Ielts Task1
Ielts Task1
Ielts Task1
The table above summarise the proportion of different kinds of families living in povery poverty in Australia
in 1999. The table is diveded divided into two coloumns columns: the first one describes a particular family
type, meanwhile the second describes the proportion of people from each household type living in poverty.
An overall sample made of 1.837.000 people has been taken as taken as reference for the study
This situation hits primarily families composed by a sole parent , rappresenting rapresenting the 21 % of
the entire sample. In contrast, aged couple families seem to not be affective appears to be unaffected by
this issue. In fact, they represent a small proportion of the sample, corrisponding corresponding to 4 %. For
single aged person and couple with no children this problem seem not a big issue. The first ones represent
only a 6% instead the second ones represent a 7%.
In conclusion, it's interesting notice how families which include children seem to be less affective affected
by povery problem rather than single families or familes which include a sole parent.
TASK N.201
The chart graph reports different kinds of tourits tourists from different parts of the world, and the number
of hours that they have spend spent during their holidays in Greece in August 2019 doing leisure activites
activities activites . It appears cleary clearly that Chinese tourists have spent most of their time ( 8 hours ) in
reading books followed by Americans ( 5 hours ). Brazilians and Turkies Turks tourists have spent the same
amount of hours ( 4 hours ) in the same activity. However, Brazilians and Turkies tourists have prefered
preferred spending their time relaxing, at the beach , in contrast to Chinese tourists. These ones have spent
just 1 hour at vising places compared to American and Turkish tourist tourists .In conclusion, it's worth
notice how Chinese tourists during their holidays have been very good readers , spending mostly of their
time in reading books.
TASK N.199
The charts above comparise compare the employment levels in the UK between 1998 and 2012. The study
takes as overall - sample men and women both with a full-time than a part-time job. It is evident that the
employment level for men has decreased during the reference time, reducing from 53 % to 47 % for full
time men respectviliy respectively . It’s worth notice instead that although the employment for full-time
women has increased from 19 % in 1988 to 26 % in 2012, the employment for part-time women has
decreased during the same time, reducing from 22 % to 20 %. The situation is the opposite for part-time
men, which can see increased their employment level from 6 % to 7 %. In conclusion , it’s interesting notice
how the part-time job rappresent represent nowadays a worth choice only for men instead than women
which have seen decreased their employment level of 2 % during these years.
TASK N.183
The table above shows the estimated literacy for different continents and gender genders from 2002 to
2004. It is divided into three columns which represent the genres genders and the total. It’s worth notice
how the Europe has the highest level of literacy of 98.8 % , followed by Americas with a percent percentage
of 93.6 %. The lowest level of literacy is achieved by Africans with a total percent of 62.5 %. Regarding
Europe, the male sample has a 99.2 % of literacy respect to the 98.5 % of the female sample. The same
argument works for the Americas, with a percent of 94.1 % for men in contracts with 93.2% representing by
women. It is worth notice how the literacy gap among men and women is more evident in Africa rather
than in Europe or America where the women achieved only a percent of 53.9 %. The same argument can be
extended more in General to the World where on a total of 82.2% , literacy among men is 87.2%
meanwhile for women it’s only of 77.3 % , this means that there is still today, in 2023, especially in some
countries such as Asia or Africa an evident gap between men and women regard the education.
TASK N.189
The graph above provides us information regarding the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and
2020.Peoples’ age of the reference study have an age between 0 and 65 and over which are divided into 5
groups. It is worth notice how from 1990 to 2020 the population age included between 25-24 has increased
of approximately 20 %, meanwhile children with an age included between 0-14 has decreased during the
same period of 10 %. Population with an age of 15-24 and 65 and over correspond to a 10 % of the overall
sample. What can be deduced from the following study is that during the last 30 years, in Iceland the age of
the population in Iceland is mainly composed by teenagers , however the percentage of kids in the same
period has slightly decreased , reducing from 25 % up to 18 %.
TASK N.182
The tables above provide us useful information on road transport in several European countries by
comparing the number of kilometers per year reached by car, train and other types of vehicles. The tables
provide us even a European average for other countries not mentioned in the study. It is worth notice how
mostly of kilometers , corresponding to 12.000 are gained by people who has traveled by car. Many
countries such as Denmark and Italy , seem to prefer public transportation rather then using their own car,
like countries as France and United Kingdom. It is also interested notice how the European average seems
to prefer travel by using their own car rather than using public transport as: train , metro etc. Each person
in Europe has travel for about 10.000 kilometers using their own car, meanwhile only 100 kilometers using
other kinds of transport. Countries as United kingdom or German has spent more time using transport,
about 20 minutes more than the European average.
TASK N 172
The following pie charts above show the devices that people, which age between 18 to 25, use to watch
television in Canada in two different years. It is worth notice how some ways have become very dateted .
For instance in 2009, approximately 39 % of Canadians, used to watch television by using conventional TV
while in 2019 things have dastrically changed due to fact only 4% of Canadians use this way. It is worth
notice how services as Mobile phone or Table has increased their usage during the time. In 2009 only 15 %
and 5 % of Canadians used them, meanwhile in 2019 they represent the 26 % and 19 % of the total. An
opposite behaviour behavior occurred to Laptop or Desktop computer. In 2009, 20% of the Canadians used
to watch television using Laptop meanwhile 18 % of them used to watch it using Desktop computer. In
2019, only 12 % use Laptop while 12 % through a Desktop computer. It’s interested notice how the ways to
watch television has changed during this time , accordingly to technological innovations and change in
people habits.
INTRODUCTION : The line graph gives information about Amedine Bakery , Mari Bakeshop and
Bolo Cakery annual earnings between 2000 up to 2010.
OVERVIEW: It is worth notice Mari Bakeshop experienced a rapid downward trend meanwhile
Amedi Bakery and Mari Bakeshop’s earnings showed a upward trend over the same period.
FEATURE 1:Upward trend
From 2000 to 2005 Amedine Bakery experienced a constant trend , meanwhile its earnings
showed a sharply growth from 2006 to 2008, earning about 40.000. Overall, Bolo Cakery’s
earnings has showed a positive trend as well. In the period from 2000 to 2003 , its earnings
experienced a upward trend. In the same period from 2006 to 2008 coeherently to Mari
Bakeshop’s earnings , Amedine Bakeshop experienced a positive trend, earning up to 20.000 $
respect to 40.000 $ earned by Amedine Bakeshop.
FEATURE 2:Downward trend
Mari Bakeshop, has showed a negative trend during the period. From their initial annual incomes of 80.000
$, their earnings has showed a fluctuate negative behavior over the period, hitting a low-point of 40.000
from 2008 to 2010. In same period period, Amedine Bakery and Mari Bakeshop has experienced a opposite
trend. After an initial growth of approximately 10.000 $ in 2001 and in 2004, the financial situation has
rapidly decreased over the time
TRACE : Some people believe that social media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, have a negative impact on
young people and their ability to form personal relationships. Others believe that these sites bring people
together in a beneficial way.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Many people think that social media sites like Facebook or Twitter influenced negatively young people and have a negative impact
on their personal relationships.However, many people think it has a positively effect on them.
First of all, I strongly believe that social media sites allow us to meet people from all around the world, which whom we can share
some interests about music, food and life’s view.
Even though, we may meet people from our cities , sometimes can be difficult to find the right people which whom fit with us,
especially if we live a small / medium city where everyone knows each other. Social media allow us to meet people from different
cities or even from the opposite part of the world.
For example, I met one of my best friend online. We met on an app through witch it’s possible to learn new languages. I met her
when I was 17, and after a small talk we’ve become friends immediately.
That’s why, using social media , in a proper manner, it’s beneficial for us all.
BODY PARAGRAPH 2: Ripeto lo stesso schema, prendendo una seconda osservazione che ho fatto in precedenza
Secondly, using social media can be an effective and rapid way to keep in contact with friends or parents whom live aboard.
Nowadays, there is a demand growth from industries but even universities to move abroad. To expand your horizons , learn new
things and a different way to think about things and problems.
Social media sites such Facebook and Google meet have helps us enormeosuly during my aboard period when I was at school. It
allowed me to stay in contact with my parents all the day, asking them for help or advices whenever I needed. Even though I
weren’t with them physically, I felt like their presence and support kilometers away.
CONCLUSION: Bisogna fornire una conclusione del testo, utilizzando una singola frase!
To sum up, I strongly believe that social media sites have more positive effects than negative ones, because it makes feel people
less lonely and curious about what is outside.
TASK N.2: It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and
their personal lives.
Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?
1) Can provide us a sense of fullness ,
2) Evaluate the risk mean also thinking about the benefits
3) Sometimes taking risk mean also having a large percentage of succes s
it is argued that take risks in either our professional lives than personal ones can have consequences.
Sometimes it is common think that not taking risks in our life can allow us to live a quite life, with
any source of stress and responsibility. That is truth with any trace of doubt, but it’s only taking
risk that we can chance the fortune.
For example, when I was at high school I was so excited to take part in a math competition but at
the same time I feel a state of anxiety thinking about what could be happened if I had failed the
competition. Well, In that situation I decided to take risk and I won the competition and several
hundreds of euros.
Secondly, I believe that only evaluating risk we can create something successful. For example
For example, Bill Gates started is activity in his garage, when nobody believed in him and his
project. He was so secure of him that decided to start his commercial activity by himself, without
any extra funding. Today its activity is one the most known in the world.
In conclusion , I believe that taking risk is more beneficial then without taking because it makes our
life more challenging and rich of success.
The table below shows the percentage participation of women in senior management in
three companies between 1975 and 2015.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
INTRODUCTION: The table gives us information about the percentage participation of women in
senior management positions in Edland ltd, Bamforth Ltd and Finsbury Ltd from 1975 up to 2015.
OVERVIEW: In 1975 the percentage of women occupied a position of senior management in the Finsbury
Ltd has experienced a slightly increase trend meanwhile the percentage’s participation for Edland Ltd has
increased sharply over the period
In 1975, the presence of women in Edland Ltd company was accounted only for 3 % meanwhile their
presence in the Finsbury Ltd company was of 16 %. During the period , their participation in senior
mangament position has increased in all the company.In 2015 , the Eidan Ltd company posses the largest
number of women occupying a senior management positions as a percentage of 64 % in constract to the
3% in 1975. The Finsbury Ltd company has experienced a constant but moderate trend over the period,
women represent only the 26 % of the total for a senior mangament position.
The bar chart below shows the results of a survey conducted by a personnel
department at a major company. The survey was carried out on two groups of workers:
those aged from 18-30 and those aged 45-60, and shows factors affecting their work
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
The bar chart provides information about the results of a survey carried out by a personnel
department at a major company. The survey takes in consideration two groups of workers:
those aged from 18 up to 30 and those aged between 45 and 60, providing us 10 factors which
affects their work performance.
It is worth notice how for people from 18-30 the most import factor which influence their work
performance is a change for personal development , meanwhile for the ones aged 45-60
money represents the most crucial factor.
Considering a sample of 100 people, two factors represent a common issue for both the group
of people, in fact approximately 25 people has indicated work environment as a possible
reason, whereas 65 people have chosen team spirit as one of the possible causes which
impact on their work performance.
It is also interested notice how for either young people and adults money represents a
common factor , whereas Job security and relaxed working environement have a less impact
on youngs’ working performances.
The graph below compares the number of visits to two new music sites on the web.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
The line graph above provides information about the total number of visits to Music Choice and Pop Parade
websites on the web during a period of 15 days.
Overall, it is worth notice how Pope Parade’s website shows a trendward trend over the period in contract
to the other one which shows a negative trend over the same period of time.
At Day Music Choice’s totaled a number of visits equal to 40 respect to the 120 ones for Pop Parade. During
the period, both the websites showed a fluctuating behaviour in an opposite direction.
During days between 9 and 11 , the Pop Parade’s website experienced a rapidly increased of visits
meanwhile visits to the other website remained steady. From day 11 to 12 visits to Pop Parade dramatically
decreased from 140 to 80.
The highest number of visits to Music Choice’s website was at the 12 th Day with a maximum number of 120
instead the largest number of people who visited Pop Parade’s site was of 120 at the 11 th Day of the period
The charts below show the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on
restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast
food restaurants and sit-down restaurants.
The pie chart graph above provide us information about the percentage of food budget spent on average
by each family on restaurant meals and home cooking from 1970 up to 2000. Whereas the line graph gives
us information about tfast food meals and sitdown restaurant meals over the same period of time.
Habits for families have changed during the period of study. Overall in 1970 mostly of families preferred
spend their time at home cooking rather than go to restaurant .Instead, in 2000 half of people prefer eating
Consuming of fast food meals has experienced a positive trend during the time in contrast to sitdown
restaurant meals which have experienced a steady downward trend in the same period of time.
From 1980 outward, families has started to consume more food from fast food, in fact it is possible notice a
sharply increased throughout the period from 1980 when families consumed only 20 meals per year from
fast food up to approximately 90 meal per year in 2000.
Numbers of food in sitdown restaurant has continued to increase steadily during the period rising from a
number of 20 meals for year to 50.
The bar chart below shows shares of expenditures for five major categories in the
United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan in the year 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
The bar graph provides information about expenditures food, housing , transportation , health care and
clothing for United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Japan in 2009.
The graph shows how the clothing and health care sectors during the period represent the lowest sectors
to be financed in contrast to housing and transportation sectors.
In 2009 mostly of expenditures for housing sector come from United States by a percentage of 25 %,
followed by UK by a range of 20-25 % ,Japan by 20 % and lastly Canada by 20 %. Regarding the
Transportation sector, a large amount of expenditures was invested by Canada by a percentage of 20 % ,
outracing of approximately 2 % the United States.
United Kingdom invested the less amount of resources less than 5 % in the health care system, followed by
Japand and Canada which invested about 4% and more than 5% by United States.
Mostly of expenditures in the clothing sector is represented by Canada , followed by UK, Japand and United
States respectively.
The first pie chart provides us information about energy consumption in an average Australia household. Meanwhile the second char shows the
greenhouse gas emissions which result from this energy use.
Overall, it is worth notice how most of the energy is used for heating and only a small part of it is used for cooling. Moreover, mostly of the gas
emissions produced by Australian household come from water heating and only a small portion is represented by cooling.
From the first graph is possible notice how about half of the total energy use ( 42 % ) is used to heat , followed by water heating 30 %. Cooling and
lighting represents the small portion of the graph , which correspond to 2% and 4% respectively.
Despite of heating represents the large portion of the graph in terms of energy use, it contributes only for 15 % of gas emissions respect to
refrigeration ( 14 % ) and other appliances. Water heating accounted for 32 % , representing the largest contribute to gas emissions.
The table provide us information about Dairtrade-Iabelled coffe and banana sales ( in terms of millions of euros ) in UK , Switzland , Denmark,
Belgium and Sweden in 1999 and 2004 respectively.
Overall, it is worth notice how mostly of Coffee was sold in Switzerland in 1999 and in UK in 2004 afterwards. Regarding , bananas’ sells ,
Switzerland represent both in 1999 and 2004 the most lucrative market.
In 1999, coffee market in Switzerland produced gains for 3 millions of euros , followed by UK ( 1.5 millions ). Bananas market, in the same year,
produced gains for 15 million in Swuiterzland , followed by Scandinavian countries such as Denmark ( 2 millions ) and Sweden ( 1.8 millions ).
In 2004, UK experienced a sharply grew in the Coffee market gaining 20 millions of euro, outracing Switzerland which has experienced a slight grew
in the same period of 3 millions of euro. The situation has kept unchanged for the banana market , in which , the Squitzerland represents the most
lucrative market. During the period, it has experienced a sharply increase of 32 millions of Europe respect to Denmark or Sweden which has
decreased their profits in the same period.
The bar charts provide us information about what UK even graduate and postgraduate students eho di not go into full-time work did after leaving
college in 2008. The charts exclude full-time work.
Overall, it is worth notice that a large portion of graduates and postgraduate students decided to continue their studies or take a part-time work.
Only a few percentage decided to go for voluntary work.
Mostly of graduates students in United Kingdom which corresponds to 29.665 decided to continue their studies meanwhile 17.735 students decided
to take a part-time work. A large portion of students (16.235 ) was unemployment in 2008.
Regarding postgraduates students , a sample of 3.000 students was took in exam. Mostly of them (2.725 ) according to graduates students, decided
to go for further studies, while 2.535 students got a part-time work. The unemployment’s level for postgraduates corresponds to 1.625 students
respects to 16.235 in the previous case.
Additionally, it is interested notice how a larger number of graduates student decided to take a no-profit work in contrast to postgraduates