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{@) Plot the following poins on squared paper. 2,4) 12, ~2) D(-2,0) FS, -3) 4-2, -2) (oy Draw the following vectors and write down the s = @ AB i) CD. (Gh = (-5 ‘The coordinates of point A are (1, ~3). Given that the vector BA = =i) 7 find the coordinates of B. 152 MAGNITUDE OF A VECTOR “The magnitude or length of a vector b is denoted by |b Ifb= x) where x and y are components of the vector, then |b) = va 9%. r ‘Examples EE @ At ! L-\ CoE Ert an 7 Batis 3 Given tata = (3), = (“Zhe (-}),4= (_2) wit as sine veces @ a+b era © m+e -3) =F ee @a-» Ov+2 wore (Gahan (o) 2¢- ay nun _8 - cree o ttm = (=h} enie “306s eae) #08) 0-0 e()-@-() centy element for vector adition. 233 5 Exercise 152 1 rndmeveaorg sven nat = (4) 0— ("3) afte tay, Com square paper draw the following vectors and calculate their magnitude, o(-) @ (<8) w (8) (8) 6, (®) Find p +4 +r, (©) Express 0in ane mts is o(i) (8) Sox ou he mse ran BY f the following vectors, leaving the answer ) (3) (+) (3) © (3) 15.3 PARALLEL VECTORS ‘The vector 2a a vector i Tee yet 2a ba veto in he ume don st ee a ees 234 Similay, 3 is thre times as long but im the OP —3aiis a scalar multiple of a tn general if is scalar then fn is vector of magnitude ies the magnitude of vector 8 If k > 0, then ka same direction a5 fk < O, then ka is in the opposite direction, ‘and if k = 0, then ka = 0, 2e10 vedtor. ais parallel to Dif'a = Kb, where k isa scalar Gm cae of te ve moet il Te conve fe aa ‘Examples F eae (awe (8) tamer y= (f)=(.§) =e meer nnttion (b) Show that r — 3s and 6s — 2r are parallel. cee ie bee eal ree 183 Th each pair ofthe vectors express the second vector 2 scalar multiple of the first, where possible. ()-G) (8).C) (© 3m — 20, 3m+ 20 @ —8 — 45,2°+5 o(2)-() Which ofthe ftowing vectors are pale to (~$)r @(s) (3) (2) 2 (23) 0 (4) ® () « 2) ‘Which of the following vectors are parallel to 2p — 4? () q— 2p b) —4p-q OM-p (d) 4 > a4 Oh-e Oe Bey, 3 OPOR is a trapezium, oy 70 = gang isthe midpoint of 4 on ~ 2. a ol n (© Express the following vectors in terms of p and/or g @ OR w 0 GR Gy Pk ©) Show hat Ps prael w GR ‘ABC isa parallelogram. OL ~ 108 and OM ~ Jon, OA = 48, OC — 4c, (@) Find, in terms of a and e, i) OX OM oat (vip AL (iy Xt 4 POSITION VECTORS ¥ ‘A vector OA, stating fom theo the ont Ai cae the position vector ‘Note that if the coordinates of a ‘then the postion vector, OA, is Exercise 154 1. The position vector of A with the coordinates of B are (—2, ‘The postion vectors of the points A,B, Cand D are, eo 0 pera acciints(2) at wie na cane te 3 ta the diagram 0 is the origin TA =aand0B =». ithe midpint of OA, Js 0 the midpoint of OB, Sr in terms of a and, the postion vectors of P and Q 1 (@ isthe midpoint of AB. ind @) AR Fin fe poston vector of R, terms of a and b, find vector AB. 237

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