Bab Iii
Bab Iii
Bab Iii
A. Research Design
Qualitative research uses variety kinds of qualitative inquiry in
collecting data (such as: observation, interview, documenting, narrating,
publishing text, etc.). Observation is the selection and recording of
behaviors of people in their environment. Observation is useful for
generating in-depth descriptions of organization or events, for obtaining
information that is otherwise inaccessible, and for conducting research
when other methods are inadequate.” (Denzin, 1998).
In this study the researcher will a qualitative approach with the case
study method, referring to John W. Creswell in his book Qualitative Inquiry
and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions that case studies
are an exploration of a bound system or a case/various cases which from
time to time through in-depth data collection and involving various rich
sources of information in a context. This bound system is bound by time
and place while cases can be studied from a program, event, activity, or an
individual and organization. In other words, a case study is research in
which the researcher explores a particular phenomenon (case) at a certain
time and activity (program, event, process, institution, or social group) and
collects detailed and in-depth information using various data collection
procedures over a certain period. This study examines topics in Alay
language on Facebook social media so that it finds new things in the field
by paying attention to observation, interview, and documentation
B. Informant Technique
English conversation members in the Facebook group of this
researcher. Researchers choose 15 accounts that can respond. In this
research, 2 sampling techniques were used, namely: first, the purposive
sampling technique, namely the sampling method used to select subjects
based on specific criteria set by the researcher. The second is snowball
sampling. Neuman (2003) said the sample in this technique was obtained
through a rolling process from one informant to another. The way of taking
samples in this study is by looking for samples from the desired population,
then from the samples that can be asked to participate to choose the
community as a sample again, and so on. The sample research stage, this
research begins with purposive sampling where the researcher chooses an
account that is friends with the researcher as an informant, which in this
case can answer interview questions after the initial informant is asked for a
response, then the researcher conducts the snowball sampling stage by
asking for recommendations from the first informant Regarding who was
asked, the selection of participants was based on who had a Facebook
from written notes in the field. This process continues throughout the
research, even before the data is actually collected, as can be seen from
2. Data Display
taking action. Form of data presentation Qualitative data can be in the form
of narrative texts in the form of field notes, matrices, graphs, networks, and
charts. These forms combine information that is arranged in a coherent and
easily accessible form, making it easier to see what is going on, whether the
3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification\
continuously while in the field. From the outset of data collection, the
conclusions are already provided. At first it was not clear, but then it
Carlson, Nicholas. The Full Story of How Facebook was Founded. (http://
www. , Accessed October 2nd, 2014.
Huford, J.R. (1983). Semantics: A Course Book. New York:Cambridge University Press.
Holmes, J. (1992). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London: Longman.
Rachmawati and Raja. (2011). Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Remaja pada
Media Facebook. Jakarta.
L8 Late
D8 Date
L8r Later
B4 Before
2day Today
Gr8 Great
4u For you
W8 Wait
GuYzz Guys
C001 Cool
3. You use Alay language more often, Do you fell difficult communicate
with the people using Alay language: ...
4. In your opinion, Alay Language affects the use of English in: ...