SRC Highlights - Volume 4
SRC Highlights - Volume 4
SRC Highlights - Volume 4
The mosquitoes are out on a rampage
with dengue fever. There were several dengue
cases reported in the newspaper. Transmitted
by Aedes aegypty, with symptoms such as fe-
ver, rashes, muscle aches, headaches and nau-
sea it can be classified into dengue and dengue
hemorrhagic fever which is fatal.
It is indeed a glorious achievement for with the score of 6-0 and UKM (3-1). The last On the 16th January 2005, the Student’s
IIUM during Majlis Sukan Antara Universiti match of the group stage, which will decide the Representative Council in collaboration with the
Malaysia 2005 or MASUM 2005 when the IIUM group champion, will be held on the 5th of International Students’ Office (ISO), had orga-
Futsal team emerge as the champion for Futsal February 2005, between the IIUM team and the nized a trip to the Mines Wonderland. This trip
after beating Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) team representing Universiti Tenaga Nasional successfully gathered about 42 students which
9-1 in the final which was held in Universiti (UNITEN) at 5 pm. On the same day, IIUM consisted of both Malaysians and Interna-
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi. One of female hockey team will go against the female tional students. Among the activities con-
our players, Faridzul Azlan b. Abd Shani (LLB), UNITEN team at 3 pm. IIUM students are all ducted during this trip was ice breaking ses-
was crowned the top scorer with the total of 11 invited to come and support our teams. sion, musical box and Mummy wrapping games.
goals (6 goals in the final match). The commu- Credits also should be given to other The main objective of this program was to build
nity of IIUM is certainly proud of their achieve- IIUM sports contingents for their efforts and up good relationships among students through
ment! sportsmanship shown during MASUM in or- leisure activities. Besides, the organizer also in-
In addition, IIUM male hockey team der to uphold the good name of IIUM during tended to introduce SRC to IIUM students. Stu-
has booked their place in the quarter-final of the tournament. We at SRC would like to wish dents have mentioned that they thoroughly
MASUM High Performance game. The matches you all the best in your upcoming matches and enjoyed this trip as this was the time for them to
were held in the hockey turf, IIUM Female games. Never give up! release their burden after facing mid-term ex-
Sports Complex. In the group stage, IIUM team ams, assignments and so on. Hopefully, this
managed to beat Multimedia University (MMU) program can be organized again in order to en-
courage good bonds among students.
all students and staff gave positive responses sion and vision to uphold and preserve the good
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. towards the new rules. It is very important that name of our university. Obviously, what have
these rules can be understood and followed by been done by the university is for our own ben-
Praise be to Allah The all students as they are actually meant to efit in the future. Insya Allah one day, we will be
AlMighty and the Most educate rather than to punish or burden able to contribute to the development of Islam
Merciful. As we are still in students. These rules are also one of the ways and its ummah and also to our beloved native
the mood of Eidul Adha, to encourage good morality and akhlaq among soil. Therefore, I would like to urge myself and
maybe it is not too late for students which are outlined in the Qur’an and all fellow students to comply with the rules of
me to wish all of you Eid the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) our campus.
Mubarak so that we may all lead better lives and also be
My beloved Brothers and Sisters better Muslims. These sets of law are also regu- Insya Allah…
lated to help the IIUM community build a better
On the 6th of January, we had witnessed the Islamic environment or ‘Biah-solehah’ in our Mohd Helmy Razelan
launching of Students’ Discipline Rules 2004 campus so that the motto ‘Garden of Knowl- Vice President 2
by our Honorable Rector Prof. Dr Kamal Hassan edge and Virtue’ can be proven and promoted.
which was attended by mostly student leaders Based on that, we as IIUM students
and staff. Since the launching of the new rules, should assist the university in achieving its mis-
On Monday, the 24th of January 2005, We, at SRC have enquired the Mahallah
Muhd Faheem Mohd Ezani
the SRC was notified by residents of Mahallah personnel regarding this matter. According to Abdul Rahman Abdul Karem
Maryam regarding a sudden interruption of the representative from the office of Mahallah
water supply at the mentioned mahallah. The Maryam, the interruption is caused by the main- Reporters
water supply was cut-off without prior notice, tenance system of the main pipe at Maryam. Amrah, Siti Asma’, Shakirah, Amira,
beginning from 8 pm and was restored at 10 am The Mahallah administration profusely Fadli, Nik, Sharifah, Zainatul, Azian,
the next day. apologised for all inconveniences caused and Huda, Hasnah
This unexpected interruption caused will do their best in order to avoid such prob-
much distress among students as many of their lems from occurring again. Design & Layout
SYM Crew
daily activities were interrupted. They were even
more upset as the Mahallah administration failed Any comment or suggestion, email us
to inform them earlier regarding the interrup- at:
tion of water supply.
TSUNAMI RELIEF TEAM (TrT) What is your opinion, as a staff of IIUM,
Tsunami Relief Team or regarding the implementation of the
TrT was formed in order to answer new rules recently?
calls of help from the victims of “Enforcement of the rules
the recent tsunami disaster which is very important and it
occurred last December. The main should be made
function of TrT is to give support continuously. By rules,
to the people in Acheh. we are able to control the
There were five students students’ disciplinary
involved in this team, all from vari- behaviour. The rules can
ous courses. Two of them repre- only be successful if all
Madam Norbani
sented the Task Force Squad, one Ismail (Lecturer) the staff play their parts
from Wataniah, another from Wel- Dept of Quran & in implementing them.
fare Brigade. Accompanying them Sunnah, Kuliyyah of For me, everyone should
Islamic Revealed
was an IIUM officer. They were respect the laws”.
all in Acheh for a week, beginning
from the 17th of January until the “I have no objection
23rd of January 2005. Five to the rescue regarding the
This team offered a lot of help while in in order to show their concern towards these enforcement of the new
Acheh. Among their contributions was the victims. rules in IIUM. It will
setup a mass-kitchen where preparations of We at SRC are very proud of them for create good attitudes
foods for the lucky survivors could be done. their willingness to support this team and also among the students and
They also distributed foods and other goods the victims of this unfortunate disaster. This is also give an advantage to
for the victims. They paid visits to camps or very important in helping the victims regain their them to present their
Madam Wan
‘Posko’ which place the victims of the disaster strength to survive and go back to their normal cases in front of the Zawiyah Wan
life. authority when fined.” Ya’cob
Asst. Manager of
ACTIVATE YOUR EXTRA or their sisters, or their sister’s sons, or their women,
or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or