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for Change of

All Applicants must follow the following steps:

a. Pick/download and fill the NIRA Notification of

change/correction of error (Form 1) attached

b. Attach a copy of the National ID

c. Present the original National ID to the Registration

Officer (To be surrendered at the time of picking the

d. Appear in person for new photo image and biometric


e. P
 ay the prescribed fees of 50,000 shs payable in any
bank where the error is was not caused by NIRA.

f. Attached required documentation


1. All legal documentation involved in the process e.g statutory

declarations and deed polls, shall be drafted and registered by
the applicant at their own cost.

2. Applicants shall be required to obtain the above mentioned

documents through their own lawyers of choice.

1.  C
 hange of name by omitting or adopting
a new name other than by marriage or
A person who wishes to omit or adopt a new name in the
register for any reason i.e change in religion shall present the
following documents:

i. Cope of Notice of intention to change

published in the Uganda Gazette;

ii. Original copy of Deed poll duly registered

with URSB;
2. Change in name by virtue of marriage or
A person who wishes to change his or her name in the
register by reason of marriage or divorce shall present the
following documents:

i. A Copy of Notice of intention to change the name

published in Uganda Gazette;

ii. Original copy of Deed poll duly registered with URSB;

iii. Certified copy of marriage certificate or Certified copy

of decree absolute.

3.  Update of names by adding names

appearing on the passport, birth
certificate and academic documents
A person who wishes to update his names in the register
by adding names appearing on his or her birth certificate
issued before 1st January 2016, passport or academic
documents issued before 2014 must present the following

i. A statutory declaration duly registered with URSB and

any one of the following documentation;

a. A birth certificate issues before 1st January 2016;

b. Academic documents issued before 2014;

c. Passport issued before 2014

4. Complete change of name of all names
A person who wishes to completely change, delete or
renounce the combination of all their names i.e from John
Bosco Musoke to Micheal Miles Semanda shall present the
following documents:

i.  N
 otice of intention to change name published in the
Government Gazette;

ii. Deed poll dully registered with URSB

iii. Certificate of Good Conduct from Interpol

iv. Police Clearance (CID Report)

v. In case of UPDF officers clearance from Joint Chief

of Staff(in lieu of police clearance and certificate of
Good conduct from Interpol)

vi. Any one of the following documents:

a. Academic Documents

b. birth certificate

c. driving permit

d. Baptism card

e. Immunization card

f. Voters card
5.  Change in name by deletion of nick
names, pet names and titles
A person who wishes to change his or her particulars in the
register by removing titles such as Dr.Prof,Mr/Mrs, Nalongo,
Salongo, sheik, Hajat, Owobusobozi, Omulangira or pet/nick
names such as small, Rasta, Fat, Friday, Boss, Amooti, Akiiki,
Kadogo shall present the following documentation to the

i. Statutory Declaration duly registered with URSB

ii. Any one of the following documents:

a. Academic Documents

b. birth certificate

c. driving permit

d. Voters Card

e. Driving Permit

f. Immunization Card

6. Inclusion or deletion of the maiden name

A person who wishes to change his or her names in the
register by including or deleting their maiden names from
the face of the National Identification Card shall present a
statutory declaration registered by URSB.
7. Clarification of Initials
In general, there shall be no use of initials in the registration
of the National Identification Register.

However, a person who wishes to clarify the initials

appearing on the register (enrolment form) or to add any
name represented by an initial on the register (enrolment
form) shall present the following:

i.  A statutory declaration duly registered with URSB and

any one of the following documentation;

i. A birth certificate;

ii. Academic documents;

iii. Passport

iv. Driving permit

v. Voters Card

vi. Immunization Card

8. Change in the order of names
A person who wishes to change the order of names already
on the register shall present the following documentation:

i.  A statutory declaration duly registered with URSB and

any one of the following documentation;

a. A birth certificate;

b. Academic documents;

c. Passport.

d. Immunization Card

e. Voters Card

9. Correction in spelling errors names, name

variation, vernacular versions of names,
short names
A person who wishes to change his or her names in the
register by correcting spelling errors or name variation,
vernacular versions of names, short names such as
mary-maria, john-yohana, Joseph-Yosep, Jacob-Yacob,
Edison-Eddy, Kenneth-Ken, Benard-Ben, Elizabeth-Beth,
Peterson-Peter or vice versa shall present the following

A statutory declaration duly registered with URSB and any

one of the following documentation;

a. A birth certificate;
b. Academic documents;

c. Passport.

d. Immunization Card

e. Voters Card

f. Baptism card

g. Notification Record

The above mentioned documents must have been issued

before your registered for the National ID.

10. Change of name for Children

In general a change of name of a child (Below 18 Years of
Age), shall not required a statutory declaration, Notice of
intention to change the name published in the Uganda
Gazette or a Deep poll.

Applicants for change of name of a child shall include the


1. Biological / Adoptive Parent.

2. Guardian
3. Person responsible for the supervision or welfare of the
The above indicated persons shall provide any of the
followings supporting documents:

1. Certified Copy of Birth Certificate

2. Adoption/Guardianship Order
3. Any document proving relationship with the child
A person who wishes to update his or particulars in the
register to reflect a change in their residence shall present
letter from the Local Council 1 of the new residence.

A person who wishes to correct the place of origin shall
present the following:

i. A statutory declaration duly registered

ii. Birth Certificate

iii. CID report district of Origin

A person who wishes to correct the parentage shall present
any two of the following documentation:

i.  C
 ertified copy of Birth certificate issued before

ii. In the absence of the above(1),Appearance of both

parents (those indicated and the actual) at the NIRA
CID office

iii. In the absence of (ii) above, production of DNA test

results from Department of Government Analytical Lab
Note: At the
iv. In the absence of all the above moment
Court Order establishing These cases
parentage are handled
by the Legal
A person who wishes to correct the spelling of persons
indicated as parents shall present any one of the following

i. National ID of Parents

ii. Birth Certificate

iii. Statutory Declaration


A person who wishes to correct the spelling of persons
indicated as parents shall present any one of the following

i. Statutory Declaration

ii. Birth Certificate

iii. Notification Record



Statutory A statement made under Holds the person who

Declaration oath by a person affirming has sworn the statutory
that something is true to declaration accountable
the best knowledge of for the information
the person making the provided i.e in Courts
declaration. of Law

Birth This is a vital record Issued This supports the

Certificate before 1st January 2016 claims of the date
and certified by URSB or of birth and name
change requests
among others

Letter from Letter from relevant Letter confirming a

church/ religious leaders baptism or change
mosque of name on the
basis of change in

LC1 Letter A letter from the Local This confirms

Authority introduces the the change of
applicant as a resident of residence
the area

Marriage This is a copy of a record Evidence of a

Certificate of a legal marriage with request by a
details of names, date. It wife to adopt the
states the surnames of husband’s name
the parties prior to their indicated

Passport Passports issued before This is meant to

2014 prove that applicants provide clarity on
name/s requested are names used before
names that were already marriage
in issue even before the
current legal regime

Certificate Document issued by It confirms that

of good Uganda Police Force a person is
conduct (directorate of Interpol and not seeking a
international relations) complete change
confirming one’s criminal of name to evade
record history. the law

Deed poll Is a legal document that It is a legal

proves a change of name. requirement under
In addition, a deed poll Sect.36 of ROPA.
needs to be registered
with URSB

Notice of This is an announcement This puts the public

intention of the intention to change on notice and
to change the name as prescribed in complaint to NIRA
name the format in the Birth and from a member
Death Regulations 11 (1) of public could
of the ROPA. It should be lead to a rejection
published in the Uganda of the request to
Gazette, change the name
if name change
is for fraudulent

Certificate a court of law’s final This document

copy of order officially ending a supports the
Decree marriage. request to remove
Absolute the name of the
divorced husband
National Independence Grounds, Kololo Airstrip
P.O.Box 26529, Kampala-Uganda
(Reception) +256 312 119600

For Inquiries
on National Identification Registration
+256 312 119631, +256 312 119639

on Birth, Death and Adoption Order Registration

+256 312 119601

on Public Relations
+256 312 119605

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