It Viva Questions

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UNIT-1 (BBA & B.Com(H))

Q. What is a computer?
Q. What are the characteristics of computers?
Q. What are the limitations of computers?
Q. Explain the functionality of buses in a computer?
Q. Differentiate between data & information with example.
Q. Differentiate between hardware & software with example.
Q. Explain the terms: Human ware & Firmware
Q. What are input & output devices? Name any 5.
Q. What are the components/different units of a computer?
Q. Who is designated as the brain of the computer? Explain its parts briefly.
Q. Which is the fastest memory in a computer?
Q. Differentiate between primary & secondary memory with examples.
Q. Differentiate between RAM & ROM.
Q. Briefly explain the different types of RAM & ROM.
Q. Explain the utility of cache memory in a computer.
Q. What do you understand by the term “Volatile”?
Q. Differentiate between magnetic & optical storage devices.
Q. Which secondary storage has the maximum capacity?
Q. Classify the computers on the basis of different criteria.
Q. What are supercomputers? Name the fastest super computer in the word and
also, name a supercomputer made in India.
Q. What do you understand by cloud computing? What are its benefits? Give any
2 examples of cloud computing in real world.
Q. What are payment gateways?

UNIT-2 (BBA & B.Com(H))

Q. What are the different types of software? Explain with examples.

Q. What is utility software? Give 2 examples.
Q. What is Database Management System (DBMS)? Give 2 examples.
Q. Differentiate between file system & DBMS.
Q. Define operating system. Name any 2.
Q. What are the functions of an operating system?
Q. Explain the different types of operating systems with examples.
Q. What is booting? Explain the booting procedure of a computer.
Q. What do you understand by the term Graphical User Interface (GUI)? Name
any 2 operating systems with Graphical User Interface.
Q. What is Command Line Interface (CLI). Name any 1 Operating System having
Q. Define the following: Dictionary, file, volume, label, drive name
Q. Why are translator programs required in a computer? Name all 3.
Q. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter.
Q. How are languages classified as high-level & low-level languages? Explain with
Q. What is assembly language? Why is it called the middle level language?

Ms. Radhika Mahajan
Ms. Ashima Bhatnagar Bhatia
UNIT-3 (BBA & B.Com(H)


Q. What is word processing software? Name any 2.

Q. What is alignment of text? List the alignment options available in MS Word.
Q. Which option should you use if you want to place some text at the top &
bottom of every page in a document?
Q. What is formatting of text? Name any 3 formatting options available in MS
Q. Differentiate between subscript & superscript option in MS Word.
Q. Is it possible to add a watermark to your page in MS Word? If yes, How?
Q. What are the 2 types of page orientations available in MS Word?
Q. What is the utility of format painter option?
Q. Which type of error is indicated by these colored wavy lines:
• Red line
• Green line
• Blue line
Q. What is the utility of Thesaurus option in MS Word?
Q. What extension is used to save MS Word file?
Q. What are macros?
Q. Give the keyboard shortcuts for the following in MS Word:
• Selects all text.
• Cut the selected item.
• Copy the selected item.
• Paste the selected item.
• Takes the user to the beginning of the current line.
• Takes the user to the beginning of the document.
• Go to the end of the current line.
• Go to the end of a document.
• Move one word to the left at a time.
• Move one word to the right at a time.

MS PowerPoint

Q. What is the utility of presentation software? Name any 2.

Q. What is the shortcut key for slide show?
Q. What is a slide sorter view?
Q. What extension is used to save the PowerPoint file.
Q. What is the use of notes pane?
Q. What is slide layout? What is the default layout of the first slide in a blank
Q. What is the difference between transition & animation in MS PowerPoint?


Q. What is spreadsheet software? Name any 2.

Q. Explain any 5 features of Advanced Excel.
Q. How many worksheets are there is a workbook by default?
Ms. Radhika Mahajan
Ms. Ashima Bhatnagar Bhatia
Q. Is it possible to delete all the sheets in a workbook?
Q. What are the applications of MS Excel?
Q. Differentiate between a formula & function.
Q. What do you mean by cell referencing? Differentiate between relative &
absolute referencing.
Q. Differentiate between a usual table & a pivot table.
Q. List and explain any 5 functions in the following categories:
• Mathematical
• Statistical
• Date & Time
• Financial
• Text
Q. What is the utility of scenarios in Excel?

NOTE: Revise all the practical questions done in the class.

UNIT-4 (BBA only)

Q. What are the components of a data communication system?

Q. What is a protocol?
Q. What are the different types of communication media?
Q. What is a network? Differentiate between LAN, MAN & WAN.
Q. Differentiate between Internet, intranet & extranet.
Q. What is a network topology? Briefly explain the different types of topologies.
Q. Explain any 5 networking devices.
Q. List the 7 layers of the OSI model. Explain their functionality.
Q. What are the applications of Information Technology in different sectors such
as airlines, railways, education, health care system, insurance, banking, hotel
management, education & entertainment?
Q. List the security issues in Information Technology.

UNIT-4 (B.Com(H) only)

Q. What is a database?
Q. What is a Database Management System (DBMS)? Name any 2.
Q. Explain RDBMS.
Q. What is an entity in an ER Model? Differentiate between strong & weak entity.
Q. What are the different types of attributes & relationships in an ER Diagram?
Q. Explain the following: Candidate key, Super key, Unique key, Composite Key,
Primary key. Foreign key.
Q. Give examples of unary, binary & ternary relationships.
Q. What is cardinality of a relationship?
Q. Explain modality of a relationship. Differentiate between partial & total
Q. What are the steps to convert ER diagram into tables.
Q. Explain insert, delete & update anomalies.
Q. What is normalization? Why should we perform it?
Q. Briefly explain all the normal forms.
Q. What is a query? What are the steps to write a query after creating a database
in MS Access.

Ms. Radhika Mahajan
Ms. Ashima Bhatnagar Bhatia

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