Risk 43545345
Risk 43545345
Risk 43545345
Risk Rating is measured by determining the Likelihood (L) and Consequence (C) and using the Matrix to determine the Risk Rating (R).
Risk Ranking below 10 is deemed Tolerable, between 11 and 19 is deemed Medium Risk and above 20 is deemed High Risk
Ref Controls Measures
Hazard Risk Rating Other Controls
SANParks EMP & Code of
A11 Fire prevention Open Fires 3 3 13 Construction Regulation 29(a)
Inadequate fire fighting equipment 4 3 17 Construction Regulation 29(g)(h) Inspection register, supervision
Parking in unsafe areas 3 1 4 Construction Regulation 23(2)(i)(j) Demarcate proper parking areas
Not Adhering traffic legislation 3 1 4 Construction Regulation 23(2)(j) Supervision, implement fines
Explosive actuated fastening Malfunction of equipment causing Tool inspection register, inspect
D5 3 3 13 Explosive Regulations 15(a)(b)
device injury/damage extension cord
F1 Shoring/formwork/ Shuttering Collapse of equipment 3 3 13 Construction Regulation 12(1)(2) Built by competent person, PPE
G1 Confined Spaces Lack of oxygen 2 3 9 General Safety Regulations 5(1) Additional ventilation
Explosions 3 3 13
Competent Technicians
Upgrading of External Occupational Health and Safety
H4 Injury from moving parts 3 5 22 Supervision
Building Distribution Boards Act 24(1)(a)(c)
Safe Operating Procedures
Occupational Health and Safety
Act 24(1)(a)(c)
Fire and Explosions
Maintenance and Servicing of Electrical Installations Competent Technicians Safe
H5 Injuries 4 4 21
Generators Regulations( OHS Act) Operating procedures
Environmental risk resulting from
Electrical Machinery
spillages or machine failure
Regulations( OHS ACT)