What Is My Brand
What Is My Brand
What Is My Brand
1. I followed my heart.
Life is short and everyone can find something that they are passionate about. Be able to say that you
didn't let fear hold you back. The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life
wishing you had.
2. I believe in myself.
Even if you fail, it doesn't mean you will continue to fail. Be able to say you believed in yourself
and kept trying. Everything that is successful will begin with you believing in yourself.
7. I trust my intuition.
Don't let anyone talk you out of what you know to be true. Trust your inner voice and allow
yourself to be led by your intuition. The more empowered you become, the stronger you become
and the happier you become. Avoid going against your better judgment or getting talked into things
that don't feel right.
8. I speak up.
When you don't speak up for the things that matter to you, you are not being true to yourself. When
you speak your mind, you stand with confidence and gain courage.
9. I am a strong person that has made it through tough times.
The times when life is toughest are often the times that lead you to the most meaningful discoveries.
When times are tough, dare to be stronger. Anyone can run away, but facing problems and working
through them makes you resilient.
12. I am grateful.
Gratitude will always make you happy. If you have a hard time finding something to be grateful for,
look around you and watch how other people are struggling. Be grateful you have it better, then go
out and help others. At the end of the day, it's not that happy people are thankful but that thankful
people are happy.