English Journey 5-TB
English Journey 5-TB
English Journey 5-TB
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Progress Review 1 26
Unit 3___________________________________________________29
Unit 4___________________________________________________38
Progress Review 2 47
Unit 5___________________________________________________50
Unit 6___________________________________________________59
Progress Review 3 68
Unit 7___________________________________________________71
Unit 8___________________________________________________79
Progress Review 4 87
Unit 9___________________________________________________90
Unit 10__________________________________________________99
Welcome to English Journey, an exciting new multi-level course. The course is suitable for
students working to achieve a C2 level of competence within the Common European Framework.
The student’s book is divided into ten theme-related units. Each unit starts with a unit opener linked to the
theme of the unit. This is designed to introduce the theme in a fun, light-hearted way. The opener includes
one or two activities as well as a short DVD task. Links to the DVDs can be found on the Interactive
Whiteboard Software (IWB), in the Student’s e-book and also in the Teacher’s Book. The unit then
continues with five two-page lessons covering reading, vocabulary & grammar, listening & speaking and
writing. The unit ends with a Reload section that reinforces the vocabulary and grammar presented in the
unit. Each unit also contains:
• carefully designed tasks to develop students’ reading, listening, speaking and writing skills as well as to
build on their vocabulary and grammar.
• Download boxes that provide helpful advice on how to approach various aspects of a particular task and
to develop students’ skills.
• Language Bank boxes in the speaking and writing sections that provide students with appropriate
language for doing communicative tasks.
• plenty of opportunity for discussion of the theme of each unit.
English Journey 5 Student’s Book also contains five progress reviews, one after every two units, which
consolidate the vocabulary and grammar taught within those units.
At the back of the student’s book, there is a wealth of reference material. The Grammar Reference
and Irregular Verbs List support the grammar presented within each unit. The Writing Bank provides a
summary of the important points to remember for each genre of writing as well as a check list. There
is also a Speaking Bank, bringing the content of the Language Banks presented throughout the course
together in one place, and Speaking Information needed for the speaking tasks in some of the units.
The workbook accompanies English Journey 5 Student’s Book. Like the student’s book, it is divided into
ten units and five reviews. Each unit consists of reading, vocabulary, grammar, listening and writing. There
are also two Use Your English sections in each unit that familiarise students with the way vocabulary and
grammar come together in exam-style tasks. The reviews include multiple-choice vocabulary and grammar
items. The recordings for use with the listening tasks in the units are found on the English Journey 5
Workbook Audio. Alternatively, they can be accessed on the IWB or the audio files can be downloaded from
the website. The workbook’s clear and simple format means that it can be used at home as well as
in class.
English Journey 5 Test Book contains a comprehensive set of tests that assess the student’s progress at
various stages of the course. The multiple-choice Quizzes, one for each unit of English Journey 5
Student’s Book, focus on the key vocabulary and grammar items presented in the units. Progress Tests,
one for use after every two units of English Journey 5 Student’s Book, include a reading comprehension
task, a writing task as well as vocabulary and grammar tasks. There is also a Mid-Year Test (Units 1-4)
and an End-of-Year Test (Units 5-10) that provide a written test covering reading comprehension, Use Your
English and writing as well as a listening test.
The English Journey 5 Test Book also includes Student’s Score Sheets, where test results and comments
can be recorded.
The e-book contains an interactive version of the student’s book as well as narration of the reading tasks,
recordings necessary for the listening tasks and links to the DVDs in the unit openers. The key is not
included in the e-book.
English Journey 5 Teacher’s Book provides clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and tips for teachers
on how to make the best of the material in the student’s book. The key to all tasks from the student’s book
is included as well as the recording scripts with justification underlined for the listening tasks included in
the student’s book. There is also a section of photocopiable vocabulary and grammar tasks which can be
used with students who finish early in class, as a way of revising prior to a test, or as extra practice of the
vocabulary and grammar in the student’s book.
At the back of the teacher’s book, there are the keys to English Journey 5 Workbook and English Journey 5
Test Book as well as the recording scripts with justification underlined for the answers to the listening tasks.
English Journey 5 Audio
This component consists of Class Audio, Workbook Audio and Test Book Audio. The class audio contains the
narration of the reading passages as well as all audio required for the listening tasks found in the student’s
book. The workbook audio contains the recordings required for the listening tasks in the workbook. The test
book audio includes the audio required for the Mid-Year Listening Test and the End-of-Year Listening Test.
The recordings can be accessed on the IWB and downloaded from the website. Professional actors are used
English Journey 5 IWB contains the student’s book and the workbook in digital format. Most of the tasks
found in these books are interactive and have been developed to be easy to use by both students and
teachers alike. The DVD links for the student’s book openers as well as the audio accompanying both the
student’s book and the workbook listening tasks can be easily accessed. The reading passages found in
the student’s book are narrated on the IWB. Justification for all student’s book and workbook reading
comprehension and listening tasks is available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all tasks.
The audio required for the listening tests in English Journey 5 Test Book has also been included.
Introduction 7
Unit Opener (SB page 5) the IWB software, and students can access them from
• Ask students to look at the picture and tell you what their e-book. There is a DVD question in the Student’s
they can see (two teenage girls who are riding bicycles, Book at the bottom of the opening page in each
perhaps in the countryside). unit. Don’t worry if your students don’t understand
• Ask students to read the title of the unit and say how everything they hear on the video. They will be able to
it relates to the picture (The title is ‘Teen Life’ and the grasp the gist of the content.
picture shows two teenage girls.). Summary of DVD 1: The video is titled ‘Leisure
• Ask them if they can ride a bike, and if they can, ask activities in Britain’. Many different activities are
them where they usually ride their bikes and with who. shown including surfing, rally driving, white water
rafting, snowboarding, paragliding and rock climbing.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
Teenagers are asked what they do in their free time
and all of them mention sports that they play.
need to think about two things – who they spend time DVD link: https://www.youtube.com/
with and what they do when they are together. watch?v=94kCN1CX1H8
• Ask students to read the activities and tell you what
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
Make the most of the material in the Opener • Students work individually to complete the task.
by using it to build on students’ vocabulary. For • They then check their answers in pairs before
example, here, ask students to expand on their checking as a class.
answers by saying what they talk about, which
cafés they go to, which video games they play,
what they watch on TV, which sports they play and
what they go shopping for.
Let’s talk about it! • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then discuss their answers in pairs before
discussing as a class.
• Take a class survey to see what’s most important to
the students.
The DVD activity is optional and can be done if time
permits. The videos can be accessed by teachers from
• Point out the Download box next to the
comprehension questions to the students and tell them
that these boxes appear throughout the book to give
advice about how to approach the tasks.
• Ask students to read the information in Download.
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words.
• Explain to students that when dealing with multiple-
choice questions, it’s a good idea to read the question
and look for the answer in the text before reading the Ask students if they know of any puzzles or brain
answer options. Explain that the answer options can teasers like the one in 6. Or ask students to solve
distract them and cause confusion. Once they think
the following puzzle: Rearrange the following
they have the answer, they can then compare it to the letters so as to form one word: NEW DOOR.
options and choose the best one.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
O [Answer ONE WORD]
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the questions and explain a-z Vocabulary 1 (SB page 8)
anything they don’t understand.
options, and then to compare it to the options and they understand what they have to do. Elicit that a
choose the best one. family tree is a drawing or a diagram that contains
• Students work individually to answer the questions. the names of everyone in a family and shows the
• They then check their answers in pairs before relationship between them. Explain that the sentences
checking as a class. in the letter are about Sam’s family members, and that
UNIT 1 9
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
Ask students to draw their own family tree and 4
write the names of their family members. Tell • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
them also to label each member with the word they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
that shows their relationship to the student. must use the present simple tense, as they did in 3,
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Ask students to look back at the text in Reading and
to identify the tense that is mainly used throughout
(present simple). Ask them why (because the text is
about facts and general truths).
• Ask individual students to give you sentences to show
the different uses of the tense. Elicit that adverbs of
frequency come before the main verb, but after the
verb to be.
Ask students to write their own sentences about
things they always, usually, often, sometimes,
hardly ever and never do. Refer them to the
grammar theory if they need help. When students
are ready, they may swap with a partner to read
each other’s sentences.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that O
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must complete the dialogues with some of the words
from the table in 1.
show them what kind of word they need in the gap (verb, Ask students to write a sentence with a word
noun or adjective) before they choose their answer. from the table in 1, a prepositional phrase from
• Students work individually to complete the task. 3 and a collocation from 4. For example: My
• They then check their answers in pairs before neighbour is friendly with everyone and she
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Ask students to look back at the text in Reading and
4 to find an example of the present continuous (Are you
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that eating something bad for you now?).
they understand what they have to do. Explain/Elicit • Ask individual students to give you sentences to show
that ‘sb’ means ‘somebody’. Explain that a collocation is the different uses of the present continuous.
UNIT 1 11
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
are three parts to the task. First, they must decide if
both sentences are about something that is happening
now. Then they must say which tense is used in each
sentence and also explain why. OAsk students to choose a stative verb and an
active verb, and to use them in two gapped
• Refer them to the grammar theory to help them sentences. They then swap with a partner and
answer the questions. complete each other’s sentences.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
See the recording script on page 110. are two parts to the task. First, they need to decide
which questions can be answered with Yes or No. Then
DOWNLOAD they need to match the questions to the answers.
• Ask students to read the information in Download. • Ask students to read the questions and answers, and
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own explain anything they don’t understand.
words. • Students work individually to complete the task.
• Explain the importance of listening to whole • They then check their answers in pairs before
sentences and paragraphs before choosing an answer. checking as a class.
Remind them how the answer in 2 changed once they
heard the longer extract in 3.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the answer choices and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Ask students to read the information in Download.
• Encourage students to listen to the whole sentence or
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own
paragraph before choosing their answer.
• Play the recording and ask students to choose their
• As this will probably be the first time students have
attempted this particular exam task, allow plenty of
UNIT 1 13
4 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Ask students to read the instructions and check they understand what they have to do. Elicit what a
that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that capital letter is. Ask them what words have capital
they will now swap roles and that Student A will ask letters in their own language and why.
questions about cooking classes while Student B will • Students discuss in pairs before checking answers as
give answers. a class.
• Remind students that the questions may just be a
few words and that they will need to use them to form
complete questions, as in 2. Remind them also to give
complete answers.
• Remind them to use the Language Bank to help them
form their questions.
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
over with the class afterwards.
• Ask one pair to demonstrate the task in front of the
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
class. have to answer the questions with the information in
• Time permitting, repeat until all pairs have had a turn. a-j in 1.
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
• Ask students to read the questions and explain 4
anything they don’t understand. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not have to read the task and answer the questions about it.
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go • Ask students to read the writing task and answer any
over with the class afterwards. queries they might have about it.
• Time permitting, you may want to discuss the • Point out that the questions they need to answer will
questions more extensively as a class. help them to analyse the task.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Explain to students that there will be a review at the
end of each unit in English Download. Tell them that
Reload 1 revises the material they saw in Unit 1.
• Explain to students that they can ask you for help
7 with the questions or refer back to the relevant
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that sections of the unit if they’re not sure about an answer.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they Stress that the Reload section is not a test.
must find two adverbs of frequency in the form in 5.
• Students work individually to complete the task. O
• Decide how the review will be carried out. Students
could do the vocabulary items first and then correct
• They then check their answers in pairs before them immediately, or they could do all the items
checking as a class. together and correct them at the end.
• Give students about 20 minutes to complete the
Vocabulary Revision
• Explain that students can use words and phrases
from the Language Bank as well as their own phrases
Vocabulary 1
in their forms.
• 1 and 2: Revise the words for family relationships
• Remind them to use words and phrases from all of
and family members by writing each word on the board
the sections in the Language Bank.
and asking individual students to tell you what the
word means.
• 3: Read out the words, one by one. Ask individual
UNIT 1 15
Grammar Revision
Grammar 1
Practise the present simple and adverbs of frequency.
• Read out, one by one, the uses of the present simple
(present simple – habits and things that happen
regularly; things and situations that are always
or usually true; facts and general truths) and ask
students to give you example sentences for each.
• Write the adverbs of frequency on the board (in
mixed up order). Ask students to tell you the correct
order for frequency, starting with always (always,
usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never).
• Ask students to tell you some time expressions
we use with the present simple. Write them on the
board. Then ask students to give you sentences using
the present simple, adverbs of frequency and time
Grammar 2
Practise the present continuous.
• Read out, one by one, the uses of the present
continuous (something that is happening now, at this
moment; temporary situations) and ask students to O
give you example sentences for each.
• Ask students to tell you some time expressions we
use with the present continuous. Write them on the
board. Then ask students to give you sentences using
on the board.
• Ask students for example sentences using the verbs.
my time’, etc.).
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
are four questions they need to think about.
Summary of DVD 2: The video is titled ‘What is
• Read the questions and explain anything they don’t
• Students discuss the questions in pairs before
important to you’. In it, a girl named Olivia, talks
about the important things in her life. She believes
that family, friends and teachers play an important
discussing answers as a class.
role in shaping an individual’s life. Along with this,
she also treasures her personal space. Her room is
very important to her, as it allows her to collect her
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
need to describe their room and to say what their room
UNIT 2 17
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they words are from the text and that they should find
must think about their answer before they read the them because seeing them in context will help them to
article. complete the task.
• Ask students to skim read the text and look for the • Ask students to read the words in the orange box
answer. Explain to students that they do not need and the sentences, and explain anything they don’t
to read in detail at this stage as they will have the
opportunity to do so later. • Students work individually to complete the task.
• Students work individually to complete the task. • They then check their answers in pairs before
• They then check their answer in pairs before checking checking as a class.
as a class. • Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in
the orange box to the students and asking them to
repeat after you. Correct where necessary.
• Ask students to read the information in Download.
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Ask students to look back at the text in Reading and
to find and underline an example of the past simple.
Then ask them to rewrite the sentence using used to.
3 For example, They were usually small. / They used to
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that be small.
they understand what they have to do. • Ask individual students to read out their sentences.
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box and Ask the rest of the class if the sentences with used to
the text, and explain anything they don’t understand. are correct. If not, point out the mistake and continue
• Students work individually to complete the task. with the next student until all students have read out
• They then check their answers in pairs before their examples.
checking as a class.
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in
the orange box to the students and asking them to
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
repeat after you. Correct where necessary. they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check
that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that
there are pairs of words which are commonly confused Read 2.1-2.2 of the Grammar Reference on pages 136-
because they have similar meanings. 137 with your students.
• Ask students to read the words and the sentences,
and explain anything they don’t understand. 3
• Students work individually to complete the task. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• They then check their answers in pairs before they understand what they have to do. Remind them
checking as a class. to use the past simple and also that some verbs are
irregular in the past.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Remind them to look for clues in the sentences, such
as time expressions.
• Encourage students to look back at the grammar
theory in order to complete the sentences.
• Students work individually to complete the
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
Ask students to work in pairs. They choose one of
the rooms from 1 and describe it as fully as they
can to their partner.
UNIT 2 19
3. They then swap with a partner and complete
each other’s sentences.
Ask students to write two gapped sentences
requiring the past simple and used to. Refer them
Extra Task (for early finishers)
to the grammar theory if they need help. They
then swap with a partner and complete each See photocopiable material on page 115.
other’s sentences.
O Grammar 2 (SB page 23)
Extra Task (for early finishers)
Before you read the Grammar box
See photocopiable material on page 115.
• Revise/Introduce relative pronouns. Write these
sentences on the board, with the underlining, and ask
a-z Vocabulary 2 (SB page 22) students who or what the underlined words refer to.
1 That’s the girl who/that lives next door. (the girl)
meaning of its separate parts). • Ask individual students to come to the board. Give
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that them a relative pronoun and ask them to write a
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
Read 2.3 of the Grammar Reference on page 137 with
anything they don’t understand.
your students.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before 3
checking as a class. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Encourage students to look back at the examples in
the grammar theory to help them.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must match the sentence parts.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Encourage students to look back at the examples in See the recording script on page 110.
the grammar theory to help them.
• Students work individually to complete the task. 3
• They then check their answers in pairs before
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
checking as a class.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must decide what they think Joe will buy, based on the
conversation they listened to in 2.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answer in pairs before checking
as a class.
Ask students to write three sentences about their O
home and family members. Tell them they must use
relative pronouns. Monitor and help with vocabulary
and grammar if necessary. When students are ready,
Listening (SB page 24) must listen carefully to all of the dialogue before they
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • As this may be the first time students have
they understand what they have to do. attempted this particular exam task, allow plenty of
• Ask students to read the questions and explain time to explain the mechanics of it.
anything they don’t understand. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Play the recording and ask students to answer the they understand what they have to do.
questions. Then ask students to discuss their answers • Explain that the task involves matching different
with a partner and to justify any answers that are pieces of information.
different. • Remind them to listen to the whole dialogue before
• Play the recording again if necessary, and check they try to match the items with the speakers.
answers as a class. • Play the recording and ask students to match the
items with the speakers.
• Then ask students to discuss their answers with a
partner and to justify any answers that are different.
• Play the recording again if necessary, and check
answers as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they See the recording script on page 110.
UNIT 2 21
Involve students more closely in the lesson by
asking them to bring in their own materials for 4
discussion. For example, in this unit, they could • Ask students to read the instructions and check
bring photos of their rooms or pictures of rooms that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that
they like from magazines. Student A will now play the role of Student B and vice
versa. The pictures for the task are on page 155 and the
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
information about the options is on page 159. (Student
B needs an opinion and will use the information on
page 159 to explain the two options to Student A.
they understand what they have to do. Student A will find out what the options are by asking
• Ask students to read the words and explain anything the questions on page 155. Student B must tell Student
they don’t understand. A four things: what the options are, how much each
• Students work individually to complete the task. option costs, the advantages and disadvantages of
• They then compare their answers in pairs before each option. Once Student A has received all of the
discussing as a class.
• As this may be the first time students have
attempted this particular exam task, allow plenty of
time to explain the mechanics of it.
• Go through the Language Bank with the students 5
and make sure they understand the phrases and how • Ask students to read the questions and explain
to use them. Ask them to look back at 2 to see how anything they don’t understand.
comparison was used. • Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
they understand what they have to do. (Student A interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
needs an opinion and will use the information on page over with the class afterwards.
155 to explain the two options to Student B. Student • Time permitting, you may want to discuss the
B will find out what the options are by asking the questions more extensively as a class.
questions on page 25. Student A must tell Student
B four things: what the options are, how much each
option costs, the advantages and disadvantages of
each option. Once Student B has received all of the
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
are two parts to the task. First, they must find and • Students work individually to complete the task.
correct four spelling mistakes. Then they must change • They then check their answers in pairs before
lower-case letters to capital letters where necessary. checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the note and explain anything
they don’t understand.
UNIT 2 23
Vocabulary Revision
Vocabulary 1
• Quickly go through the words and phrases in the
• 1 and 2: Revise the rooms of the house and
Language Bank.
the items by writing the four rooms on the board
• Explain that students can use words and phrases
(bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room). Then read
from the Language Bank as well as their own phrases
out the items that are normally found in these rooms,
in their notes.
one by one, and ask students to tell you which room
• Remind them to use words and phrases from all of
they belong in.
the sections in the Language Bank.
• 3: Revise the items in the bedroom by reading them
out, one by one, and asking individual students to
come to the board, write the word and say what it is.
• Read the task out to students and explain anything
• 4: Write the pairs of words on the board (live/stay,
they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write a
house/home, ceiling/roof). Then ask individual students
to tell you how they differ (live is a permanent
• Go over the Plan with the students.
situation whereas stay is temporary; a house is a
• Remind them to begin and end their note
separate building whereas a home can be any place
appropriately, and to answer the two questions in the
where someone lives, eg a flat; a ceiling is inside a
main paragraph.
• Assign the writing task for homework.
house whereas a roof is outside, on the top).
Vocabulary 2
• 1: Practise phrasal verbs. Ask individual students the
following questions.
1 When do you get up? (at 7 o’clock, etc)
• Read out the information in the Download box. 3 Who tidies up your room? (me, my mum, etc)
• Choose a student to explain the tips in his/her own 4 Where did your parents grow up? (in this town, etc)
words. 5 When do you turn on the lights? (when it’s dark, etc)
• Remind students to use prepositions of place to say 6 What do you do when you stay in? (watch TV, etc)
where things are. 7 When do you call someone back – before or after
• Remind them also to use linking words and relative they call you? (after)
pronouns to make their sentences longer. 8 What do you do when your friends drop by? (play
• Remind them to use correct punctuation and to check video games, watch TV, etc)
their spelling. • 2: Practise collocations and expressions. Write two
lists of words on the board and ask students to match
them to form the collocations: your bed, a call, the
dishes, the laundry, a call, a photo / charge, do, do,
Grammar 2
Practise relative clauses.
• Write these gapped sentences on the board and ask
students to complete them with the correct relative
1 This is the chair ____ I want to buy. (that/which)
2 Gina is the girl ____ lives in my street. (who/that)
3 Marcus is the boy ____ father builds houses.
• Check answers as a class.
UNIT 2 25
• Give students about 40 minutes to complete the 6 You can put lots of books in this. (bookcase)
review. Reduce this progressively as you work through 7 The chairs and beds, etc that you put in a house.
the book. (furniture)
• Tell students to answer every question. 8 The place in the house that is yours. (room)
• When checking their answers, make a note of any
problem areas in vocabulary and grammar they still Revise easily confused words.
have. Assign some time to deal with these areas. • Unit 2, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 4: Write the words on
Vocabulary Revision O
the board (live, stay, house, home, ceiling, roof). Then
read out the following questions, one by one, and ask
individual students to answer them.
Revise family words. 1 Which is a separate building? (house)
• Unit 1, Vocabulary 1, Exercises 1 and 2: Write the 2 Which means to be somewhere for a short time?
child, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandmother, 4 Which is a flat an example of? (home)
grandfather, grandma, grandpa, grandparents, 5 Which is inside a building? (ceiling)
grandson, granddaughter, grandchild, aunt, uncle, 6 Which means to be somewhere permanently? (live)
cousin, husband, wife, Mr, Mrs, surname, married.
Revise word formation.
the board (group, guest, guy, neighbour, pen friend, and ask students to fill in the word forms. Then ask
teenager) and then read out the following sentences, students to give you sentences using the words from
one by one, and have students match them to the the table.
1 You write to this person because he/she lives far TABLE A
words on the board in two columns and ask students to 8 Harry ____ (see) the dentist at the moment. (is
match them. seeing)
1 make somebody
2 make Revise past simple.
3 have • Write these gapped sentences on the board. Ask
A a chat, a fight, a laugh, coffee, fun, time individual students to complete them with the verbs
B angry, happy, sad, cry, laugh, smile given in the past simple.
C fun of, a friend, a joke
(1B, 2C, 3A) O 1 I ____ (ride) my bike yesterday. (rode)
2 Tina ____ (not know) the answer. (didn't know)
• Unit 2, Vocabulary 2, Exercise 2: Write these 3 When the teacher ____ (come) in, we all ____
sentences on the board and ask students to choose the (stand) up and ____ (say) ‘hello’. (came, stood, said)
correct words. 4 Lucy ____ (not take) the photo. (didn’t take)
1 When do you do / make your bed? (make) 5 ____ (you/find) your phone? (Did you find)
2 Oh, no! I forgot to charge / fill my phone! (charge) 6 Mum ____ (go) to the shops every morning. (went)
verbs on the board. Then write these gapped sentences 2 I / not walk / to school (I didn’t use to walk to
and ask students to complete them with the correct school.)
form of the phrasal verb. 3 your room / have / pink walls / ? (Did your room
call you back, drop by, get up, grow up, sleep in, stay use to have pink walls?)
in, tidy up, turn on 4 Sandy / not play / video games (Sandy didn’t use to
Revise present simple and adverbs of frequency. • Students are now ready to do Progress Review 1.
• Write these prompts on the board. Ask individual • Set a time limit and let students know every so
students to come to the board and write sentences often how much time they have left to complete the
using the present simple. questions.
• Check answers as a class.
Progress Review 1 27
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
are three questions they need to think about.
• Explain anything they don’t understand.
• Students discuss the questions in pairs before
discussing as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Explain anything they don’t understand.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Explain anything they don’t understand.
• Students discuss the questions in pairs before TOP TIP
discussing as a class.
• Once answers have been checked, check Make the most of topics that students are familiar
pronunciation by saying each of the words in the with. In this unit, the topic is sport. Students could
orange box to the students and asking them to repeat be asked to do a project on their favourite team
after you. Correct where necessary. or athlete. It could include pictures and a fact
file with information about the team or athlete’s
history and successes.
UNIT 3 29
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must choose between two answer options for each
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
anything they don’t understand.
Reading (SB pages 32-33) • Remind students to think about logical replies and
then to look at the options.
1 • Students work individually to fit the sentences to the
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that gaps.
they understand what they have to do. • They then check their answers in pairs before
• Ask students to read about the sports and explain checking as a class.
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work in pairs before checking answer as a
• Once the answer has been checked, ask students if
they would like to try the real sport or either of the
fictional sports.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that checking as a class.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must think about their answer and work with a partner
to write a short description of the sport before they
read the article.
• Ask students to skim read the text and look for the
answer. Explain to students that they do not need
to read in detail at this stage as they will have the 6
opportunity to do so later. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Students work individually to complete the task. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the
• They then check their answer in pairs before checking names of the sports must be in English.
as a class. • Students work in pairs to complete the task.
• When the time is up, ask students to swap papers
with another pair. Each pair then reads out the
answers and the class tallies the results to find the
• Explain to students what a missing-sentence task
checking as a class.
• Once answers have been checked, check
pronunciation by saying each of the words in the
orange box to the students and asking them to repeat
after you. Correct where necessary.
pronunciation by saying each of the words in the • Explain that we form it in a similar way to the
orange box to the students and asking them to repeat present continuous, but in the case of the past
after you. Correct where necessary. continuous we use the past tense of to be, ie was and
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Ask students to look back at the task in 4 in Reading
and to find and underline the example of the past
continuous (I was watching TV and there was a
programme about it.).
• Ask individual students the following questions.
3 1 What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night?
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that 2 Were you doing your homework at 8 o’clock this
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they morning?
must decide if the words in the orange box are sports, 3 What were you doing at 3 o’clock in the afternoon
equipment or people and then write them in the correct last Saturday?
column. 4 Were you sleeping at midnight last night?
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box and
explain anything they don’t understand. 2
• Students work individually to complete the task. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• They then check their answers in pairs before they understand what they have to do. Refer them to
checking as a class. the grammar theory (especially the third bullet point)
• Once answers have been checked, check to help them answer the questions.
pronunciation by saying each of the words in the • Check answers as a class.
orange box to the students and asking them to repeat
after you. Correct where necessary.
UNIT 3 31
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand. 2
• Remind them to be careful with spelling when they • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
write the –ing forms of the verbs. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
• Students work individually to complete the sentences. must complete the sentences with some of the words
• They then check their answers in pairs before from the table in 1.
checking as a class. • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Tell them to look for clues in the sentences that will
show them what kind of word they need in the gap (verb,
noun or adjective) before they choose their answer.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
Extra Task (for early finishers) • Students work individually to do the task.
See photocopiable material on page 116. • They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
Before you read the Grammar box
• Revise/Introduce countable and uncountable nouns.
Explain that we can count countable nouns (eg one
pen, two pens), but we can’t count uncountable nouns
Read 3.2-3.5 of the Grammar Reference on pages 137-
(eg love, enjoyment, etc). Draw a table on the board 138 with your students.
with two headings, Countable and Uncountable. Ask
students to give you nouns and to say which heading 3
they go under in the table. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Revise/Introduce articles. Copy Table A below onto they understand what they have to do.
the board, making sure the columns are wide enough • Ask students to read the words and explain anything
for full sentences. they don’t understand.
• Explain that a and an are indefinite articles and • Encourage students to look back at the grammar
they are used here because the writer talks about the theory for help.
documentary and the athlete for the first time. Then • Students work individually to complete the task.
explain that the is a definite article and is used by the • They then check their answers in pairs before
writer when he talks about the athlete a second time. checking as a class.
a an the no article
I watched a documentary. It was about an athlete. The athlete was a Sport is great!
fantastic footballer.
UNIT 3 33
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Play the recording and ask students to write their
answers. Then ask students to discuss their answers with
a partner and to justify any answers that are different.
• Play the recording again if necessary, and check
answers as a class.
Ask students to think of their own countable and
uncountable nouns, and to write them down, as in
3. They then swap with a partner and decide if the
nouns are countable or uncountable. Tell students to
look through the lessons they have already covered
so far (including Units 1 and 2) if they need ideas.
See photocopiable material on page 116.
See the recording script on page 110.
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box have to write a number, and that they need to know
and the sentences, and explain anything they don’t how to write numbers correctly. Point out that they can
understand. write the numbers in words or in figures, but stress
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in that figures take less time to write.
the orange box to the students and asking them to
repeat after you. Correct where necessary. 4
• Students work individually to complete the sentences. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• They then check their answers in pairs before they understand what they have to do.
checking as a class. • Take a bit of extra time to explain the task to
students. Tell them that in this task they will hear a
Make the most of the photographic material questions more extensively as a class.
available in the Student’s Book by using it for
Speaking practice. For example, in this unit,
students could be asked to compare the picture of
the girl playing snooker on page 37 of the Student’s
Book, with the picture of Usain Bolt on page 38.
O Writing (SB pages 40-41)
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that we Email: Beginnings and endings
use There is to talk about singular nouns and There • Ask students to read the information on emails and
are to talk about plural nouns. Explain that we use the beginnings and endings.
present continuous to describe actions because we see • Explain to students that an email to a friend should
them happening at the moment we are speaking. be friendly in tone and that they can use appropriate
• Ask students to read the descriptions and explain expressions at the beginning of their emails and at the
anything they don’t understand. end, to sound friendly.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before 1
checking as a class. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the expressions in the orange
• Ask students to read the information in Download.
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own
• Explain that they should use There is and There are
when they describe what they can see in a photo, and
that they should use the present continuous to describe
actions because it is as though they are watching the
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
action right now.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to read the task and answer the questions about it.
• Ask students to read the writing task and answer any
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
queries they might have about it.
they understand what they have to do.
• Point out that the questions they need to answer will
• Go through the Language Bank with the students and
help them to analyse the task.
make sure they understand the phrases and how to
• Students work individually to complete the task.
use them. Ask them to look back at 2 to see how the
• They then check their answers in pairs before
phrases were used.
checking as a class.
• Students work in pairs to describe the photos. Tell
UNIT 3 35
• Read out the information in the Download box.
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own
• Remind students to begin and end their emails in a
friendly way, and to use appropriate beginnings and
endings to do this. Remind them also to use the correct
verbs to talk about sports and to write times correctly.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that O
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that we
can use verbs other than play to talk about sports.
• Ask students to read the explanations and explain Time permitting, students can write down some
anything they don’t understand. ideas about the sports and activities at the
• Go through the explanations again, one by one, with summer camp. Monitor and help with vocabulary if
the class and ask students to give you an example of necessary. Make a note of any mistakes to go over
sports that go with the verbs play, go and do. with the class afterwards.
• Make sure they understand which sports to use with
the different verbs before they attempt the task.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
Reload 3 (SB page 42)
• Tell students that Reload 3 revises the material they
saw in Unit 3.
Vocabulary Revision
Vocabulary 1
• 1: Revise the sports by writing them on the board
(table tennis, handball, football, American football,
Vocabulary 2
• 1 and 2: Practise word formation. Copy the table
from page 36 of the Student’s Book on the board and
write all of the nouns. Ask students to write the verb
and adjective forms, where they exist.
• 3: Practise phrasal verbs. Ask students the following
1 What food should you give up to be healthy? (junk
food, sweets, etc)
2 What can you fill up? (a bottle, a box, etc)
3 What time did you show up for your lesson? (half
past three, etc) O
4 Can you catch up with Usain Bolt in a race? (no)
5 What can you take up to become fit? (a sport, etc)
6 Will you get up at the end of the lesson? (yes)
• 4: Practise collocations and expressions. Write two lists
break, your best, a drink, upset (do your best, get upset,
have a drink, pay attention, take a break)
Grammar Revision
Grammar 1
Practise the past continuous.
rang him.
4 It was a terrible day! It was raining and the birds
weren’t singing.
Ask students to tell you which sentence sets the
scene in a story (4); talks about an action that
was in progress in the past that was interrupted by
another action (3); an action that was in progress at
a particular time in the past (1); two or more actions
happening at the same time in the past (2).
Grammar 2
Practise countable and uncountable nouns.
• Revise countable and uncountable nouns by
drawing two columns on the board titled Countable
and Uncountable. Ask students to copy it into their
notebooks. Read out these nouns, one by one, and
ask students to put them in the correct column: water
(U), helmet (C), bread (U), cycling (U), runner (C),
champion (C), milk (U), tennis (U), game (C).
• Ask students to give you sentences with countable
and uncountable nouns. Remind them to use singular
verbs with uncountable nouns.
UNIT 3 37
Unit Opener (SB page 43) • Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if
• Write popcorn and 3D glasses on the board. Then necessary.
ask students to look at the picture and tell you what • Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class
they can see (popcorn and 3D glasses to suggest afterwards.
watching TV). • When students are ready, ask them for their answers.
• Ask students to read the title of the unit and say how • Time permitting, individual students can tell the class
it relates to the pictures (The title is ‘Entertain me!’ about their partner.
and the picture suggests watching TV, which is a form
of entertainment.).
• Ask them if they have ever watched a film in 3D and
if they have, ask them if they enjoyed it.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the names of the TV
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must think of programmes on TV that are examples of
the different genres in 1.
• Students work in pairs to complete the task.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if
• Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class
• When students are ready, ask them for their answers.
• Time permitting, ask all the pairs to tell the class the
examples they came up with. TOP TIP
Take full advantage of the picture on the opening
page. In this unit, ask students to use their
imagination and say what they think is on TV.
They can use the vocabulary for different kinds of
TV programmes from 1 and the programmes they
3 discussed in 2 and 3. Ask them to justify their
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that answers.
they understand what they have to do.
• Students work in pairs to complete the task.
Summary of DVD 4: The video is titled ‘An Outlook to • Ask students to read the information in Download.
the Future of TV’. It’s a story about the history and • Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own
development of TV – how it began in the 1930s in words.
black and white, then colour in the 1950s, and digital • Explain to students that one way to approach
in the 2000s. Digital allows TV to be viewed anywhere multiple-choice questions is to cross out the answer
and not only on TV sets. We are now able to watch TV options that they think are obviously wrong. Once they
on our computers and smartphones. do this, they can then focus on the remaining options
to find the correct answer.
DVD link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK__
oXA2tNA 4
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the
questions are about both articles.
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Encourage students to use the tips from the Download
box when doing the task and to cross out the answer
options that they think are obviously wrong and focus
Reading (SB pages 44-45) on the remaining options to find the correct answer.
• Students work individually to answer the questions.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check O
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that
‘have in common’ means to share a similar quality or
• Ask students to read the items and tell you what they
mean. Explain any that they do not know.
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the items
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
3 5
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the
must think about their answer before they read the words in bold belong in other sentences.
articles. • Explain that the words in bold form collocations with
• Ask students to skim read the texts and look for the words after them.
the answer. Explain to students that they do not need • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
to read in detail at this stage as they will have the anything they don’t understand.
opportunity to do so later. • Students work individually to complete the task.
UNIT 4 39
their TV programme for the class to guess.
Books closed. Ask students to work in pairs. Read
out the first part of a compound noun from 1; the
students must write down the word you say and
the second part of the compound noun. Continue
until all eight compound nouns have been covered.
a-z Vocabulary 1 (SB page 46)
Extra Task (for early finishers)
1 See photocopiable material on page 117.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Explain that
a compound noun is a noun formed from two other
Grammar 1 (SB page 47)
nouns or words.
• Give students an example, eg tennis court.
Before you read the Grammar box
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Remind them
to use the present perfect simple and also that some
verbs are irregular.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain 2
anything they don’t understand. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Encourage students to look back at the examples in
the grammar theory to help them.
• Students work individually to complete the
they understand what they have to do.
• Explain that all of the options are from the table in 1.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
sentences. anything they don’t understand.
• They then check their answers in pairs before • Students work individually to complete the task.
checking as a class. • They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
help them complete the sentences. • Remind students what a phrasal verb is (a phrase
• Encourage students to look back at the examples in that consists of a verb with a preposition or adverb
the grammar theory to help them. or both, the meaning of which is different from the
• Students work individually to complete the meaning of its separate parts).
sentences. • Before students do the task, ask them to cover
• They then check their answers in pairs before column a-e and see if they can work out the meanings
checking as a class. of the phrasal verbs by looking at them.
• Ask students to read the meanings and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class. Ask if any of the meanings they
came up with were correct.
UNIT 4 41
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
5 • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that anything they don’t understand.
they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the whole sentence before they
• Ask students to read the dialogues and explain choose the correct word.
anything they don’t understand. • Encourage students to look back at the examples in
• Tell them to look carefully at the words after the the grammar theory to help them.
preposition in order to make the correct choice. • Students work individually to complete the task.
• Students work individually to choose the prepositions. • They then check their answers in pairs before
• They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class.
checking as a class.
Books closed. Students work in pairs to ask and • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
answer questions using the prepositional phrases they understand what they have to do. Elicit that more
from 5. Help them by writing question stems on than one answer is possible in some cases.
the board, eg Where is/did …? / What’s …? • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
See photocopiable material on page 117. • Encourage students to look back at the examples in
the grammar theory to help them.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
Grammar 2 (SB page 49) • They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Explain the differences between indefinite past (we
don’t know or don’t say when), unfinished past (the
activity or state continues from the past to now, and
into the future), recent past (something that happened
in the past, but very close to now).
• Make sure students understand the differences and Ask students to write five sentences that are true
the time expressions that are used with each type of for them using already, yet, for, since and just.
past time. Ask them to give you examples using the
time expressions.
Extra Task (for early finishers)
2 See photocopiable material on page 117.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentence and explain
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. See the recording script on page 111.
• Explain that they will hear a conversation about the
weather and that they should look at the questions in 1
as they listen.
• Play the recording and ask students if their answers
Speaking (SB page 51)
in 1 were correct.
• Ask students to read the three questions and answer
any queries they may have about them.
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
over with the class afterwards.
• Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions
See the recording script on page 111.
and continue around the class until each pair has had
a turn.
3 • Deal with any language mistakes and pronunciation
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that problems that come up.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
need to choose the picture that answers the question
in 1 (What was the weather like yesterday?).
• Ask students to read the information in Download. 2
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
words. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
• Explain that in picture-based listening tasks, they must look at the task, read the dialogue and then
will listen to short conversations and then answer a answer questions about the dialogue.
question by choosing the correct picture. Tell them • Explain that the dialogue is about the three activities
they should read the question and look at the pictures in the pictures.
before the recording starts so that they have an idea • Ask students to tell you what the activities in the
what it will be about. Remind them that they will hear pictures are (A – a board game; B – a DVD or CD; C –
information about both pictures, but that only one bike riding/cycling)
answer is correct and that they must listen carefully to • Ask students to read the dialogue and explain
decide which answers the question correctly. anything they don’t understand.
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
4 anything they don’t understand.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Students work in pairs, but check answers as a class.
they understand what they have to do.
UNIT 4 43
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the
• Ask students if they know of any ways we can give
our opinion and ask someone for their opinion. Ask
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
them how we can show that we agree and disagree
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
with someone. Write students’ answers on the board.
over with the class afterwards.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Time permitting, you may want to discuss the
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
questions more extensively as a class.
must rewrite the dialogue in 2 using different phrases
to do so.
• Go through the Language Bank with the students
and make sure they understand the phrases and how
to use them. Ask them if any were similar to the ones
they came up with.
• Students work in pairs to rewrite the dialogue.
• Check answer as a class. Writing (SB pages 52-53)
Note: Saying thank you
• Ask students to read the information on notes and
saying thank you.
• Explain to students that when they receive a gift, it is
considered polite to write a note saying thank you. Tell
them also that the note should also say what they liked
about the gift and to give some news to the recipient of
their note.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Go through the Language Bank again with the
students and make sure they understand the phrases
and how to use them. Ask them to look back at 3 to
see which phrases they used. 2
• Ask students to read the instructions and check • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
that they understand what they have to do. Spend they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
some time explaining that they must discuss all of need to complete the comments with words from 1.
the pictures within the context of the task (… which • Explain that the words from 1 complete comments in
programmes are suitable for young children) and that thank-you notes.
they are not being asked to describe the pictures. Elicit • Ask students to read the comments and explain
that there is a second part to the task which requires anything they don’t understand.
them to reach a decision about the programme they • Students work individually to complete the task.
will watch. • They then check their answers in pairs before
• Go through the different types of TV programmes and checking as a class.
explain anything students don’t understand. • Once answers have been checked, point out how the
• Point out that there are no right or wrong answers, comments add a more personal touch to the note.
and that they only need to justify what they say.
• Students work in pairs to do the exercise.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
over with the class afterwards.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to read the task and answer the questions about
• Ask students to read the writing task and answer any LANGUAGE BANK
queries they might have about it. • Quickly go through the words and phrases in the
• Point out that the questions they need to answer will Language Bank.
help them to analyse the task. • Explain that students can use words and phrases
• Students work individually to complete the task. from the Language Bank as well as their own phrases
• They then check their answers in pairs before in their notes.
checking as a class. • Remind them to use words and phrases from all of
the sections in the Language Bank.
• Read the task out to students and explain anything
they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write a
thank-you note.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that address all three points in the task.
they understand what they have to do. • Assign the writing task for homework.
• Elicit that the note in 5 has been written in answer to
the writing task in 4.
UNIT 4 45
16 words on the board and asking individual students,
one by one, to come to the board and match them • Students are now ready to do Reload 4.
(article, board, concert, DVD, game, instrument, • Set a time limit and let students know every so
magazine, musical, newspaper, player, programme, often how much time they have left to complete the
radio, station, teen, television, ticket) (board game, questions.
concert ticket, DVD player, musical instrument, • Check answers as a class.
newspaper article, radio station, teen magazine,
television programme).
• 3: Read out the words, one by one, and ask O
individual students to come to the board, write the
word and say what it means (band, birthday party,
disco, DJ, music, music festival, rock music, song,
actor, cinema, costume, film, theatre, artist, gallery,
picture, play).
Vocabulary 2
• 1 and 2: Practise word formation. Write the nouns for
people on the board and ask students to write the verb
forms and the nouns for things.
meanings with the phrasal verb (get out of, get away
from, log on/in, log off, turn off).
• 5: Practise prepositions. Write these words and
prepositions on the board: an article, the cinema,
a disco, a film, the radio, TV / at, in, on. Then ask
Grammar Revision
Grammar 1
Practise the present perfect simple.
• Revise all forms of the tense. Then write the following
gapped sentences on the board and ask students to
complete them. Then ask individual students to give
you their own examples using have been and have
1 I ____ (see) that film. (have seen)
2 Danny ____ (not buy) the concert tickets. (hasn’t
3 ____ (Tim / call) you? (Has Tim called)
4 Sam ____ (lose) his ticket, so he can’t go to the
concert. (has lost)
5 I ____ (read) two books this week. (have read)
Practise have been and have gone.
review. Reduce this progressively as you work through players)
the book. 5 In basketball, what must you do when another
• Tell students to answer every question. player passes the ball to you? (catch it)
• When checking their answers, make a note of any 6 What do you want to do when you compete? (win)
problem areas in vocabulary and grammar they still
have. Assign some time to deal with these areas. Revise compound nouns.
Vocabulary Revision
O• Unit 4, Vocabulary 1, Exercises 1 and 2: Write the
words on the board in two columns and ask students to
pair them to form the compound nouns. Then ask them
Revise sports. to tell you what they mean.
• Unit 3, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 1: Write the sports (board, concert, DVD, musical, newspaper, radio,
on the board (American football, basketball, football, teen, television / article, game, instrument, magazine,
handball, table tennis, volleyball) and then read out the player, programme, station, ticket) (board game,
following descriptions, one by one. Ask students to tell concert ticket, DVD player, musical instrument,
you which sport you are describing. newspaper article, radio station, teen magazine,
1 You can run with the ball, but you must bounce it. television programme)
2 You throw the ball up high and hit it over a net with Revise words for entertainment.
your hand to start playing. (volleyball) • Unit 4, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 3: Write all of the
3 You have to kick the ball or hit it with your head to words on the board. Then ask individual students to
move it. (football) pick a word, tell you what it means, and then use it in
4 You have to hit a small white ball over a net with a a sentence. (band, music festival, rock music, song,
bat. (table tennis) disco, DJ, music, party, actor, cinema, film, costume,
5 You throw and catch the ball, and you must wear a play, theatre, artist, gallery, picture).
helmet to protect your head. (American football)
6 You must throw the ball into a net, past a Revise word formation.
Progress Review 2 47
5 Is there a tap in the park so I can ____ my water Revise articles.
bottle? (fill up) • Write the following gapped sentences on the board
6 Don’t sit on the sofa all day. ____ and go outside! and ask students to complete them with the, a, an or -.
(Get up) 1 He is from ____ USA and she is from ____ China.
• Unit 4, Vocabulary 2, Exercises 3 and 4: Write these (the, -)
phrasal verbs on the board. Then write these gapped 2 I saw ____ good film last night. ____ film was a
sentences and ask students to complete them with the comedy. (a, The)
correct form of the phrasal verb.
get out of, get away from, log on/in, log off, turn off O
3 They went to ____ theatre on ____ Saturday night.
(the, -)
1 I ____ to a sports site to check the football scores. 4 He plays ____ piano and he’s also got ____ electric
(log on/in) guitar. (the, an)
2 We need some fresh air. Let’s ____ the city this 5 In ____ afternoon, he helps ____ poor as a
weekend. (get away from) volunteer. (the, the)
3 Don’t forget to ____ the radio when you go to 6 ____ Maria is ____ Greek and she lives in ____
school. (turn off) Athens. (-, -, -)
perfect simple.
Revise collocations and expressions. 1 He / already / see / that film (He has already seen
• Unit 3, Vocabulary 2, Exercise 4: Ask individual that film.)
students the following questions. 2 She / just / win / the race (She has just won the
1 What do you choose when you want to have a race.)
drink? 3 They / not buy / the costumes / yet (They haven’t
2 What do you do when you take a break? bought the costumes yet.)
3 When do you do your best? 4 I / live / here / five years (I have lived here for five
Progress Review 2 49
it. If not, ask them where they look for information
when they do their homework.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the reasons and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Remind them that they can use their own ideas, too.
• Students work in pairs to complete the task. O
• Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if
• Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class
• When students are ready, ask them for their answers.
• Time permitting, individual students can tell the class TOP TIP
about themselves.
Give students plenty of opportunities to discuss their
opinions. Not only does this help with fluency, but
it also allows them to better understand the theme
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that the DVD, it’s worthwhile having a discussion based
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the on students’ opinions and these questions.
situation is imaginary.
• Students work in pairs to complete the task.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if
Summary of DVD 5: The video is titled ‘Is it easy
to make friends at university?’ In it, some students
explain how they made friends at university and they
give advice on what worked best for them. The first
speaker says she met her friends in halls (halls of
residence) in her first year and then they moved out
of halls and became housemates in their second year.
She also says that she joined societies, such as the
rowing club and a drama society. The second speaker
says he felt welcome when someone greeted him with
‘hello’ and that this made him and others feel welcome.
The third speaker, a Russian girl, made friends with
her housemates on the first day by sitting around and
talking about their lives. The final speaker says he
going to college’. In the UK, Australia and Canada,
universities are institutions that award degrees, while
colleges prepare students to earn degrees, or award
certificates. British English speakers generally use
university as the generic term for higher education.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
2 they understand what they have to do. Elicit that when
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that matched, the words in bold form collocations (ie, words
they understand what they have to do. that are used together).
• Ask students to read the list and explain anything • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
UNIT 5 51
• Ask students to read the words and the sentences, question) and short answers of the present continuous.
and explain anything they don’t understand. Then write the following sentence on the board and
• Students work individually to complete the task. ask students if it refers to the present or the future:
• They then check their answers in pairs before My sister is starting her university course next week.
checking as a class. (future) Explain that we can also use the present
continuous to talk about the future.
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Go back to the first use of the future simple and ask
students to give you example sentences. Continue until
all of the uses for the future simple, be going to and
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
3 • Encourage students to look back at the grammar
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that theory for help.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there • Then ask them to complete the task and check the
are two parts to the task. First, they must complete the answers as a class.
• Students work individually to complete the first part
of the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before Read 5.1-5.3 of the Grammar Reference on pages 139-
checking as a class. 140 with your students.
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in
the orange box to the students and asking them to 3
repeat after you. Correct where necessary. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Allow students time to write their sentences with the they understand what they have to do.
remaining five words. • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
• Ask individual students to read their sentences to the anything they don’t understand.
class. • Ask students to look at the first sentence and elicit
which clues will help them to choose the correct tense
(using ‘probably’ to make a prediction) and elicit that
they will need the future simple here.
• Ask students to read the rest of the sentences again
carefully and to underline any time expressions or other
clues that will help them to choose the correct tense.
• Students work individually to complete the sentences.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that 2
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that for • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
some items, more than one answer is possible. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that in
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain addition to using some of the prepositions more than
anything they don’t understand. once, there is one item that can take two different
• Ask students to look at 1 and elicit which clues will prepositions.
help them to choose the correct tense (‘Look’ indicates • Ask students to read the text and explain anything
a prediction for the near future because of something they don’t understand.
we can see now) and elicit that they will need be going • Tell them to look carefully at the words before and
to here. after the preposition in order to make the correct
• Ask students to read the rest of the sentences again choice. Sometimes the preposition goes with the word
carefully and to underline any time expressions or other before it and at other times it depends on the word(s)
clues that will help them to choose the correct tense. after it.
• Students work individually to complete the task. • Students work individually to choose the prepositions.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class. checking as a class.
• Elicit that in 4, be going to and present continuous
are both possible because it is about a planned event
(be going to) and it is sure to happen because they
have the tickets (present continuous).
checking as a class.
make a promise or a request, and they can write
about any plans or intentions they may have.
UNIT 5 53
on the board and tell students that we use them to
express quantity: some, any, a lot of, many, a few,
much, a little. 1
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
will spell out words to practise saying and listening to
• Write the following sentences on the board, without
the letters of the English alphabet.
the underlining.
• Ask individual students to come to the board,
underline the quantifiers and tell you which nouns are
• Explain to students that when words are spelt out
in the recording, they must write them correctly
countable and which are uncountable. otherwise they will lose marks.
1 Have you got any homework? (homework, • After repeating the letters after you, students work in
uncountable) pairs to spell out the things out loud.
7 There isn’t much information. (information, they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
uncountable) are two parts to the task. First, they must work with
8 We’re under a lot of stress! (stress, uncountable) a partner to spell the words out and then they must
• Ask students to come up with their own sentences listen to check their answers. Tell them they should
using quantifiers, countable and uncountable nouns. also try and guess what the words mean or where they
come from.
2 • Students work in pairs to spell the words.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand. See the recording script on page 111.
Help students to improve fluency by getting them
to listen to and repeat natural English. For such
a task, comprehension is not the objective. They
should focus on rhythm, intonation, speed and
See the recording script on page 111. pronunciation, and they should repeat the same
item a number of times. Look for suitable items
DOWNLOAD online and use the videos in the Unit Openers. Also,
• Ask students to read the information in Download. have students read out dialogues from the Student’s
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own Book, such as those in 2 from this lesson. Ask them
words. to read out the dialogues with feeling and to become
• Explain that in note-taking listening tasks, they will progressively faster as they practise them.
be expected to write easy words and words that are
spelt out to them, correctly. If they do not, they will
lose marks. 2
4 O
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Go through the set phrases for giving advice in
they understand what they have to do. the Language Bank with the students. Point out that
• Remind them that they did the note-taking task in different words and structures are followed by different
Unit 3 where they listened to a monologue, but that verb patterns. They can be followed by the bare
this time they will hear a dialogue. Remind them that infinitive (do), the full infinitive (to do), or the gerund
the words in their answers are exactly as they hear (-ing form).
them, ie they will not need to paraphrase in any way. • Ask students to read the dialogues and explain
• Ask students to read the note and explain anything anything they don’t understand.
they don’t understand. • Students work individually to complete the task.
• Remind them to be careful when they write easy • They then compare their answers in pairs before
words or words that are spelt out to them because they checking as a class.
must write them correctly.
• Play the recording and ask students to answer the
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to give their own advice for the situations in 2.
• Remind them to use the set phrases in the Language
Bank and to be careful with the different verb patterns
that follow them.
• Students work in pairs to complete the task.
UNIT 5 55
• Remind students to use phrases from the Language Bank finish with a friendly ending. In between, the main
and to use the correct verb patterns with each phrase. ideas should be organised into paragraphs which make
• Students work in pairs to complete the task. the letter easy to read.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go 1
over with the class afterwards. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Ask one pair to demonstrate the task in front of the
• Time permitting, repeat until all pairs have had a turn. O
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the ideas in the orange box and
explain anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check
that they understand what they have to do. Elicit
that Student A will now play the role of Student B
and vice versa. The pictures for the task are on page
information on page 159 to explain the two options to • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
Student A. Student A will find out what the options are they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
by asking the questions on page 157. Student B must have to read the task and come up with three ideas for
tell Student A three things: what the problem is, what two main paragraphs.
the options are, and the advantages of each option. • Ask students to read the writing task and answer any
• Go through the words and phrases in the Language
4 • Explain that students can use words and phrases
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that from the Language Bank as well as their own phrases
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they in their letters.
must find one example of the future simple and one of • Remind them to use words and phrases from all of
be going to in the model letter, and explain why they the sections in the Language Bank.
are used.
• Encourage them to look back at Grammar 1 on page 7
61 of their Student’s Book if they need help with the • Read the task out to students and explain anything
future forms. they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write a
• Students work individually to complete the task. letter.
• They then check their answers in pairs before • Go over the Plan with the students.
checking as a class. • Remind them to begin and end their letter in a
suitable way, and to respond to their friend in two main
• Assign the writing task for homework.
• Read out the information in the Download box.
• Choose a student to explain the tips in his/her own
• Remind students to organise their ideas into
• Go through the grammar for future time again and Time permitting, students can write down some
make sure students understand when we use the ideas for their paragraphs. Monitor and help
future simple and when we use be going to. Ask for with vocabulary if necessary. Make a note of any
example sentences. mistakes to go over with the class afterwards.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Tell students that Reload 5 revises the material they
saw in Unit 5.
6 • Explain to students that they can ask you for help
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that with the questions or refer back to the relevant
they understand what they have to do. sections of the unit if they’re not sure about an answer.
• Explain that we can use the present simple to talk Stress that the Reload section is not a test.
about the future after certain words called temporals, but • Decide how the review will be carried out. Students
that we cannot use the future simple after these words. could do the vocabulary items first and then correct
• Explain the meaning of each temporal. them immediately, or they could do all the items
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain together and correct them at the end.
anything they don’t understand. • Give students about 20 minutes to complete the
• Students work individually to complete the task. review. Reduce this progressively as you work through
• They then check their answers in pairs before the book.
checking as a class.
UNIT 5 57
and is also a student, whereas a student is anyone who continuous.
studies something • Revise all forms of the tenses. Then write these
3 lesson – subject: a lesson is the time you spend gapped sentences on the board and ask students which
with a teacher learning something, but a subject is the verb tense or structure is required.
topic of what you study 1 Don’t be so lazy! You ____ (fail) your exams! (will
4 homework – project: homework is given regularly fail)
whereas a project is more involved and takes longer to 2 I’ve decided I ____ (go) to university. (am going to
5 term – year: a school year is broken up into terms O
3 Maybe I ____ (pass) the maths test. (will pass)
6 practice – practise: practice is a noun while practise 4 Don’t worry. I ____ (help) you with history. (will
is a verb help)
7 course – studies: a course is a series of lessons in 5 Jim failed all of his exams. He ____ (be) very upset.
a subject that leads to an exam or qualification, but (is going to be)
studies are the time you spend to gain knowledge of a 6 We ____ (visit) the museum next week; look, here
subject are the tickets. (are visiting/are going to visit)
one, and asking individual students to tell you what of nouns they can be used with.
they are (book – something you read; chemistry – a 1 many, a few (countable)
science subject; class – a group of students who are 2 some, any, a lot of (both)
taught together; coach – (n) someone who trains you 3 much, a little (uncountable)
in sport, (v) to train someone in sport; desk – where Ask students to give you sentences using the
you sit at school; dictionary – a book that explains quantifiers.
the meanings of words; history – a subject that looks
at past people and events; level – the stage you are • Students are now ready to do Reload 5.
at in terms of your learning; teacher – the person • Set a time limit and let students know every so
who teaches in a classroom; whiteboard – where the often how much time they have left to complete the
teacher writes for the class). questions.
• Check answers as a class.
Vocabulary 2
• 1: Practise phrasal verbs. Ask individual students the
following questions.
1 What do you rub out? (a mistake)
2 When do you put down your pen? (after writing
something, at the end of an exam, etc)
3 Who do you ask for help in the classroom? (the
4 What belongs to you in this classroom? (my bag,
book, pen, etc)
5 What do you do when you can’t work out the
answer to something? (ask for help, etc)
6 Who do you hand in your homework to? (the
• 2: Practise prepositions. Write these gapped phrases
and words on the board and then write the prepositions
in a separate list: ____ university, ____ secondary
school, ____ a long time, ____ a class, listen ____,
• Ask students to tell you how the title and the picture
are related (The title is ‘Adventures’ and the people are
doing something adventurous.).
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Explain anything they don’t understand. O Make the most of interesting or unexpected facts to
generate discussion. In this section, for example,
it would not be widely known that Sir Edmund
• Students discuss the question in pairs before Hillary may not have been the first person to climb
discussing as a class. Everest. Ask students how they think Hillary would
• Write students’ answers on the board. have felt when Mallory’s body was discovered in
• Ask students to read the instructions and check
that they understand what they have to do. Explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students discuss in pairs before discussing as a class.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if
• Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class
3 Ask students to work in pairs and discuss what it
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that would be like to sail around the world solo. Ask
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they them to think about what they would have to give
up, but also what they think they would gain from
must read the text to look for the answer.
• Ask students to skim read the text and look for the the experience. Monitor and help with vocabulary
answer. Explain to students that they do not need and grammar if necessary. When students are
to read in detail at this stage as they will have the
opportunity to do so later. Oready, discuss as a class.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answer in pairs before checking 5
as a class. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that all of
checking as a class.
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own
• Explain to students that in multiple-choice questions
• Ask students to read the instructions and check
that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that
prepositions of movement tell us in which direction a
person or object moves. Ask students to tell you any
prepositions of movement that they already know and
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
have them mime the movement in front of the class.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
• Students work individually to complete the task.
will use all of the phrases from 4 and that they must
• They then check their answers in pairs before
use them in the correct form.
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
• Once answers have been checked, check
anything they don’t understand.
pronunciation by saying each of the words in the
• Students work individually to complete the task.
orange box to the students and asking them to repeat
• They then check their answers in pairs before
after you. Correct where necessary.
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Do the first one as a class. Ask students if ‘into’ has
an opposite (it does) and to look for it among the
OAsk students to work in pairs. One student
chooses a preposition of movement from 1 and
prepositions in 1 (out of). mimes the action or uses objects that are to hand,
• Students work individually to complete the task. such as books, pens, etc to show the direction
• They then check their answers in pairs before of movement. The other student must guess
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
Grammar 1 (SB page 73)
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Ask students to look around the classroom and to
choose an item that they can describe using more than
4 one adjective. Encourage them to look at the table with
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that the order of adjectives. Go around the class and ask
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the each student for their example. Correct any errors at
same verb is used with all of the nouns. this stage.
• Ask students to read the words and explain anything • Ask students to write two sentences about
they don’t understand. themselves that are true, using adverbs of manner.
• Students work individually to complete the task. Remind them to write the adverb after the verb, but
UNIT 6 61
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Refer them to the grammar theory to help them
complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
See photocopiable material on page 119.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. a-z Vocabulary 2 (SB page 74)
• Ask students to read the adjectives and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class. O
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must write nouns, adjectives or adverbs.
• Ask students to read the words in the table and
explain anything they don’t understand.
• Explain that in items 3 and 6 there are two forms.
• Students work individually to complete the table.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must complete the sentences with some of the words
from the table in 1.
5 • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
• Ask students to read the instructions and check anything they don’t understand.
that they understand what they have to do. Elicit • Tell them to look for clues in the sentences that will
that in each pair of sentences, one is correct and the show them what kind of word they need in the gap
other is not. Tell them that they should underline and (noun, adjective or adverb) before they choose their
circle only the adjectives and adverbs in the correct answer.
sentences. • Students work individually to complete the task.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain • They then check their answers in pairs before
anything they don’t understand. checking as a class.
• Encourage students to look back at the grammar
theory for help.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that Read 6.3-6.4 of the Grammar Reference on page 141
they understand what they have to do.
• Tell them to look carefully at the words after the • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
preposition in order to make the correct choice. they understand what they have to do.
• Students work individually to choose the prepositions. • Ask students to read the dialogue and explain
• They then check their answers in pairs before anything they don’t understand.
checking as a class.
See the recording script on pages 111-112.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
will listen to the same conversation as in 1 and that O
they must answer some questions about it.
• Ask students to read the questions and explain See the recording script on page 112.
anything they don’t understand.
different. 1
• Play the recording again if necessary, and check • Ask students to read the three questions and answer
answers as a class. any queries they may have about them.
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the
they say more interesting. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must look at the tenses in bold used in the paragraph
3 and answer some questions about them.
• As this may be only the second time students have • Ask students to read the paragraph and explain
attempted this particular exam task, allow plenty of anything they don’t understand.
time to explain the mechanics of it. At this stage, • Encourage them to look back at the writing tip if they
need help.
however, students will be asked to simply describe
what they can see without having to consider
the similarities and differences between the two
O • Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
photographs. checking as a class.
• Go through the Language Bank with the students and • Elicit that the verbs in the past continuous have been
make sure they understand the words and the phrases used to set the scene and the past simple has been
and how to use them. Ask them to look back at 2 to used to talk about main events.
see how the adjectives were used.
Student B must reply to one question about which • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
holiday is more adventurous. / Photographs C and D: they understand what they have to do.
Firstly, Student B must describe the two photographs • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
and then he/she must answer the specific question anything they don’t understand.
about the kinds of holiday the people are having. • Encourage them to look back at the writing tip if they
Student A must reply to one question about outdoor need help. Tell them also they may look back at Unit 2
activities.) for help with the past simple and Unit 3 for help with
the past continuous.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to read the task and tick the three ideas that they
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
think are best for the story.
anything they don’t understand.
• Ask students to read the writing task and answer any
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the
queries they might have about it.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
• They then check their answers in pairs before
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
checking as a class.
over with the class afterwards.
UNIT 6 65
• Read the task out to students and explain anything
they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write a story.
• Go over the Plan with the students.
4 • Remind them to begin their story by setting the
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that scene, then to write about the main events and, finally,
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they to give their story a happy ending.
will read a story that has been written in answer to the • Remind them to use the correct past tenses.
writing task in 3. • Assign the writing task for homework.
• Ask students to read the story and explain anything
they don’t understand.
• Ask them if the idea in the story is one of those they
ticked in 3.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class. DOWNLOAD
• Read out the information in the Download box.
• Choose a student to explain the tips in his/her own
• Remind students to read the title and to write down
some suitable ideas and then to choose the best one.
Remind them also to use the correct tenses in their
story – the past continuous to set the scene at the
start and describe what was happening at the time,
and the past simple for the main events of the story.
Remind them to use appropriate time expressions that
help the reader to follow the story.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Time permitting, students can write down some
• Ask students to read the meanings and explain ideas for their story. Monitor and help with
• To revise vocabulary and grammar from Unit 6.
• Tell students that Reload 6 revises the material they
saw in Unit 6.
6 • Explain to students that they can ask you for help
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that with the questions or refer back to the relevant
they understand what they have to do. sections of the unit if they’re not sure about an answer.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain Stress that the Reload section is not a test.
anything they don’t understand. • Decide how the review will be carried out. Students
• Encourage them to look back at 5 if they need help. could do the vocabulary items first and then correct
• Students work individually to complete the task. them immediately, or they could do all the items
• They then check their answers in pairs before together and correct them at the end.
checking as a class. • Give students about 20 minutes to complete the
review. Reduce this progressively as you work through
the book.
• Tell students to answer every question. When
checking their answers, make a note of any problem
areas in vocabulary and grammar they still have.
Assign some time to deal with these areas.
them using the words in brackets and any others they
give it everything you’ve got, keep going, make a bet,
play with fire, take a chance
1 Mountain climbing is ____ (dangerous) than sailing.
1 give it everything you’ve got: try your hardest
(more dangerous)
although it’s difficult
2 No, I’m not as ____ (adventurous) you.
2 keep going: continue although it is difficult
(adventurous as)
3 make a bet: risk an amount of money because you
3 I can sail much ___ (fast) my brother. (faster than)
are sure sth will happen
4 play with fire: do something dangerous or risky
5 take a chance: do sth although it is dangerous or
4 I think that activity is ____ (risky) of all. (the
5 He drives ____ (careful) as you do. (as carefully)
• 4: Practise prepositions. Write these gapped phrases • Students are now ready to do Reload 6.
on the board and ask students to tell you if they are • Set a time limit and let students know every so
completed with in or on. often how much time they have left to complete the
1 ____ danger (in) questions.
UNIT 6 67
review. Reduce this progressively as you work through miming (along, around, down, into, off, onto, out of,
the book. over, past, through, under, up). Ask students which
• Tell students to answer every question. prepositions are opposites (into/out of, onto/off, over/
• When checking their answers, make a note of any under, up/down).
problem areas in vocabulary and grammar they still
have. Assign some time to deal with these areas. Revise words with have.
• Unit 6, Vocabulary 1, Exercises 4 and 5: Write all of
Vocabulary Revision
Othe phrases on the board and ask students to give you
example sentences with them: have an accident, have
Revise places at school. an adventure, have an ambition, have experience,
• Unit 5, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 1: Write the words on have the opportunity.
the board (cafeteria, classroom, laboratory, library)
and then read out the following descriptions, one by Revise phrasal verbs.
one. Ask students to tell you which place you are • Unit 5, Vocabulary 2, Exercise 1: Write these phrasal
describing. verbs on the board. Then write these gapped sentences
1 This is where you do experiments to learn about and ask students to complete them with the correct
sciences, such as chemistry and physics. (laboratory) form of the phrasal verb: ask for, belong to, hand in,
2 In this place, students are taught many different put down, rub out, work out.
subjects like history and languages by their teachers. 1 That pen is mine. It ____ me. (belongs to)
4 This is a quiet place where you can go to find books (put … down)
and to study. (library) 4 Can you ____ the answer to this problem? (work
Revise easily confused words. 5 Oh, no! I forgot to ____ the mistake in my test!
• Unit 5, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 2: Write the word (rub out)
pairs on the board (advanced/beginners, classmates/ 6 If you need help, you can ____ me ____ it. (ask …
student, lesson/subject, homework/project, term/ for)
year, practice/practise, course/studies, information/
instructions). Then write the following sentences on Revise prepositions.
the board and ask students to complete them with the • Unit 5, Vocabulary 2, Exercise 2: Write the following
words. gapped sentences on the board and ask students to
1 Mary is doing a history ____ at university and she’s complete them with the correct prepositions. Only
enjoying her ____. (course, studies) write the prepositions on the board if students struggle
2 When this ____ ends, we will have a short break to complete the sentences on their own.
and then come back to school to finish the ____. 1 Write it ____ the board. (on)
(term, year) 2 He works ____ a secondary school. (in/at)
3 The ____ students know a lot more about this than 3 The teacher complained ____ me! (about)
the ____ who started last week. (advanced, beginners) 4 Is your sister ____ university? (at)
4 I was late for my first ____ today and it was my 5 Everyone ____ my class is nice. (in)
favourite ____ – biology. (lesson, subject) 6 Who are you talking ____? (to)
5 If you don’t understand the ____, ask your teacher 7 I have known him ____ a long time. (for)
for more ____. (instructions, information) 8 Are you listening ____ me? (to)
6 My brother, Mark, is older than me, so we aren’t 9 Seeing my friends is the best part ____ my day. (of)
____, but he’s a ____ at the same school. (classmates, 10 I left the classroom ____ the end of the lesson. (at)
student) • Unit 6, Vocabulary 2, Exercise 4: Write the following
7 I was late for band ____ today, so the music gapped sentences on the board and ask students to
4 ____ it everything you’ve got (give) Revise comparative and superlative.
5 ____ going (keep) • Write these sentences on the board and ask students
to correct them.
Revise word formation. 1 English is easier from maths. (easier than)
• Unit 6, Vocabulary 2, Exercises 1 and 2: Copy Table A 2 Mountain climbing is most dangerous than walking.
onto the board, without the words in brackets, and ask (more dangerous)
students to fill in the word forms. Then ask students to 3 Do you ski as faster as Eric? (as fast as)
give you sentences using the words from the table.
4 Joe is the tallest from all the boys in my class. (the
tallest of all)
TABLE A 5 Physics is my worse subject at school! (worst)
Noun Adjective Adverb 6 Jack isn’t as adventurous like Mike. (isn’t as
adventurous as)
adventure (adventurous) (adventurously)
care (careless/careful) (carelessly/carefully) often how much time they have left to complete the
danger (dangerous) (dangerously) questions.
fool (foolish) (foolishly) • Check answers as a class.
Grammar Revision
Progress Review 3 69
it relates to the picture (The title is ‘Shopping’ and the on how to get the most for their money by developing
picture suggests the girl can’t decide which T-shirt to smart shopping habits and learning to avoid common
buy.). traps set by advertisers and sales assistants.
1 DVD link: https://www.youtube.com/
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that watch?v=vvk5NHcRL3A
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the statements and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Tell them they can choose more than one statement.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then discuss in pairs before discussing as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. they understand what they have to do.
• Students work in pairs to discuss the question. • Ask students to read the items in the orange box
• Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if and explain anything they don’t understand. Check
necessary. pronunciation by saying each of the words in the
• Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class orange box to the students and asking them to repeat
afterwards. after you. Correct where necessary.
• When students are ready, discuss as a class. • Students discuss the items in pairs.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
Encourage students to talk about their own
they understand what they have to do.
experiences. Ask them to tell you where they go
• Students discuss in pairs.
shopping, who they go shopping with and which
• Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if
shops are popular with teens in their town or city.
• Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class
Let’s talk about it! • When students are ready, they can tell the class
about what else they spend their money on.
UNIT 7 71
to read in detail at this stage as they will have the • They then check their answers in pairs before
opportunity to do so later. checking as a class.
• Students do the task individually, but check answer • Once answers have been checked, check
as a class. pronunciation by saying each of the words in the
orange box to the students and asking them to repeat
after you. Correct where necessary.
• Ask students to read the information in Download.
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words.
questions are about all three texts. • Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class
• Ask students to read the questions and the answer afterwards.
options, and explain anything they don’t understand. • When students have finished, ask them to describe
• Encourage students to use the tips from the their day of shopping to the class.
Download box when doing the task and to look for key
words in the questions in the texts and the answer
• Students work individually to answer the questions.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
a-z Vocabulary 1 (SB page 86)
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Explain that in English, a shop often has the
possessive apostrophe and an ‘s’ after it. It means ‘the
shop of …’, ie florist’s = the shop of the florist.
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box
and the questions, and explain anything they don’t
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Once answers have been checked, check
pronunciation by saying each of the words in the
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Books closed. Read out the name of each shop
• Explain that the task is about denominations for the from 1 and ask students to tell you what you can
euro, British pound and the dollar. buy there. Then write some prices on the board in
• Students work individually to complete the task. the currencies from 2, and ask students to read
• They then check their answers in pairs before them out.
checking as a class.
Grammar 1 (SB page 87)
3 Before you read the Grammar box
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Revise modal verbs. Ask students for examples of
they understand what they have to do. Explain that modal verbs and write them on the board. Explain that
there are two ways of saying the prices. modals are used to express different things such as
• Ask students to read the items and explain anything
they don’t understand. O
ability, permission, etc. Tell students that some modals
use different forms when they refer to the past.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before 1
checking as a class. • Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Write the following sentences on the board, without
• Students work individually to complete the compound • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
nouns. they understand what they have to do.
• They then check their answers in pairs before • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
checking as a class. anything they don’t understand.
• Once answers have been checked, check • Tell students to underline the modals and look at the
pronunciation by saying each of the compound nouns meaning of the sentences in order to determine what is
to the students and asking them to repeat after you. being expressed.
Correct where necessary. • Encourage students to look back at the grammar
theory for help.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Explain that the
words in each pair are related in some way.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand. Read 7.1-7.3 of the Grammar Reference on pages 141-
• Students work individually to complete the task. 142 with your students.
UNIT 7 73
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the dialogues and explain
Ask students to write three sentences: one which
anything they don’t understand.
expresses ability, one which expresses permission
• Tell them to look carefully at the words after the
and one which expresses a request. Help with
preposition in order to make the correct choice.
vocabulary and grammar if necessary. When
• Students work individually to choose the prepositions.
students are ready, ask some of them to read out
• They then check their answers in pairs before
their sentences and the rest of the class must say
which function is being expressed.
checking as a class.
Extra Task (for early finishers)
See photocopiable material on page 120.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Tell students to underline the modal verbs and think
carefully about the functions before choosing their
answers. See the recording script on page 112.
• Encourage them to look back at the examples in the
grammar theory to help them. 2
• Students work individually to do the task. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• They then check their answers in pairs before they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
checking as a class. will listen to the same recording, as in 1 to complete
the sentences.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Play the recording and ask students to write their
answers. Then ask students to discuss their answers
with a partner and to justify any answers that are
• Play the recording again if necessary, and check
answers as a class.
Read 7.4-7.7 of the Grammar Reference on page 142
with your students. O
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain See the recording script on page 112.
anything they don’t understand.
• Encourage them to look back at the examples in the DOWNLOAD
grammar theory to help them. • Ask students to read the information in Download.
• Students work individually to complete the task. • Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own
• They then check their answers in pairs before words.
checking as a class. • Explain that in note-taking listening tasks only some
• Ask students to read the instructions and check
Tell students to imagine they are sending their friend that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that
to the supermarket and to make a list of things for Harrods is a very famous department store in London.
their friend to do. They must use a range of modal • Ask students to read the note and explain anything
verbs from the lesson. For example, You have to buy they don’t understand.
some milk. / You mustn’t drop the eggs! • Play the recording for students.
• Students work individually to complete the questions.
• Do not check answers at this stage.
Extra Task (for early finishers)
See photocopiable material on page 120. See the recording script on page 112.
Listening (SB page 90) • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
1 • Remind them to check and finalise their answers the
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that second time they listen.
they understand what they have to do. • Play the recording for students.
• Ask students to read the headings and explain • Students work individually to check their answers.
anything they don’t understand. • Check answers as a class.
UNIT 7 75
• Time permitting, repeat until all pairs have had a turn.
• Deal with any language mistakes and pronunciation
problems that come up.
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
Role-play tasks are a good way for students to • Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
practise the vocabulary and grammar from the interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
unit. In this lesson, they could role play buying over with the class afterwards.
and selling situations where they are the shoppers • Time permitting, you may want to discuss the
and the sales assistants.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Go through the phrases for giving advice in the
Language Bank. Elicit that they all take different
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
forms of the verb: infinitive without to, -ing, subject +
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
infinitive without to, infinitive with to.
must choose the correct linking words.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Refer students back to the email in 4 and ask them
• They then check their answers in pairs before
to look at the use of First of all and Secondly. Elicit that
checking as a class.
these linking words help the writer to join the ideas
and make the email easier to read.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to read the task and answer the questions about it.
• Ask students to read the writing task and answer any
queries they might have about it.
• Point out that the questions they need to answer will
help them to analyse the task.
• Students work individually to complete the task. O
• Go through the other words and phrases in the
• They then check their answers in pairs before Language Bank.
checking as a class. • Explain that students can use words and phrases
from the Language Bank as well as their own phrases
in their emails.
• Remind them to use words and phrases from all of
• Read the task out to students and explain anything
4 they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write an
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that email giving advice.
they understand what they have to do. • Go over the Plan with the students. Remind them to
begin and end their email in a friendly way. Remind
• Read out the information in the Download box.
• Choose a student to explain the tips in his/her own
• Remind them to use modals and phrases in order to
give advice.
• Remind them also to use linking words to join their
ideas and make their emails easier to read.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to complete the table with the items.
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box and Time permitting, students can make brief notes
explain anything they don’t understand. about the gift and where to buy it from. Monitor
• Students work individually to complete the task. and help with vocabulary if necessary. Make a
• They then check their answers in pairs before note of any mistakes to go over with the class
checking as a class. afterwards.
UNIT 7 77
Assign some time to deal with these areas. example of.
1 Can I go to the café? (permission)
Vocabulary Revision 2 Could you buy me a magazine, please? (request)
3 He was able to find a good gift. (ability, past)
Vocabulary 1 4 No, you can’t buy a new computer! (refuse
• 1: Revise the different shops by writing them on the permission)
board and asking individual students to tell you what 5 Will you be able to carry all the shopping? (ability,
you can buy there (bakery, butcher’s, chemist’s, corner
shop, florist’s, greengrocer’s, newsagent’s, stationer’s). O
• 2: Revise the currencies and denominations by Grammar 2
writing euro, pound, dollar, pence, cents on the Practise modals of obligation, lack of obligation,
board and asking students to tell you which words go prohibition and advice.
together (euro/cents, pound/pence, dollar/cents). • Revise the modals by writing the functions on
• 3: Revise prices by writing different ones in the three the board and then reading out the sentences. Ask
currencies from 2 on the board and asking individual students to tell you which function each sentence is an
room, credit card, half price, sales assistant, shopping 4 He didn’t have to buy milk; we had some. (lack of
trolley, special offer). obligation)
• 5: Revise the different words by writing them on the
board and asking individual students to use them in • Students are now ready to do Reload 7.
sentences (buy, sell, pay, spend, bill, tip). • Set a time limit and let students know every so
often how much time they have left to complete the
Vocabulary 2 questions.
• 1 and 2: Practise phrasal verbs. Write the phrasal • Check answers as a class.
they can see (a brightly coloured frog with its tongue out,
about to eat a butterfly) and if they think it is real (it is).
• Ask them why they think the frog is so brightly coloured
(to help it survive in the wild; perhaps by blending into
its environment or by scaring away its predators).
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the O
names must be in English.
• Tell them to write the names on a piece of paper that TOP TIP
they can hand in once the time is up.
Take advantage of opportunities for cross-curricular
• Time permitting, ask students to tell you the names geography (Central America), can all be exploited
of animals and write them on the board. for project work. Students could be asked to choose
an animal and write a fact file about it.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must also explain why the animal is their favourite.
UNIT 8 79
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box
and the sentences, and explain anything they don’t
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that O
• Students work individually to complete the task.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they • They then check their answers in pairs before
must think about their answers before they read the checking as a class.
article. • Once answers have been checked, check
pronunciation by saying each of the words in the
• Ask students to skim read the text and look for the
answers. Explain to students that they do not need orange box to the students and asking them to repeat
to read in detail at this stage as they will have the after you. Correct where necessary.
opportunity to do so later.
• Students do the task individually, but check answers
as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Explain that
the animals are there to give them ideas and elicit
that they must also explain why they didn’t choose the
other animals.
• Ask students to read the names of the animals and
explain anything they don’t understand.
• Students discuss the animals in pairs.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if
• Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class
DOWNLOAD afterwards.
• Ask students to read the information in Download. • When students are ready, ask them to tell the class
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words. about the animal they want as a pet.
• Explain to students that multiple-choice answers
can look right because they are correct according to
the text, but be incorrect because they do not answer
the question. The example given shows this – option
A is correct information about llamas, but it does not
answer the question about farm animals, which option
B does.
them with the gerund. Tell them to be careful with
1 ____ (travel) with pets can be difficult. (Travelling)
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
2 We enjoy ____ (take) our dog for a walk. (taking)
they understand what they have to do. Explain that the
3 I’m good at ____ for animals. (caring)
words in the orange box sound like the animal sounds.
4 I love ____ (play) with my cat. (playing)
• Explain that the words in the orange box are both
verbs and nouns.
• Ask students to read all of the words and explain
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
anything they don’t understand. they understand what they have to do.
• Students work individually to complete the task. • Revise subjects and objects by writing the following
• They then check their answers in pairs before sentence on the board: Alan is walking his dog. Tell
checking as a class. students that the subject of the verb ‘is walking’ is Alan
• Once answers have been checked, check and the object of the verb is his dog. Remind them that
pronunciation by saying each of the words in the the subject is the person or thing doing something, and
orange box to the students and asking them to repeat the object is having something done to it.
after you. Correct where necessary. • Ask students to look at the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
UNIT 8 81
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
are two parts to the task. First, they must complete
the expressions and then they must think about the
meaning of each expression.
Ask students to write a short paragraph about • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
their favourite animal. Tell them they must use anything they don’t understand.
some gerunds. Monitor and help with vocabulary • Tell them they will check their answers to the first
and grammar if necessary. When students are part before they try to work out the meanings of the
ready, ask them to read out their paragraphs. expressions.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that they think the expressions mean.
they understand what they have to do. Explain that
some of the sets do not have a verb form and that one
does not have an adjective form.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Tell students to read the whole sentence first and then
to look at the table in 1 before writing their answers.
• Students work individually to complete the sentences. Students write three gapped sentences using a
• They then check their answers in pairs before word from the table in 1, a prepositional phrase
checking as a class. from 3 and an expression from 4. They swap with
a partner and complete each other’s sentences.
anything they don’t understand. discuss their answer with a partner and to justify their
• Encourage students to look back at the grammar answer if it is different.
theory for help. • Play the recording again if necessary, and check
• Students work individually to complete the task. answer as a class.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
See the recording script on page 112.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Ask students to read the information in Download.
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words.
• Explain that in multiple-matching listening tasks, when
they listen the first time, they should match some of
the answers, but also try to find the option that is the
distractor and cross it out. Then the second time they
Ask students to work in pairs. They must write listen, they should match the rest of the answers.
a dialogue about a new pet. Tell them to use full
infinitives and bare infinitives. Monitor and help 4
with vocabulary and grammar if necessary. When • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
students are ready, ask them to read out their they understand what they have to do.
dialogues. • Remind them that the task involves matching
different pieces of information.
• Remind them to match some answers and try to find
Extra Task (for early finishers)
the distractor the first time they listen.
See photocopiable material on page 121.
• Play the recording and ask students to write their
answers. Then ask students to discuss their answers with
UNIT 8 83
• Remind students that they did this task in Unit 1.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Explain the
mechanics of it again.
• Remind them that the task involves asking and
answering questions. Tell them that Student A will have
a card with information about something (a cat show)
See the recording script on pages 112-113. and that Student B will have a different card with
questions to ask about it. Remind students that the
Speaking (SB page 103) questions may just be a few words and that they will
need to use them to form complete questions, as in 2.
• Go through the Language Bank with the students
again and make sure they understand the time
• Ask students to read the three questions and answer phrases. Ask them to look back at 2 to see how the
any queries they may have about them. time phrases were used there.
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the • Explain to students that the person answering the
questions. questions should give complete answers, and not just
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not repeat the words on their card.
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go • Students work in pairs to ask and answer the
over with the class afterwards.
• Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions
and continue around the class until each pair has had
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
a turn. over with the class afterwards.
• Deal with any language mistakes and pronunciation • Ask one pair to demonstrate the task in front of the
problems that come up. class.
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go 4
over with the class afterwards. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Time permitting, you may want to discuss the they understand what they have to do.
questions more extensively as a class. • Elicit that the information sheet in 4 has been written
in answer to the writing task in 3.
• Ask students to read the information sheet and
explain anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
Writing (SB pages 104-105)
Information Sheet: Including the right
• Ask students to read the information on information
sheets and including the right information.
them they need to think about the different kinds of they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
information they will include before they start writing, can refer back to 2 and 4 on page 104 to see the words
and that these will form the sections of their information in context.
sheet. Explain that each section will need a heading. • Ask students to read the words in the orange box and
explain anything they don’t understand.
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to complete the table with the headings from 1. 6
• Ask students to read the information in the table and • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
answer any queries they might have about it. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
• Students work individually to complete the task. must complete the sections of the table with some
• They then compare their answers in pairs before information about a different animal.
discussing as a class. • Ask students to read the information about
kangaroos and explain anything they don’t understand.
• Tell them they need to think about animals in the
wild, not pets. Brainstorm with the class for ideas and
write them on the board. They will need your help to
collect the information they need. You may use the
following to help them.
UNIT 8 85
they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write an Then ask individual students to come to the board and
information sheet using the information they wrote in 6. match the words with the prepositions they are used
• Go over the Plan with the students. with. Ask students to give you example sentences
• Remind them to write about the four different sections. using the phrases. (in common, in danger, on land, at
• Assign the writing task for homework. risk, useful to, in water)
• 4: Practise collocations and expressions. Write the
animals on the board (bird, cat, dog, fish, horses,
puppy) and then read out the following questions and
ask students to answer them.
1 What kind of love is it when two young peole are in
DOWNLOAD love? (puppy)
• Read out the information in the Download box. 2 Someone who doesn’t show how they feel is a cold,
• Choose a student to explain the tips in his/her own words. what? (fish)
• Remind students to organise their ideas into different 3 We say that someone who works hard, works like a,
sections and to give each section a heading. what? (dog)
• Remind them to use the correct vocabulary. 4 What did curiosity kill? (the cat)
5 When someone is in a hurry, you can tell them to
hold their, what? (horses)
6 Someone who doesn’t eat a lot, eats like a, what?
Time permitting, students can write the first
section of the information sheet. Monitor and help Grammar Revision
• Give students about 40 minutes to complete the price
review. Reduce this progressively as you work through room
the book. trolley
• Tell students to answer every question. 1 changing room (where you try on clothes in a shop)
• When checking their answers, make a note of any 2 credit card (a plastic card you can use instead of
problem areas in vocabulary and grammar they still real money)
have. Assign some time to deal with these areas. 3 half price (50% of the full price)
Vocabulary Revision O
4 sales assistant (a person who works in a shop)
5 shopping trolley (you put your shopping in this at
the supermarket; it has wheels and you can push it)
Revise different kinds of shops. 6 special offer (a good price for something)
• Unit 7, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 1: Write the shops on
the board (bakery, butcher’s, chemist’s, corner shop, Revise easily confused words.
florist’s, greengrocer’s, newsagent’s, stationer’s) and • Unit 7, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 5: Write the word pairs
then ask individual students to tell you what they can on the board and ask students to give you sentences
buy at each shop and/or what kind of shop it is. using them: buy/sell, pay/spend, bill/tip.
1 bakery (bread, cakes)
2 butcher’s (meat, chicken) Revise parts of the bodies for animals.
3 chemist’s (medicine) • Unit 8, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 1: Write the words on
4 corner shop (a place near your home that you go to the board and ask individual students to tell you what
when the other shops are closed; you can buy lots of they mean and which animals have them.
different things there) feathers, fur, trunk, tusks, whiskers, wings
Revise currencies and denominations. 6 wings help birds to fly when they move them up and
• Unit 7, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 2: Write the down
denominations on the board and ask students to tell
you in which countries they are used. Revise animal sounds.
1 dollars + cents (USA, Australia, New Zealand, • Unit 8, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 2: Write the animal
Canada) sounds on the board and ask students to tell you which
2 pounds + pence (Great Britain) animals make them.
3 euros + cents (Eurozone countries, eg Italy, 1 bark (dog)
Germany, France, Greece) 2 buzz (bee)
3 hiss (snake)
Revise prices. 4 miaow (cat)
• Unit 7, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 3: Write the prices on 5 moo (cow)
the board and ask individual students to read them out 6 quack (duck)
in two ways. 7 roar (lion)
1 €39.65 (thirty-nine euros and sixty-five cents / 8 tweet (bird)
thirty-nine sixty-five)
2 £11.50 (eleven pounds and fifty pence / eleven fifty) Revise words to talk about animals.
3 $3.99 (three dollars and ninety-nine cents / three • Unit 8, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 3: Write the word pairs
ninety-nine) on the board and ask students to give you sentences
using them: intelligent/playful, breathe/drown, catch/
hunt, danger/pollution.
Progress Review 4 87
have what they mean. They may use L1. Then read out
keep these sentences, one by one, and ask students which
Column 2 function they show.
the shops ability, permission, request
change for 1 Could you tell me where the post office is? (request)
the shopping 2 No, you can’t pay by credit card. (refuse permission)
the correct change 3 My dog can count to three! (ability)
the change O
4 You can buy the shoes you want. (permission)
5 They will be able to get a puppy. (ability, future)
1 do the shopping
2 get the correct change Revise modals: obligation, lack of obligation,
3 go shopping prohibition, advice.
4 go to the shops • Write the functions on the board and ask students
5 have change for what they mean. They may use L1. Then read out
6 keep the change these sentences, one by one, and ask students which
Progress Review 4 89
you how it is related to the picture (The title is ‘The
Internet’ and WWW is a large part of the Internet).
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that TOP TIP
they understand what they have to do.
• Explain anything they don’t understand.
• Students discuss the question in pairs before
discussing as a class.
OAs you near the end of the course, encourage
students to use language they have learnt in
previous units during discussions. Class debates
offer a good opportunity for this, especially with a
topic such as the Internet that affects their lives
directly. A debate can be held about the value of
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
2 they understand what they have to do. Elicit that all of
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that the words in the orange box are from the article.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they • Ask students to read the words in the orange box and
must think about their answer before they read the the dialogues, and explain anything they don’t understand.
article. • Students work individually to complete the task.
• Ask students to skim read the text and look for the • They then check their answers in pairs before
answer. Explain to students that they do not need checking as a class.
to read in detail at this stage as they will have the • Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in
opportunity to do so later. the orange box to the students and asking them to
• Students do the task individually, but check answer repeat after you. Correct where necessary.
as a class.
DOWNLOAD • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Ask students to read the information in Download. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own must create a user name and write a comment.
to show which happened first, second, etc. • Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if
• Ask students to read question 3 and elicit that necessary.
they will need to understand if the zoo video or the • Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that Ask students to swap comments with a partner
they understand what they have to do. and reply to their partner’s comment in an
• Ask students to read the statements and explain appropriate way. Monitor and help with vocabulary
anything they don’t understand. and grammar if necessary.
• Remind students that they did a form of this task in
Unit 2, where they had two options to choose from,
‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ and in Unit 6, where they had three
options to choose from ‘Right’, ‘Wrong’ and ‘Doesn’t a-z Vocabulary 1 (SB page 112)
• Encourage students to use the tips from the 1
Download box when doing the task and to mark option • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
C ‘Doesn’t say’ if they can’t find the answer after they understand what they have to do.
looking for it carefully. • Ask students to read the email and explain anything
• Students work individually to choose the answers. they don’t understand.
• They then check their answers in pairs before • Point out that they will be choosing the correct
checking as a class. information about the email.
UNIT 9 91
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box and
explain anything they don’t understand.
• Make sure students understand the symbols before
they do the task. Ask them to tell you what they mean
in their own language.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in
the orange box to the students and asking them to
repeat after you. Correct where necessary.
Ask students to work in pairs. They must make up
three email addresses – one each for an individual,
a work email, and a business/company email –
then swap with their partner, and read out each
• Read through the grammar theory with the class.
• Write the following sentences on the board.
1 If you need a new computer, go to that shop.
2 Unless I can find the book in the shops, I will order
it online.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
3 He will text us if he decides to visit us.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
• Point out that a comma is used after the if-clause and
will be some words (three in total) they do not need to
the clause with unless (sentences 1 and 2). Point out
use to complete the dialogues, and that they will need
also that a comma is not used when the conditional
to write their own dialogues using those words.
begins with the main clause (sentence 3).
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box
and the dialogues, and explain anything they don’t
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Students work individually to complete the dialogues.
they understand what they have to do.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
• Tell students to think carefully about the meaning of
checking as a class.
unless (if not) before they write their answer.
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in
• Students work individually to complete the task.
the orange box to the students and asking them to
• They then check their answer in pairs before checking
repeat after you. Correct where necessary.
as a class.
they understand what they have to do (match the
phrasal verbs in bold with their meanings).
• Tell/Remind students what a phrasal verb is (a phrase
that consists of a verb with a preposition or adverb
or both, the meaning of which is different from the
meaning of its separate parts).
• Before students do the task, ask them to cover
O column a-e and see if they can work out the meanings
of the phrasal verbs by looking at them.
• Ask students to read the meanings and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
first conditional. When they are ready, ask them to they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
read their sentences out for the rest of the class. must use all of the phrasal verbs from 3 to complete
the sentences.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
Extra Task (for early finishers) anything they don’t understand.
See photocopiable material on page 122. • Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
a-z Vocabulary 2 (SB page 114) checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Explain that
some of the sets do not have a verb form.
• Students work individually to complete the table.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class. 5
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
the table to the students and asking them to repeat they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
after you. Correct where necessary. are two parts to the task. First, they must complete
the expressions and then they must think about the
meaning of each expression.
• Ask students to read the dialogues and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Tell them they will check their answers to the first
part before they try to work out the meanings of the
UNIT 9 93
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must use the verbs in the correct form of the second
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Point out that they will have to complete both of the
clauses in the conditional sentences.
• Encourage students to look back at the grammar
theory for help as they do the task.
• Students work individually to complete the gaps.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
Ask students to write a sentence using a noun or an O
adjective from the table in 1, another using a phrasal
verb from 3, and a third using an expression from 5.
• Introduce the second conditional. Write the sentence • Students work individually to complete the task.
below on the board. • They then check their answers in pairs before
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Encourage students to look back at the grammar
theory for help as they do the task.
partner and to justify any answers that are different.
• Play the recording again if necessary, and check
answers as a class.
See the recording script on page 113.
must decide which time in 1 is wrong. See the recording script on page 113.
• Ask students to read the extract and explain anything
they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to answer the question. Speaking (SB page 117)
Make the most of the photo task by writing your
own questions for students to answer in addition
See the recording script on page 113. to those in the Student’s Book. For example, here
in 4, you could ask the following questions: Photos
DOWNLOAD A and B: What do you think the people are happy
• Ask students to read the information in Download. about?; Photos C and D: What do the boys have in
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own common?.
UNIT 9 95
over with the class afterwards.
• Ask one pair to demonstrate the task in front of the
• Time permitting, repeat until all pairs have had a turn.
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
anything they don’t understand.
over with the class afterwards.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Time permitting, you may want to discuss the
they understand what they have to do.
questions more extensively as a class.
• Go through the Language Bank with the students and
explain anything they don’t understand.
• As this may be the first time students have
attempted this particular exam task in its entirety,
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to read the task and answer the questions about it.
• Ask students to read the writing task and answer any
queries they might have about it.
• Point out that the questions they need to answer will
help them to analyse the task.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class. 6
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Ask them for
examples of linking words.
• Ask students to read the items and explain anything
they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Ask students to find and highlight or underline the
indirect question in 3.
• Read the task out to students and explain anything
they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write an
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there
• Go over the Plan with the students.
are two parts to the task. First, they must underline
• Remind them to think of a good title, to start with a
the question in the article and then they must use the
question, write about two sides of the topic and to give
prompts to write questions using the second conditional.
their opinion in the final paragraph.
• Ask a student to read out the question that he/she
• Assign the writing task for homework.
underlined in the article. Write the question from the
article on the board, and ask students what they would
do for fun if there was no Internet. Tell them they must
reply using the second conditional, ie If there was no
Internet, I would … .
UNIT 9 97
• 5: Practise collocations and expressions. Write the
Reload 9 (SB page 120) following expressions on the board and ask students to
tell you what they mean and to use them in sentences:
Objectives leaves me cold, can’t see what all the fuss is about,
does nothing for me, as interesting as watching paint
• To revise vocabulary and grammar from Unit 9.
dry, bores me to tears.
• Tell students that Reload 9 revises the material they
saw in Unit 9. O
Grammar Revision
• Explain to students that they can ask you for help Grammar 1
with the questions or refer back to the relevant Practise first conditionals.
sections of the unit if they’re not sure about an answer. • Revise the first conditional by writing these sentence
stems on the board and asking students to complete
them immediately, or they could do all the items 2 If the Internet is down, ____.
together and correct them at the end. 3 Unless my dad gives me money, ____.
• Give students about 20 minutes to complete the
review. Reduce this progressively as you work through Grammar 2
areas in vocabulary and grammar they still have. complete them in their own words.
Assign some time to deal with these areas. 1 ____, I would get a new phone.
2 If I had my own YouTube channel, ____.
Vocabulary Revision 3 ____ if I knew the answer.
4 ____, he could fix your computer.
Vocabulary 1
• 1, 2 and 3: Revise the words for emails and email • Students are now ready to do Reload 9.
addresses. Ask students to tell you what the following • Set a time limit and let students know every so
are: inbox, sent folder, email address. Write the often how much time they have left to complete the
following words on the board and ask students to draw questions.
the symbols for them: at, attachment, delete, dot, • Check answers as a class.
download, search. Write the following email addresses
on the board and ask students to read them out.
1 ginajones@gomail.com
2 bananafashion@banana.co.uk
3 info@compuworld.com
Then read out the following email addresses, one by
one, and ask students to write them down.
1 bob14@yourmail.com
2 p.smith@bigbox.co.uk
3 enquiries@shopnow.com
• 4: Write the following words on the board and
ask individual students to tell you what they mean:
camera, chat, envelope, folder, mouse, Net, software,
text, web page.
Unit Opener (SB page 121) Summary of DVD 10: The video is titled ‘What is
• Ask students to read the title of the unit and tell you Geocaching?’ It explains what geocaching is (a real-
what they think it means (The title is ‘Outdoor Life’ life adventure like a treasure hunt where you look
which refers to activities we can do outside/outdoors). for something that someone has hidden) and gives
• Ask students to look at the picture and to tell you information about how people can get involved in the
how it is related to the title (There are two girls at a activity. Once the item has been hidden, its location
beach; they are outdoors, enjoying outdoor life.). (in the form of GPS co-ordinates) is recorded online for
hunters to track. Placed with the item in its container
1 is a log book where hunters record their find. They can
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that they
leave the item where it is, or replace it with an item of
understand what they have to do. Elicit that they need to their own for others to find.
think about where the girls are and how they feel.
• Tell students to think about popular holiday destinations.
• Students discuss the questions in pairs before
discussing as a class.
DVD link: https://www.youtube.com/
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that Reading (SB pages 122-123)
they understand what they have to do.
UNIT 10 99
• Remind students what a missing-sentence task • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
involves. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
• Ask students to read the information in Download. must agree on a place they both know well, and that
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words. one of them must ask no more than 20 questions to
• Explain to students that in this task, the missing find out where a cache has been hidden.
sentence could be a question. Tell them they should • Students work in pairs to complete the task.
look at the replies in the conversation and try to think • Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
of a logical question on their own. Then they should interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
look at the options and choose the best answers. over with the class afterwards.
Remind them that Yes and No answers are not used to • Deal with any language mistakes and pronunciation
reply to questions with question words, such as When, problems that come up.
Where, What, Who, etc.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that O
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must choose the correct answer from a list of answer
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that all of
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
the words are from the article.
anything they don’t understand.
them in the passive. Ask students in which sentence
the agent is mentioned (sentence 2).
1 They water the gardens every day. (The gardens
are watered every day.)
2 Many tourists visit the country. (The country is
visited by many tourists.)
3 They don’t find caches here. (Caches aren’t found
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that O
4 Do they play baseball in many countries? (Is
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that one baseball played in many countries?)
word in each set has a different meaning to the others.
• Ask students to read the words and explain anything 2
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
UNIT 10 101
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
Ask students to write a few passive sentences • Ask students to read the sentences and explain
about their favourite sport. Monitor and help anything they don’t understand.
with vocabulary if necessary. Make a note of any • Tell them to look carefully at the words before and
mistakes to go over with the class afterwards. after the preposition in order to make the correct choice.
Sometimes the preposition goes with the word before it
and at other times it depends on the word(s) after it.
Extra Task (for early finishers) • Students work individually to complete the task.
See photocopiable material on page 123. • They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
a-z Vocabulary 2 (SB page 126)
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to complete the table with the adjective form of
the nouns. O
• Students work individually to complete the table.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class. Ask students to write three gapped sentences,
one each requiring a word from the table in 1, a
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that Before you read the Grammar box
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they • Introduce the past simple passive. Write these
must complete the sentences with some of the words sentences on the board.
from the table in 1. 1 They discovered a new planet. ➝ A new planet was
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain discovered.
anything they don’t understand. 2 Nick put up our tents. ➝ Our tents were put up by
• Tell them to look for clues in the sentences that will Nick.
show them what kind of word they need in the gap • Ask students which sentences are active (the first
(noun or adjective) before they choose their answer. of each pair) and which are passive (the second of
• Students work individually to complete the task. each pair). Ask students in which sentences, active or
• They then check their answers in pairs before passive, the action is more important than who or what
checking as a class. did it (passive).
• Point out that in the past simple passive we use the
past form of the verb to be (was / were).
• Ask students to look at sentence 1 again and explain
that the object in the active sentence (a new planet)
becomes the subject in the passive sentence. Then
explain that the verb to be is used in the same tense
as the main verb in the active sentence together
with the past participle of the main verb in the active
3 sentence (discovered ➝ was discovered).
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Ask students to look at sentence 2 again. Explain
they understand what they have to do. that just as with the present simple passive, we use
• Ask students to read the words and the dialogues, by when we want to mention the agent (the person or
and explain anything they don’t understand. thing responsible for the action).
checking as a class.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box and
explain anything they don’t understand.
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in
the orange box to the students and asking them to
repeat after you. Correct where necessary.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
Read 10.2 of the Grammar Reference on page 144 with • They then check their answers in pairs before
your students. checking as a class.
forming the passive, and to use by to talk about • Ask students to read the instructions and check
agents. that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that
• Students work individually to complete the task. they need to think about the kind of information (ie a
• They then check their answers in pairs before number, a date, a name, etc) they need and not the
checking as a class. answer for each question.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that 3
they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they
• Ask students to read the text and explain anything understand what they have to do. Elicit that they will now
they don’t understand. listen to a recording and complete the notes in 2.
• Encourage students to look back at the grammar • Remind them to listen for the kind of information
theory for help. Remind them to use the correct form of they wrote about in 2.
to be and the past participle of the verb when forming • Play the recording and ask students to complete the
the passive, and to use by to talk about agents. notes. Then ask students to discuss their answers with
• Students work individually to complete the task. a partner and to justify any answers that are different.
• They then check their answers in pairs before • Play the recording again if necessary, and check
checking as a class. answers as a class.
UNIT 10 103
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
must justify their choices.
• Ask students to read the questions and answers, and
See the recording script on page 113.
explain anything they don’t understand.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Ask students to read the information in Download. • They then check their answers in pairs before
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own checking as a class.
• Explain that in note-taking listening tasks, they
should read the task carefully to work out what kind of
information they need to listen for, and to concentrate
on those parts of the recording as they listen.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that 3
they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Remind them to think about the kind of information they understand what they have to do. Tell students to
they need to complete the gaps and to listen for this underline the mistakes.
information carefully.
• Play the recording and ask students to complete the O
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
questions. Then ask students to discuss their answers checking as a class.
with a partner and to justify any answers that are
• Ask students to read the information in Download.
• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain
anything they don’t understand.
• Elicit that they need to circle the correct tense each
• Ask students to read the instructions and check
that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that
• Tell students to look at each sentence carefully again
they will now swap roles and that Student A will ask
and underline any time expressions or other clues
questions about a camping holiday while Student B will
which will help them to choose the correct tense.
give answers.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• Remind students that the questions may just be
• They then check their answers in pairs before
a few words and that they will need to use them to
checking as a class.
form complete questions. Remind them also to give
complete answers, as in 2.
• Remind them to use the Language Bank to help them
give full answers and to correct themselves.
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not
interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go
over with the class afterwards.
• Ask one pair to demonstrate the task in front of the
O 2
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
• Time permitting, repeat until all pairs have had a turn. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they
have to read the task and answer the questions about
• Ask students to read the questions and explain
UNIT 10 105
• Read the task out to students and explain anything
they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write a
postcard to their parents.
• Go over the Plan with the students.
• Remind them to write about the weather and the
activities they are doing, and to use the correct tenses
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
when they write.
they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the
• Assign the writing task for homework.
words are from 4.
• Students work individually to complete the task.
• They then check their answers in pairs before
checking as a class.
• Read out the information in the Download box.
• Choose a student to explain the tips in his/her own
• Remind students to use the correct tenses to talk
about activities, and to use suitable vocabulary to
talk about the weather. Remind them also to use the
passive voice if necessary.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that
they understand what they have to do.
• Make sure students remember the passive form. Ask
them for example sentences using the passive voice. Time permitting, students can write down some
• Students work individually to complete the task. ideas about the weather and activities they will
• They then check their answers in pairs before write about. Monitor and help with vocabulary if
checking as a class. necessary. Make a note of any mistakes to go over
with the class afterwards.
• To revise vocabulary and grammar from Unit 10.
• Ask students to read the instructions and check that Revision
they understand what they have to do. • Tell students that Reload 10 revises the material they
• Ask students to read the sentences and explain saw in Unit 10.
anything they don’t understand. • Explain to students that they can ask you for help
• Encourage students to look back at the grammar with the questions or refer back to the relevant
theory on pages 125 and 127 of their Student’s Book sections of the unit if they’re not sure about an answer.
for help. Remind them to use the correct form of to be Stress that the Reload section is not a test.
and the past participle of the verb when forming the • Decide how the review will be carried out. Students
passive. could do the vocabulary items first and then correct
• Students work individually to complete the task. them immediately, or they could do all the items
• They then check their answers in pairs before together and correct them at the end.
checking as a class. • Give students about 20 minutes to complete the
review. Reduce this progressively as you work through
the book.
• Tell students to answer every question. When
checking their answers, make a note of any problem
areas in vocabulary and grammar they still have.
Assign some time to deal with these areas.
Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1
• 1 and 2: Revise the points of the compass by writing Practise the present simple passive.
them on the board (north, south, east, west) and • Write these active sentences on the board and ask
drawing a compass. Ask students to tell you where to students to rewrite them, using the correct present
place each word on the compass. simple passive form.
• 3: Revise the words by writing them on the board 1 In Australia, they play cricket. (Cricket is played in
and asking individual students to choose a word, say Australia.)
what it is and use it in a sentence (seasons, autumn, 2 They sell tents in this shop. (Tents are sold in this
winter, spring, summer, equator, hemisphere, shop.)
northern, southern). 3 Mary didn’t take your racket. (Your racket wasn’t
• 4: Revise the words by writing 12 of them on the taken by Mary.)
board, in mixed-up order, and asking students to group 4 Do they speak French in Canada? (Is French spoken
them into 4 sets of three (moon, space, star; lake, in Canada?)
river, sea; forest, field, wood; ice, steam, water).
Then write the following words on the board and ask Grammar 2
students to tell you what they mean (tree, hill, sky, Practise the past simple passive.
fire), and if any of them could possibly go into any of • Write these active sentences on the board and ask
the groups (‘tree’ could go with forest, field and wood; students to rewrite them, using the correct past simple
‘sky’ could go with moon, space and star). passive form.
1 Someone broke my camera. (My camera was
Vocabulary 2 broken.)
• 1 and 2: Practise word formation. Copy the table 2 Mike bought the tickets. (The tickets were bought
from page 126 of the Student’s Book on the board by Mike.)
and write all of the nouns. Ask students to write the 3 They didn’t take the tourists to the beach. (The
adjective forms. tourists weren’t taken to the beach.)
• 3: Practise collocations and expressions. Write 4 Did many people climb the mountain? (Was the
the collocations on the board and ask students to mountain climbed by many people?)
tell you what they mean: light a fire (make/start a
fire), go camping (stay in a tent), lose interest (not
be interested anymore), get wet (have water or rain O• Students are now ready to do Reload 10.
• Set a time limit and let students know every so
on you), light a match (make fire with a match), get often how much time they have left to complete the
involved (join something). questions.
• 4: Practise prepositions. Write these prepositions • Check answers as a class.
and gapped phrases on the board, and ask students to
UNIT 10 107
the book. students to fill in the word forms. Then ask students to
• Tell students to answer every question. give you sentences using the words from the table.
• When checking their answers, make a note of any
problem areas in vocabulary and grammar they still TABLE A
have. Assign some time to deal with these areas.
Verb Noun Adjective
Vocabulary Revision converse (conversation) (conversational)
Revise emails. O
attach (attachment) (attached)
• Unit 9, Vocabulary 1, Exercise 1: Write the following communicate (communication) (communicative)
email information on the board and then ask students
- technology (technological)
the questions about it.
From: Angelo Petrakis (angpet@mymail.com) - person (personal)
Revise prepositions.
• Unit 10, Vocabulary 2, Exercise 4: Write the following
phrases on the board and ask students to choose
the correct prepositions. Then ask them for example
sentences using the prepositional phrases.
1 in / with the rain (in)
2 cook above / over a fire (over)
3 the stars at / in the sky (in)
4 it’s romantic under / below the stars (under)
5 the sun is at / out (out)
6 life on / to other planets (on)
7 it’s in / on the south (in)
8 the biggest country in / on Earth (on)
Grammar Revision
students to match them.
1 If I go on holiday,
2 Unless it rains,
3 If Jack were here,
4 I will say hello to your brother
5 If it wasn’t cold,
6 I would call him
if I had his number.
we will go to the park. O
if I see him.
I'll send postcards.
he would know what to do.
we would go to the park.
Unit 1 W
I’m shopping for my room too; I need some new
Exercise 2 M Furniture? You can’t carry that home on the bus!
M What’s the matter? Why are you crying? W
I know! But I want to have a look round and choose
W It’s my sister. She’s so horrible to me! a new bookcase. Right now I keep all my books in a
Exercise 3 M Oh I see.
M What’s the matter? Why are you crying? W So what are you looking for?
W It’s my sister. She’s so horrible to me! She makes M
I need some new pillows and sheets. I used to have
fun of my clothes and my hair. She makes me Spiderman ones, but I’m a bit old for those now!
really angry! W Cool.
M I want to buy something for my brother, too.
Exercise 4 W Who – Gareth?
M Yes, I thought I’d get him a bean bag or a lamp.
M What’s the matter? Why are you crying?
W A lamp is boring. Get him a colourful bean bag.
W It’s my sister. She’s so horrible to me! She makes
M OK. Good idea.
fun of my clothes and my hair. She makes me
And what about your sister, Mary. You could get her
really angry!
a bean bag too. She loves them.
M My sister isn’t like that.
Yes, but she’s got lots already. Anyway, I haven’t
W That’s because she’s younger than you.
got enough money for two bean bags. I think I’ll
M What do you mean?
get her a poster of her favourite football team.
W The eldest child in a family is usually really bossy.
M Is that true? How do you know?
W I read about it in a magazine. It said that the oldest
child in a family likes to be first at everything – you
know – get the best marks or be the most popular.
Unit 3
Exercise 2
M My sister is the youngest in our family.
W The youngest doesn’t try very hard and is quite 1 thirty-eight
selfish. 2 one hundred and twenty
M Well, I don’t think my sister’s selfish, but she is lazy 3 five hundred and eight
– she never helps around the house and she always 4 eighteen thousand
5 seven hundred and fifty thousand
sister? Maybe she doesn’t know how you feel. 12,000 fans in today’s football match.
W Hmm. Perhaps you’re right. 2 Adam Gemili has won the European gold medal. He
ran the 200-metre race in under 20 seconds.
Guess what, Helen. Mum says I can redecorate my
room. 5 In 1954, Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes
That’s so cool, Joe! What colour do you want to and 59 seconds. He was the first person to run a
paint it? mile in less than four minutes.
I was thinking either a cool blue, or a bright Exercise 4
orange. They’re my favourite colours.
W Blue is better – it’s more relaxing. What an incredible sight! 38,000 runners are here!
M Yes, I think you’re right. They are taking part in this year’s London Marathon.
Yes, that’s right! 38,000 – the largest number of people
Exercise 2 who have ever taken part; and they’ve come from all
And she said I can buy some new stuff for my room over the world. The route is a distance of 26 miles
too. around the centre of London, mostly around the River
You’re so lucky! Why don’t you get a rug – a blue Thames.
one to go with the new walls, or, … I know – some So who’s here? All kinds of famous people – a lot of
bean bags! singers, models and actors. But Paula Radcliffe is the
I don’t need a rug and I’ve got two bean bags real star of the day. In 2003, the long-distance runner
already. What I really want is a chair – a red one, completed the race in an incredible 2 hours 15 minutes
to go with my desk. and 25 seconds. That makes her the women’s world
Exercise 4 record-holder! And this champion didn’t take first place
just once or twice. No! She’s won an amazing three
W Hi Stuart. What are you doing here in town? times! Today is her last race though, so … thank you
M I want to buy some stuff for my room. Paula and, good luck!
we got there it started raining. It was so cold that 3
we came home again! M What’s your geography project about, Anna?
W It’s about the Masai people of Africa.
Exercise 4 M Which people?
1 Which television programme did the boy watch? W The Masai. M – A – S – A – I. They live in Kenya.
Have you seen that new documentary about wild 4
animals on Channel 7?
The programme with the famous people who have
to live in the forest for three weeks? And they meet O M We’re going to send the books to your home, so
we’re going to need an address.
W Yes, of course. It’s 31, Albert Road.
bears and snakes and things? M I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?
No, silly. That’s a reality show called Jungle Fever. W Yes. 31, Albert Road. That’s A – L – B – E – R – T
No, this one is about animals which live in really Road.
cousin’s tablet cost 150 pounds. the speaking which is the second part. I’m not very
There’s a shop in town that sells computers and good at speaking.
they’ve got a sale on. I saw a tablet there for 70 W
I’ve got an idea! My neighbour, Mrs Acosta, is
pounds. And Grandma gave me 20 pounds for my Spanish.
birthday, so I could pay for some of it. M Mrs …? What did you say?
W OK. We’ll go into town on Saturday and buy it. W
Acosta. A–C–O–S–T–A. We could visit her this
4 What present is he going to buy? afternoon and you could practise your speaking.
W Have you bought a birthday present for Leo? She’s really nice. I’m sure she’ll say yes.
Not yet. I’m going to buy him a board game – M That’s a brilliant idea! Thanks Becca!
maybe Monopoly or Scrabble or something else.
I don’t think he spends a lot of time inside. So
maybe that’s not a good idea. He prefers being Unit 6
outside in the fresh air. Exercise 1
What about a skateboard? He can use it in the park.
W That’s a great idea. He’ll love it! W So tell me a bit more about your trekking holiday.
M We’re going to the French Alps. We’re going to walk
about ten kilometres through the mountains every
Unit 5 day.
W And where are you going to stay?
Exercise 2
M In wooden mountain huts. They’re quite basic, but
1 Cardiff. C – A – R – D – I – F – F. It’s the capital you have a bed, and you can have a shower at the
city of Wales. end of a long day’s walking.
M Hi Lucy. What are you reading?
because you do all kinds of different things. You go
Hi Matt. I’m reading a book about animals that live
rock climbing and walking. They teach you how to
in the wild.
read maps, and you learn canoeing, too.
M Can I look?
M Canoeing? Isn’t that a bit risky? You could have an
W Yes, of course. Here you are. This is my favourite one.
M The polar bear?
W Not really. You have an instructor with you all the
W Yes, isn’t it fantastic with its beautiful white fur?
time. I’m sure it’s safe. Anyway, I love a challenge!
And is it expensive?
W It costs £500.
I like polar bears too, and wolves. They live in the
Arctic as well, don’t they?
Yes, they do. The arctic wolves’ fur is white, like the
M Hmm … that’s a lot of money.
polar bears’.
W Yes, it is, but it includes your food and
The animal which I like best, though, is the jaguar.
accommodation. I’m sharing a room with another
sales so that’s ... £27. W Yes, isn’t it fantastic with its beautiful white fur?
W Right. I’ll take it. Can I pay by credit card? M
I like polar bears too, and wolves. They live in the
M No, I’m sorry. All the things in the sale must be Arctic as well, don’t they?
paid for in cash. W
Yes, they do. The arctic wolves’ fur is white, like the
W OK. That’s not a problem. Here you are. polar bears’.
M Thank you. M
The animal which I like best, though, is the jaguar.
Exercise 2 They’re so fast! And I love their beautiful colours.
He said that we’re meeting at five. He’s got a
Exercise 3
meeting at seven o’clock, so he wants to start
early today. You will learn some very useful skills on our map-
M2 Oh, OK then Andrew. Thanks for telling me. reading course. You’ll learn how to read a map and
how to use a compass too. The map-reading course is
Exercise 4
taught by Laura Brown and she will teach you these
1 Which boy is the girl’s brother? skills while your small group are walking though the
Is that your brother over there, with the blonde
hair? O
countryside and enjoying nature. There will be a break
at 1 o’clock for lunch and we’ll provide coffee and
No, my brother has black hair. He’s standing next sandwiches. Each course lasts for one day, but you
to the boy with blonde hair. can choose whether you come on a Saturday or on a
M Does your brother wear glasses? Sunday. For more information about our map-reading
lights in the sky over the Arctic at night time. They are
M Oh sorry. I thought I attached the invitation and
usually green, blue and purple. Some people say that
the map. Don’t worry. I’ll do it when I get home.
the lights are like a coloured curtain across the sky.
W Thanks.
The best time of the year to see them is in the autumn,
3 Which after-school activity will the children in the winter and in the spring.
People travel from all over the world to see the aurora
W There are lots of after-school clubs to join this term.
borealis. The best countries to go to are Norway,
M Yes, I know. I want to sign up for swimming or art.
5 A: Tom is friendly at / with everyone.
This person is your mum's sister. a
B: Yes, he makes / has friends easily.
9 This word describes a man and a woman in a
6 A: It’s good for / of you to laugh.
family. m
B: OK. Have / Make me laugh!
This person lives in your street.
This person is a boy child. s O
Unit 1, Grammar 2 (SB page 11)
This person is a visitor in your home. g Circle the correct words.
I usually see / am seeing my friends on Saturday
Unit 1, Grammar 1 (SB page 9)
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Cathy talks / is talking to her cousins on Skype
2 to go to
the beach with me today? (you/want)
I watch / am watching TV with my brother at the
We our
bikes in the park every day. (ride)
The girls don’t want / aren’t wanting to go to the
My cousin, Elizabeth,
in London. (live)
7 We’re at / in home today because it’s Saturday!
your books. Do you want it?
He turned on / by the lights and started to read a
4 A: A
fter dinner, I usually wash all the p
and g .
I don’t want to talk to you now – I’m for / in a hurry!
B: I don’t. I just take them to the s in the
k and leave them there. 10
Who usually puts / does the dishes at your house?
5 A: I didn’t know you played the g
did you get it?
. When
OUnit 2, Grammar 2 (SB page 23)
B: A few months ago. I’m not sure I play it very
well, but sit on the s and listen. Tell me
Complete the sentences with these words.
what you think.
The house has the red door is
Complete the sentences with these verbs. Use the Bob’s.
form given in brackets, past simple or used to.
That’s the girl father has five
Mark to go 4
This is the coffee table I want
to Dina’s party. I don’t know why. (past simple) to buy.
2 in the 5
The girl mother teaches here
is Helen.
Unit 3, Vocabulary 1 (SB page 34) Unit 3, Vocabulary 2 (SB page 36)
Complete the words in the dialogues. Circle the correct words.
1 A: Oh, no! I didn’t see the r ! Who won the 1
Penny says that badminton is a very enjoyment /
g m ? enjoyable sport.
B: It was the r from Ethiopia. He was 2
After the game, the players had / did a drink
very fast! because they were hot.
2 A: Nick is a great f player and he 3
Mandy got up / took up volleyball last week and
s a lot of goals. she loves it!
B: Y
es, he does. His c thinks he is very 4
We were very tired and we did / took a break for
good, too. a few minutes.
3 A: The r was terrible. He g 5
Sarah gave up / showed up at the swimming
our best player a red card! pool while I was training.
B: That’s why we didn’t w the game. 6
I want to run in a race with Usain Bolt and win,
4 A: Do you know how to play b ? but everyone says it’s impossible / possibility.
t the ball. Let’s go to the s the running race.
c and play. Sometimes it’s danger / dangerous on the road
5 A: Do you enjoy s
B: Yes, very much. We go on our b every
O when you ride your bike.
Alex was fast. No one caught up with / filled up
weekend. We take our b him and he won the race.
s and swim if the weather is hot. 10
Karlie was doing / paying attention to the coach
and she didn’t see me.
B: E
veryone loves him. He’s got f all over Unit 3, Grammar 2 (SB page 37)
the world!
Circle the correct words.
Unit 3, Grammar 1 (SB page 35) 1
The advice that you gave me was / were very
Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets 2
When my team plays in - / the London, I go to
Complete the sentences with these words. Choose the correct answers.
1 W
hen the programme finished, I the radio and
cinema concert costumes festival game
went to bed.
instrument music party pictures station
a logged off b turned off c got out of
When Donna drives her car, she always listens to 2 I hope there’s a good film TV tonight.
her favourite radio . a at b in c on
Glastonbury is a huge in the 3 Listen to the guitar in this . It’s really great!
UK; many famous bands perform there. a song b sing c singer
The only musical I play is the 4 Let’s the city on Saturday and go to the
guitar, but I’m not very good. mountains.
A lot of young people enjoy listening to rock a log off b turn off c get away from
, but I prefer classical. 5 Who was with you the cinema last night?
Do you want to go to the with a at b on c to
me? There’s a new film I want to see. 6 Her hobby is and she takes very good photos.
When it’s raining outside, we like to stay at home a photographs b photography c photographer
and play a board . 7 I read an article that Hugh Jackman used to
Is everyone in our class going to Lisa’s birthday
In the play, the
tomorrow night?
that the actors
O work as a clown.
a at b in c on
8 Natasha is a wonderful – look how she moves!
wore were very colourful. a dance b dancing c dancer
Some of the at this gallery are
really beautiful.
I waited for three hours to buy these Unit 4, Grammar 2 (SB page 49)
Complete the dialogues with these verbs. Use the 2
We have lived in Sydney, Australia since five years
present perfect simple. / 2010.
be not call go not go not hear 3 Shelley has known Chris for 2012 / two years.
read spend watch 4
I have already seen that play, so I want / don’t
want to see it again.
1 A: Sam this film before?
Unit 5, Vocabulary 1 (SB page 60) Unit 5, Vocabulary 2 (SB page 62)
Complete the words for the definitions. Circle the correct words.
This person has just started to learn something. 1
When students don’t listen for / to them,
b teachers get angry!
This shows how well you know something, like a 2
When you write with a pencil, you can put down /
language. l rub out mistakes easily.
This person is in the same class as you at school. How many students are there at / in your
c geography class?
4 You read this. b 4
Penny is always reading; she’s a real bookworm /
teacher’s pet.
You look for the meaning of new words in this.
d 5
The teacher wrote the homework for the students
in / on the board.
You do this at home after school. h
I finished my essay and handed it in / worked it
This is what you need to know.
out to the teacher.
Students always complain about / for exams;
8 You learn from this person. t
they don’t like them!
This is the time when you learn in a classroom.
Steven is very clever and knows lots of things;
10 You sit here in your classroom. d O he’s a brain / know-it-all.
I don’t know who this book belongs to / asks
for; it’s not mine.
Unit 5, Grammar 1 (SB page 61) After Luke studied chemistry to / at university, he
became a science teacher.
I haven’t studied for my maths test. I Unit 5, Grammar 2 (SB page 63)
going to fail, I know it.
Complete the sentences with these words.
Don’t worry, Mum. I promise that I
do my best in the exams. any few lot little many much some
My brother isn’t happy because he
doing exams this week. 1
I didn’t get questions wrong
found it my bed!
have attacked and injured hundreds of people and
I don’t know how it happened, but my phone fell some have died.
my desk and broke.
It was a long race – the runners ran
the track twenty times! Unit 6, Grammar 2 (SB page 75)
When the puppy jumped
box and ran to me, everybody laughed.
Complete the dialogues with the words in brackets
in the correct form.
Hailey walked me and didn’t
1 A: Is Mount Everest
say ‘hi’ because she was looking at her phone.
(high) than Mount Fuji?
When the cat saw the dog, it quickly ran
the world.
asked if they had The Hunger Games.
2 A: I think mountain climbing is
Mary looked the window and
saw that her sister Helen was outside. (exciting) activity of all.
The fence wasn’t very high, so the dog jumped B: Really? I don’t think it’s as
it and ran away. (exciting) bungee
The mountain climber was and tall and strong / B: I agree. It’s
tall and strong. (good) than Fast and Faster 1.
In the sky, they saw a round small strange / B: Y
es. It’s certainly
strange small round light. (interesting) the silly reality
I gave my mum a beautiful red silk / beautiful
4 TV shows!
silk red scarf for her birthday. 5 A: Barry and Harry are terrible drivers, but Harry
The fans cheered loudly / loudly cheered when drives (careless)
the race began. than Barry.
When people drive dangerous / dangerously, B: Harry’s crazy! He drives
they can have accidents. (careless) of anyone I know.
Cathy was late always / always late for her first
class at school.
He’s a marathon runner and he trains very hard
/ very hard trains.
Henry walked very fast / fastly; he was late.
Unit 7, Vocabulary 1 (SB page 86) Unit 7, Vocabulary 2 (SB page 88)
Complete the words in the sentences. Circle the correct words in the dialogue.
I went to the n ’ to buy a A: Do you want to 1 do / go shopping with me?
magazine and a newspaper. B: Sure. I want to see what’s 2 for / in the sales.
This leather bag only cost twenty euros and fifty e, too. I’m looking 3 after / for a new pair of
A: M
c . jeans and some T-shirts.
She has a c c , but she prefers B: I want a pair of boots. Let’s shop 4 around /
to use cash. back first and then decide what to buy.
I only had a coffee and a sandwich, but the A: OK. So do you want to go to 5 the shops / the
b was 25 euros! shopping tomorrow?
Can you go to the c s and get o. Let’s go today. I’m worried all the good
B: N
some milk, please? stuff will sell 6 on / out if we wait!
I bought these shoes in London. They cost 30 K. I hope they have brought 7 down / on the
A: O
p . prices a lot.
When I was in the c r ,I B: Well, I think some shops give better prices to
tried on ten different dresses! customers who pay 8 by / in cash and not
It’s hard to walk past the b and not 9
by / in credit card.
buy a cake or a croissant.
In Australia and Canada, the money they use is O
A: OK. I’ll get my wallet and my bag. Let’s go!
the d .
Unit 7, Grammar 2 (SB page 89)
The s a showed me
some very nice jewellery.
We to pay in
John, you please cash when we buy our tickets.
buy some bread from the bakery?
3 It’s not a good idea to buy the first thing you see.
I saw a photo of Georgia when she was three; she
You buy the first
was riding a bike.
5 Kate and I have a lot common – we both love
7 Birds move these up and down to fly. w
8 This word means 'clever'. i a in b for c to
This means to look for another animal to eat it. 6 I don’t like Tom; he’s a cold
who doesn’t care
h about other people.
10 This is the sound a snake makes. h a puppy b bird c fish
This keeps the bodies of cats and dogs warm.
O 7 These animals need our
a protect
b protection c protected
12 An elephant drinks water with this. t 8 Hold your ! I’ll be ready in five minutes!
a horses b puppies c cats
Unit 8, Grammar 1 (SB page 99) 9 The of many animals depends on us helping
about at in of to 10
Turtles live water, but they also spend time on
1 A: Have you been to the new zoo yet? a at b in c on
B: N
o, but I’m really looking forward
2 A: Harry’s crazy fishing. It’s his new Unit 8, Grammar 2 (SB page 101)
Circle the correct words in the dialogues.
B: Yes, he told me he goes every weekend.
1 A: I’ve decided get / to get a dog.
Unit 9, Vocabulary 1 (SB page 112) Unit 9, Vocabulary 2 (SB page 114)
Complete the words in the sentences. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
Give me your email a and I will send the words in brackets.
you the photos. 1
When Mario was in London, he practised his
You should d junk mail as soon as you English everywhere he went.
receive it. (converse)
I keep all of my photos in a f on my 2
Andy opened the photo and
computer. laughed out loud at what he saw! (attach)
He put the letter into an e and 3 would be easier if everyone in the
took it to the post office. world spoke the same language. (communicate)
I had 20 new emails waiting for me in my 4
Granny doesn’t want to use a computer; she says
i this morning! it’s too for her! (technology)
She takes lots of photos with her phone because 5
You shouldn’t read your sister’s emails. They’re
it’s got a good c . ! (person)
It was a big file, so it took a long time to 6
I’m sure I replied to your email, but let me just
d it to my computer. check my folder. (send)
The photo came as an a with 7
My dad reads an online newspaper on his mobile
the email.
O phone, but it isn’t free – he pays a
fee. (month)
He couldn’t get an Internet because
Unit 9, Grammar 1 (SB page 113) the hotel didn’t have wi-fi in the rooms. (connect)
Match the first conditional sentences with what
they mean.
Unit 9, Grammar 2 (SB page 115)
If he goes on holiday, he will take his
camera. Circle the correct words.
If he goes on holiday, he should take 1
If I had enough money, I could / will buy the best
his camera. smartphone.
It’s a good idea for him to take his camera on 2
Henry won’t / wouldn’t lend you his laptop if you
holiday. needed it.
There is a possibility that he will go on holiday
My teacher would help me with my project if I
and take his camera.
ask / asked her.
If Ivan isn’t / weren’t busy, he could come with us
If she needs information, she can search
beach! a on b up c out
3 A: The imaginary line around the middle of the 6 I really hate weather! It makes me feel
earth is called the e . Countries terrible.
on this line, like Colombia and Brazil, have a a winter b wintry c
lot of rain.
7 Jake involved in geocaching when his friend
B: Y
es, and because of all the rain, they have
many f
full of trees and long
like the Amazon.
O told him about it.
a got b went c lost
8 When the night is , it’s beautiful.
4 A: In New Zealand, s is in September, a stars b star c starry
October and November – that’s when all the
9 I’m watching a film about life other planets.
Eddie by a dog
words you need. on the mountain. It was a wolf! (not bite)
Football millions 3 to swim when
of people around the world. (watch) you were very young? (you/teach)
2 every day in 4
These photos
your city or country? (caches/hide) with my phone camera. (not take)
Fun parks 5
Oh, no! at the
people every weekend in the UK. (visit) camp? What are we going to drink? (the water/
The GPS devices leave)
in this country. (not make) 6
The postcard I got from Bill
You have a nice garden. when he was in Paris. (send)
every day by 7
My skis in
your father? (water) Austria; they’re really good! (make)
I what to do by 8
After the book ,
my basketball coach. (tell) the author decided not to write any more. (write)
Maps here for
people who want to go hiking. (sell)
2 Do you want 4 which/that 4 has gone
3 ride 5 whose 5 Have … read
4 lives 6 who/that 6 have spent
5 teaches 7 whose 7 hasn’t gone
6 Does your dog like 8 which/that 8 haven’t heard
7 never walk 9 who/that
8 always watches 10 whose Unit 4, Vocabulary 2
9 often snows
10 don’t go out O
Unit 3, Vocabulary 1
1 race, gold medal, runner
1b 2c 3a 4c 5a 6b 7b 8c
Unit 4, Grammar 2
Unit 1, Vocabulary 2 2 football, scores, coach 1 just
1 for, have 3 referee, gave, win 2 2010
2 in, have 4 basketball, throw, sports centre 3 two years
8 past 5 have 10 were
9 up 6 should
10 into 7 doesn’t have to Unit 10, Vocabulary 1
11 through 1 seasons, autumn, summer
12 over Unit 8, Vocabulary 1 2 southern hemisphere, winter
1 whiskers 3 equator, forests, rivers
Unit 6, Grammar 1 2 tweet 4 spring, northern
1 tall and strong
2 long wooden
3 strange small round
3 playful
4 chase O 5 east, west
5 feathers Unit 10, Grammar 1
4 beautiful red silk 6 quack 1 is watched by
5 cheered loudly 7 wings 2 Are caches hidden
6 dangerously 8 intelligent 3 are visited by
1 to 1a 2b 3c 4b 5c 6b 7a 8c 9a
3 playing 2 about 10c
4 foolish 3 of
5 take
10 In
5 Was the water left
Unit 8, Vocabulary 2 6 was sent
Unit 6, Grammar 2
1c 2a 3b 4c 5a 6c 7b 8a 9a 7 were made
1 higher, the highest
10b 8 was written
2 the most exciting, exciting as
3 the best, better
Unit 8, Grammar 2
4 the most interesting, more
1 to get, get
interesting than
2 to buy, to remind
5 more carelessly, the most
3 to become, do
4 to find, walk
5 save, to do
Unit 7, Vocabulary 1
6 give, to eat
1 newsagent’s
2 cents
3 credit card Unit 9, Vocabulary 1
4 bill 1 address
5 corner shop 2 delete
6 pounds 3 folder
7 changing room 4 envelope
8 bakery 5 inbox
9 dollar 6 camera
10 sales assistant 7 download
8 attachment
Extra Tasks For Early Finishers Key 125
1 5 STAY
together at mealtimes ...
1 is walking 6 LIVE
Vocabulary 1 2 is looking 7 GUITAR
1 3 isn’t looking 8 ROOMS
1 grandpa 4 is running 9 LAPTOP
2 grandmother 5 is listening
3 guy 6 is Tom doing 2
4 cousin
5 grandchild
6 teenager
7 is riding
8 aren’t riding
9 are roller skating
Bathroom: shower, sink, towels
Bedroom: bookcase, pillows,
7 name 2 Kitchen: drawers, glasses, plates
8 pen friend 1 isn’t sleeping Grammar 1
9 grandparents 2 smells 1
2 dangerous 4 concert
1b 2c 3a 4a 5a 6b 7c 8b 9b 3 enjoyable 5 play
10a 11b 12b 13a 14b 15a 4 possibility
16b 17c 18b 19a 20b Grammar 1
5 safety
6 sporty
1 have, received
Unit 3 2 2 hasn’t seen
3 has been
1a S
entence a answers the
O 4 have spent
5 hasn’t played
question because it explains 4 fill 6 Have, broken
that she does sport at school 5 gave 7 have made
twice a week. 8 haven’t read
Grammar 2
football team. 7 -, is
8 -, -, the 1B 2B 3A 4B 5A 6A
4a ‘I’m sad’ in sentence a answers
the question ‘How do you feel Vocabulary 2
worried’. 5 singer
Vocabulary 1 See page 132 for justification. 2
1 1 2007 1 at
1 boat 2 Canada 2 at
2 race 3 24 / twenty-four 3 in
3 stadium 4 52 / fifty-two 4 on
4 bicycle 5 on
5 sailing Writing 6 in
6 sports centre Students’ own answers
Grammar 2
2 1
1 gymnast 1 We have already turned off
Unit 4 the radio/turned off the radio
2 fans
3 coach Reading already.
4 gold medal 2 2 The artist hasn’t seen the
5 captain 1C ... and they spent most of it on gallery yet.
6 first place entertainment. 3 The women have just gone to
7 champion 2B ... because they didn’t have the theatre.
many of the things teenagers 4 Have you taken any
Grammar 1 photographs since last summer?
today have for home
1 wasn’t watching 5 I haven’t seen my best friend
2 Were, walking for two weeks.
Workbook Key 127
3 at 2
4 about 1c 2e 3a 4d 5b
Progress Review 2 5 to
Vocabulary Grammar 1
2 1 silly pink plastic
1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6c 7c 8b 9a 1b 2c 3d 4a 5e
10b 11a 12a 13b 14b 15c 2 slow, slowly
16b 17c 18c 19a 20c
Grammar 2
1 much
2 any
O 3 amazing new fishing
4 always drives carefully
5 nice, nicely
1b 2c 3c 4c 5a 6a 7b 8b 9c 3 a lot of 6 never takes stupid
10c 11a 12b 13b 14a 15a 16a 4 some 7 big round Japanese
17a 18c 19c 20b 5 many 8 good, well
Unit 5 8 a lot of 1B 2A 3C 4A 5B 6A 7B 8A
Reading 9 some
1A Nobody forgets to take clothes ... 10 any 2
2B Do this when you first arrive 1B 2A 3B 4B 5A 6B
Use Your English 2
Vocabulary 1 8 lot 7 In
1 project 9 for 8 in
2 instructions 10 of
3 students 2 1 helpful
4 beginner 1B 2A 3B 4B 5A 6B 2 dangerously
5 subject 3 successfully
6 practice Listening 4 foolishly
7 year See page 133 for justification. 5 strength
8 course 1 Rogues 6 bravery
2 Saturday 7 adventurous
Grammar 1 3 local
1 8 carelessly
4 6 / six hours
1 will be Grammar 2
2 will take Writing 1 younger than
3 are going to stay/are staying Students’ own answers 2 the bravest
4 am not going to share/am not 3 more carefully than
sharing 4 The most difficult
5 will do Unit 6 5 the best
6 Are, going to come/Are, 6 exciting as
coming/Will, come home Reading
1B Before Lewis, the record for the 7 the most adventurous of
7 will learn
same journey ... 8 as dangerous
8 is going to pass
Progress Review 3
2 try something on
Vocabulary 3 be at the checkout
1c 2c 3a 4b 5c 6c 7b 8a 9a 4 pay in cash
10a 11c 12b 13b 14b 15a 16c 5 look for something
17b 18b 19a 20a 6 buy something in the sales
1b 2a 3b 4a 5a 6c 7b 8a 9a
10c 11b 12b 13c 14a 15c 16b
17b 18c 19b 20c 3 around
4 back 2
1 bee buzzes
5 on
2 breathe
one on the list ... 1
3 catch
4C I talk about where to get the 4 drown
1B 2C 3B 4A 5B
cheapest clothes ...
2 Grammar 1
5B I also give advice about how to 1 Protecting
1 should
save money for the future ... 2 have/need 2 chasing
6A Text A: … is that enough for 3 to 3 fishing
the … entertainment they 4 not 4 having
want? Text B: Entertainment 5 must 5 Surviving
As well as music, this includes 6 not 6 smelling
computer games and going to 7 going
7 Do
the cinema, concerts, etc. 8 had Use Your English 1
Vocabulary 1 9 will 1
1 10 Should/Shall 1 trunk
1 pay 2 tusks
Listening 3 playful
2 buy See page 133 for justification.
3 spend 4 fur
1 Kent 5 whiskers
4 cents
2 300 / three hundred 6 wings
5 euros
3 13 / thirteen 7 feathers
6 pence
4 9 / nine o’clock 8 intelligent
7 sell
8 pounds 9 pollution
10 danger
Students’ own answers
1b 2a 3e 4c 5d 6f
5 do 7 PM 1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6B 7A 8C
6 to give 8 SENT
7 to visit Listening
8 fly 2 See page 134 for justification.
1 envelope 1B 2B 3B 4A 5C
Use Your English 2 2 camera
1 3 mouse Writing
1C 2D 3F 3E 4B
email address
web page O Students’ own answers
2 6 text
1 shouldn’t open Unit 10
2 could ride a horse when Grammar 1
1 has Reading
3 learnt to
10 were
4 is not used to cross
5 is run by Listening
6 are ridden by everyone See page 134 for justification.
1 largest
Vocabulary 2
2 southern
3 May
1 eastern
2 icy
3 warm
4 48/forty-eight
5 rainbows O
4 freezing Writing
5 wintry Students’ own answers
6 mountainous
7 western
8 starry Progress Review 5
2 Vocabulary
1 planets 1b 2a 3c 4c 5b 6b 7a 8c 9c
2 matches 10b 11b 12a 13b 14b 15a
3 east 16a 17b 18c 19a 20c
4 sky
5 Earth Grammar
6 fire 1b 2c 3b 4b 5c 6c 7b 8b 9b
10c 11b 12a 13c 14a 15a 16b
Unit 1 Unit 3
Listen to Susie talking to her friend Mike about You will hear a woman on the radio talking about
her uncle and aunt. For each question, chose the a women’s football competition. Listen and
right answer, A or B. complete the questions.
S My uncle and aunt are coming to stay with us for More and more people are watching women’s football
the weekend. now, especially after the 2012 Olympic Games. Millions
M That’s nice. What are they like? of people around the world saw women’s football at its
S Well, my uncle, Ron, is great fun and makes me best for the first time.
laugh a lot, so I’m always happy to see him. He’s
easy to talk to as well. I remember playing in my first big football competition
M What about your aunt? in China. It was in 2007 and there were 27,000 fans
S Aunt Betty? She’s my dad’s older sister. I think at our first game. It was so exciting for me! Now,
she’s OK most of the time, but she’s a bit bossy. women’s football is more popular than ever before, and
M What do you mean? we hope that millions will watch this year’s competition
S She’s always telling Dad what to do or that he’s on television. This time the competition is in Canada
doing something wrong. and it starts on 6th June. We played a friendly game
M That’s horrible. How does your dad feel about that? with Canada last week, and they beat us 1-0, so it
Doesn’t it make him angry? won’t be easy for us when the real competition starts.
S No, not really. He just smiles and treats it as a joke. This year twenty-four teams will play and football fans
M Is your aunt like that with you too? will have fifty-two matches to enjoy. I think this will
S No. She’s good to me and my brother, Tim, and be the first women’s football competition watched by
always brings us really nice presents when she
visits us. She’s friendly with everyone, really, and
very popular in the village where they live.
people in every country in the world. And that’s great
news, isn’t it?
M They both sound very nice.
S Yes, they are, and interesting too. Unit 4
M I’d like to meet them when they come.
be? For questions 1-4, write a letter A-D next to seen her anywhere?
each person. M
Yes, I saw her earlier. She’s gone swimming at the
local pool.
P Hi, Sue. Great news! My brother, Tommy, is moving W But she usually plays tennis with me on Tuesdays.
to his own flat, so I’m getting his old room. M
I know, but it’s really hot and she didn’t want to
S Hey, Pam. That is good news! His room’s much play tennis today.
bigger than yours.
P I know! But I’ve got a lot of decorating to do. He 2 What did Tina do last night?
painted the walls black and they look horrible! M Hi, Tina. Did you watch the big football match on
S I can imagine. What colour do you want to paint them? TV last night?
P I thought yellow; or maybe light green. W Hi, George. Well, I wanted to watch it, but I found
S Yellow sounds good. It’s nice and bright. something better to do.
P You’re right! Yellow it is! M What is better than watching a football match?
S But wait! What about pink? W My mum bought me the new book by my favourite
P No. Dad’s painting my sister Tina’s room pink, but writer, so I went to bed and read all night!
she’s only six. I think pink is a little girl’s colour.
S You’re right. But I think orange is a good colour 3 When is Tom going to summer camp?
too. Amanda who lives next door wants to paint her W Peter, when is Tom going to summer camp? Do you
room orange. remember?
P She wanted to paint it orange, but she changed her M Next weekend, I think ... on Saturday, 7th July.
mind. She’s painting it green now. W Are you sure about that? That doesn’t sound right.
S Green!? I think he’s home all weekend and then he ...
P Yes, a light green. I saw it; it looks really nice. M OK, wait. Let me look in my diary. Let’s see ... ah,
S Well, that’s good. yes, you’re right, Susan. He leaves for camp on
P What colour is your room, Sue? Monday, the 9th.
S Right now it’s blue. But I saw a room with red walls
on my favourite TV programme and I want my 4 What is Dave doing tonight?
room like that. What do you think? W Hey, Dave. We’re all going to the cinema tonight.
P Sounds amazing! And I’ll help you paint it! Do you want to come?
M No. We meet every Wednesday just to hang out M That doesn’t matter ... there’s lots of things to do.
and have fun. There are more than 55 cafés and restaurants, so
W When do you play rugby, then? we can have a nice lunch while we’re there.
M We practise on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we W Great! So, what time does it open?
play matches on Saturday afternoons.
M Tomorrow, it’s open from 9 o’clock in the morning
W So do you play for the university? to 8 ... no, 9 o’clock in the evening.
M No, this is just for fun. We only play against local W OK. It sounds like fun!
teams; we don’t play against other universities.
W Does it waste a lot of study time? O
M Brilliant! See you tomorrow then!
M No, not really. We play for about six hours a week, but Exercise 2
the time spent hanging out might be more than that. Now listen again and check your answers.
W I see. Well, have fun, and don’t stay out too late!
Unit 8
Unit 6
M Hi, Polly. Are you going on the school trip to the W Hey Sean, I really enjoyed our visit to the zoo.
Lake District? M Me too, Lisa. I didn’t realise they had so many
W Not this year, Steve. I’m going on an adventure different animals there.
skills course with my dad. W Which did you like the best?
M An adventure skills course! Wow! Where? M I liked the llamas a lot; they’re beautiful, but my
W Dartmoor. favourite was the polar bear.
M How did you find out about it? W Yes, Sally thought the polar bear was good too, but
W Dad saw it when he was surfing the Internet for a she preferred the monkeys because they were so
website and he booked places for us. We were lucky. funny.
M Why were you lucky? M What about Tom? What did he say was his favourite
W Because they only have a few places each year and animal? I bet it was the jaguar.
it’s hard to get on the course. W No. He said he liked the lions best. He said, ‘The
M Is it expensive? lion is the king of all animals’. Typical Tom!
W Not really; it’s £430 for two people; a child and an M What did you think of the animals in the aquarium?
adult. And they take children from the ages of ten I thought the sharks were fantastic, although I
to seventeen. don’t like them.
M And what do you learn on these courses? W I’m scared of sharks, but the dolphins were great.
W All kinds of things – how to build and light a fire, In fact, Chloe said they were her favourite and that
for example. she wanted to go swimming with them one day.
M That’s easy. M There were so many animals I’ve never heard of
W It isn’t easy when the weather’s bad! before. I mean, did you know what a capybara was
M OK. You’re right. What else are you going to learn? before today?
W How to find your way at night, how to cross rivers W It’s the first time I’ve seen one; it was like a huge
and lakes. Oh, and how to find insects and mice. hamster!
M What for? M So what was your favourite animal? The wolf?
W To eat, of course. W Mmm, I really liked them, but I think it has to be
M That’s horrible! the penguins. They’re cute and funny.
W You never know when you might need these skills.
M Well, it’s definitely not my idea of a holiday!
M OK, I’ll bring it to you later.
M I think so. It’s just for the day, Mum.
W Well, I’ve made you sandwiches and put some
orange juice in your bag.
M Thanks, Mum, but you really didn’t ... O
W ... And you’ll need money, so here you are. Oh, and
don’t forget your phone so you can call me, and
take pictures of course.
W If you’re getting him a smartphone, what will I get
M He said he wanted an iPod, or a tablet, or a ...
W Wait a minute. Do you think he’d like a new bike?
M Oh, yes, I’m sure he’d love it.
W Good; I’ll get him one of those then.
last night.
Grammar 4 Janet used to like One Direction. life is difficult; He wants to
1c 2b 3c 4c 5a 6a 7b 8b 9a 5 Did you go on holiday last year? spend time with his friends
10b 11b 12a 13a 14c 15b 16c 6 Did Bill and Ben use to share a ...; He doesn’t like fame at all.
17c 18b 19a 20c bedroom? I hope his personal life gets
better too.
Progress Test 1 3
1 yesterday Vocabulary
1B ... that we aren’t always
interested in doing.
in summer
twice O 1
1 gave
4 other day 2 article
2A ... looking after our bedrooms.
5 ago 3 instrument
... put or things away.
3B ... a smaller room: the kitchen. 4 scored
2 board game
2 surname Writing
3 coach
3 drawer Students’ own answers
4 fan
4 blanket
5 bathing suit
5 daughter Quiz 3 6 costumes
6 sink
Vocabulary 3
2 1b 2b 3a 4a 5c 6b 7c 8a 9c 1 dangerous
1 fun
1B 2B 3A 4A 5B 5 dangerous
6 the 6 information
7 the Part 3
8 glass See page 139 for justification. 4
9 the 1B 2D 3C 4E 5A 1 into
10 is 2 for
11 - Part 4 3 At
See page 140 for justification.
12 -
1 50,000
2 2/two O 4
out of
Students’ own answers 3 3/three 7 down
4 news 8 around
5 216 7981
Mid-Year Written Test Grammar
Reading 1
Quiz 5 1 will do
Progress Test 4 3 Vocabulary
1d 2g 3a 4f 5c 6e 7b 1
1 tears
1B Rubio began designing pet 4 2 paint
clothing after he took home a 1 to design 3 get
cold puppy ... 2 buying 4 lost
2B He only designs clothing for
dogs, ...
3A One angry person told the
to look after
O 5 left
6 nothing
shopping centre manager on a 6 open 2
Facebook post, ... 7 helping 1 under
4C We can do something We can 2 in
frogs and other animals that 10b 11b 12b 13a 14a 15a 4 equator
live there have to find another 16a 17a 18b 19c 20c 5 Net
home. 6 software
Vocabulary 1a 2a 3b 4a 5b 6a 7a 8c 9c 4
1 10b 11c 12b 13b 14b 15b 1 wintry
1 florist’s 16b 17a 18a 19b 20a 2 attachment
2 stationer’s 3 monthly
3 chemist’s 4 freezing
Quiz 10
4 greengrocer’s 5 personal
5 bakery Vocabulary 6 starry
6 butcher’s 1c 2b 3b 4b 5a 6c 7c 8b 9a Grammar
10a 11a 12b 13c 14c 15c 16a 1
2 17a 18a 19c 20a
1 miaow 1 were/was
Grammar 2 use
2 wings
1b 2b 3a 4b 5a 6c 7c 8b 9a 3 would take
3 bark
10b 11a 12b 13a 14c 15b 16c 4 will call
4 quack
17a 18c 19b 20c 5 doesn’t know
5 roar
6 could/would have
7 spends
3 Progress Test 5 8 attaches
1 looking for 2
2 spend 1 are used by students
1E Georgina says something
3 offer 2 was found
nice to Howie and sentence E
4 on 3 was lit by Peter and Sam
starts with Thanks! The word
5 shopping 4 is read by a lot of people
it in sentence E refers to the
6 in 5 were made
great video of your climbing
7 by 6 was filmed
adventure that Georgina talks
about. 7 are shut down
5A ... they can’t get to lessons. 1A 2C 3C 4B 5A
Use Your English Part 2
1 See page 140 for justification.
1D 2F 3A 4C 5B
1B 2F 3I 4A 5E 6C 7J 8L 9H
10G Part 3
See pages 140-141 for justification.
1C 2A 3C 4A 5B 6A 7A 8A 9B
1A 2A 3B 4A 5B
2 Which piece of furniture is new? watching it, but I’m not very good at it. You know, I
W You look tired, John. don’t really like team sports either. That’s why I do
M Yes, I am. I was helping my dad with some swimming.
J Oh good. You understand what I’m talking about!
furniture this morning. We put the bookcase that
B Team sports are great for some people, but I prefer
was in the living room into my mum and dad’s
sports that I can play on my own.
bedroom. We took all the books off it first, put
J I agree. I think I’ll join the tennis club that’s near
them into boxes and then we carried the boxes up
to their room. Then we carried the bookcase up and
put all the books back on it! O
my house. I’ll go on Saturday because I’ve got
homework tonight and tomorrow.
Well, good luck with that. You know, my friend Kelly
W Oh, that sounds like hard work! Are you getting a
plays tennis.
new bookcase for the living room?
J Ah, yes. I think I know Kelly. Is she the girl who is
M No. We’ve bought a sofa and it’s arriving this
in the girls’ football team at school?
M That’s great. How much more is there? time activities. Which activity does each person
Not much, we’ve finished the bedrooms too. I like to do the most? For questions 1–5, write a
painted the last wall in my bedroom last night. I’ll
that phone!
Hi Kevin. Is that the list of things to do for the
End-of-Year Listening Test party?
Hi, yes, it is. I was just looking at it. Mum is going
Part 1 to get the cake from the bakery, so we don’t have
to worry about that. Do you want to go to the
You will hear five short conversations. There is greengrocer’s, Susan, to get some fruit for the fruit
one question for each conversation. For each
question, choose the right answer (A, B or C). Osalad?
Oh, I’ve already done that. I went early this
morning, but I can go out again and buy the drinks.
1 What kind of pet does Molly have? K
That would be great. You can get them at the
Hi Molly, do you want to come to my house after corner shop. We also need some flowers too. I
school to see our new puppy? think I’ll call Vicky because she lives near the
M Yes, I am. Can I help you? I need to do before the party is buy a birthday card.
W Well, I want to buy this pair of trousers, but I don’t S Oh, Kevin. Haven’t you bought one yet?
have enough cash. K
No, I haven’t, but do you know which shop has
M I see. really great birthday cards? The stationer’s opposite
W Can I pay for them by credit card? the school. I’ll ride there quickly on my bike.
M Yes, you can. That’s no problem. S OK then and I’ll go to the corner shop.
S Did you have fun? meet in front of the school at 7 am and then the coach
Yes, I had a great time. There are so many things will take us to the airport. Our flight to Hobart is at
to see. I’m glad we went on a Wednesday, because 10.20 in the morning, so you will have to be on time.
it was cheaper. When we arrive, we’ll have lunch and our adventure
S Oh, do they have a special offer on that day? will begin.
Yes, normally a ticket costs 10 pounds, but on
Wednesdays it’s half price. The camp will be for eight days and in that time, you
That’s cool. So you only paid 5 pounds! Were there
a lot of other people at the zoo? O
will all have the opportunity to take part in lots of
activities such as cooking over a campfire, trekking and
Yes, it was quite busy. I guess lots of people liked map reading. You will also learn how to use a compass.
the special offer. We will have to carry all our food and water, the things
S I see. So what were your favourite animals? we need for camping and cooking and our clothing so
I really liked the camels, elephants and llamas. you won’t be able to bring anything that you won’t
I’ve never seen them before, so it was really need. It’s going to be a long walk!
I can imagine! Did you see any animal shows? We’ll fly home on Sunday, 24 April and it’s back to
We went to a bird show, which was really cool. school the next day. Lastly, the price of the camping
They’re very smart and they have really beautiful trip is $1250; everything is included. I’m sure it’ll be a
feathers. lot of fun for everybody!