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Office Procedures in Cosmetic Gynaecology

Article in Current Opinion in Gynecology and Obstetrics · September 2021

DOI: 10.18314/cogo.v4i1.2115

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5 authors, including:

Nikoletta Anagnostou Fani Gkrozou

University Hospital of Ioannina University Hospital of Birmingham


Orestis Tsonis
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust


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ISSN: 2637-4617

Research Article
Current Opinion in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Office Procedures in Cosmetic Gynaecology
Anagnostou N1, Gkrozou F2* Ioannidi L3, Papadimitriou A4 and Tsonis O5,6*
Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Ioannina, Greece
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospitals of Birmingham, UK
Department of Plastic Surgery, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Department of Dermatology, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens Greece
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital of Ioannina, Greece
Centre for Reproductive Medicine, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Barts Health NHS, UK

Correspondence: Orestis Tsonis, Clinical Fellow in Reproductive Medicine, Centre for Reproductive Medicine,
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Barts Health NHS, UK, Tel: +44(0)751484784; E-mail: Orestis.tsonis@gmail.com,

Received date: June 27, 2021; Accepted date: Aug 31, 2021; Published date: Sept 05, 2021

Female genital cosmetic surgery is a set of multiple procedures focused on improving genital appearance, structure,
and function. Sexual dysfunction affects a large proportion of the female population and appears to be associated with
distorted genital anatomy although what women perceive as normal varies vastly depending on cultural and social
beliefs. Cosmetic gynaecology office procedures are simple, quick, and effective solutions to improve sexual function as
well as body image with minimal interventions and minimal side-effects. In this narrative review, we present these widely
used minimally invasive aesthetic gynaecology interventions, focusing on their efficacy, and reported complications.
Recommendations regarding heath professionals’ approach and ethical issues arising are also discussed.

Keywords: Cosmetic gynaecology, vaginal prolapse, g-shot, non-invasive surgery, sexual dysfunction

reasons, they may be further used for the treatment of
Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS), often referred vulvovaginal pathologies, such as significant effects of
to as cosmetic gynaecology, is a set of procedures focusing excess androgen exposure, congenital anomalies, urinary
on the improvement of genital appearance, structure, and or feacal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse[3,6]
function [1-3]. Most of these procedures are performed for (Figure 1).
aesthetic purposes and in some cases for functional reasons
having no specific medical indication [1,2]. Labiaplasty is According to World Health Organization (WHO), “sexual
the most popular among these treatments [4]. Moreover, dysfunction covers the various ways in which an individual
one controversial term is vaginal rejuvenation, which is unable to participate in a sexual relationship as he or she
comprises interventions aiming at reducing the vaginal would wish” [7]. Sexual dysfunction negatively affects the
length and caliber for both aesthetic and sexually functional Quality of Life (QoL) and increases in an age-related manner
reasons [1,2,5]. Cosmetic gynaecology procedures are [8]. Biological (such as neurogenic, anatomical, hormonal,
performed by several healthcare specialists including vascular) and psychosocial factors (such as disturbed body
gynaecologists, urologists, and plastic surgeons and while image perception, depression, anxiety, and some other
many of these interventions are advertised for cosmetic medical conditions that may decrease sexual confidence)

Cur Op Gyn Obs, 4(1): 446-454 (2021) 446

play a decisive role [8]. Approximately 41% of females of argues that further scientific evidence is needed to verify
reproductive age present with sexual dysfunction [9,10,11]. their exact effect since the simplicity of the process does not
Although the diversity in genital anatomy is wide, recently necessarily assure safety [19]. This method is also accepted
the population of women seeking FGCS procedures, notably in cases of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)
vaginal rejuvenation, has increased tremendously [1,2]. which affects the QoL and especially sexual function when
An increase of 30% in the rate of vaginal rejuvenation was a local estrogen doesn’t look to improve the symptoms.
reported by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons [12]. Currently, the use of office techniques as an alternative
Increased numbers of women who are concerned about treatment is investigated [19]. Many traditional hospital-
genital appearance seek information on the Internet. based surgeries have been successful in treating vaginal
Several demographic parameters such as age, sexual relaxation and sexual dysfunction but require much
activity, level of education, and relationship status affect longer recovery time (6-8 weeks) and are associated with
genital image [13,14]. Other reasons that lead women to complications such as bleeding and infection, compared to
seek genital rejuvenation is to increase sexual satisfaction energy-based treatments that present only minimal adverse
and self-confidence, but also address functional problems effects [20] (Table 1). Energy-based treatments are divided
(such as pain during intercourse, orgasmic problems, vulvar in two major devices: Lasers and Radiofrequency (RF) [19].
irritation, discomfort with underwear or clothing) by altering
genital anatomy [15,16]. Social and cultural factors may
Laser technology is widely used in plastic surgery,
affect the notion of beauty among countries [17].
dermatology, and currently in gynaecology for vaginal
rejuvenation [15]. Minimally ablative fractional laser
The aim of this review is to provide information on
therapy gained popularity due to its accuracy, safety,
minimally invasive aesthetic gynaecologic procedures, and
and effectiveness for skin remodeling and regeneration.
present and discuss the controversial views in the literature,
Laser-based vaginal rejuvenation is a minimally invasive
as to whether they represent simple and effective methods
method for improving sexual dysfunction in cases of
for improvement of sexual function, or interventions with
vaginal laxity [1,3,18]. In general, a focused light beam
questionable efficacy and harmful effects [2].
is produced at a specific wavelength, selected to affect a
chosen molecule [3]. Nowadays there are two main types
Material and Methods
available 1) CO2 based laser and 2) Er: YAG (erbium-doped
Three major search engines were included MEDLINE,
yttrium aluminium garnet laser, erbium YAG laser). Lasers
PubMed and EMBASE. Relevant studies published up to
lead to enhancement of postmenopausal epithelium,
April 2021 were identified focusing on cosmetic gynaecology
vascular and collagen growth, especially type 1 collagen,
and minimally invasive interventions for the improvement
and increase vaginal tightness [3,5,21]. Further studies
of sexual dysfunction, using the following search terms
need to be conducted to determine the optimal number
alone or in combination: cosmetic gynecology; female
of sessions and the ideal time intervals between them [18].
genital cosmetic surgery; aesthetic gynaecology; vaginal
rejuvenation; vulvovaginal rejuvenation; platelet-rich
Laser CO2 (10,600 nm): This intervention refers to a
plasma; energy-based devices; G-spot amplification;
microablative laser that uses mid-infrared invisible light
lipofilling; Gore-Mycromesh; silicone threads; sexual
spectrum and water as its chromophore producing heat,
dysfunction. Only articles in English were selected apart
to stimulate neocollagenesis, neovascularisation, elastin/
from one in French. Information about sexual dysfunction
collagen contraction, suggesting that vaginal lubrication,
was included for a better understanding of the effect of
elasticity, and hydration of mucosal tissue are restored
these treatments and its correlation with office aesthetic
[1,5,15,22]. Anterior vaginal wall structure seems to
gynecology procedures. Criteria of exclusion were scientific
be improved; hence SUI symptoms may be alleviated
papers focusing only on interventions that require general
[23]. Clinical outcomes are very promising with regards
anesthesia or demand the need of operation theatre and/
to rejuvenation and vulvovaginal atrophy, a common
or close follow-up and hospital admission.
condition among menopausal women, which often leads
Energy-based treatments to dyspareunia [24]. Also, fractional CO2 laser may restore
Such methods are popular for vaginal rejuvenation due vaginal rugae, which promote friction during coitus and
to their minimal intervention and short duration (around improve sexual satisfaction [16]. Vaginal pH was restored
8-30 minutes) [5]. Energy-based treatments seem to benefit by the release of glycogen and acidic mucins from the
mild-to-moderate symptoms, such as dyspareunia, and no epithelial cells, relieving dryness, itching, dysuria, and
major complications were reported [5,18]. FDA advisory recurrent infections [20,24].

Cur Op Gyn Obs, 4(1): 446-454 (2021) 447

Surgical: Colporrhaphy-colpoperineoplasty

Perineoplasty Lasers (CO2, Er:YAG, hybrid fractional)

Nonsurgical: Energy-based devices

Vaginoplasty-Vaginal rejuvenation Radiofrequency

Injectable volumizers:
Devices: Gore-Mycromesh, Silicone
Mons pubis reduction /lift-Monsplasty

Clitoral hood reduction-Clitoral

Female hoodoplasty
Genital Labia minora reduction
Surgery Labiaplasty

Labia majora augmentation or reduction

O-shot with PRP-genital PRP injection

G-spot amplification-augmentation

Fillers, Chemical peels, Bleaching,


Figure 1: Outline of female genital cosmetic surgery procedures (PRP, Platelet-rich plasma; HA, hyaluronic acid).
discomfort [17,25,26]. Additionally, this modality has a
The duration of such sessions is often between 10- non-ablative mode (Smooth) for deep collagen remodeling
20 minutes [1]. In total 3-4 sessions are recommended stimulation and further enhancement of elasticity and
4-6 weeks apart [21]. The effects of this treatment last tightness of the treated area [27]. The duration of the
approximately a year and therefore more sessions are sessions is usually around 15-20 minutes [21]. A series of
required to achieve long-term maintenance [22]. Local 2-3 sessions every 4-6 weeks is typically recommended for
warming/burning sensation during the procedure is optimal results [21,23]. The results were very promising
reported by some patients but no anaesthesia is required. with minimal side-effects and seem to be more effective
Patients often return directly to their daily activities [1,20], than local estrogen treatments [22] (Table 1). An innovative
although, concerns arise by some clinicians regarding the alternative method of Er: YAG laser, known as Hybrid
unknown effects of laser treatment on adjacent organs, fractional laser, offers an additional non-ablative pulse of
tissue remodeling, and damages that may lead to further 1470nm on the top of the 2940nm of the traditional Er:
dyspareunia [1]. YAG laser. This second pulse amplifies tissue contraction,
resulting in an additional stimulation of heat shock
Erbium: YAG Laser (Er: YAG) (2940 nm): This is a proteins inducing collagenesis and remodeling as a post-
microablative/nonablative laser using water as chromophore inflammatory response [21].
for the creation of heat to a depth of 100 microns in
Radiofrequency treatment (RF)
the vaginal mucosa [15,16,21,25]. The affinity of water
absorption is 10-15 times higher than that of fractional RF devices have been widely used for cosmetic
CO2 laser [17]. The Er: YAG is a safe and efficient method interventions in various areas focusing on combating
with thermal only effects that leads to vaginal collagen cellulite, relaxation, and non-invasive fat removal. The
and elastin production, remodeling, tissue contraction, energy produced is not absorbed by melanin, thus safety
and hyperthermia, which significantly improves elasticity for all skin types is achieved [15,17]. Types of RF devices
and vaginal tightness [1,22]. The penetration depth ranges are monopolar, unipolar, bipolar, multipolar [27]. These
between 1-3 μm and consequently thermal damage is devices have been proposed for symptomatic treatment of
minimal to the surrounding tissues limiting oedema and GSM, SUI, and vaginal atrophy [28]. Focused electromagnetic

Cur Op Gyn Obs, 4(1): 446-454 (2021) 448

Table 1: Cosmetic gynecology office procedures summary of complications.

Office procedures Reported Complications

Energy based
Laser CO2 Mild discomfort during session, mild tissue oedema for a few days, transient i
ncrease in vaginal discharge dysuria, yeast infection, urinary tract infection, pelvic
pain, recurrence of genital herpes, itching, bruising, burning sensation, numbness,
mild irritation, purpura, minor bleeding [20,22]
Erbium:YAG Laser Warmth sensation (4%), mild to moderate pain, transient edema, discomfort during
the procedure, transient increase in vaginal discharge, itching, mild mucosal burns
Radiofrequency Lower abdominal pain, mild discomfort during probe insertion less than laser
treatment, vaginal leukorrhea, well tolerated warmth sensation [15,20,23]
Labia majora augmen-
Lipofilling 2.65% risk of complications, palpable fatty cysts, appearance of “camel toe”, visible
through clothing, exaggerated vulvar outline, swelling [3,16,32]
Hyaluronic acid Transient hyperemia, edema, ecchymosis, palpable nodules.[32]
Gore-Mycromesh False positioning, uncertain adherence, restrictions regarding longevity and
tightening effects.[33]
G-spot amplification or G-spot erosion, allergic reaction, fistula formation, infection, hematoma, bleeding,
G-shot urinary complications non-thrombotic pulmonary embolism by intravascular
placement. [3,16]
Platelet-rich plasma
O-shot or Orgasm shot Swelling may occur at the injection site lasting up to 3 days.[37]
Vaginal rejuvenation Haematomata, non-thrombotic pulmonary embolism.[31]
Silicone threads for Implant exposure, capsule contracture, infection [5,43]
vaginal rejuvenation
waves are emitted by many currently available RF devices
and generate heat to the connective tissue of the vaginal
wall [1,23].
Labia majora augmentation
RF promotes elastin and collagen formation at tissue Aging affects genital appearance by reducing collagen,
temperatures between 40-45o C. At the same time hyaluronic acid, and fat deposition leading to wrinkles
increases mechanical resistance of the skin by activating development and volume loss, which may expose labia
fibroblasts [3,5,19,27,29]. It also increases growth factor minora [30,31,32]. These changes result in dryness and
infiltration, vascularization, and local blood flow, which discomfort [32]. Dermal-fat grafts, autologous fat transfer
enhances elasticity and moisture levels of the vaginal (also referred to as fat grafting, fat injections, lipofilling),
mucosa improving sexual performance and satisfaction pedicled grafts, or injectables (hyaluronic acid) may be
[17,23]. RF is very helpful in cases of vaginal laxity as it used with or without platelet-rich plasma (PRP) [6,9]. This
induces neoelastogenesis, as a relatively unique feature treatment is indicated for restoration of labia majora
of RF [5,17]. Recently, density of small nerve fibers in the anatomy, atrophy discoloration, and rhytids and benefits
papillary dermis was proven to be promoted [5,23]. patient’s overall sexual satisfaction [3,30].

The duration of sessions is between 15-30 minutes and Lipofilling

no anaesthesia is applied [1,15]. Burns and blisters are This is the most commonly used intervention for labia
avoided by using software that control temperature [22]. majora augmentation. The method includes liposuction
No adverse effects were reported and mild to moderate with the use of 3mm cannula, collection of fat into 5mls
complications, such as infection, occur less frequently [28]. syringes by patient’s thigh, hips, or abdomen, and injection
Patients may resume their daily activities immediately [15].
Cur Op Gyn Obs, 4(1): 446-454 (2021) 449
of fat into the labia majora with 1,5mm injection cannula
after being processed [3,10]. The volume of fat injected It needs to be mentioned that there is a risk of urethral
varies between 18-120 mls per session [30]. Multiple layers injury, haematouria, dyspareunia, nerve damage [36,37].
should be injected to increase fat survival [30]. Minor It has been also mentioned a case of death from injection
oedema, redness, bruising and pain at the donor site may in the anterior vaginal wall [36,37].
be observed [31]. Lipofilling is a minimally invasive and
efficient method for tissue volume restoration, rejuvenation, Platelet-rich plasma in female sexual
and contouring [32]. Adipose tissue is rich in adipocytes dysfunction (PRP)
and stem cells, such as adipose tissue-derived stem
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can be used as an injectable.
cells (ADSCs) that promote tissue regeneration [31,32].
PRP preparation is an outpatient process and can be
Biocompatibility and availability in large amounts are two
performed in multiple ways [37]. Generally, PRP is
important characteristics of autologous fat [30]. This method
obtained after blood collection (venous blood 15-50 mls)
is simple with lower scar formation and offers a natural
in anticoagulant-containing tubes and centrifugation for
genital appearance [10,30]. More than one procedure
the removal of red blood cells [37]. It contains high levels
may be required to reach the desired results, as slow or
of growth factors (such as PDGF, TGF-β, VEGF, IGF-1, FGF,
even partial volume loss occurs due to fat tissue inevitable
HGF), chemokines, cytokines and has anti-inflammatory
absorption [10,30].
properties, useful in conditions such as lichen sclerosus or
Hyaluronic acid injection other autoimmune diseases [5,16,38]. Growth factors may
also reinforce cell migration, differentiation, proliferation,
Hyaluronic acid as an injectable has many advantages
tissue regeneration and their concentration in PRP is 5-10
with a reduced chance of allergic reaction as well as, easy
times higher than that of whole blood [37,39]. Stem cells
inversion of ischaemic complications with hyaluronidase
can be stimulated to produce healthy vaginal tissue [16].
[30]. Also, the desired results are reached faster (2-4 months
after) with hyaluronic acid than lipofilling (4-6 months after)
Although the mechanism of action of PRP has not yet
[30]. The procedure should be performed carefully at the
been elucidated, it seems that potentially could promote
submucosal level exclusively to avoid side effects [30].
and accelerate the healing process [37]. As it is autologous,
G-spot amplification or G-shot it is also nonantigenic and no adverse effects have been
reported [17]. PRP injections can be proposed as alternative
In 1950, Gräfenberg described an area known as the non-surgical method in cases of sexual dysfunction, atrophic
G-spot located on the anterior vaginal wall midway between diseases, SUI and reduced lubrication [17,40]. Unfortunately,
the cervix and pubic bone, 1-2 cm from the urethra, which PRP is not licensed to be used for the above indication,
is responsible for stimulation of systematic orgasm that since the available evidence is not enough to support that.
differs from clitoral orgasm [16,33,34]. However scientific They can be used empirically though by practicians and
community defies its existence [16,35]. G-spot amplification after the appropriate consultation of patients.
is minimally invasive and includes hyaluronic acid, PRP,
collagen, silicone, or autologous fat injection into the O-shot or Orgasm shot
bladder-vaginal septum to increase G-spot’s projection into
Non-hormonal approach that Charles Runels performed
the vagina (3-5mm) [3,4,34]. Digital palpation is needed
for the first time for improving sexual dysfunction [40]. Local
prior to the procedure in order to identify the correct area
anaesthetic cream is applied onto specific vaginal areas
of application [4].
and PRP injection is performed into the clitoris and upper
vaginal wall [16,37,40]. O-shot could potentially be a useful
G-spot augmentation is performed under local anesthesia
technique for significantly improving sexual dysfunction,
and temporarily increases the size and sensitivity of the
orgasm, and lubrication [38]. The sample of this study was
so-called G-spot for reinforcement of sensory input and
very small and further studies will be needed to evaluate
stimulation with friction of the anterior vaginal wall during
this technique.
intercourse [3,5,34,35]. Therefore, higher frequency
and intensity of vaginal orgasm are more likely to occur Vaginal rejuvenation
[4,5]. Results are not permanent with a duration varying
Vaginal atrophy affects many peri- and post-menopausal
between 5 to 9 months [4,5]. Unfortunately, there is lack
women [32]. Rejuvenation using PRP and lipofilling seemed
of scientific evidence that supports the improvement of
to relieve vaginal atrophy and provide satisfactory aesthetic
sexual dysfunction and safety of this procedure [34].
improvements with regards to sexuality and QoL [32,37].
Cur Op Gyn Obs, 4(1): 446-454 (2021) 450
Vascularity is enhanced and, therefore sensitivity increases
and sexual function too. The vaginal skin becomes firmer Liposuction of the mons pubis: Useful and common
and thicker [37]. PRP is possible to prolong fat graft survival intervention to reduce the size of the mons pubis as
by enhancing blood supply and stem cell proliferation hormone and fat levels in the body define its size. Mons’s
[31,32]. pubis enlargement causes no clear medical pathologies
but may lead to embarrassment on several occasions and
Vulvovaginal rejuvenation by lipofilling and injection thus deteriorate body image perception [4,6,10].
of hyaluronic acid and combined PRP is a safe and easy
method [1,5]. Hyaluronic acid enhances medical results, Discussion
promotes tissue lubrication, and converts the PRP solution
FGCS involves a wide range of interventions (such as vaginal
into a viscous solution [41].
rejuvenation, G-spot amplification, labiaplasty, revirgination
Gore-Mycromesh with hymenoplasty, and vulvar liposculpturing) including
surgical and non-surgical methods [3,4,9]. Combinations
Gore-Mycromesh is a biocompatible compound with a
of treatments are increasingly used. Office modalities
composition of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTEE)
are gaining popularity and acceptance through the years
and size 2x4 cm2 [1]. Its use is popular in plastic and
as they are minimally invasive with increased safety and
reconstructive surgery [41]. The procedure is performed
efficacy and without major complications reported [5]
under local anaesthesia and includes insertion of the
(Table 1). Although, little scientific evidence supports the
material under the posterior vaginal wall [1,5,42]. Gore-
improvement of sexual satisfaction [5].
Mycromesh can be combined with other procedures
[42]. Vaginal diameter is reduced, and posterior wall
Healthy sexuality is complex and combines multiple
reinforcement is the main advantage of this intervention
factors such as cultural, relational, psychological, and
[42]. Clinical outcomes revealed substantial enhancement of
anatomical. FGCS seems to reduce sexual discomfort, and
sexual functioning even a year after the initial intervention
increase sexual pleasure of both partners, although data
[1,5,42].Graft based augmentation of the posterior vaginal
is limited [4,10]. Discussion with the patient, psychological
wall is rarely used for cosmetic indications though, because
guidance and personal assessment are suggested, so that
of the increased risk of complications. So, the use of Gore-
unrealistic expectations are avoided, and women’s concerns,
Mycromesh is not used very often even the results of sexual
deepest thoughts, and desired outcomes are expressed
functioning have been encouraging [1,5,42].
[10]. Health providers should explain to the patient that
Silicone threads these techniques are not directly aimed at improving
sexual life [4]. Clinical evaluation may be used to exclude
This procedure is performed under sedation [42]. Silicone specific mental disorders, like body dysmorphic disorder
threads are inserted under the vaginal submucosa by and depression, as they may influence the final decision of
making incisions at 3 and 9 o’clock positions. During the undergoing FGCS [2,3,14]. The age from which a teenager
operation, emphasis should be given in avoiding injuries of can decide on an intervention herself varies by country.
the rectum and urethra [42]. The method offers promising The genital change morphology during lifespan and can
beneficial results on sexual dysfunction and especially lead to an ultimately undesirable outcome with physical
higher sensitivity resulting to orgasmic quality [5]. Patients and mental effects on the individual [35]. In other words,
are advised to resume social activities at once [42]. FGCS interventions are not recommended for women less
Liposuction than 18 years of age [35].

Enlarged or ptotic labia majora may be present in obese Cosmetic gynaecology has been accused by some as a
women. In cases where the main source of hypertrophy form of female genital mutilation (FGM) due to modification
is adipose tissue, liposuction can be quite helpful. The of normal external genitalia [3,35]. FGM violates human
same application is also used in cases of enlarged mons rights and obviously, all forms of FGM are opposed by
pubis. Liposuction is performed using 3-mm cannulae [10]. WHO [43]. WHO defines FGM as “female genital mutilation
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is superior to conventional (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total
in terms of symmetry and leaves a smoother contour removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to
[4,6,10]. There have been cases where this technique was the female genital organs for non-medical reasons”, and
performed aggressively and as result women experienced states that legally accepted procedures are not considered
skin relaxation and irregular contour. necessarily FGM but may fall under its definition [43,44].

Cur Op Gyn Obs, 4(1): 446-454 (2021) 451

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