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List ofmaps X
Preface Xl
Introduction 1
1 Individual bilingualism 13
1.1 Societal and individual bilingualism 13
1.2 Describing bilingualism 14
1.2.1 Some definitions of bilingualism 15
1.2.2 Some types of bi linguals 16
1.2.3 Factors taken into ac count when describing
bilingualism 18
1.3 Semilingualism 27
1.4 Biculturalism 28
1.5 A bilingual profile 31
List of maps
countries have, in the course of their his tory, seen their borders expand
or retract according to political fortune. Yet historians seldom record
the linguistic impact on people made by occupation, annexation or en-
forced change of allegiance as a result of war, political marriage or
some other cause. I find such scant reflection on linguistic maUers
quite surprising considering the role language plays in our lives.
Centuries of political, economic and cultural interaction have made
Europe a continent with widespread bilingualism. At a political level,
most of the world's sovereign states consider themselves to be mono-
lingual, an attitude held by dominant elites and no doubt influenced by
the pervasiveness of political philosophies that promote the one-nation-
one-language ideal. But this ideal does not reflect reality as, at the
societal level, multilingualism exists, almost everywhere, as a result,
on the one hand, of historical events bringing about major shifts in
power and numerous border changes, and, on the other, of immigration
and migration.
As far as western Europe is concerned, it is necessary to add that,
whereas multilingualism at the level of society is common, bilingual-
ism among individual speakers in some of the larger countries is less
frequent. There are a dozen or so languages spoken by sizeable com-
munities in France and Germany, and weIl over a hundred in Britain,
but, in spite of this, the majority of Britons, Germans and French
people are monolingual in the sense that they use only one language
for their normal day-to-day communication.
Of the five languages spoken by 45 per cent of the world's popula-
tion (English, Spanish, Russian, Hindi and Chinese), the first three are
used in many countries as second or official languages, and Hindi
serves as a religious language for many, as weIl as being the national
language of India. There are an estimated 5000 tongues in the world
(Wardhaugh 1987; Crystal 1987), but only some 190 states, so it fol-
lows that many countries must contain mariy different languages, i.e.
be multilingual. Approximately 95 per cent of the world's population
are speakers of the 100 most frequently used languages.
In Europe only six countries are officially bilingual or multilingual:
Belgium, Finland, Greenland, Switzerland, the USSR and Yugoslavia,
and a handful of others accord official status of some kind to one or
more of the languages of their linguistic minorities, e.g. the Nether-
lands to Frisian, Italy to German and the Federal Republic of Germany
to Danish. In western Europe people tend to live in monolingual envi-
ronments where there are relatively few natural contact situations
requiring the use of more than one language, unless the speakers are
members of linguistic minorities. Being born into a minority com-
munity or into abilingual family are the most common ways for
Europeans to become bilingual. There are , of course, other reasons -
personal, social or cultural - why individuals become bilingual. At one
time, for exarnple, French was spoken by all members of the European
aristocracy as the use of this language signalied membership of the
elite. Prussia's Frederick the Great once expressed the belief that Ger-
man was suitable only 'for horses and soldiers' and professed that he
spoke Gennan 'like a coachman'. Incidentally, he also left proof that
he did not write it very well. Today, when Scandinavian, Gennan and
Dutch technologists, academics or business people meet, they are like-
ly to discuss their work in English, because this is the language most
widely used by such specialists for international communication. And·
Flemish-speaking Belgians embarking upon an administrative career in
Brussels need to be fluent in French. For many Europeans adding an-"
other language to their repertoire has become desirable and often
necessary. In other continents natural linguistic diversity is more .pre-
valent, and for many communities bilingualism is anormal
requirement for daily communication and not a sign of any particular
dium instruction and others use both English and Welsh, while some
public institutions (but not aIl) offer services in both languages. Where-
as West Germans and Danes may regard individual bilingualism
positively, especiaIly if it involves languages which are considered
'usefuI' (e.g. English or French), they may express less admiration
about bilinguaIism of their Turkish migrant communities. In Britain,
the suggestion that the children of the majority might profit from learn-
ing the languages of some of the immigrant groups (such as
Cantonese or Urdu) has been greeted by many people with indifference
and by some with outright hostility.
As a result both of political developments and social pressure, atti-
tudes towards bilingualism are changing for the better in many parts of
the world. One of the landmarks in this process is what happened in
the United States during the 1960s. At the same time as the position of
minorities was being revised in the wake of the Civil Rights move-
ment, the Uni ted States experienced large-scale immigration from
Spanish-speaking peopie who neither assimilated Anglo-Saxon cul-
ture and vaIues nor shed their mother tongue as readily as previous
generations of immigrants had done. The debate that took place both in
intellectual and political circles eventually led to legislation supporting
bilingual education programmes. l At about the same time Canada de-
clared itself a bilingual state and officially enshrined the language
rights of its French-speaking minority in law, by means of a number of
legislative measures. This came about after aseries of political crises
prompted by the social and economic grievances of French Canadians
and the threat of secession by the province of Quebec. However, little
was done to promote the language needs of Canada's many other mi-
norities, such as the indigenous Inuit and the immigrants from Poland,
Ukraine and Hong Kong, to name but a few.
opment of the bilingual individual and for the success of societal multi-
lingualism. It has been attested (e.g. by Skutnabb-Kangas 1984a), for
instance, that unless the educational system takes proper account of
minority children's special language needs (in both languages), they
will not become fully functional in the minority and the majority
codes. On the other hand, a minority language that finds its way into
the school curriculum will enjoy enhanced prestige and this can, in
turn, positively affect public attitudes towards the language concerned
and its speakers, who may then find it easier to maintain it. The issue
of how best to educate minority children has become particularly ur-
gent in many countries wh ich have been affected by large-scale
migration and emigration. Research in the area of bilingual education
has often come as a response to such pressing needs.
1. It should be noted, however, that in the 1980s the commitment to
bilingual education shifted notably. The issue was no longer feIt
to be one of national federal concern, and public funds were
withdrawn from many schemes; it was left to individual states to
decide the extent of official support for bilingualism.
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