E3sconf Icuems2023 02014
E3sconf Icuems2023 02014
E3sconf Icuems2023 02014
ABSTRACT: Based on the corridor channel curtain wall reconstruction project at Wuhan Tianhe airport T2-
T3 terminal building, the structural system of point supported glass curtain wall with cable structure 18 years
ago was analyzed, the technical difficulties of curtain wall glass panel removal and bearing cable removal
were studied, and technical measures for the dismantlement and reconstruction of point supported glass
curtain wall with cable structure were reasonably proposed. During the construction process of the
dismantlement and reconstruction, the curtain wall structure was dynamically monitored, the deformation of
the monitoring points were small, and the construction process was in a safe state. Due to the success in the
dismantlement and reconstruction control technology of the point supported glass curtain wall with cable
structure in this project, it not only ensured the construction safety, but also improved the construction quality,
which could provide a reference for other similar projects.
e814684555@qq.com , *cx_xu@sina.com
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 372, 02014 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337202014
is a space truss structure. At present, because a new was about 375.92 square meters. The curtain wall was
corridor was built in T3 terminal to connect with T2 divided into upper and lower layers. The second layer
terminal, it is necessary to transform the curtain wall at elevation of 7.5 m. The glass was 12(low-E)+12A+12
T2-T3 corridor to connect T2 and T3 terminal corridors double toughened hollow glass with a dimension of 3000
(as shown in Figure 1). The curtain wall is trapezoidal, the mm2000 mm. The curtain wall scene diagram is shown
bottom length was 19.0 m and the height of the left curtain in Figure 2, and the facade and profile of the curtain wall
wall was 22.877 m. The height of the right curtain wall are shown in Figure 3.
was 22.176 m and the total area of the glass curtain wall
E3S Web of Conferences 372, 02014 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337202014
(a) ZHJ-01
(b) ZHJ-02
(c) ZHJ-03
(d) ZHJ-04
(e) ZHJ-05
(f) ZHJ-06
E3S Web of Conferences 372, 02014 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337202014
(g) ZHJ-07
Figure. 4 Transverse detail drawings of the self-balancing cable truss
glass. In the process of removing the curtain wall glass, to
3. SCHEME AND DIFFICULTIES OF ensure the overall stability of the glass curtain wall, glass
GLASS CURTAIN WALL burst and collapse are not allowed. Due to the addition of
RECONSTRUCTION the new channel, partial dismantlement and openings on
the original curtain wall are needed. The original system
will face the problems and difficulties that the original
3.1. Reconstruction scheme of curtain wall cable anchor self-balanced structure system is destroyed,
a large range of curtain walls are dismantled and
The renovation plan was to connect the corridors of
reinstalled, and the safety of the original support structure
Terminals T2-T3 and to open holes in the curtain wall. The
and the safety and reliability of the new support structure
size of the hole was 11780 mm9050 mm. After the system in the dismantlement process.
opening of the T2-T3 corridor, it was necessary to add a There are difficulties in removing load-bearing cables.
door steel structure at the entrance. Moreover, the cable Because the cable could not form a stable structure in the
needed to be replaced to connect cable to door steel relaxed state, it must be pre-tensioned to make it tense, so
structure. Glass was installed after installation of cable. that the cable can resist the normal load. Dismantlement
Facade and section of reconstructed glass curtain wall are of load-bearing cables required reverse operation of the
shown in Figure. 5. equipment to unload its prestress. Therefore, it is difficult
to confirm a practical unloading scheme in construction.
3.2. Construction difficulties of dismantlement
There are many difficulties in demolishing curtain wall
E3S Web of Conferences 372, 02014 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337202014
E3S Web of Conferences 372, 02014 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337202014
E3S Web of Conferences 372, 02014 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337202014
4.3. Results of dynamic monitoring anchorage end of the cable was increased by 2.0 mm ~ 3.5
mm, and the vertical displacement of the anchorage end of
Monitoring points were marked with reflectors. During the cable was increased by 2.0 mm ~ 3.5 mm. The
the measurement, the total station was set up on the horizontal and vertical displacements of monitoring point
control points of the established measurement control 2-0 were the largest. there was a little change in the
network. The data of the monitoring points were read from displacement of the cable anchorage end. The construction
other control points to calculate the horizontal and vertical process had little effect on the cable anchorage end, and
displacements of the monitoring points. The displacement the cable was in a safe state.
of monitoring points under initial conditions was selected It could be seen in Figure. 12 that the increment in the
as a reference. The displacement of the anchor end of the horizontal displacement of the fixed measuring point of
cable and the displacement of the curtain wall structure in the curtain wall was 1.0 mm ~ 2.5 mm, and the increment
the stage of removing the glass, removing the vertical in vertical displacement was 0.5 mm ~ 4.0 mm. The
cable, installing the steel structure of the door, and horizontal and vertical displacements of monitoring point
installing the glass was obtained, as shown in Figure .11 7-2 were the smallest. The change in displacement of the
and Figure .12. fixed measuring point of the curtain wall was small. The
As can be seen in Figure. 11, the horizontal relative construction process had little influence on the fixed
displacement and vertical relative displacement of the measuring point of the curtain wall, and the whole curtain
anchorage end of the cable gradually increased with the wall structure was in a safe state.
construction progress. The horizontal displacement of the
(a) The change of horizontal displacement (b) The change of vertical displacement
Figure. 11 Displacement of cable anchorage end
(a) The change of horizontal displacement (b) The change of vertical displacement
Figure. 12 Displacement of Curtain wall structure
point supporting glass curtain wall dismantlement and
5. CONCLUSION reconstruction proposed in this paper had been
successfully implemented in this project. It ensured
With the rapid development of China's aviation industry, construction safety and greatly reduced the cost of labor,
there would be a large number of airport terminals facing equipment, and materials. Besides, it accelerated the
renovation. The construction technology of cable structure
E3S Web of Conferences 372, 02014 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337202014
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