What Is My Brand

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What is my brand?

1. I followed my heart.
Life is short and everyone can find something that they are passionate about. Be able to say that you
didn't let fear hold you back. The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life
wishing you had.

2. I believe in myself.
Even if you fail, it doesn't mean you will continue to fail. Be able to say you believed in yourself
and kept trying. Everything that is successful will begin with you believing in yourself.

3. I live by high standards.

Never apologize for high standards; people who really want to be in your life will rise up to meet
them. The quality of who you are is reflected in the standards you set for yourself; position yourself
to live up to the rise of your own expectations.

4. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

Talk to people the way you want to be spoken to; respect people as you wish to be respected. Your
status, religion, race, political views, or culture don't matter--being a good person really is as simple
as following the golden rule and treating others as you would like them to treat you.

5. I understand how precious time is.

Be able to say that you didn't waste time. Remember that time is free but priceless, that you can't
own it but you can spend it--wisely or unwisely. Treat time as a resource to be invested carefully.

6. I look for positivity in all things.

Instead of thinking of all the things that can go wrong, become one of the people who look on how
they go right. Your mind is powerful, and when you fill it with positivity your life naturally
becomes positive. When you think positive thoughts, positive things will happen.

7. I trust my intuition.
Don't let anyone talk you out of what you know to be true. Trust your inner voice and allow
yourself to be led by your intuition. The more empowered you become, the stronger you become
and the happier you become. Avoid going against your better judgment or getting talked into things
that don't feel right.

8. I speak up.
When you don't speak up for the things that matter to you, you are not being true to yourself. When
you speak your mind, you stand with confidence and gain courage.
9. I am a strong person that has made it through tough times.
The times when life is toughest are often the times that lead you to the most meaningful discoveries.
When times are tough, dare to be stronger. Anyone can run away, but facing problems and working
through them makes you resilient.

10. I am good at showing people they matter.

No matter how busy you are, make time to let people know they matter. Be there for them, make
plans with them, set aside time for relationships.

11. I am a responsible person.

Don't be the person who blames others or makes excuses. One of the most important keys to
success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do even when you don't feel like
doing it--and those daily decisions often involve taking responsibility for your own choices and
actions. Remember that your actions do affect other people, so always be careful with what you say
and do.

12. I am grateful.
Gratitude will always make you happy. If you have a hard time finding something to be grateful for,
look around you and watch how other people are struggling. Be grateful you have it better, then go
out and help others. At the end of the day, it's not that happy people are thankful but that thankful
people are happy.

13. I have forgiven those who have hurt me.

Forgiveness takes great strength, but few things are more worth the effort. Life becomes easier and
business becomes more manageable when you learn to forgive. The alternative is an endless cycle
of resentment and retaliation that strips your energy and humanity. Forgive and forget.

14. I have no regrets.

Be able to say you took chances, you told the truth, you righted a wrong, you spent time with those
you love, you followed your heart and lived your passion, you forgave and moved forward with
fortitude. The worst form of regret is regret for the chances we didn't take.

15. I am making a difference.

Don't tire of doing little things for others, because sometimes those little things occupy the biggest
part of their heart. In life we cannot always do great things, but, as Mother Teresa said, we can
always do small things with great love. At the end it is not only about making a living, it is about
making a difference.

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