Desalination of Red Sea Water Using Both Electrodi
Desalination of Red Sea Water Using Both Electrodi
Desalination of Red Sea Water Using Both Electrodi
Desalination of Red Sea water using both electrodialysis and reverse osmosis
as complementary methods
26 6,205
4 authors, including:
Fatma Hassan
Aswan University
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Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute
University of Florida, Particle Engineering Research Center, 205 Particle Science & Technology, PO Box 116135, Gainesville,
FL 32611-613, USA
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt
KEYWORDS Abstract Desalination process separates nearly salt free water from sea or brackish water. So,
Desalination; desalination process is becoming a solution for water scarcity all over the world. Two membrane
Electrodialysis; methods of water desalination namely electrodialysis (ED) and reverse osmosis (RO) are used in
Reverse osmosis; this study as complementary methods. The results show that both ED and RO can be used as inte-
Red Sea water grated system. This system is economic and cost effective compared with each individual method
provided using the ED system before the RO. In this study, it was approved that seawater can
be used as it is an electrolyte. TDS of Red Sea water was decreased from 42070 ppm to
2177 ppm achieving 94.8% removal efficiency using ED for half of its optimum time. Total removal
efficiency of 99.4% can be obtained using the combined system of ED and RO.
ª 2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Egyptian Petroleum Research
Institute. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Membrane based processes include reverse osmosis (RO), Diaphragm pump YZY-800-A2
membrane distillation (MD) and electrodialysis (ED) [6]. For Volts 24 VDC Working pressure 70 PSI
the treatment of brackish groundwater, electrodialysis or elec- Amps 0.8 A Working flow 800 ml
trodialysis reversal is robust against scaling problems [7,8] and In pressure 28 PSI Open flow 2000 ml
they can effectively remove disinfection byproduct precursors,
such as bromide and organic matter [9]. The most important
industrial application of ED is the production of drinking Membranes: FILMTECä TW30-2514 Small Commercial
water from brackish water and seawater as well as dem- Elements with the following specifications:
ineralization of solutions of widely varying industrial fluids
encountered in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical indus-
tries [10,11]. Membrane type: Polyamide thin-film composite
Active area (m2): 0.7 Applied pressure (bar): 15.5
During the past 30 years, reverse osmosis (RO) is increas-
Stabilized salt rejection (%): 99.5 Permeate flow rate (m3/d): 0.7
ingly used in seawater and brackish water desalination, water
treatment and wastewater reclamation due to the superior
and stable quality of the water produced and the relatively
2.1.3. Analytical methods
low cost [12].
In this study, the desalination process was carried out using pH, conductivity and salinity were measured using pH meter
both the electrodialysis and reverse osmosis as complementary WTW Inc. Lab pH 730.
methods to avoid their disadvantages. Electrodialysis process Total dissolved salts were measured by TDS Meter (HO
was applied firstly followed by reverse osmosis. 14D).
Hardness and alkalinity were determined by the titration
2. Experimental method according to Standard Methods for the Examination
of the Water and Wastewater 20th edition, 1999.
Calcium and Magnesium were measured by titration with
2.1. Materials and methods
EDTA and the procedure was applied according to
VOGEL’s textbook of quantitative chemical analysis, fifth edi-
2.1.1. Electrodialysis system
tion, 1989.
Electrodialysis system contains three compartments, compart- Chlorides were determined using silver nitrate (Mohr
ment 1 contains 2 L untreated water (dilute), compartment 2 Method) according to VOGEL’s textbook of quantitative
contains 2.5 L Na2SO4 solution of known concentration or chemical analysis, fifth edition, 1989.
water used as electrode rinse (electrolyte) and compartment 3 Sodium element was analyzed using atomic absorption
contains 2 L distilled water, tab water or sea water (concen- spectrophotometer (AA-6600) SHIMADZU.
trate). Under the influence of direct current, ions in the input Potassium, Sulfate, Ammonium, Nitrate, Nitrite, Silica,
source (dilute) migrate toward the anode. They leave the dilute Iron, Manganese were analyzed by spectrophotometer DR
compartment, move through the anion exchange membrane 2000 Hach Company.
and stop by the cation exchange membrane in the concentrate
compartment. This circulation of water was assured by pumps. 2.1.4. Calculations
Table 1 shows the specifications and operation conditions of
R is the TDS removal efficiency in %. R is defined as the fol-
electrodialysis unit. For electrodialysis operation, 2 L from
lowing equation:
the feed water source of ED system is placed in the dilute com-
partment for the desired electrodialysis time interval at the R ¼ Ci Cf Ci 100%
required potential difference. The variables which are studied where Ci and Cf are initial and final TDS concentration of the
are potential difference, concentration of electrolyte and elec- concentrated solution, respectively in ppm.
trodialysis time. During the test, water samples are taken
periodically from dilute and concentrate streams at the desired 2.2. Procedure
electrodialysis time and the total dissolved solids (TDS) and
salinity were measured.
The electrodialysis (ED) system was applied before the reverse
2.1.2. Reverse osmosis system osmosis (RO). During the test time (1 h), samples were taken
every 10 min for measuring of salinity and total dissolved
Specifications of the high pressure pump of the RO system are solids.
given below:
Please cite this article in press as: E.A. Abdel-Aal et al., Desalination of Red Sea water using both electrodialysis and reverse osmosis as complementary methods,
Egypt. J. Petrol. (2015),
Desalination of Red Sea water using electrodialysis and reverse osmosis 3
Salinity, %
The applied cell voltage is a critical operating condition in elec- 10
trodialysis processes as the voltage determines the current in
the cell and hence the desalination efficiency as well as energy
consumption. 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
A series of experiments were carried out using different
Time, min.
applied voltages from 6 V to 18 V to follow salinity and
TDS with time. The achieved results are given in Figs. 1 and Figure 1 Effect of time on salinity at different applied voltages.
2. These results reveal that the salinity decreases to less than
10% after 30 min using applied voltage from 12 V to 18 V.
Similarly, the TDS decreases to less than 1000 TDS under 45000
the same conditions. 40000 9V
12 V
15 V
3.3. Effect of electrolyte concentration 30000 18 V
3.4. Effect of electrolyte type Figure 2 Effect of time on TDS at different applied voltages.
A series of experiments were carried out using different elec- 3.5. The (RO) system
trolyte types (sodium sulfate, sodium chloride and sodium
nitrate) of 0.5 M concentration to follow the salinity and
The results were taken after many experiments done to reach
TDS with time. The achieved results are given in Figs. 5 and
less amount of water rejected and the major produced, and this
6. These results reveal that the lowest salinity and lower
can be made because the entered water was low in the TDS.
TDS are achieved with sodium sulfate electrolyte. The other
This can also be made by using garrote to control the amount
two electrolytes gave near results. NaCl electrolyte gives the
of water rejected or filtrate through the membranes and also
lowest removal efficiency.
this affects the TDS of the water. So the results shown in
In addition, Table 3 shows the chemical analysis of water
Table 3 were total chemical tests for the final produced water.
produced from ED system after 30 min. This product is fed
It was found from the experiments that if the water, which
to RO system for further desalination.
would enter to the RO system, was low in TDS, we can adjust
Please cite this article in press as: E.A. Abdel-Aal et al., Desalination of Red Sea water using both electrodialysis and reverse osmosis as complementary methods,
Egypt. J. Petrol. (2015),
4 E.A. Abdel-Aal et al.
45 45000
0.1 M Sodium Cholride
40 40000
0.3 M Sodium Nitrate
35 0.5 M Sodium Sulphate
30 0.7 M
Salinity, %
TDS, ppm
20 25000
15 20000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 5000
Time, min.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 3 Effect of time on salinity at different Na2SO4
electrolyte concentrations. Time, min.
35000 0.5 M
0.7 M Table 3 Chemical analysis for ED produced water after
30 min.
TDS , ppm
TDS 2177 ppm
Cl 1367 ppm
15000 SO4 10 ppm
10000 Salinity 3.8%
Conductivity 6.89 Ms/cm
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time , min.
Table 4 Chemical analysis for final produced water.
Figure 4 Effect of time on TDS at different Na2SO4 electrolyte
Elements to be analyzed (Units) Results Recovery
concentrations. ratio (%)
pH 7.38 –
45 Conductivity (Ms/cm) 0.465 –
Sodium Chloride
Total hardness as (CaCO3) (ppm) 23 99.7
40 Sodium Nitrate
Sodium Sulphate Calcium (Ca++) (ppm) 2.5 99.6
35 Magnesium (Mg++) (ppm) 4.03 99.7
Total alkalinity as (CaCO3) (ppm) 11.5 –
Bicarbonate alkalinity as (CaCO3) (ppm) 11.5 –
Salinity, %
Please cite this article in press as: E.A. Abdel-Aal et al., Desalination of Red Sea water using both electrodialysis and reverse osmosis as complementary methods,
Egypt. J. Petrol. (2015),
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Please cite this article in press as: E.A. Abdel-Aal et al., Desalination of Red Sea water using both electrodialysis and reverse osmosis as complementary methods,
Egypt. J. Petrol. (2015),
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