Wac Assignment - Ayushi Anand

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Roll no- 0336
PGDM/MBA 2022-24
Letter of Transmittal
11TH September 2022
Prof. Soni Sharma
Assistant Professor
IILM Graduate School of Management
Subject: Report Submission of case
Professor Soni,
In compliance with the instructions given by you, I am submitting a report on
the case “Pratap Mehta” in partial fulfilment towards WAC course. This report
exhibits the issue of Pratap Mehta sending a mail to Mr KL Varnishwala and his
lack of knowledge regarding communication and over zealous attitude. There
are also possible options mentioned and my recommendation based on the
analysis of the case.
I hope you find this report satisfactory.
Ayushi Anand

Executive Summary
The case revolves around Mr Pratap Mehta, a member of the graduating class
of 1974 at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He has been
presented with two job offers. One job offer is from Indian Paints Limited,
Nagpur. He had some queries so he emailed Mr KL Varnishwala , managing
director of IP. This case signifies the importance of choosing one’s career path
with due diligence and considering the options available to us. Another notable
thing that comes up in the case is the extent to which a potential employee
can be inquisitive on an email.

Situational Analysis
Mr Pratap Mehta had a first class bachelor’s in chemical engineering from an
elite engineering institution. Between his graduation in 1970 and joining Indian
institute of management, Ahmedabad. in 1972, he had worked first as a
graduate trainee and subsequently as a junior works engineer in Hindustan
Synthetics, the Indian subsidiary of universal synthetics, diversified
multinational conglomerate. He was a member of the graduating class of 1972-
74 at the Indian institute of Management, Ahmedabad. in February 1974 Mr
Pratap Mehta was contemplating the job offers he had received after having
gone through four placement interviews. One of the offers he received was
from Indian Paints, Nagpur. Mr. Mehta were invited to Nagpur in the first week
of February along with other four members. Mr Varnishwala gave an offer to
Mr Mehta and two others. Mr Pratap Mehta had some queries. He wanted
some specific details to have clarity regarding the job as he was putting more
emphasis on this job offer. So he wrote an email to Mr Varnishwala .

Problem Statement
Mr Pratap Mehta seems to be an individual who carefully considers options
presented to him. He asks key questions to know what he exactly wants from
the job. He wants a job which gives him a chance to experience personal
growth and explore career opportunities. He has certain expectations from the
company. He wrote an email to the managing director Mr KL Varnishwala
asking detailed questions. But that is where the problems may arise. There is a
code of conduct one should follow when communicating your queries. Asking
too many questions of such important nature through an email can be
interpreted in a number of ways.

Key Issues

 Pratap Mehta’s investigative nature reflected through his email is

 Dilemma of Pratap Mehta of choosing between job offers as he lacks
important information to make decision.
 Usually Human Resources deals with emails so there is a chance that Mr
KL Varnishwala may not read the message.

1. Mr KL Varnishwala should not select Mr Pratap Mehta.
2. Pratap Mehta should ask such important questions face to face as it
would be more appropriate. He wants specific information to become
more clear about the job role so a face to face interaction or a phone
would be more suitable.

Decision Criteria
1. Representative of company
2. Follows code of conduct
3. Possess presence of mind

Evaluation of criteria
Alternative 1- Mr KL Varnishwala should not select Mr Pratap Mehta.
If Mr Pratap Mehta is selected there is a chance that he may create problems
for the company. He clearly lacks knowledge about communication. It is not
wrong to ask questions but should also keep in mind the basic etiquettes of
communication. He lacks professionalism as one should know that questions of
such important nature should be asked in person or a phone call. When he
visited Nagpur he could have asked such questions during his interview
Criterion 1, 2 and 3 are not met by him.

Alternative 2- Pratap Mehta should ask such important questions face to face
as it would be more appropriate
Pratap Mehta clearly knows what he wants so he asks specific questions to
obtain right information. He is clear about his requirements to know the type
of information he needs to come up with a decision. Criterion 3 is met by him.

Mr KL Varnishwala should terminate Mr Pratap Mehta’s job offer. It may seem
a bit exaggerated but if he does’nt know the basics of communication and
lacks foresightedness then he is not fit for the company. He may create
problems in future for the company.

It is good to ask questions to know the profile of the job. But one should
carefully keep the time, place and occasion in mind. It is your right as a future
employee to know about the job. But that process should be done keeping in
mind the rules of communication. These minute details reflects a lot about
your character. Pratap Mehta may have been a good employee but he lacked
basic knowledge which could cost him opportunities in future. Companies are
robust in nature so they do not think twice before taking a decision in such
matters. They need employees who are good and can represent the company
efficiently and effectively.

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