Notebook Work Why We Need A Parliament 2023-24
Notebook Work Why We Need A Parliament 2023-24
Notebook Work Why We Need A Parliament 2023-24
SOC Activity -Make a list of all the Prime Ministers of India since independence(1947-till
Ans. *The Lok Sabha is usually elected once every five years.
*The candidates who contest elections usually belong to different political parties. Once
elected, these candidates become Members of Parliament or MPs. These MPs together
make up the Parliament.
*The Parliament in India consists of the President, the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha.
*After the Lok Sabha elections, a list is prepared showing how many MPs belong to
each political party.
*For a political party to form the government, they must have a majority of elected MPs.
Q3 .What is a Coalition government?
Ans Coalition Government
Often times in the recent past it has been difficult for a single political party to get the
majority that is required to form the government. They then join together with different
political parties who are interested in similar concerns to form what is known as a
coalition government.
The total strength of Lok Sabha is 545 The total strength of Rajya Sabha is
(543 elected plus 2 nominated) 245 (233 elected plus 12 nominated)
Lok Sabha has a term of five years. Rajya Sabha has a term of six years.
One-third of its members retire every
two years.
It has more powers on the money bill. It has limited powers on the money bill.
Q6. How does a bill become a Law? (Question Bank and SOC)
First Reading
The bill is introduced by an MP of either house. The copies of the bill are distributed to
all MPs. The person who introduces the bill explains the purpose of the bill.
Second Reading
Clause by clause discussion and debates take place on the bill. The members can
suggest changes in the bill which may or may not be accepted.
Third Reading
The final bill is put to vote. If it is passed by the majority of members present and voting,
then the bill is considered to be passed by that house.
The bill is then sent to other house where it again goes through all the stages. After
being passed by the second house the bill is sent to the President for his approval.