2014 RNM en Tobillo Asintomático
2014 RNM en Tobillo Asintomático
2014 RNM en Tobillo Asintomático
Original Research
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Level of Clinical Evidence: 3 Given the frequency and burden of ankle sprains, the pathologic features identified on magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) scans are widely known in the symptomatic population. Ankle MRI pathologic features in the
cartilage asymptomatic population, however, are poorly understood. Such examinations are rarely undertaken unless
injury an ankle has been injured or is painful. We report the systematic MRI findings from the reports of 108
magnetic resonance image consecutive asymptomatic lateral ankles (104 patients). Our purpose was to (1) report the prevalence of
osteochondral defect osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLTs) and pathologic features of the medial and lateral ligaments, peroneal
surgery tendons, and superior peroneal retinaculum (SPR); (2) correlate the presence of OLTs with the pathologic
tibia features of the medial and lateral ligaments, peroneal tendons, and SPR; and (3) correlate ligamentous
discontinuity with the peroneal pathologic features, OLTs, and SPR pathologic features. A total of 16 OLTs
(14.81%) were present (13 medial and 3 lateral). Of the 16 patients with OLTs, 8 (50.00%) had concomitant
peroneal pathologic findings. Healthy medial and lateral ligaments were noted in 41 patients (37.96%), and
ligamentous discontinuity was grade I in 25 (23.15%), II in 32 (29.63%), III in 5 (4.63%), and grade IV in 5
patients (4.63%). A weak positive correlation was found between attenuation or tears of the superficial deltoid
and medial OLTs (phi coefficient ¼ 0.23, p ¼ .0191) and a moderate positive correlation between tears of the
posterior talofibular ligament and lateral OLTs (phi coefficient ¼ 0.30, p ¼ .0017). Additionally, a moderate
positive correlation between ligamentous discontinuity and tendinopathy of the peroneus brevis was noted
[Spearman’s coefficient(106) ¼ 0.29, p ¼ .0024]. These findings add to the evidence of concomitant pathologic
features in the asymptomatic population. To definitively assess causation and evaluate the clinical evolution of
radiologic findings, future, prospective, longitudinal cohort studies are necessary.
Ó 2014 by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. All rights reserved.
1067-2516/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. All rights reserved.
2 M.M. Galli et al. / The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery xxx (2014) 1–5
Table 3 Table 5
MRI ascertainment of ligamentous pathologic features observed in asymptomatic MRI ascertainment of peroneal tendon pathologic features observed in asymptomatic
lateral ankles (N ¼ 108 MRI scans) lateral ankles (N ¼ 108 MRI scans)
Table 7 Discussion
Correlation* of MRI ascertainment of asymptomatic lateral ankle pathologic findings
with OLTs (N ¼ 108 MRI scans)
The aftermath of ligamentous ankle sprains on cartilaginous and
Ankle Structure and MRI Pathologic Findings OLTs (n ¼ 16) tendinous pathologic entities has been well documented throughout
Medial (n ¼ 13) Lateral (n ¼ 3) clinical, surgical, and radiologic studies. Data on the prevalence of
Medial ankle ligamentous discontinuity, OLTs, peroneal pathologic features, and
Superficial deltoid attenuated and/or torn 0.23y 0.15 pathologic findings localized to the SPR are scant in the asymp-
Deep deltoid attenuated and/or torn 0.15 0.12 tomatic lateral ankle population and data on their interrelatedness
Lateral ankle
are absent. This is understandably because symptoms typically guide
Anterior talofibular attenuated and/or torn 0.06 0.13
Calcaneofibular attenuated and/or torn 0.12 0.1
the decision to obtain diagnostic imaging. It is well understood that
Posterior talofibular torn 0.04 0.3y large, traumatically induced OLTs often require attention, because
Tibiofibular syndesmosis torn 0.08 0.04 these defects can be a source of chronic pain, recurrent synovitis,
Peroneal tendons and/or intra-articular bodies (10). However, clinical symptoms
Peroneus brevis tendinopathy 0.18 0.01
caused by smaller lesions will not always be encountered. Our clin-
Peroneus brevis tear 0.07 0.03
Peroneus longus tendinopathy 0.12 0.02 ical experience has led us to believe that subclinical pathologic fea-
Chronic SPR injury 0.03 0.15 tures have the potential to progress and, therefore, should be
Abbreviations: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; OLTs, osteochondral lesions of the
monitored closely and treated if any symptoms develop. Based on
talus; SPR, superior peroneal retinaculum. our present findings, the pathologic features noted on MRI should be
* Phi correlation coefficient for dichotomous outcomes. discussed openly with patients who have an asymptomatic lateral
Correlation statistically significant at p .05. ankle, and they should be closely monitored thereafter. For example,
noting the OLT size and discussing lifestyle modifications could
prevent additional degradation of native anatomic structures and,
peroneus brevis (p ¼ .9448), tears of the peroneus brevis (p ¼ .7334),
consequently, prevent subchondral collapse. If related pathologic
tendinopathy of the peroneus longus (p ¼ .8684), or chronic pathologic
features are noted on MRI examination, we advise practitioners to
features of the SPR (p ¼ .1167).
continually monitor the linked pathologic features in an effort to
From our MRI findings, correlations were also computed to
prevent additional progression. With the increased success of
determine the strength and direction of the associations between
comprehensive lateral ankle rehabilitation programs and the high
ligamentous discontinuity (grade I to IV) and the presence of patho-
percentage of asymptomatic patients displaying abnormal ligamen-
logic features localized to the peroneal tendons, the presence of an
tous and tendinous pathologic features, we have followed the rec-
OLT, and the presence of SPR pathologic findings (Table 8). We hy-
ommendations of Saxena et al (11), who stated that the presence of
pothesized that increasing severity of the ankle’s ligamentous con-
pathologic findings on MRI alone should not be used as an indication
dition would correlate with the presence of peroneal tendon
for surgery and should only be discussed after exhaustion of con-
pathologic features. That hypothesis was partially confirmed. A
servative treatment.
moderate, positive correlation was found between ligamentous
Roughly one third of our patients demonstrated tendinopathy of
discontinuity (grade I to IV) and tendinopathy of the peroneus brevis
the peroneal tendons (31.48% peroneus brevis, 37.96% peroneus lon-
[rs(106) ¼ 0.29], which was statistically significant (p ¼ .0024).
gus; Table 5). The prevalence of tendinous pathologic features in our
However, no significant correlations were found between the grade of
asymptomatic population appeared to mirror the findings of Saxena
ligamentous discontinuity and tears of the peroneus brevis (p ¼ .1547)
et al (11), who also investigated the MRI findings in an asymptomatic
or between the grade of ligamentous discontinuity and tendinopathy
cohort. In their study (11), patients with lateral ankle pain, an ankle
of the peroneus longus (p ¼ .0714). None of the MRI scans displayed
injury within the preceding 10 years, and any previous lateral ankle
evidence of a tear of the peroneus longus; therefore, we were unable
surgery were excluded. Overall, 34% of their patients demonstrated
to correlate any pathologic findings with tears of the peroneus longus.
peroneal tendinopathy. Despite the limitations associated with his-
No statistically significant correlations were found between the grade
torical control comparisons, 68.52% of our patients and 66% of their
of ligamentous discontinuity and medial OLTs (p ¼ .6016) or the grade
patients demonstrated a peroneus brevis tendon without tendinop-
of ligamentous discontinuity and lateral OLTs (p ¼ .1471). Finally, no
athy, and 62.04% of our patients and 67% of their patients demon-
statistically significant correlation was found between the grade of
strated a peroneus longus tendon without tendinopathy (11). Because
ligamentous discontinuity and chronic pathologic features of the SPR
the exact definitions of these categories were not stated, for the
(p ¼ .1769).
purpose of comparison we assumed that intact referred to patients
devoid of abnormalities. With these assumptions, a similar percent-
Table 8 age of our patients exhibited tendons without evidence of tendin-
Correlation* of MRI ascertainment of asymptomatic lateral ankle pathologic findings opathy. Collectively, these data sets suggest that approximately one
with ankle ligamentous discontinuity (N ¼ 108 MRI scans) third of asymptomatic lateral ankles will have peronei that exhibit
Ankle Structure and MRI Pathologic Findings Ligamentous some degree of tendinopathy.
Discontinuity (grade I–IV) Moreover, we recorded the MRI findings localized to the lateral
OLTs ligamentous structures as torn and/or attenuated versus intact without
Medial 0.05 pathologic features. In our study, 37.96% of patients demonstrated a
Lateral 0.14
healthy ATFL. In contrast, in the study by Saxena et al (11), 71% of pa-
Peroneal tendons
Peroneus brevis tendinopathy 0.29y tients demonstrated an intact ATFL. For the CFL, pathologic findings
Peroneus brevis tear 0.14 were absent in 61.11% of our patients versus 89% in the study by Saxena
Peroneus longus tendinopathy 0.17 et al (11). Although it was unclear whether attenuation would have
Chronic SPR injury 0.13 been classified as abnormal and, as such, been included or excluded in
Abbreviations: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; OLTs, osteochondral lesions of the the intact classification by Saxena et al (11), we believe that these in-
talus; SPR, superior peroneal retinaculum. terpretations could, in part, explain the discrepancy between the 2
* Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
y reports regarding the status of the ATFL and CFL.
Correlation statistically significant at p .05.
M.M. Galli et al. / The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery xxx (2014) 1–5 5
It was also interesting to note the similarities between the per- patients included in the present study had asymptomatic lateral an-
centage (50%) of concomitant OLTs and peroneal pathologic features kles. Also, although our key inclusion criterion was the absence of
observed in our asymptomatic lateral ankle population and the per- symptoms localized to the lateral aspect of the ankle, we did not
centage (65.3%) observed by Stasko et al (5), whose MRI sample was analyze (beyond the presence of hindfoot or nonlateral ankle symp-
composed primarily of symptomatic patients. Presumably, this high toms) the rationale for obtaining the ankle MRI scan. To best identify
prevalence (w50% to 65%) would suggest that concomitant peroneal the relations in an asymptomatic population, ideally, we would have
and OLT pathologic features are present in both symptomatic and included truly asymptomatic ankles for examination instead of pa-
asymptomatic patients in the Pennsylvania region and beyond. tients with pathologic features located elsewhere in the hindfoot and
In our investigation, we found statistically significant weak, but ankle. Compensation for 1 symptomatic aspect of the ankle could have
positive, correlations between attenuation and/or tears of the super- resulted in pathologic features elsewhere in the areas studied. More-
ficial deltoid and medial OLTs (rf ¼ 0.24, n ¼ 108, p ¼ .0191) and be- over, with MRI interpretation, there is room for error, in particular,
tween tears of the PTFL and lateral OLTs (rf ¼ 0.30, n ¼ 108, p ¼ .0017). given the quantity and concentration of structures along the lateral
In contrast to our hypothesis, statistically significant findings were not ankle (17). To minimize this source of error, we elected 2 musculo-
observed for the correlation between ligamentous discontinuity and skeletal radiologists with 19 years of combined experience to review
the presence of medial OLTs [rs(106) ¼ 0.05, p ¼ .6016] or lateral OLTs our studies.
[rs(106) ¼ 0.14, p ¼ .1417]. We did, however, find a weak positive cor- Although our study described correlations between MRI-noted
relation between ligamentous discontinuity and peroneus brevis pathologic findings in ankles that were asymptomatic laterally, we
tendinopathy [rs(106) ¼ 0.29, p ¼ .0024] using the MRI ligamentous appreciate that correlation analyses are sample-dependent, and our
discontinuity scale (which mimics the gradation of ankle sprains) in results could have been different if MRI scans from another group of
our asymptomatic lateral ankle MRI scans. However, no statistically patients had been analyzed. We also understand that causal re-
significant correlations were noted between ligamentous disconti- lationships between these findings could not be established, and our
nuity and peroneal longus tendinopathy or peroneus brevis tears. results were limited by the ability to identify actual pathologic fea-
Owing to the known findings from patients with symptomatic lateral tures using MRI. Statistically, we did not undertake a sensitivity
ankles, we believe our findings demonstrating a relationship between analysis to estimate the influence that unmeasured variables could
ligamentous discontinuity and asymptomatic peroneus brevis ten- have had on our results. Despite these limitations, we believe that the
dinopathy are rational, in part, because of the anatomic intimacy of the results of the present investigation are a valuable addition to the
involved structures. published data and could be used in the development of future,
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