D-ZALL.0002.GB Fuel Oil Specification External

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Wärtsilä 4-stroke D-ZALL.0002.GB

Technical Services Issue 1, 24 May 2023

Fuel oil specification

For your information

Distribution to operators and owners of installations Engines concerned

concerned All Z40, ZA40, ZA40S and ZA50S engine
reference types.

Wärtsilä Z40 Reference

Wärtsilä ZA40 Operation and maintenance manual
Wärtsilä ZA40S chapter 0100-1/A1 Diesel engine fuels.
Wärtsilä ZA50S
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide
information related to the use of distillate
and residual fuel oils in Wärtsilä Z

Until further notice.

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D-ZALL.0002.GB, Issue 1, Page 2 / 8

1 Introduction 2
2 Description 2
3 Technical support 8

1 Introduction
The Wärtsilä Z series diesel engines are designed and developed for continuous
operation on fuels with characteristics specified hereafter, without reduction in the rated

2 Description

Both Distillate and Residual fuel (RM) must not contain any added substances or
chemical waste that may jeopardize the installations safety, in terms of performance,
pollution, or personnel health.

For maximum engine fuel inlet temperature, please check the specific Operation and
Maintenance Manual.

2.1 Distillate fuel oil

The fuel specification is based on the ISO 8217: 2017 (E) standard and covers the fuel
ISO-F grades: DMX, DMA, DFA, DMZ, DFZ, DMB and DFB. Please also check the
related Table 1.

 DMX: to be used from ambient and down to -15°C temperature, without heating.
Only suitable for lifeboat engines and certain emergency equipment for merchant
marine applications, due to reduced flash point.
 DMA: A high quality distillate, generally designated Light fuel oil (LFO)
 DFA: similar to DMA but a presence of max 7,0% v/v of Fatty acid methyl ester
(FAME) is allowed.
 DMZ: high quality distillate LFO, an alternative for engines requiring a higher viscosity
than DMA grade fuel.
 DFZ: similar to DMZ but a presence of max 7,0% v/v of Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)
is allowed.
 DMB: Marine Diesel Oil (MDO). General purpose fuel which may contain trace
amounts of Residual marine fuel (RM) and is intended for engines not specifically
designed to burn residual fuels.
 DFB: similar to DMB but a presence of max 7,0% v/v of Fatty acid methyl ester
(FAME) is allowed.

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D-ZALL.0002.GB, Issue 1, Page 3 / 8

Table 1. Distillate fuel specification based on ISO8217 2017 (E) standard

Test method(s) and

Category IFO-F
Characteristics Unit Limit

Max 5,500 6,000 6,000 11,000

Kinematic viscosity at 40°C J) mm2/s a) ISO 3104
Min 1,400 i) 2,000 3,000 2,000

ISO 3675 or ISO

Density at 15°C kg/m3 Max - 890,0 890,0 900,0

Cetane Index Min 45 40 40 35 ISO 4264

ISO 8754, ISO
Sulphur b, k) % m/m Max 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,50 14596, ASTM
Flash point °C Min 43,0 l) 60 60 60 ISO 2719

Hydrogen sulfide mg/kg Max 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 IP 570

Acid number mg KOH/g Max 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 ASTM D664

Total sediment by hot filtration % m/m Max - - - 0,10 c) ISO 10307-1

Oxidation stability g/m3 Max 25 25 25 25 d) ISO 12205

ASTM D7963 or IP
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) e) % v/v Max - - 7,0 - 7,0 - 7,0
Carbon residue - Micro method
% m/m Max 0,3 0,3 0,3 - ISO 10370
on 10% distillation residue

Carbon residue - Micro method % m/m Max - - - 0,3 ISO 10370

winter -16 Report Report -

Cloud point f) °C Max ISO 3015
summer -16 - - -

Cold filter winter - Report Report -

plugging °C Max IP 309 or IP 612
point f) summer - - - -

winter - -6 -6 0
Pour point f) °C Max ISO 3016
summer - 0 0 6

Appearance Clear and bright g) c) -

ISO 3733 or ASTM

Water % v/v Max - - - 0,30 c)
D6304-C e)

Ash % m/m Max 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,010 ISO 6245

Lubricity, corr. wear scar diam. h) μm Max 520 520 520 520 d) ISO 12156-1

1mm2/s = 1cSt.

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D-ZALL.0002.GB, Issue 1, Page 4 / 8

Notwithstanding the limits given, the purchaser shall define the maximum sulphur
content in accordance with relevant statutory limitations.
If the sample is not clear and bright, the total sediment by hot filtration and water
tests shall be required.
If the sample is not clear and bright, the oxidation stability and Lubricity tests cannot
be undertaken and therefore, compliance with this limit cannot be shown.
Alternative test method.
Pour point cannot guarantee operability for all ships in all climates. The purchaser
should confirm that the cold flow characteristics (pour point, cloud point, cold filter
plugging point) are suitable for ship’s design and intended voyage.
If the sample is dyed and not transparent, see ISO 8217:2017 (E) standard for details
related to water analysis and test methods.
The requirement is applicable to fuels with a sulphur content below 500 mg/kg
(0,050% m/m).
Low minimum viscosity of 1,400 mm2/s can prevent the use of DMX fuels unless a
fuel can be cooled down enough to meet the specified min. injection viscosity limit.
Allowed kinematic viscosity before the injection pumps for Wärtsilä Z engines type:
 With pumps for LFO: 2 – 10 cSt.
 With pumps for HFO: with LFO > 2,0 cSt - with HFO 13 – 17 cSt.
The use of Ultra Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (ULSFO) is allowed, provided that the fuel
quality fulfils other specified properties. Any minimum sulphur content limit, Does not
Low flash point of min.43°C can prevent the use of DMX fuels in marine applications.
Unless the ship’s fuel system is built according to special requirements, its use is
allowed. Moreover, the fuel supplier should guarantee that the flash point of the
delivered fuel batch is above 60°C, being a requirement of SOLAS and classification

2.2 Residual marine fuel oil

2.2.1 Normal sulphured fuel oil HFO

The normal sulphured fuel oil has to be considered a fuel oil with Max. 3.5% v/v sulphur.

HFO 1 is recommended to guarantee the best engine functionality, reliability, and

component lifetime.

Heavy Fuel Oil 2 (HFO 2) fuel specification is based on the ISO 8217:2017 (E) standard
and covers the fuel categories ISO-F from RMA10 to RMK700.

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D-ZALL.0002.GB, Issue 1, Page 5 / 8

Table 2. HFO 1 and 2 specification, based on ISO8217 2017 (E) standards.

Test methods and

Characteristics Unit Limit HFO 1 HFO 2
Kinematic viscosity before injection
mm2/s b) Max 13 - 17 13 - 17 -
Kinematic viscosity @ 50°C mm2/s b) Max 700,0 700,0 ISO 3104

Density @ 15°C kg/m3 Max 991 / 1010 a) 991 / 1010 a) ISO 3675 or ISO 12185

CCAI f) - Max 850 870 ISO 8217, Annex F

Statutory requirements or
Sulphur c, g) % m/m Max
max. 3,5 % m/m
ISO 3675 or 12185

Flash point °C Min 60 60 ISO 2719

Hydrogen sulphide mg/kg Max 2,00 2,00 IP 570

Acid number Max 2,5 2,5 ASTM D664
Total sediment aged % m/m Max 0,10 0,10 ISO 10307-2

Carbon residue, micro method % m/m Max 15,0 20,0 ISO 10370

Asphaltenes % m/m Max 8,0 14,0 ASTM D3279

Pour point (upper) e) °C Max 30 30 ISO3016

Water 0,50 0,50 ISO 3733 or ASTM

% v/v Max
D6304-C d)
Water before engine 0,30 0,30

Ash , d) % m/m Max 0,05 0,150 ISO 6245 or LP 1001

IP 501, IP 470 or ISO
Vanadium g) mg/kg Max 100 450
g) 50 100
mg/kg Max IP 501 or IP 470
Sodium before engine , g) 30 30

Aluminium + Silicon 30 60
IP 501, IP 470 or ISO
mg/kg Max
Aluminium + Silicon before engine 15 15,0

- Calcium 30 30 IP 501 or IP 470

Used lubricating oil
h) - Zinc mg/kg Max 15 15 IP 501 or IP 470

- Phosphorus 15 15 IP 501 or IP 500

Max. 1010 kg/m3 at 15°C, provided the fuel treatment system can reduce water and
solids (sediment, sodium, aluminium, silicon) before the engine, to the specified
1 mm2/s = 1 cSt.
Customers must define the maximum sulphur content in accordance with the
relevant statutory limitations. From an engine point of view, the use of fuels having

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D-ZALL.0002.GB, Issue 1, Page 6 / 8

a higher sulphur content, more than 3,5 % m/m, is also possible. In such cases, for
further evaluation, please contact the Wärtsilä Technical Support by following the
instructions in Chapter 3.
The ashing temperatures can vary when different test methods are used and have
an influence on the test result.
Customers must ensure that this pour point is suitable for the installations, especially
if these are located in cold climates.
Straight run residues show the calculated carbon aromatic index (CCAI) values are
very good ignitors. Cracked residues, delivered as bunkers, may range from 840
and, in exceptional cases, above 900. Most bunkers remain within the max 850 to
870 range. CCAI value cannot always be considered as an accurate tool to
determine the fuels ignition proprieties, especially concerning fuels originating from
a modern and more complex refinery process.
The hot corrosion, deposit formation and the total amount of ash on exhaust valves,
is caused by sodium when combined with sulphur and vanadium contents, as well
as other ash constituents. It is therefore difficult to set strict limits based only on the
sodium and vanadium content of the fuel. Sodium also strongly contributes to
fouling of the exhaust gas turbine blades at high loads.
The fuel must be free from used lubricating oil (ULO). A fuel is considered to contain
ULO when either one of the following conditions are met:
 Calcium > 30mg/kg and zinc > 15 mg/kg.
 Calcium > 30mg/kg and phosphorus > 15 mg/kg.

2.2.2 Very low sulphur fuel oil 0,50% m/m sulphur residual fuel

The Very low sulphur fuel oils (VLSFO) must be used outside SECA areas unless the
engines are equipped with exhaust gas cleaning system (scrubbers).

The VLSFO RM properties are described in the ISO 8217:2017 (E) standard for RM fuel
categories. Unfortunately, no specific RM specification for VLSFO exists.
The proprieties of the VLSFO RM category products can vary significantly and only the
upper limit of 0,50 % m/m sulphur content is a common requirement for those.

Some of these fuels are low viscosity products, like the ULSFO, that anyway fulfils either
the “HFO 1” or “HFO 2” quality requirements. These fuels can be used, but special
attention must be paid to the optimum operating conditions.

2.2.3 Ultra-low sulphur fuel oil 0,10% m/m sulphur residual fuel

The Ultra-low sulphur fuel oils (ULSFO) must be used inside the SECA areas unless the
engines are equipped with exhaust gas cleaning system (scrubbers).

Some of these can contain new refinery streams like: hydrocracker bottoms, blends of
distillate and/or RM. The new 0,10% m/m sulphur fuels are called Ultra Low Sulphur Fuel

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D-ZALL.0002.GB, Issue 1, Page 7 / 8

Oils (ULSFO) or hybrid fuels since they can contain proprieties of both distillate and
residual fuels. In the ISO 8217:2017(E) standard, the fuels are classed as RMA 10, RMB
30, RMD 80, if not fulling the DM grade category requirements. These fuels can be used,
but special attention must be paid to the optimum operating conditions. The Table 3
shows the RMA10, RMB30 and RMD80 categories to which most of these fuels belong
to, even though some may also have higher viscosities. Please also refer to Service
Instruction WS02Q312.

Table 3. ULSFO specification based on ISO8217 2017 (E) standard

RMA RMB RMD Test methods and

Characteristics Unit Limit
10 30 80 references
Kinematic viscosity bef. inj. pumps mm2/s a) - 13 - 17 13 - 17 13 - 17 -

Kinematic viscosity at 50°C mm2/s a) Max 10,00 30,00 80,00 ISO 3104

Density at 15°C kg/m3 Max 920,0 960,0 975,0 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185

CCAI e) - Max 850 860 860 ISO 8217, Annex F

b, f) % m/m Max 0,10 0,10 0,10 ISO 8754, ISO 14596

Flash point °C Min 60 60 60 ISO 2719

Hydrogen sulphide mg/kg Max 2,00 2,00 2,00 IP 570

Acid number Max 2,5 2,5 2,5 ASTM D664
Total sediment aged % m/m Max 0,10 0,10 0,10 ISO 10307-2

Carbon residue, micro method % m/m Max 2,5 10,0 14,0 ISO 10370

Asphaltenes % m/m Max 1,5 6,0 8,0 ASTM D3279

winter quality 0 0,0 30,0

Pour point (upper)d) °C Max ISO 3016
summer quality 6 6,0 30,0

Water % v/v Max 0,30 0,50 0,50

ISO 3733 or ASTM D6304-C
Water before engine % v/v Max 0,3 0,3 0,3

Ash c) % m/m Max 0,040 0,070 0,070 ISO 6245 or LP1001

Vanadium f) mg/kg Max 50 150 150 IP 501, IP 470 or ISO 14597

Sodium f) 50 100 100

mg/kg Max IP 501, IP 470
Sodium before engine f) 30 30 30

Aluminium + Silicon 25 40 40
mg/kg Max IP 501, IP 470 or ISO 10478
Aluminium + Silicon before engine 15 15 15

Calcium 30 30 30
Used lubricating oil IP 501 or IP 470
g) Zinc. mg/kg Max 15 15 15

Phosphorus 15 15 15 IP 501 or IP 500

1mm2/s = 1cSt.

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D-ZALL.0002.GB, Issue 1, Page 8 / 8

Customers must define the maximum sulphur content in accordance with the
relevant statutory limitations.
The ashing temperatures can vary when different test methods are used and have
an influence on the test result.
Customers must ensure that this pour point is suitable for the installations, especially
if these are located in cold climates.
Straight run residues show CCAI values in the 770 to 840 range and are very good
ignitors. Cracked residues, delivered as bunkers, may range from 840 and in
exceptional cases, above 900. Most bunkers remain in the max 850 to 870 range.
CCAI value cannot always be considered as an accurate tool to determine the fuels
ignition proprieties, especially concerning fuels originating from a modern and more
complex refinery processes.
The hot corrosion, deposit formation and the total amount of ash on exhaust valves,
is caused by sodium when combined with sulphur and vanadium contents as well
as other ash constituents. It is therefore difficult to set strict limits based only on the
sodium and vanadium content of the fuel. Sodium also strongly contributes to the
fouling of exhaust gas turbine blades at high loads.
The fuel must be free from used lubricating oil (ULO). A fuel is considered to contain
ULO when either one of the following conditions are met:
 Calcium > 30mg/kg and zinc > 15 mg/kg.
 Calcium > 30mg/kg and phosphorus > 15 mg/kg.

3 Technical support

If technical support is needed, please create a TechRequest for further assistance.

When creating the TechRequest, please:
 Specify the service bulletin number D-ZALL.0002.GB in the subject field.
 Write the comments or questions in the description field.
 Attach photos if possible.
1. Customers using Wärtsilä Online Services can create the TechRequest directly in the
2. Customers not connected to the Wärtsilä Online Services, please contact your
Wärtsilä network office and they will convey the information and create the
TechRequest on your behalf.

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