behavior.
[24] A similar pattern of geomagnetic behavior is evident [28] Acknowledgments. This study is part of the Taiwan IMAGES
within the MD972143 record during the Matuyama Chron. Program supported by the National Science Council of the Republic of
China (grants NSC89-2116-M-001-011 and -029 to C.-S.H.). Support via a
Along with the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchrons, three short pair of grants from the National Science Council of the Republic of China
normal polarity intervals are present in the Matuyama to C.-S.H. and the Royal Society of London to A.P.R. enabled preparation
Chron, including the Santa Rosa polarity interval and the of the manuscript. We thank the scientific party and crew of the Marion
Cobb Mountain and Réunion II subchrons (Figure 8). In Dufresne for coring in the western Philippine Sea on the IMAGES III
cruise. We are grateful to Yohan Guyodo, Jim Channell, and Carlo Laj for
addition, the presence of numerous paleointensity minima, constructive comments that helped to improve this paper. We also thank
which are often associated with directional fluctuations, Michael Winklhofer for discussions and for help with software develop-
confirms observations from the Brunhes Chron that these ment and calculation of ChRM directions. This is IESAS contribution 804.
features represent a normal aspect of long-term geomagnetic
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