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Research Article
Current Opinion in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Office Procedures in Cosmetic Gynaecology
Anagnostou N1, Gkrozou F2* Ioannidi L3, Papadimitriou A4 and Tsonis O5,6*
Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Ioannina, Greece
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospitals of Birmingham, UK
Department of Plastic Surgery, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Department of Dermatology, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens Greece
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital of Ioannina, Greece
Centre for Reproductive Medicine, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Barts Health NHS, UK
Correspondence: Orestis Tsonis, Clinical Fellow in Reproductive Medicine, Centre for Reproductive Medicine,
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Barts Health NHS, UK, Tel: +44(0)751484784; E-mail: Orestis.tsonis@gmail.com,
Received date: June 27, 2021; Accepted date: Aug 31, 2021; Published date: Sept 05, 2021
Female genital cosmetic surgery is a set of multiple procedures focused on improving genital appearance, structure,
and function. Sexual dysfunction affects a large proportion of the female population and appears to be associated with
distorted genital anatomy although what women perceive as normal varies vastly depending on cultural and social
beliefs. Cosmetic gynaecology office procedures are simple, quick, and effective solutions to improve sexual function as
well as body image with minimal interventions and minimal side-effects. In this narrative review, we present these widely
used minimally invasive aesthetic gynaecology interventions, focusing on their efficacy, and reported complications.
Recommendations regarding heath professionals’ approach and ethical issues arising are also discussed.
Keywords: Cosmetic gynaecology, vaginal prolapse, g-shot, non-invasive surgery, sexual dysfunction
reasons, they may be further used for the treatment of
Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS), often referred vulvovaginal pathologies, such as significant effects of
to as cosmetic gynaecology, is a set of procedures focusing excess androgen exposure, congenital anomalies, urinary
on the improvement of genital appearance, structure, and or feacal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse[3,6]
function [1-3]. Most of these procedures are performed for (Figure 1).
aesthetic purposes and in some cases for functional reasons
having no specific medical indication [1,2]. Labiaplasty is According to World Health Organization (WHO), “sexual
the most popular among these treatments [4]. Moreover, dysfunction covers the various ways in which an individual
one controversial term is vaginal rejuvenation, which is unable to participate in a sexual relationship as he or she
comprises interventions aiming at reducing the vaginal would wish” [7]. Sexual dysfunction negatively affects the
length and caliber for both aesthetic and sexually functional Quality of Life (QoL) and increases in an age-related manner
reasons [1,2,5]. Cosmetic gynaecology procedures are [8]. Biological (such as neurogenic, anatomical, hormonal,
performed by several healthcare specialists including vascular) and psychosocial factors (such as disturbed body
gynaecologists, urologists, and plastic surgeons and while image perception, depression, anxiety, and some other
many of these interventions are advertised for cosmetic medical conditions that may decrease sexual confidence)
Injectable volumizers:
Devices: Gore-Mycromesh, Silicone
Mons pubis reduction /lift-Monsplasty
G-spot amplification-augmentation
Figure 1: Outline of female genital cosmetic surgery procedures (PRP, Platelet-rich plasma; HA, hyaluronic acid).
discomfort [17,25,26]. Additionally, this modality has a
The duration of such sessions is often between 10- non-ablative mode (Smooth) for deep collagen remodeling
20 minutes [1]. In total 3-4 sessions are recommended stimulation and further enhancement of elasticity and
4-6 weeks apart [21]. The effects of this treatment last tightness of the treated area [27]. The duration of the
approximately a year and therefore more sessions are sessions is usually around 15-20 minutes [21]. A series of
required to achieve long-term maintenance [22]. Local 2-3 sessions every 4-6 weeks is typically recommended for
warming/burning sensation during the procedure is optimal results [21,23]. The results were very promising
reported by some patients but no anaesthesia is required. with minimal side-effects and seem to be more effective
Patients often return directly to their daily activities [1,20], than local estrogen treatments [22] (Table 1). An innovative
although, concerns arise by some clinicians regarding the alternative method of Er: YAG laser, known as Hybrid
unknown effects of laser treatment on adjacent organs, fractional laser, offers an additional non-ablative pulse of
tissue remodeling, and damages that may lead to further 1470nm on the top of the 2940nm of the traditional Er:
dyspareunia [1]. YAG laser. This second pulse amplifies tissue contraction,
resulting in an additional stimulation of heat shock
Erbium: YAG Laser (Er: YAG) (2940 nm): This is a proteins inducing collagenesis and remodeling as a post-
microablative/nonablative laser using water as chromophore inflammatory response [21].
for the creation of heat to a depth of 100 microns in
Radiofrequency treatment (RF)
the vaginal mucosa [15,16,21,25]. The affinity of water
absorption is 10-15 times higher than that of fractional RF devices have been widely used for cosmetic
CO2 laser [17]. The Er: YAG is a safe and efficient method interventions in various areas focusing on combating
with thermal only effects that leads to vaginal collagen cellulite, relaxation, and non-invasive fat removal. The
and elastin production, remodeling, tissue contraction, energy produced is not absorbed by melanin, thus safety
and hyperthermia, which significantly improves elasticity for all skin types is achieved [15,17]. Types of RF devices
and vaginal tightness [1,22]. The penetration depth ranges are monopolar, unipolar, bipolar, multipolar [27]. These
between 1-3 μm and consequently thermal damage is devices have been proposed for symptomatic treatment of
minimal to the surrounding tissues limiting oedema and GSM, SUI, and vaginal atrophy [28]. Focused electromagnetic
Enlarged or ptotic labia majora may be present in obese Cosmetic gynaecology has been accused by some as a
women. In cases where the main source of hypertrophy form of female genital mutilation (FGM) due to modification
is adipose tissue, liposuction can be quite helpful. The of normal external genitalia [3,35]. FGM violates human
same application is also used in cases of enlarged mons rights and obviously, all forms of FGM are opposed by
pubis. Liposuction is performed using 3-mm cannulae [10]. WHO [43]. WHO defines FGM as “female genital mutilation
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is superior to conventional (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total
in terms of symmetry and leaves a smoother contour removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to
[4,6,10]. There have been cases where this technique was the female genital organs for non-medical reasons”, and
performed aggressively and as result women experienced states that legally accepted procedures are not considered
skin relaxation and irregular contour. necessarily FGM but may fall under its definition [43,44].
Copyright: © Anagnostou et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.