Venus: by Jessica Hemrich
Venus: by Jessica Hemrich
Venus: by Jessica Hemrich
Venus is the second planet from the
Sun and is the hottest planet in our
Solar System. Earth and Venus are
quite similar in size and age. Venus
is 4.5 billion years old and Earth is
4.54 billion. The radius of Earth is
6371 km and Venus has a radius of
6052 km. Although, Venus is a lot
hotter than Earth with
temperatures of almost 480
degrees Celsius.
Orbits the sun every 224.7 Earth days.
.72 AU from the Sun.
243 days on Venus is equivalent to one Earth day (in
terms of the time it takes the planet to rotate).
Rotates backwards (in comparison to the other
Volume: 928,415,345,893 km cubed.
Orbit size around sun: 108,209,475 km.
Orbit Eccentricity: 0.00677672.
Mass: 4,867,320,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.
Surface Area: 460,234,317 km squared. ❖ Escape
velocity: 37,296 km/h.
Surface Data
The air is very thick and hot, humans
would not be able to breathe. Has high
temperatures of almost 480 degrees
Atmosphere composition: nitrogen and
carbon dioxide.
Gravity: 8.87m/s squared compared to
9.78m/s squared on Earth.
There are a lot volcanoes and craters
occupying its rocky surface.
Maximum/minimum surface
temperature: 462 Degrees Celsius.
Nearby Objects
Venus orbits the Sun.
Second planet from the Sun.
Closest planet to Earth.
Venus doesn't have any known moons.
Venus is located between Mercury and Earth.
Human Scientific Explorations
There have been over 40 spacecrafts to explore Venus.
1961: First mission to Venus (1VA/1).
1962: the Mariner 2 was the first spacecraft to send
information about another planet to Earth. It sent back
information about Venus' hot temperatures.
1990's: During the Magellan mission, 98% of the
planet's surface was mapped.
2005: The Venus Express was sent by the European
Space Agency to study the surface and atmosphere.
2013 (latest mission): VeSpR, was a successful mission.
They are hoping to learn more about water that was
on Venus through this mission.
Magellan's Map of Venus
Mission Badge
Fun Facts
Venus is brighter than any of the
stars, you can sometimes see it
from Earth if the sun is low on the
The planet was named after the
ancient Roman goddess