Scientific Revolution

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-A time of great advances in science and math.

-In the 1500s and 1600s the Scientific Revolution changed the way Europeans looked at the world.
-People began to make conclusions based on experimentation and observation, instead of merely
accepting traditional ideas.


-European scholars accepted and believed the teachings of Ptolemy, an ancient Greek astronomer.
-Ptolemy (87-140 A.D.)
-Ptolemy taught that the Earth was the center of the universe.
-People felt this was common sense, and the geocentric theory was supported by the Church and
accepted for 1400 years.
Ptolemy’s geocentric model of the solar system:
1. Earth
2. Moon
3. Mercury
4. Venus
5. Sun
6. Mars
7. Jupiter
8. Saturn

-Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who studied in Italy

• In his book, Copernicus made two conclusions:
The universe is heliocentric, or sun-centered.
The Earth is merely one of several planets revolving around the sun.
-Copernicus’ model of the solar system. Sun Centered:
1. Sun
2. Moon
3. Mercury
4. Venus
5. Earth
6. Mars
7. Jupiter
8. Saturn
-Copernicus came to these conclusions using mathematical formulas.
-The Copernican conception of the universe marked the start of modern science and astronomy.
-Copernicus finished a book called "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" in 1532. In it,
Copernicus established that the planets orbited the sun rather than the Earth
-Its central theory was that the Earth rotates daily and revolves yearly around the sun.
-He also argued that the planets circled the Sun.
-This challenged the long held view that the Earth was at the center of the universe.
-Scholars did not accept his research as truth. The church rejected his teachings.
-Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer who built upon the work of earlier scientists such as
-Galileo assembled the first telescope which allowed him to see mountains on the moon and fiery spots
on the sun. He also observed four moons rotating around Jupiter.
-Galileo agreed with Copernicus and proved his heliocentric theory was true AND the church said that it
was illegal to read the ideas of Copernicus.
-Galileo declared that the sun centered model was correct! The church called Galileo a heretic. He was
not allowed to publish his material.
-Galileo created the telescope, studied astronomy, believed in heliocentric theory and proved it,
discovered how to regulate clocks, a mathematician, astronomer and musician
Galileo is the father of modern science, developed idea for mathematical basis for natural laws,
experiment on mechanics such as, acceleration, friction, motion, pendulums
-Discovered the moons of Jupiter and rings of Saturn, observed venus, moon and sunspots

-Aristotle-Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that there was no motion without a cause.
-The cause of the downward motion of heavy objects was related to their nature, which caused them to
move downward toward the center of the universe, which was their natural place.

-Isaac Newton-an English scholar who built upon the work of Copernicus and Galileo.
-Newton was the most influential scientist of the Scientific Revolution.
-He used math to prove the existence of gravity - a force that kept planets in their orbits around the sun,
and also caused objects to fall towards the earth.
-Newton published his scientific ideas in his book “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.”
-He discovered laws of light and color, and formulated the laws of motion:
-He invented calculus: a method of mathematical analysis.

-Kepler-Before Kepler, people thought that planets traveled in circular orbits around the Earth.
-He agreed with the heliocentric model and He said that planets travel around the sun in elliptical paths.
-Kepler’s law; all planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus, the radius vector drawn from
the sun to s planet swept out equal areas in equal time intervals, the square of the orbital period of any
planet is proportional to the cube of the semi major axis of the elliptical orbit.
-In 1596, at age 25, he published a book – Mystery of the Cosmos. His book explained why, logically, the
sun lay at the center of the solar system.
-He noted that Mercury and Venus always seem to be close to the sun, unlike Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
This is because Mercury and Venus’s orbits are closer to the sun than Earth’s.

-Francis bacon; Francis Bacon was an English philosopher who wrote Advancement of Learning. Bacon
popularized the scientific method and used it with philosophy and knowledge
-Bacon argued that truth could not be known at the beginning of a question, but only at the end after a
long process of investigation.

-Rene Descartes; Descartes was a French scientist, mathematician, and philosopher. Descartes
emphasized human reasoning as the best road to understanding. Like Bacon, Descartes also believed
that truth was only found after a long process of studying and investigation.

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