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Volume 8


A Research Review


First published in 1988 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Davison, Michael (Michael C.)

The matching law.

Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
I. Psychometrics. 2. Matching theory I. McCarthy,
Dianne. II. Title
BF39.D 324 1987 150.72 87-15544
ISBN 0-90959-923-7

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Preface ..................................................................................................... vii

Acknowledgments .................................................................................... ix

1. Historical Antecedents ................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
1.2 Initial quantifications ........................................................................ 7
1.3 Summary ............................................................................................. 11
1.4 Some further developments ........................................................... 11
1.5 Time allocation ................................................................................ 12
1.6 Summary ............................................................................................. 13
1.7 Some other independent variables ................................................. 14

2. The Strict Matching Law ............................................................... 16

2.1 Herm stein’s Equations .................................................................... 16
2.2 Different operants ............................................................................. 19
2.3 Different reinforcers ......................................................................... 20
2.4 Fitting H erm stein’s hyperbola ........................................................ 22
2.5 Concurrent-schedule equations ...................................................... 24
2.6 A note on curve fitting and experimental design ...................... 25
2.7 Replications ....................................................................................... 27
2.8 A discourse on parameter estimates ............................................. 28

3. Herrnstein’s Equations, Multiple Schedules, and Empirical

Research .......................................................................................... 31
3.1 Strict matching and multiple-schedule performance ................. 31


3.2 The logic of H erm stein’s multiple-schedule equations ........... 32

3.3 H erm stein’s equations: Empirical data ........................................ 35
3.4 Strict matching and concurrent schedules .................................. 38
3.5 H erm stein’s equations and multiple schedules: Contrast ........ 40
3.6 Component duration in multiple schedules ................................. 42
3.7 Deprivation in multiple schedules ................................................. 43
3.8 Overall comments on H erm stein’s model ................................... 45

4. Generalized Matching ................................................................... 48

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 48
4.2 Early empirical research on generalized matching ..................... 52
4.3 W hat is the matching law? ............................................................. 55
4.4 The concatenated generalized matching law ............................... 58
4.5 Dimensions of expenm ents .............................................................. 59

5. Quantitative Methods .................................................................... 63

5.1 About linear regression ..................................................................... 63
5.2 Assumptions of least-squares linear regression .......................... 64
5.3 Least-squares regression: Procedure .............................................. 66
5.4 Interpreting the summary statistics in parametric regression .. 68
5.5 Nonparametric regression ................................................................ 69
5.6 Structural relations ............................................................................ 73
5.7 Some other useful statistical procedures ....................................... 74
5.8 Two related samples, ordinal measurement ................................ 74
5.9 Many related samples, at least ordinal measurement ................ 77
5.10 A nonparametric test for trend ......................................................... 78

6. Concurrent-Schedule Research I: Reinforcer Parameters ........ 80

6.1 Reinforcer-frequency ratios .............................................................. 80
6.2 Overall reinforcer rates ..................................................................... 86
6.3 Reinforcer amount and duration ..................................................... 88
6.4 Quality of reinforcers ..................................................................... 92
6.5 Reinforcer delay ................................................................................ 96

7. Concurrent-Schedule Research II: Schedule Types .................. 99

7.1 Caveat .................................................................................................. 99
7.2 Concurrent FR FR, VR VR, and FR VR performance ............. 100
7.3 Concurrent FR VI performance ...................................................... 103
7.4 Concurrent FI FI performance ........................................................ 104
7.5 Concurrent FI VI performance ...................................................... 105
7.6 Concurrent VI VR performance ..................................................... 106
7.7 Concurrent FI FR performance ...................................................... 106
7.8 Concurrent DRL DRL performance ............................................... 107

7.9 Concurrent VI VT performance .................................................... 108

7.10 More than two concurrently available schedules ...................... 109
7.11 Response parameters ....................................................................... 113

8. Concurrent-Schedule Research III: Miscellany .......................... 120

8.1 Transitions and the effects of previous conditions .................... 120
8.2 Continuous concurrent-schedule performance............................... 127
8.3 Punishment ......................................................................................... 129
8.4 Avoidance .......................................................................................... 132
8.5 Melioration ......................................................................................... 135
8.6 Changing over .................................................................................. 139
8.7 Stimulus effects ................................................................................ 150

9. Multiple-Schedule Research .......................................................... 152

9.1 Effects of component reinforcer rates ......................................... 152
9.2 A note on measurement . . . '. ........................................................... 159
9.3 Effects of absolute component duration ...................................... 161
9.4 Deprivation effects ........................................................................... 166
9.5 Reinforcer amount ........................................................................... 169
9.6 Stimulus effects in multiple schedules ......................................... 171
9.7 Effects of component-response requirements.... ............................ 173
9.8 Continuous multiple-schedule performance ................................ 174
9.9 Theory of multiple-schedule performance .................................. 177
9.10 Chain-schedule performance ......................................................... 183
9.11 Summary of multiple-schedule research ...................................... 184

10. Concurrent-Chain Performance ................................................... 185

10.1 Basic procedure ................................................................................ 185
10.2 Measurement in concurrent-chain performances ........................ 186
10.3 History and development of concurrent-chain research ............. 188
10.4 Variants of concurrent-chain procedures .................................... 191
10.5 Terminal-link effects and generalized-mean analyses ............... 193
10.6 Initial-link effects ............................................................................ 198
10.7 Transitivity and functional equivalence ........................................ 203
10.8 Effects of responding in the terminal links ................................. 204
10.9 Choice between chained and tandem schedules ........................ 206
10.10 Combinations of independent variables ........................................ 210
10.11 Generalized matching and concurrent-chain performance ........ 212
10.12 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 215

11. Matching Models of Signal Detection .......................................... 216

11.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 216
11.2 The standard Yes-No detection experiment ................................ 217

11.3 Signal detection as matching ........................................................ 219

11.4 Matching models for the standard discrete-trials signal-
detection procedure ......................................................................... 220
11.5 Stimulus discriminability ................................................................. 225
11.6 Stimulus discriminability and reinforcers for errors ................. 231
11.7 Response bias ................................................................................... 233
11.8 The free-operant signal-detection procedure ................................ 239
11.9 Stimulus discriminability in free-operant detection ................... 240
11.10 Stimulus and bias functions in free-operant detection ............. 243
11.11 Implications for stimulus-control research .................................. 247

12. For the future .................................................................................. 249

References .................................................................................................. 255

Index 273

The purpose of this book is to present a coherent summary of some 30 years’

research on the way in which animals and humans distribute their behavior
between alternative sources of reinforcement. There are three rasons why this
book is needed. First, recent developments in the theory of behavior allocation
have often only partly accessed the empirical database that is the subject of these
theories. We hope this book will lead to the use of a wider range of empirical
results in the developing and testing of theories. Second, both researchers and
students need a general source of information from which to gain an understand­
ing of the scope of research on behavior allocation. At present, none is available.
Third, a text is needed that describes the techniques of experimental design and
data analysis in this area. To this end, we have provided a chapter detailing what
we consider to be the most appropriate statistical procedures. In addition, we
have interweaved design considerations and research results throughout the
book. The general approach taken here is empirical, because the various results
at the data level will, by and large, remain stable and unchanging. These data
have allowed the formulation of quite general quantitative summaries such as the
matching laws. Although such descriptions are discussed in detail here, we have
not dealt with the diverse theories that have been offered at a more fundamental
level to explain the regularities in the data and in the quantitative summaries—
relating all of the theories to all of the data must be the subject of a future work.

Michael Davidson
Dianne McCarthy


Numerous people have contributed to this book in many different ways. John A.
Nevin has been both a supportive and a critical colleague to us for several years,
and many thanks are due to him for maintaining our motivation and for critically
reading a version of this book. Particular thanks are due to Douglas Elliffe and
Brent Alsop, who critically read and edited this work throughout its preparation.
We also thank, as a group, the students and staff who have worked in our
laboratory over the last 15 years. We would particularly like to acknowledge the
stimulation of Peter E. Jenkins, who spent over a year with us as a Postdoctoral
Fellow, and who contributed greatly to our research with his quick and sure grasp
of what we were trying to achieve.
Finally, we thank John Milkins and John Tull, who expertly and lovingly
cared for our experimental subjects since 1969, and who have recently retired.
W ithout these people, and others too numerous to mention, this book could
not have been written.



Beyond the collection o f uniform relationships lies the need for a formal
representation o f the data reduced to a minimal number o f terms. A theoretical
construction may yield greater generality than any assemblage o f facts. But such a
construction will not refer to another dimensional system and will not, therefore,
fall within our present definition [of theory]. It will not stand in the way o f our
search for functional relations because it will arise only after relevant variables
have been found and studied. Though it may be difficult to understand, it will not
be easily m isunderstood....

We do not seem to be ready for a theory in this sense. At the moment we make little
effective use o f empirical, let alone rational, equations. A few o f the present curves
could have been fairly closely fitted. But the most elementary preliminary research
shows that there are many relevant variables, and until their importance has been
experimentally determined, an equation which allow s for them will have so many
arbitrary constants that a good fit will be a matter o f course and cause for very little
satisfaction. (Skinner, 1950, pp. 215-216)

Skinner (1956) related how, on a Saturday, he ran short of food pellets for the
rats that he was training. To maintain the experiment, he decided to reward the
rats once every minute, rather than for each response. Over the weekend, the
behavior changed and then stabilized, showing a different but very regular
pattern. For any scientist, an orderly pattern of results immediately suggests a
fruitful vein of research, and Skinner naturally followed up his finding—
discovering the schedules of reinforcement, which were fully described and
empirically investigated by Ferster and Skinner (1957). Reinforcers for behavior


could be made contingent on either the passage of time (interval schedules) or on

the numbers of responses emitted {ratio schedules). The times, or the number of
responses required, could be fixed or variable. Each combination of these
variables produced an invariant pattern on a cumulative recorder, each different
in some respects from the others. When fixed numbers of responses were
required (Fixed-Ratio, or FR, schedules), there was a pause in responding after
each reinforcer, followed by a sharp transition to a high and constant rate that
was maintained until the next reinforcer was obtained— the FR break-and-run
pattern. When a fixed time had to elapse before a response could be reinforced
(Fixed-Interval, or FI, schedules), the pattern was similar, but the transition
between pausing and responding was gradual— the FI scallop. When either a
variable time had to elapse, or a variable number of responses had to be emitted
{Variable-Interval, or VI, schedules or Variable-Ratio, or VR, schedules),
animals responded at a high and relatively constant rate with few periods of
pausing. But VR schedules engendered generally higher response rates than did
equivalent VI schedules. All these patterns were, by and large, independent of
the overall times or numbers of responses required, of the species, of the type of
response required, of deprivation level, of the type of reinforcer, and of many
other possible variables. Here, then, was a set of invariant patterns with very
wide generality. Different patterns were shown even in extinction after training
on each of the schedules.
Psychologists immediately understood that the invariant patterns described by
Ferster and Skinner (1957) were important to their science. Research turned to
the analysis of the relations between parts of the patterns and various independent
variables. For instance, it was shown that the pause duration in FR performance
was directly related to the number of responses required (Felton & Lyon, 1966),
and the pause in FI performance was directly related to the interval length
(Schneider, 1969). Using the more developed sciences as their models, research­
ers began the attempt to write equations for the quantitative relations between
independent-variable values and parts of the behavior patterns. Some of these
quantifications were quite successful, but few had any great generality over
different procedures.
Skinner (1950) noted an interesting quantitative invariance. Skinner trained
pigeons to emit two responses on two reinforcer schedules that were available
simultaneously (a concurrent schedule). Then he simultaneously removed the
reinforcers for both responses, and found that, as the behaviors ceased, they
continued to be emitted in the same ratio as during reinforced training. The
importance of this finding is more than just the invariance itself— it is the
discovery that a different sort of measurement (the ratio of two response rates,
rather than each rate individually) provided the invariance. It is obvious now, of
course, that taking the ratio of two simultaneous measures is most beneficial—
it reduces the effects of any concomitant or confounding variables that affect
both performances. The invariance of the behavior ratio during extinction

reported by Skinner, however, seemed to have no immediate or great effect on

the behavior of psychologists.
Ferster and Skinner (1957) also reported data on performance on concurrently
available schedules, but since they were still concerned mainly with descriptive
regularities they discussed the patterns of behavior controlled by these schedules,
rather than looking more closely at quantitative measures. Findley (1958)
continued the descriptive analysis of concurrent schedules. It was not until 1961
that Hermstein discovered a quantitative relation between responding and
reinforcers in concurrent schedules and effectively began the quantitative
analysis of behavior. Suddenly, the science of behavior could move into the sorts
of quantitative analyses that, until then, had been the characteristic of only one
area of psychology— psychophysics. H erm stein’s report provoked a flurry of
research activity that still continues to grow.
In this book, we first trace the development of the strict matching law,
culminating in H erm stein’s (1970) statement of the quantitative law of effect.
We then summarize the research that discovered and documented deviations
from the strict matching law, and its replacement by the generalized matching
law (Baum, 1974). We then show how the generalized matching law provides a
coherent description of performance on various combinations of concurrent
schedules, response parameters, and reinforcer parameters; how it describes
performance on successive (multiple) as well as simultaneous (concurrent)
schedules; how punishment and avoidance effects may be understood; and how
it may help us to account for choice between periods of access to schedules
(concurrent chains). Finally, we show how the insights gained from the
generalized matching law have been used to incorporate stimulus control into the
quantitative law of effect and to account for performance in signal-detection
As we have mentioned, the ideas underlying the matching law came initially
from studies of performance on concurrent schedules. In such paradigms, two or
more reinforcer schedules are simultaneously made available to a subject, and,
at least until recently, the two or more operant classes that may be emitted have
been clearly differentiated. For instance, two schedules may be arranged on two
spatially separated response keys (manipulanda), or they may be made available
on a single manipulandum, signaled by two distinctive discriminative stimuli,
with access to the two schedules controlled by responses to another spatially
separated key. These two procedures are called, respectively, the two-key
procedure and the switching-key, or changeover-key, or Findley, procedure.
Performance on these two procedures appears to be functionally identical.

1.1a. The Two-Key Concurrent-Schedule Procedure

Two (or more) manipulanda are made available to the subject. Responses on
each of these are reinforced according to specified schedules. This procedure is

w (w)
0 8 VI X s VI Y s
h -C L

f UJ


8 0 VI Y s 1 RESP
— o
l/l Q_
VI X s

FIG. 1.1. Diagrams of the two-key concurrent-schedule procedure (upper) and the Findley, or
changeover-key, concurrent-schedule procedure (lower). The letters within the circles refer to the
colors presented on the keys. See text for further explanation.

diagrammed in the upper part of Fig. 1.1. The subject (we will assume a pigeon)
is faced with two manipulanda (response keys), which may be illuminated any
color but are shown as white in Fig. 1.1. Responding on the left key provides
reinforcers on a VI x-s schedule, and responding on the right key provides
reinforcers on a VI y-s schedule. During reinforcer delivery, both keys are
usually blacked out, and responses on them are ineffective. If the schedules are
interval schedules, they continue timing even when the subject is not responding
on that manipulandum. If they are ratio schedules, each response on one
manipulandum contributes only to the count on the associated schedule. The

subject is free to change over between the schedules at any time, but changeovers
may be penalized by reinforcers being unavailable immediately after the
changeover (the changeover delay, Hermstein, 1961; see Section 1.2; or the
changeover ratio, see Section 1.1b). In the two-key procedure, the changeover
delay normally starts from the first response on a manipulandum after responses
have been emitted on the other manipulandum. All responses are counted as
being part of the performance on the schedules (that is, responses that are
changeovers are not deducted from the schedules’ totals). When time allocation
is measured, the allocation to one schedule’s total normally starts with the first
response on a manipulandum and ends with the first response on the other

1.1b. The Changeover-Key or Findley Concurrent-

Schedule Procedure
This procedure (Findley, 1958) is shown in the lower part of Fig. 1.1. Two
manipulanda are available to the subject— the switching manipulandum and the
main manipulandum. Each switching response changes the discriminative
stimulus (red or green key in Fig. 1.1) and its associated schedule arranged on
the main manipulandum (VI x s and VI y s in Fig. 1.1). All reinforcers are
obtained for responding on the main manipulandum. Usually, a switching
response (on the right, white key in Fig. 1.1) also starts a changeover delay
during which time reinforcers are unavailable. Effective switches may, or may
not, be allowed during the changeover delay, and switches emitted during the
changeover delay may reset the delay duration. Sometimes a number of
switching responses, rather than a single response, is required before the
schedules and discriminative stimuli change. This constitutes a changeover ratio.
Responses on the main manipulandum may, or may not, be allowed during the
changeover ratio. Switching responses do not contribute to the measured
allocation of responses on the schedules. Time allocation on the two schedules
is normally measured from one effective switch to the subsequent effective
switch. But the time during the changeover performance often does not
contribute to the times spent on the schedules if a changeover-ratio procedure is
used. If interval schedules are arranged, they time even when the discriminative
stimulus associated with that schedule is not presented. With ratio schedules,
only responses emitted during the presentation of the discriminative stimulus
contribute to the correlated schedule requirement.

1.1c. Scheduling of Reinforcers

Another major procedural dimension is concerned with whether there is any
dependency between the delivery of reinforcers from the available sources. With
independent scheduling, the arranging of a reinforcer, by the equipment, for one

response does not affect the availability of a reinforcer for another response.
W hen the schedule on one key sets up a reinforcer, the schedule on the other key
or keys continues timing, and may set up a reinforcer for that key or those keys
also. It is therefore possible that both keys (or all keys, if there are more than two
responses available) may have a reinforcer available at any one time. When one
of these reinforcers is collected, only the schedule associated with that reinforcer
is restarted, and the other reinforcer(s) remain available. Contrasted with this
procedure is the dependent (also termed nonindependent, interdependent, or
forced-choice) procedure. In this, when one schedule arranges a reinforcer, the
other schedule(s) stop timing until that reinforcer is collected. At this point, the
schedule from which the reinforcer was obtained is restarted, and the timing of
the intervals on the other schedule(s) continues. The dependent-scheduling
procedure ensures that the subject obtains the same distribution of reinforcers
between manipulanda as that arranged by the experimenter. Clearly, if one
response is never emitted because choice is extreme, the subject will obtain no
more reinforcers once a reinforcer is arranged for that response. The indepen-
dent-scheduling procedure does not ensure any particular distribution of rein­
forcers. If choice is extreme, the subject may not take any of the nonpreferred
reinforcers. Dependent- versus independent-scheduling procedures normally
apply only to concurrent interval schedules, since a dependency on concurrent
ratio schedules will change the number of responses required for a reinforcer to
be delivered.
It is not particularly easy to capture the essence of concurrent schedules
because of the many different nuances of procedure that have been used. For
example, our description has largely focused on two-schedule concurrents, but
any number of schedules may be concurrently arranged (see Section 7.10). Most
procedural differences have not been shown to cause differential effects.
However, some, like changeover delays and changeover ratios, clearly cause
performance differences. We deal with these differences in Section 8 . 6 .
Procedures even different from those described above exist which have also been
termed “ concurrent schedules.” We stress that the name of a procedure
generally provides insufficient information for an experimental analysis. Further,
a name is certainly a very poor independent variable to manipulate in an
experiment or to use to explain an experimental result.

1.1d. Introduction Continued

As we have mentioned, initial demonstrations of concurrent-schedule perfor­
mances were nonquantitative. For instance, Ferster and Skinner (1957) investi­
gated concurrent VI VI, concurrent FR FI, and concurrent VI FI schedule
performances using a two-key procedure. Cumulative records showed that the
patterns of responding on each key (and thus, on each schedule) were typical of
the schedules when they were arranged nonconcurrently, except in the case of

concurrent VI FI. In the latter, typical scalloping failed to develop on the key
associated with the FI schedule (but see Catania, 1962). Ferster and Skinner also
introduced the notion of the “ one-key concurrent schedule,” a procedure in
which two or more schedules are simultaneously arranged on a single key. They
used concurrent FI avoidance schedules. Research on one-key concurrent
schedules has not subsequently been common, but they are logically of interest.
For instance, a one-key concurrent VI 60-s VI 60-s schedule is nominally a VI
30-s schedule. But, if different nominal schedules are arranged on a single key,
the results may not be verbally classifiable. However, the feedback function (see
Section 7.1) may be mathematically specifiable.
Findley (1958) provided more parametric data on concurrent VI VI schedule
performance by keeping one schedule constant and varying the rate of reinforcers
provided by the other. He noted that the response rate on each key was both
increased by higher reinforcer rates on the correlated schedule and decreased by
higher reinforcer rates on the alternate schedule. He also reported that the time
spent responding on a schedule was similarly affected by the two reinforcer rates.
Findley’s major contribution was the specification of, at that time, a novel
method of arranging concurrent schedules— the changeover-key, or switching-
key, procedure, in which a response on a switching key changed the schedules
and associated stimuli on the main key (see Section 1.1b).


Hermstein (1961) reported an experiment in which responses on two keys were

reinforced on a number of different concurrent VI VI schedules keeping the
arranged overall reinforcer rate at 1.5 reinforcers per minute. In most of his
experimental conditions, he penalized changeovers between the keys by arrang­
ing that a reinforcer on one key could not be obtained, even if arranged by the
schedule, until 1.5 s had elapsed from the first peck on that key (after pecking
the other key). He termed this procedure, which requires at least two responses
to be emitted on a key if a reinforcer is to be gained, a changeover delay or COD.
Under these conditions, Hermstein noted that the percentage of responses
emitted on one key approximately equaled the percentage of reinforcers obtained
from that key— that is, the subjects matched relative frequency of responding to
relative obtained frequencies of reinforcers. Algebraically, this relation is:

(i d
B x + B2 R x + R2

where B refers to the behavior frequency and R refers to the obtained reinforcer
frequency. The subscripts refer to the two choices (e.g., responses on the two
keys). Equation 1.1 was thus termed the matching equation, but in order to

HEiRRNSTEIN ( 1 9 6 1 )

LU .75 ■
.5 -
> ♦BIRD 55
I— oBIRO 231
25 - °BIRD 641
cl :

__ 1____ ____1_____

.25 .5 . 75 1
FIG. 1.2. Relative response rates emitted on two keys as a function of the relative rate of
reinforcers obtained from the two keys. The data are from Hermstein (1961).

differentiate it here from other similar equations we shall call it the strict
matching equation.
H erm stein’s (1961) results are shown in Fig. 1.2. The data from all three birds
fell close to the major diagonal which describes the equality in Equation 1.1.
Hermstein discussed the possibility that the matching relation was a result of the
rate of behavior being a linear function of the rate of reinforcers, i.e .,

B; = kRt ,

which, when applied to the behavior on each key, produces Equation 1.1.
However, data from performance on single schedules, and from Findley’s (1958)
experiment, did not support that notion. Thus, Hermstein concluded that the
relation between a rate of behavior and its rate of reinforcement was more likely
to be concave downward (or negatively accelerated). We return to this issue in
Chapter 2.
Hermstein (1961) also compared performance on concurrent VI VI schedules
using a changeover delay with that produced when no changeover delay was in
effect. He reported that the changeover delay substantially decreased the
frequency of switching between the two keys. He also noted that it might play a
role in the production of strict matching. A comparison of the matching
performance with and without a changeover delay for two birds on a concurrent
VI 135-s VI 270-s schedule (i.e., a relative reinforcer frequency of about 0.66)
showed that relative response measures were closer to 0.5 when no changeover
delay was arranged. These were somewhat limited data, but a later and more

extensive set from Catania and Cutts (1963), using humans, validated the use of
the changeover delay in concurrent-schedule research. This procedure subse­
quently became standard.
Research reported by Catania (1963a) supported Hermstein’s (1961) finding
of strict matching on concurrent VI VI schedules. Catania used a switching-key,
rather than a two-key, concurrent-schedule arrangement. He also compared
performance with, and without, a 2-s changeover delay. Like Hermstein, he
reported some extreme deviations from strict matching if no changeover delay
was in effect. Catania’s data also showed that the response rate on one key was
not a linear function of the reinforcer rate on that key. He offered a hyperbolic
equation to describe absolute response rates. In this equation, the response
rate on one key is increased by higher reinforcer rates on that key but is decreased
by higher reinforcer rates on the alternate key:

B, = ^ -0 8 3 • (1.2)
(B, + B 2)083

The fact that response rates on one key are a joint function of the reinforcer rates
obtained for those responses and for alternate responses has not subsequently
been doubted, but the form of the equation has been varied. Note particularly that
Equation 1.2 has no upper asymptote— as reinforcer rates increase, the response
rate continues to increase without bound. Both the constant k and the power
modifying the denominator are fitted constants. Neither seem to have any
particular psychological significance. Equation 1.2 describes strict matching
because when relative response rates are predicted, both the constant k and the
denominator cancel out:

B, IcR, . (B, + B 2)083 _ B,

B, + B 2 (B, + B 2) ° 83 <t(B, + R 2) B, + B 2

Catania (1963a) was the first to propose a total output equation, that is, an
equation that describes the total rate of all measured behavior. This was:

B, + B 2 = SB = k ( R i + B2)° 17 . (1.3)

Equation 1.3 can easily be fitted to data by plotting the logarithm of the total
response rate against the logarithm of the total reinforcer rate and fitting a
straight line. The slope of the resulting line is the value of the power in Equation
1.3 (and is also the complement of the power on the denominator in Equation
1.2). It is evident from Catania’s plot of this relation that, for all subjects except
Findley’s (1958) Bird 5, the slopes of the lines were close to 0.17, and all the
data were well fitted by straight lines.
Another important aspect of Catania’s (1963a) paper was his interpretation of

the effects of a changeover delay. He stated that this “ prevented one schedule of
reinforcement exerting accidental control over the changeover-key pecking and
the pecks maintained by the other schedule” (p. 255). This interpretation was
supported by Catania and Cutts (1963), and has remained one of the standard
interpretations of the procedural effects of changeover delays.
It has become evident from the experiments discussed so far that varying
reinforcer rates on single schedules have rather small effects on response rates
(Catania, 1963a, Equation 1.2), but the effects are much greater on concurrently
arranged schedules (Equation 1.1). In other words, concurrent VI VI schedule
performance is more sensitive to the variation of one of the reinforcer rates than
is single Vl-schedule performance. This increased sensitivity led to the
extensive use of concurrent VI VI schedules, simply because of the better
properties of the measurement. For instance, Catania (1963b) showed that
variations in reinforcer duration had little effect on the response rate on a single
VI 120-s schedule, but had a substantial effect on the response rate on one key
of a concurrent VI 120-s VI 120-s schedule. Because the total duration of food
reinforcers was constant, Catania’s (1963b) result can be taken as an example of
the strict matching of relative response rates to relative reinforcer durations:

B, Mx
B j + B2 Mx + M2
where M is the duration of the food presentation. Catania’s results are shown in
Fig. 1.3. The generality of the strict matching law thus, at this time, extended
across both reinforcer-rate and reinforcer-duration variations.
CRTRNIfl ( 1963B)

I— ■75

o 5

LU 25
QZ •

25 .5 .75
FIG. 1.3. Relative response rate as a function o f relative reinforcer duration. The data, from
Catania (1963b), have been averaged across subjects.
1.3 SUMMARY 11


By 1963, the empirical fact that relative response rates closely matched relative
reinforcer rates was well substantiated and replicated. No systematic deviations
from strict matching had been reported, and the empirical matching law gained
more support from a related area— concurrent-chain schedules (see also Section
6.5 and Chapter 10). These schedules arrange concurrent VI VI schedules, but
the reinforcers are not the immediate delivery of food. Rather, completion of
each concurrent schedule produces a stimulus change that is itself associated with
a schedule of food reinforcement. These latter schedules, known as the terminal
links, or outcome phase, occur as single schedules— that is, only one terminal
link is in effect at a time, and the concurrent VI VI initial links are unavailable
during the terminal links. Autor (1960) and Hermstein (1964a) reported strict
matching between relative initial-link response rates and relative terminal-link
reinforcer rates. Reynolds (1963a) also reported strict matching on a concurrent-
chain schedule. These data sets initially seemed to support the notion of strict
matching in quite different procedures, and hence to provide increased general­
ity. In the light of subsequent research (Chapter 10), however, they should not
be taken as supporting strict matching. Indeed, Hermstein (1964b) failed to find
strict matching when the terminal links were FI versus VI schedules.


Shull and Pliskoff (1967) used switching-key concurrent VI VI schedules to

extend Herm stein’s (1961) report that changeover delays helped produce strict
matching of relative response rates to relative reinforcer rates. Using two different
(one unequal and one equal) concurrent VI VI schedule pairs, they varied the
changeover delay from 0 to 20 s. It is worth noting that with a switching-key
procedure, a 0-s changeover delay specifies a minimum of one changeover
response and one main-key response for reinforcement, whereas the two-key
procedure with a 0-s changeover delay requires a minimum of two successive
pecks to a key. The difference is not so much in the behavior of the subject, but
in the data that are collected. In the switching-key procedure, the switching
response does not add to the response totals used to assess matching. In the
two-key procedure, the switching response is counted. It is also worth noting that
no changeover delay and a 0-s changeover delay are one and the same contingency
for a switching-key procedure. They are, however, different contingencies for a
two-key procedure— no changeover delay allows the response that constitutes the
changeover to be reinforced, whereas a 0-s changeover delay requires two suc­
cessive responses to a key before a reinforcer may be gained. Shull and Pliskoff
reported that, as the changeover delay was increased, relative response rates,
relative time spent responding, and relative obtained reinforcers all became more

extreme on the (unequal) concurrent VI 60-s VI 180-s schedules. For the (equal)
concurrent VI 90-s VI 90-s performance, these measures showed no consistent
trend. Given that strict matching is an equality between relative response and
relative reinforcer rates, it is evident from their data that strict matching was more
likely to result with longer changeover delays. When the changeover delays were
short, relative response rates were less extreme than relative obtained reinforcer
rates. H erm stein’s (1961) and Catania’s (1963a) findings were thus systematically
replicated and supported.
A caveat is in order here. As we see in Section 9.3, the design of this
experiment cannot discriminate between two different ways in which an equality
between relative response rates and relative reinforcer rates can occur. Shull and
Pliskoff’s (1967) results were taken as indicating that a changeover delay of
sufficient length must be provided if strict matching is to be obtained. As a
result, most subsequent studies rather unquestioningly used changeover-delay
values of, usually, between 2 and 5 s, despite the fact that even 5 s was not long
enough to produce an equality between relative response rates and relative
reinforcer rates in Shull and Pliskoff’s study. On the other hand, changeover
delays of 1.5 s and 2 s, respectively, were sufficient to obtain the equality in
H erm stein’s (1961) and Catania’s (1963a) studies.
Shull and Pliskoff’s (1967) study is notable for being the first to measure time
allocation on a concurrent schedule. They noted that relative response and
relative time measures were isomorphic and suggested that this showed that the
local response rates (i.e., the number of responses divided by the time allocated
to that schedule) were equal between the two keys. This further suggests that
subjects respond at a particular constant overall rate but distribute these
responses between the two keys via time allocation.


Time-allocation measures were given major prominence in a study of concurrent

variable-time variable-time (VT VT) schedule performance by Brownstein and
Pliskoff (1968). A VT schedule simply delivers reinforcers after varying periods
of time without any response being necessary. Brownstein and Pliskoff used
switching-key concurrent schedules, allowing the subject to alternate between the
two VT schedules. They also determined an individual changeover-delay value
for each subject that was of a value sufficient to produce equality of relative time
spent responding and relative obtained reinforcer rate on a concurrent VT 60-s VT
180-s schedule. Varying the VT schedules, they found strict time-allocation
matching for all schedule combinations. Their data are replotted in Fig. 1.4.
Brownstein and Pliskoff suggested that time allocation must be a basic process
and that response allocation might be a by-product, because no superstitious
responding was noted while the animals were in the experiment.
1.6. SUMMARY 13

a= .5
♦BIRD 33
□ BIRD 787
a BIRD 6494

.25 .5 .75
FIG. 1.4. Relative time spent responding as a function of relative reinforcer rate reported by
Brownstein and Pliskoff (1968). A different changeover-delay duration was arranged for each bird:
2 s for Bird 93; 7.5 s for Bird 787; and 5 s for Bird 6494.

Time-allocation matching was also the major subject of an experiment

reported by Baum and Rachlin (1969). Unlike Brownstein and Pliskoff (1968),
Baum and Rachlin used an analogue of the two-key concurrent-scheduling
procedure. A long experimental chamber with the floor divided into two halves,
each resting on microswitches, was used. Feeders situated at both ends of the
chamber operated on VT schedules when the subject was at the appropriate end
of the chamber and when a 4.25-s changeover delay had elapsed. The
time-allocation data did not include the time during which both floors were
depressed, the time during reinforcer delivery, nor the time in the changeover
delay. The exclusion of changeover-delay time is unusual in time-allocation
studies of concurrent-schedule performance. It would be expected to increase
measured time-allocation differentials between unequal schedules, as it is akin to
subtracting a constant from both of the time totals (see Section 8.6). Baum and
Rachlin varied the VT schedules over a wide range, and obtained a close
approximation to strict matching. They also argued that time allocation “ may be
more widely applicable to behavior than laws of response distribution” (p. 869).


By 1969, two measures (relative response rate and relative time allocated) had
been shown to equal or match relative obtained reinforcer rates. These two
measures had usually been obtained from different experiments, but Catania
(1966) showed that both isomorphic measures could be obtained from standard

concurrent VI VI schedule experiments. The procedure of collecting both

measures from single experiments became common from this time, allowing
ultimately a more detailed comparison of the two measures.
Generality, at this time, also extended across the two procedures for arranging
concurrent schedules, across species to a limited extent (pigeons, rats, and
humans had been used), and across reinforcers (both grain and brain stimulation
had been used). Another area of generality was also evident, but by default rather
than by explicit experimentation. The absolute reinforcer rate provided by the
schedules had not been shown to affect the degree of matching. Again, by
default, the type of response required appeared not to affect the degree of
matching, though only situations in which the same response was required on the
two concurrently available schedules had been investigated.


At this period in the development of the matching law, some other experiments
had been reported that also supported forms of strict matching. First, Neuringer
(1967) extensively replicated Catania’s (1963b) report of matching between
relative response rates and the relative size of reinforcers. The size of reinforcers
is often designated as reinforcer amount, A, or magnitude, M, though the
procedure most often used is to vary the duration of presentation of reinforcers.
Neuringer’s result can be written as:

B\ "1" B 2 A/] -f M 2

In the same year, Chung and Hermstein (1967) studied the effects of delay of
reinforcers on concurrent VI VI schedule performance. Reinforcers for each of
the concurrent-schedule responses were delayed by fixed times in blackout, with
the concurrent schedules unavailable during the delay. They reported that
relative response rates matched relative delays (D) to reinforcers according to the
following matching relation:

_ &2
B\ + B2 + D2

The reciprocal form of matching arises because, unlike reinforcer rate or

duration, the longer the delay the less frequently the response is emitted.
Defining the reciprocal of the delay to reinforcers as the immediacy of the
reinforcers (/ = 1/D) leads to the more usual matching form:

Bx _ /,
B\ A B 2 I\ + I 2

I— .75
o .5

LU 25

.25 .5 .75
FIG. 1.5 Relative response rates as a function of relative imm ediacies of reinforcers.
These data w ere obtained using concurrent VI 60-s VI 60-s schedules. The delays
w ere varied between 1 and 30 s, but the 1-s delay was taken as effectively a 1.6-s
delay because the subjects took about this tim e to start eating from the food hopper
(see Chung & Herm stein, 1967).

Chung and Hermstein’s data are shown in Fig. 1.5 as a function of the relative
immediacy of reinforcers. The immediacy form of the equation asserts the
matching of relative response rates to the relative reinforcer rates in the delay
periods. It is thus the same result as Hermstein (1964a) obtained with
concurrent-chain schedules. Indeed, Chung and Hermstein’s procedure is a
concurrent-chain schedule.
Thus, the generality of strict matching had been asserted across reinforcer
delay and magnitude variation and even into the concurrent-chain procedure with
either fixed-delay or variable-interval terminal links. However, we must again
issue a caveat: Chung and Herm stein’s (1967) experiment has been replicated
and reanalyzed (Williams & Fantino, 1978). This further work shows that Chung
and H erm stein’s data were not consistent with strict matching (see Section 6.5).
Also, subsequent concurrent-chain results have consistently failed to find strict
matching to terminal-link relative reinforcer rates (Chapter 10).
The results summarized above, all of which supported strict matching (when
the changeover delay was of sufficient length), culminated in a paper by
Hermstein (1970). H erm stein’s approach to matching and behavior allocation is
the subject of Chapter 2.

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