It Viva Questions
It Viva Questions
It Viva Questions
Q. What is a computer?
Q. What are the characteristics of computers?
Q. What are the limitations of computers?
Q. Explain the functionality of buses in a computer?
Q. Differentiate between data & information with example.
Q. Differentiate between hardware & software with example.
Q. Explain the terms: Human ware & Firmware
Q. What are input & output devices? Name any 5.
Q. What are the components/different units of a computer?
Q. Who is designated as the brain of the computer? Explain its parts briefly.
Q. Which is the fastest memory in a computer?
Q. Differentiate between primary & secondary memory with examples.
Q. Differentiate between RAM & ROM.
Q. Briefly explain the different types of RAM & ROM.
Q. Explain the utility of cache memory in a computer.
Q. What do you understand by the term “Volatile”?
Q. Differentiate between magnetic & optical storage devices.
Q. Which secondary storage has the maximum capacity?
Q. Classify the computers on the basis of different criteria.
Q. What are supercomputers? Name the fastest super computer in the word and
also, name a supercomputer made in India.
Q. What do you understand by cloud computing? What are its benefits? Give any
2 examples of cloud computing in real world.
Q. What are payment gateways?
Ms. Radhika Mahajan
Ms. Ashima Bhatnagar Bhatia
UNIT-3 (BBA & B.Com(H)
MS PowerPoint
Q. What is a database?
Q. What is a Database Management System (DBMS)? Name any 2.
Q. Explain RDBMS.
Q. What is an entity in an ER Model? Differentiate between strong & weak entity.
Q. What are the different types of attributes & relationships in an ER Diagram?
Q. Explain the following: Candidate key, Super key, Unique key, Composite Key,
Primary key. Foreign key.
Q. Give examples of unary, binary & ternary relationships.
Q. What is cardinality of a relationship?
Q. Explain modality of a relationship. Differentiate between partial & total
Q. What are the steps to convert ER diagram into tables.
Q. Explain insert, delete & update anomalies.
Q. What is normalization? Why should we perform it?
Q. Briefly explain all the normal forms.
Q. What is a query? What are the steps to write a query after creating a database
in MS Access.
Ms. Radhika Mahajan
Ms. Ashima Bhatnagar Bhatia