Ejercicio de WH Questions in Simple Present Tense

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7/2/23, 21:52 Ejercicio de Wh questions in simple present tense

Where do they come from?

What does she do?

When do you eat breakfast?

Why does he study English?

How many books do you read per year?

How much sugar does he want?

How is your house?

When do they play soccer?

Who reads short tales?

When do you celebrate your birthday?

Where does she read the newspaper?

How many brothers do you have?

How often does she travel by Europe?

Who studies English?

Where do they go to school?

What does your sister buy in the store?

How often does he go to the movies?

When do you get up?

What time is it?

How much money do you need?

https://es.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Wh_questions/Wh_questions_in_simple_present_tense_b… 2/3

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