Tale of Two Cities
Tale of Two Cities
Tale of Two Cities
Perry Mehrling
Recently socialist economists, for the first time applying to their problem
tools of modern economic theory, found that a free market for consumer
goods, and even for labor, is probably the safest guarantee for the best
allocation of national resources to various productions (and to leisure),
provided that the amount and use of national savings are determined by
central bodies and that industries which naturally incline to a monopolistic
or semi-monopolistic organization are entrusted to public managers.
—Jacob Marschak, “Peace Economics” (1940)
It was quite a surprise, albeit a very pleasant one, to learn that my book
Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Idea of Finance (2005) had been
chosen to receive the ESHET award. I speak not from false humility, but
rather from a realistic recognition that this book, along with my previous
one, The Money Interest and the Public Interest: American Monetary
Correspondence may be addressed to Perry Mehrling, Room 2 Lehman Hall, Barnard College,
3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027; e-mail: pgm10@columbia.edu. This paper was pre-
pared and presented originally as the Jérôme Blanqui Lecture for the May 2008 meeting of the
European Society of the History of Economic Thought, held in Prague. I would like to acknowl-
edge the helpful comments of Duncan Foley and Ken Kuttner, as well as participants in the
ESHET meeting (Prague, May 2008), especially Harald Hagemann, and participants in the
meeting of HISRECO (Lisbon, June 2008), especially Roger Backhouse, Béatrice Cherrier, and
Phil Mirowski. I would also like to acknowledge financial support from the Alliance Program
at Columbia University, which enabled a series of helpful discussions with Christian Walter and
Glenn Shafer.
History of Political Economy 42:2 DOI 10.1215/00182702-2010-001
Copyright 2010 by Duke University Press
202 History of Political Economy 42:2 (2010)
distance from the people whom the internal processes of the academic
discipline have already anointed, in order to see more clearly the effect of
external influences on the development of thought.
I’m going to do that again today. I will be telling a story about the devel-
opment of macroeconomics, but my central figure will not be Keynes, or
Wicksell, or even Fisher or Kalecki. My story is new, and so necessarily
only a sketch. My goal today is to tell a story that looks at a period you
already know but through a different lens. My story thus complements the
standard story, such as that of Roger Backhouse and David Laidler (2004),
who use as their lens the role of Keynes’s General Theory in facilitating
transition from the diversity of interwar macroeconomics to the hegemony
of the IS-LM model in the postwar period.
the quantity equation provides the framework for discussion by just about
The second equation is the Euler equation that lies at the heart of both
modern finance and modern macroeconomics:
U′(Cit) = Et [δU′(Cit + 1)Rjt + 1]. (2)
In this equation Cit is the consumption of consumer i at time t, U is a func-
tion that translates consumption into utility terms, δ is the subjective dis-
count rate, and Rjt + 1 is the gross return on asset j in the period between t and
t + 1. For finance, this equation is about how asset prices depend on time
and risk preferences, the equation is called the “consumption CAPM,” and
the asset in question is typically equity or long-term bonds (Breeden 1979;
Cochrane 2001). But the same equation can be used to talk about the inter-
temporal fluctuation of income, and as such is at the core of both real busi-
ness cycle theory and its New Keynesian variants (Woodford 2003; Sargent
2008). In this application, the asset is typically capital, or a rate of interest.
I submit to you that a very large intellectual revolution is involved in
moving from the first equation to the second. The most obvious change is
a shift from money to finance, and from the quantity of money (or aggre-
gate demand) to the rate of interest as the relevant policy instrument. This
already is a huge substantive change, from the city of money to the city
of finance, from the public Board of Governors in Washington to the pri-
vate securities exchange in New York. In what follows, however, I will be
focusing attention on three far-reaching methodological changes involved
in the shift from the first equation to the second.
1. Risk. The second equation incorporates risk explicitly insofar as the
realization of the gross asset return is stochastic; hence, the expecta-
tions operator E[.].
2. Equilibrium. The second equation is a first-order condition charac-
terizing individual optimization taking price as given, but also pos-
sibly characterizing economy-wide equilibrium in an endowment
economy taking price as the equilibrating factor.
3. Time. The second equation incorporates time explicitly insofar as
the risk that is important for individual choice has to do with the
future time period t + 1 when asset returns will be realized.
In all three respects, we have clearly come a long way from Fisher 1911.
The distance we have traveled has, however, been obscured by the ten-
dency of the profession to read something like equation 2 back into Fisher,
which is to say the tendency to read modern economics as a natural exten-
Mehrling / A Tale of Two Cities 205
sion of Fisher’s pioneering work. James Tobin (1985) more than anyone
else is responsible for this reading, but there have been plenty of historians
of thought writing in support of the story of continuity from Irving Fisher.
For my purposes, it is more important to emphasize the elements of dis-
I have elaborated this argument in more detail elsewhere (Mehrling
2001), so a single quotation will suffice to make the point here. Here is
Fisher, writing in 1930:
While it is possible to calculate mathematically risks of a certain type
like those in games of chance or in property and life insurance where
the chances are capable of accurate measurement, most economic risks
are not so readily measured. To attempt to formulate mathematically in
any useful, complete manner the laws determining the rate of interest
under the sway of chance would be like attempting to express completely
the laws which determine the path of a projectile when affected by ran-
dom gusts of wind. Such formulas would need to be either too general
or too empirical to be of much value. (316)
This passage reveals an attitude toward the “dark forces of time and
ignorance”—the phrase is from Keynes in the General Theory—not unlike
that of Keynes himself. Like Keynes in his Treatise on Probability (1921),
and also like Frank Knight in his Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit (1921),
Fisher thought that the mathematics of risk was not an appropriate ana-
lytical framework for problems of intertemporal choice, much less inter-
temporal general equilibrium. Fisher thus explicitly rejected the line of
analytical development that leads to equation 2. But if Fisher didn’t do it,
then how did we get to equation 2? My central argument will be that mon-
etary Walrasianism served as the bridge that carried us from equation 1 to
equation 2. And the key figure in understanding monetary Walrasianism,
I suggest, is Jacob Marschak.1
Jacob Marschak
Marschak himself started with Irving Fisher and the equation of exchange,
in his PhD thesis “Die Verkehrsgleichung” (1924).2 According to his own
1. For the supporting arguments on risk and time, I am indebted to the work of Elton
McGoun (2007) and Christian Walter (2006), who got me started on the right track.
2. Arrow 1979 provides a biographical sketch, but see also Hagemann 2006, 2007. Marschak
was born in 1898 in Kiev, Ukraine, earned his PhD at the University of Heidelberg in 1922, and
spent the 1920s at the Kiel Institute for World Economics. His first major publication (1923)
206 History of Political Economy 42:2 (2010)
engaged von Mises on the socialist calculation debate. In 1933 he left for Oxford University;
from 1935 to 1939 he served as director of the Oxford Institute of Statistics, from 1939 to 1942
he was at the New School for Social Research, and from 1943 to 1948 he was director of the
Cowles Commission for Research in Economics. McGuire and Radner 1972 is a Festschrift for
Marschak, and Marschak 1974 contains his collected works.
3. This intellectual project he shared with Arthur Marget (1938), among others.
Mehrling / A Tale of Two Cities 207
4. A key step toward this Walrasian formulation is apparently Marschak’s 1931 habilita-
tion thesis on the elasticity of demand.
208 History of Political Economy 42:2 (2010)
5. Arrow’s impression that Marschak’s contribution was largely synthetic tends to miss
Marschak’s preexisting capacious analytical framework within which it was possible to find
room for narrower contributions of many different kinds. Similarly, his impression that Mar-
schak changed his economics to fit the changing environments within which he worked tends
to miss the continuity of his thought.
6. The early history of money demand theory, a missing chapter in Mirowski and Hands
2006, remains to be written. Those interested in tracing Marschak’s own development on this
point will want to consider, in addition to the endpoints Marschak 1938 and Marschak 1950,
Makower and Marschak 1938 and the intermediate steps (Marschak 1943, 1949).
Mehrling / A Tale of Two Cities 209
7. It follows that Marschak 1934a and 1934b should be viewed as part of the prehistory of
econometrics that the standard story (Morgan 1990) treats as beginning with Trygve Haavelmo.
8. Marschak and Lange [1940] 1995 provides a defense of Tinbergen that Keynes blocked
from publication in the Economic Journal.
210 History of Political Economy 42:2 (2010)
9. Here is another example of the spillover of the “protocols of war” into economics
(Klein, forthcoming).
Mehrling / A Tale of Two Cities 211
( ) ( )
U′ ∑ yj pi (y) = ß ∫ U′ ∑ y′j (y′i + pi (y′))dF (y′, y).
j j
Lucas himself did not go so far as to treat this equation as the center-
piece of a real business cycle theory—he confined himself to an exchange
economy—but his students did. This is the sense in which modern mac-
roeconomics comes from the theory of efficient markets.
Indeed, in a sense the fundamental problems of finance and macro-
economics are very much the same: both seek mechanisms for controlling
the dark forces of time and ignorance, and for that purpose both adopt
10. Two decades earlier, Arrow (1941) had included a discussion of Bachelier in his master’s
thesis: “Bachelier used probabilities continuously changing in time to treat the theory of specu-
lation on exchanges. Both simple operations and options are considered. The mathematical
expectation of the speculation is taken to be 0.” Thus, Arrow was studying martingales uptown
at Columbia University at exactly the same time that he was attending Marschak’s seminar
downtown at the New School for Social Research.
11. See also LeRoy 1973. Both Lucas and LeRoy conclude from their analysis that there is
no reason to suppose that the martingale property will necessarily be a feature of efficient asset
market prices. In other words, Samuelson’s results were a special limiting case. The martingale
property was subsequently rehabilitated in finance by shifting attention to risk-neutral pricing
under a “martingale equivalent” probability measure (Harrison and Kreps 1979).
Mehrling / A Tale of Two Cities 213
12. Under the martingale equivalent measure, equation 3 can be written as 1 = E Mt [Rt + 1] or
Pt = E Mt [Pt + 1].
214 History of Political Economy 42:2 (2010)
In this equation, y is log GDP, i is the nominal interest rate, and π is the
rate of inflation, so the difference in parentheses is the prospective real
rate of interest, and g is an exogenous disturbance (introduced in part to
mop up the empirical failure of the Euler equation). We are encouraged
to think about this equation as a linearized version of the intertemporal
Euler equation, where the parameter σ captures the intertemporal rate of
substitution. Woodford emphasizes that such a form is especially useful
for practitioners whose interest focuses on monetary policy, which is
understood here to be about setting the optimal parameters of the rule
driving the nominal rate of interest.
The life and work of Jacob Marschak make clear that the econometric
movement was, at least in part and at its inception, about building the ana-
lytical capacity to implement a kind of market socialism. For that pur-
pose the economy was viewed as a kind of multidimensional stochastic
process whose fluctuations had proven to be unacceptably violent. Eco-
nomic policy intervention was obviously required, but effective inter-
vention would require much more detailed knowledge of the underlying
stochastic process. Therefore, philosophical objections to the use of the
mathematics of risk for economic problems had to be put aside. A proba-
bilistic risk model, although likely a poor approximation of reality, could
not be a worse approximation than a certainty model, and anyway rational
thought about pressing economic problems could only be helped by bring-
ing out into the open the implicit assumptions underlying trained intuition.
The goal was simply to use any and all resources to defeat the dark forces
of time and ignorance.
Of course, the government is not the only one trying to defeat the dark
forces, as Lucas (1976) pointed out in his famous critique. Households
and firms too can be presumed to be steering toward their own chosen
targets in the face of their own stochastic challenges, and it is not obvi-
ous a priori that governmental intervention offers anything more than an
additional stochastic challenge for individual agents to overcome. Indeed,
in this respect, the whole development of modern finance can be under-
stood as offering an image of one sector of the economy where the inter-
action of individual portfolio allocation decisions arguably achieves an
efficient result without governmental intervention of any kind. This strong
Mehrling / A Tale of Two Cities 215
result clearly rests on the maintained hypothesis that the dark forces can
be adequately modeled as a well-behaved stochastic process, which is cer-
tainly questionable (Arrow 1981).
In both cases, both the project of the econometric movement and the
project of modern finance, the ultimate objective was to develop practical
methods of risk control. For that purpose, again in both cases, it seemed
acceptable to abstract from the more intractable features of the problem in
order to make some progress. In effect, finance and macroeconomics have
both adopted specific conventions for treating the problem of the dark
forces. There is nothing in principle wrong with that, nor indeed anything
particularly new.13
What is more worrisome is the fact that finance and macroeconomics
have adopted different conventions, and conventions moreover that are
deeply inconsistent with one another, and this despite their mutual embrace
of the very same Euler equation. When we remember that these inconsis-
tent conventions are now deeply embedded in the institutional structures
underlying our dual economy of risk control, we see the possibility that
economic events can develop in ways that make it impossible for both con-
ventions simultaneously to adapt smoothly to a changing underlying risk
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