Colinares Activity02
Colinares Activity02
Colinares Activity02
BSN – 1 ; N17 Gelaga, Katrina Issa Abella
1. Nursing Theories
Type of
Theorist/Theory Metaparadigm
1. Florence Philosophy
Nightingale Nursing; Environment Nursing
Needs - Concepts of ventilation, warmth, - Nursing as the act of utilizing the
Environmental Theory light, diet, cleanliness, and noise. environment of the patient to
Theory - Focused on the physical aspects assist him in his recovery.
of the environment. Believed that
healthy surroundings were
necessary for proper nursing
Patient Health
- The patient is the focus of the - A healthy body can recover and
theory, where the nurse performs undergo reparative process
the task for the patient and through environmental control
control the environment for easy towards recovery.
- Nurse-patient passive
2. Hildegard E. Middle-
Peplau Range Environment Nursing
Theory; - The patient’s culture and mores - Nursing as a human relationship
Psychodynamic Interaction are to be considered when the between an individual who is
Nursing Theory Theory patient is still adjusting to sick, or in need of health
hospital routine. services, and an knowledgeable
nurse to respond to the help.
Patient Health
- Man as an organism that strives - Health as a symbol that implies
in its own way to reduce tension forward movement of personality
generated by needs. The client is and other ongoing human
an individual with a felt need. processes in the direction of
community living.
3. Virginia
Henderson Philosophy Environment Nursing
Nursing; - Maintaining a supportive - focuses on the importance of
Nursing Need Needs environment conducive for increasing the patient’s independence
Theory Theory health is one of the to hasten their progress in the
elements of her 14 activities hospital.
for client assistance.
Patient Health
- An individual achieves - Health means balance in all realms of
wholeness by maintaining human life. It is equated with the
physiological and emotional independence or ability to perform
balance. activities without any aid in the 14
components or basic human needs.
4. Faye Glenn Philosophy
Abdellah Nursing; Environment Nursing
Needs - Defines environment as the - Nursing is based on an art and
21 Nursing Theory home or community from which science that molds the attitudes,
Problems Theory the patient comes. intellectual competencies, and
- Society is part in planning for technical skills of the individual
optimum health. nurse into the desire and ability
- The focus of nursing service is to help people, sick or well, cope
the individual. with their health needs.
Patient Health
- The patient is the focus of the - Emphasis should be placed upon
theory, The individuals and prevention and rehabilitation.
families are the recipients of
5. Dorothea Middle-
Orem Theory Environment Nursing
- The environment has physical, - A result of working toward
Self-care Deficit chemical, and biological improving the quality of nursing
Theory features. It includes the family, in general hospitals.
culture, and community.
Patient Health
- Patients or humans are defined - Health is a state that
as men, women, and children encompasses both the health of
cared for either singly or as individuals and of groups, and
social units and are material human health is the ability to
object of nurses and others who reflect on oneself, to symbolize
provide direct care. experience, and to
Patient Health
- Viewed a patient as composed of - Viewed becoming ill is a
three aspects: body, pathology, behavior. Illness is directed by
and person. feelings-out-of-awareness, which
are the root of adjustment
7. Jean Watson Philosophy
Nursing; Environment Nursing
Science of Needs - Devised 10 curative factors to - Nursing is a science of persons
Caring Theory the caring human experience and health-illness experience
that need to be addressed by that are mediated by
nurses with their patients when professional, personal, scientific,
in a caring role. and ethical interactions.
Patient Health
- The patient is viewed as a fully - Health is defined as overall
functional integrated self. physical, mental, and social
- Human is viewed as greater functioning; a general adaptive-
than and different from the sum maintenance level of daily
of his or her parts. functioning;and the absence of
illness, or the presence of efforts
leading to the absence of illness.
8. Dorothy Conceptual
Johnson Models and Environment Nursing
Grand - This consists of all biological - Johnson views human beings as
Behavioral Theory; elements of the human being. the biological system (medicine)
Systems Model Outcome To strive the behavioral aspects, and the behavioral system
Theory the biological elements must be (nursing). There should be
maintained, and this is continual adjustments to
manipulated by the nurse. achieve, maintain, or regain
balance to the steady-state.
Patient Health
- The human being as a valued, - Health is seen as the opposite of
respected, cared, nurtured, illness, and it is “the regularity
understood, assisted person or and constancy in behavior,
in general viewed as a fully which reflects adjustments and
functional integrated self. adaptations to be able to
Human is viewed as greater function efficient and effective.”
than and different from the sum
of his or her parts.
14. Ernestine
Weidenbach Philosophy Environment Nursing
Nursing; - Recognized the potential effects - Nurses ascribed to an explicit
The Helping Art of environment. philosophy: 1)Reverence for the
of Clinical gift of life, 2)respect for the
Nursing dignity, worth, autonomy,
3)resolution to act dynamically in
relation to one’s beliefs.
Patient Health
- Each person is endowed with a - Not defined nor discussed in
unique potential to develop self- Wiedenbach’s model.
sustaining resources.
- Self-awareness and self-
acceptance is essential.
16. Josephine
Peterson and Environment Nursing
Loretta Zherad - represents the place where the - Nursing as a “lived experience
service is delivered, the between human beings”. It is an
Humanistic community, or the world. The evolving, affecting, and helping
Nursing environment can be understood relationship in which the patient
as the time and space in which and nurse engage in a dialogue.
the nursing experience takes The nurse must therefore modify
place. her/his response in offering a
genuine presence.
Patient Health
- Human beings are viewed as - Health is valued as necessary
open energy fields, being holistic for survival and is often
in nature, are special, dynamic, proposed as the goal of nursing.
aware, and multidimensional,
capable of abstract thought,
creativity, capable of taking
17. Joyce
Travelbee Environment Nursing
Middle- - Not clearly defined. - “An interpersonal process
Human to Human Range whereby the professional nurse
Relationship Theory practitioner assists an individual,
Model family or community to prevent
or cope with experience or
illness and suffering, and if
necessary to find meaning in
these experiences.”
Patient Health
- Person is defined as a human - Health is subjective and
being. Both the nurse and the objective.
patient are human beings.
18. Patricia
Benner Philosophy Environment Nursing
Nursing - Used the term ‘situation’ instead. - described nursing as enabling
Novice to Expert Defined by the person’s engaged condition of connection and concern
interaction, interpretation an which shoes a high level of
understanding of the situation. emotional involvement in the nurse-
client relationship.
Patient Health
- Person is viewed as a participant - Focused on the lived experience
in common meanings. of bring healthy and ill.
- The role of the situation, body, - Health as what can be assessed,
personal outcomes, temporarility. well-being as the human
experience of health or
2. Express your reflection on your initial experience as a new student nurse who is being
introduced to the concepts of nursing, you may also add your inspirations as you go through
this pandemic based on the quote of Mother Teresa “it is not how much we do; it is how much
love we put into the doing”.
Being introduced to the concepts of nursing has presented me with a new and exciting challenge as I
embark on my journey as a nursing student. While I may already have some familiarity with these
concepts, it is crucial that I fully master them in order to excel in my future career as a nurse, because I
have so much responsibilities to take, and this profession is definitely something that I have to do
seriously, and not half-heartedly.
I realized that becoming a nurse is not just about providing medical care; it's about empathy,
compassion, and building strong connections with those under your care. It is daunting but, alongside
this challenge, I know I have to have a deep passion passion that drives me throughout the learning
process and in all aspects of my life. I believe that this journey will ultimately bring me fulfillment, as I
strive to make a positive impact on the lives of others without any stipulation. I am prepared to face the
inevitable obstacles that lie ahead, viewing them as opportunities for personal growth rather than
hindrances in my path.