Electromagnetism I: Electrostatics: 1 Coulomb's Law and Gauss's Law
Electromagnetism I: Electrostatics: 1 Coulomb's Law and Gauss's Law
Electromagnetism I: Electrostatics: 1 Coulomb's Law and Gauss's Law
Electromagnetism I: Electrostatics
The material here is covered at the right level in chapters 1–3 of Purcell. For a separate introduction
to vector calculus, see the resources mentioned in the syllabus, or chapter 1 of Griffiths. Electrostatics
is covered in more mathematical detail in chapter 2 of Griffiths. For interesting general discussion,
see chapters II-1 through II-5 of the Feynman lectures. There is a total of 80 points.
Example 1
Consider a spherical shell of uniform surface charge density σ. A small hole is cut out of the
surface of the shell. What is the electric field at the center of this hole?
We use the principle of superposition. First, consider the entire spherical shell, without a hole.
By Gauss’s law and spherical symmetry, the radial electric field at a point P infinitesimally
outside the sphere is σ/0 , while the electric field at a nearby point P 0 infinitesimally inside
is zero.
This field is the superposition of the fields of the charges near P and P 0 , and charges from
the entire rest of the sphere. Consider the effect of a small piece of the surface, near P and
P 0 . From the perspective of these points, this piece looks like an infinite plane, so its radial
electric field is σ/20 at P , and −σ/20 at P 0 . Therefore, the entire rest of the sphere must
contribute a radial electric field of σ/20 , at both P and P 0 . Therefore, when one cuts out a
hole, this is the only contribution that remains, so the field is just σ/20 .
[2] Problem 1 (Griffiths 2.18). Some questions about uniformly charged spheres.
(a) Consider a sphere of radius R and uniform charge density ρ. Find the electric field everywhere.
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(b) Now two spheres, each of radius R and carrying uniform charge densities ρ and −ρ, are placed
so that they partially overlap. Call the vector from the positive center to the negative center
d. Find the electric field in the overlap region.
[2] Problem 2. A charge q sits just inside a cube, next to one of the corners. What is the flux through
each face of the cube? (More precisely, if a corner is at the origin, and the sides are parallel to the
x, y, and z axes, let the charge be at coordinates (, , ) for tiny .)
[2] Problem 3 (BAUPC). In both parts below, take the potential to be zero at infinity.
(a) Consider a solid sphere of uniform charge density. Find the ratio of the electrostatic potential
at the surface to that at the center.
(b) Consider a solid cube of uniform charge density. Find the ratio of the electrostatic potential
at a corner to that at the center. (Hint: use symmetry.)
Idea 2
If you follow an electric field line, the potential monotonically decreases along it.
(a) Prove that when a system of point charges is in equilibrium (i.e. the net force on each of the
charges due to the others vanishes), the total potential energy of the system is zero.
(b) Show that for a positive point charge in the electric fields of fixed, positive point charges,
there is a path along which the charge can be moved to infinity without ever needing positive
external work, i.e. a path along which the potential only decreases.
Idea 3
Gauss’s law is written in differential form as
∇·E= .
The divergence of a vector field F = Fx x̂ + Fy ŷ + Fz ẑ is
∇ · F = ∂x Fx + ∂y Fy + ∂z Fz
Example 2
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To do this, we need to establish the geometric meaning of the divergence. For simplicity we
consider two dimensions; the proof for three dimensions is similar. Consider a small rectangle
prism with one corner at the origin, with axes aligned with the Cartesian coordinate axes
and side lengths ∆x and ∆y. To apply Gauss’s law in integral form, we need to compute the
flux through each side. The flux going out the top side is
Z ∆x
Ey (x, ∆y) dx
where we applied a tangent line approximation, and the subscript indicates where the
function ∂y Ey is evaluated. Higher-order terms in the Taylor series would be proportional to
higher powers of ∆y, which is small, so we can ignore them.
The integrand is still a function of x, but we can Taylor expand it about the origin as
These extra terms are again higher-order in ∆x and ∆y, so we ignore them. The net flux
through the top and bottom faces is hence, to lowest order,
Z ∆x
∆y (∂y Ey )|(0,0,0) dx = ∆x∆y (∂y Ey )|(0,0,0) .
Thus the divergence is the outgoing flux per unit area, or volume in three dimensions.
This shows us why the two forms of Gauss’s law area equivalent. For example, starting from
the differential form, the left-hand side is the flux per volume, while the right-hand side is
the charge per volume, divided by 0 . Integrating both sides over some volume relates the
total flux to the total charge divided by 0 , which is Gauss’s law in integral form.
If the above derivation was a bit abstract, we can also show the idea using specific examples.
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Example 3
Suppose the region 0 < x < d has charge density −ρ, and the region −d < x < 0 has charge
density ρ. Find the electric field everywhere.
By translational symmetry, the field always points along x̂ and only depends on x, E(r) =
E(x) x̂. By applying the integral form of Gauss’s law to a rectangular prism, with one side
at xl and another at xr , we have
1 xr 1 x
E(xr ) − E(xl ) = ρ(x) dx, E(x) = ρ(x) dx + E0 .
0 xl 0 0
Since the divergence of E(r) is just ∂E(x)/∂x, this clearly satisfies the differential form of
Gauss’s law. To fix the undetermined constant E0 , we could demand the field be zero on
both sides of the charge distribution, motivated by symmetry. Then we have
d − x 0 < x < d,
E(x) = × d + x −d < x < 0,
0 elsewhere.
Example 4
By spherical symmetry, the field always points radially and only depends on r, E(r) = E(r) r̂.
By applying the integral form of Gauss’s law to a sphere of radius r,
1 r 0 1 1 r 0 02 0
2 02 0
4πr E(r) = dr 4πr ρ(r ), E(r) = dr r ρ(r ).
0 0 0 r2 0
Let’s check that this indeed satisfies the differential form of Gauss’s law, using the divergence
in spherical coordinates. For any vector field F = Fr r̂ + Fθ θ̂ + Fϕ ϕ̂, the divergence is
1 ∂(r2 Fr ) 1 ∂ 1 ∂Fϕ
∇·F= 2
+ (Fθ sin θ) + .
r ∂r r sin θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂ϕ
This looks complicated, but things turn out simple because E only has a radial component,
Er = E(r), which gives
Z r
1 ∂(r2 E(r)) 1 ∂ r2 ρ(r) ρ(r)
∇·E= 2 = 2 dr0 r02 ρ(r0 ) = 2 =
r ∂r r 0 ∂r 0 r 0 0
just as desired.
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[3] Problem 5. Consider a vector field expressed in polar coordinates, F = Fr r̂ + Fθ θ̂ where r̂ and θ̂
are unit vectors in the radial and tangential directions. Gauss’s law in differential form still works
in these coordinates, but the form of the divergence is different.
By considering the flux per unit area out of a small region bounded by r and r + dr, and θ and
θ +dθ, and applying Gauss’s law in integral form, find what the divergence in polar coordinates must
be for Gauss’s law in differential form to hold. (Optional: try generalizing to spherical coordinates.)
[4] Problem 6. This problem is quite subtle, but will enhance your understanding of electromagnetism.
Suppose that all of space is filled with uniform charge density ρ.
(a) Show that E = (ρ/0 )xx̂ obeys the differential form of Gauss’s law.
(c) Argue that by symmetry, E = 0. Show that this does not obey Gauss’s law.
(d) ? What’s going on? Which, if any, is the actual field? If you think there’s more than one
possible field, how could that be consistent with Coulomb’s law, which gives the answer
explicitly? For that matter, what does Coulomb’s law say about this setup, anyway?
Idea 4
A tricky, occasionally useful idea is to use Newton’s third law: it may be easier to calculate
the force of A on B than the force of B on A.
Consider a point charge q. Draw any imaginary sphere of radius R around the charge. Show
that the average of the electric field over the surface of the sphere is zero.
Imagine placing a uniform surface charge σ on the sphere. Then the average of the point
charge’s electric field over the sphere times 4πR2 σ is the total force of the point charge on
the charged sphere. But this is equal in magnitude to the force of the charged sphere on
the point charge, which must be zero by the shell theorem. Thus the average field over the
sphere has to vanish.
Example 6
Consider two spherical balls of charge q and radii ai , with their centers separated by a distance
r > a1 + a2 . What is the net force of the first on the second?
It might seem obvious that the answer is q 2 /4π0 r2 , with no dependence on a1 and a2 . In
fact, if you’ve done any orbital mechanics, you’ve almost certainly assumed that the force
between two spherical bodies (such as the Earth and Sun) is Gm1 m2 /r2 , which is equivalent.
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This has a simple but slightly tricky proof. By the shell theorem, we can set a1 = 0, replacing
the first ball with a point charge, because this produces the same field at the second ball.
But the force on the second ball depends on the electric field at every point on it, which
seems to require doing an integral. To avoid this, we use Newton’s third law, which tells us
it’s equivalent to compute the force on the first ball. To compute that, we may set a2 = 0 by
the shell theorem again. This reduces us to the case of two point charges, giving the answer.
Idea 5
The integral dS over a surface with a fixed boundary is independent of the surface.
We proved this in a mechanical way in M2. If you want to see a proof using vector calculus,
see problem 1.62 of Griffiths.
[3] Problem 9. A hemispherical shell of radius R has uniform charge density σ and is centered at the
origin. Find the electric field at the origin. (Hint: combine the previous two ideas.)
[3] Problem 10. A point charge q is placed a distance a/2 above the center of a square of charge
density σ and side length a. Find the force of the square on the point charge.
[4] Problem 11 (Griffiths 2.47, PPP 113, MPPP 140). Consider a uniformly charged spherical shell
of radius R and total charge Q.
(a) Find the net electrostatic force that the southern hemisphere exerts on the northern hemi-
(b) Generalize part (a) to the case where the sphere is split into two parts by a plane whose
minimum distance to the sphere’s center is h.
(c) Generalize part (a) to the case where the two hemispherical shells have uniform charge density,
opposite orientation, and the same center, but have different total charges q and Q, and
different radii r and R, where r < R.
Hint: see example 10, and use superposition and symmetry when applicable.
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A point charge of mass m and charge −q is placed at the center of a cube with side length a,
whose volume has uniform charge density ρ. The point charge is allowed to slide along a
straight line, which has an arbitrary orientation, so that the distance along the line from the
center to one of the cube’s faces is L.
The official solution goes as follows: consider displacing the point charge by some small
amount ∆r. The cube of charge can then be decomposed into (1) a slightly smaller cube of
charge centered around the point charge’s new position, and (2) three thin plates of charge
on the faces opposite to the charge’s motion. By symmetry, (1) contributes nothing, and we
know what (2) contributes from the answer to problem 10. The result is a restoring force
proportional to −∆r, whose magnitude has no dependence on the orientation of ∆r, so the
oscillation frequency doesn’t depend on L. Once you know this, you can orient the line any
way you want, so the problem is simple to finish.
Personally, I don’t like this problem because the intended solution requires knowing the
answer to problem 10, which itself is pretty tricky. That is, the difficulty of the problem
depends mostly on whether you’ve seen that tough, but standard problem elsewhere.
However, I’m including it as an example because there’s another way to solve it, which is a
bit more advanced, but quite illustrative.
Since this is a question about small oscillations, it suffices to expand the potential energy to
second order about the center of the cube. The most general possible expression is
V (x, y, z) = a + b1 x + b2 y + b3 z + c1 x2 + c2 y 2 + c3 z 2 + c4 xy + c5 yz + c6 xz + O(r3 ).
The constant a doesn’t matter, so we can just ignore it. And since E vanishes at the center,
the linear terms bi are all zero as well. Because the x, y, and z axes are all equivalent by
cubical symmetry (e.g. we can rotate them into each other, while keeping the cube the same),
c = c1 = c2 = c3 , c0 = c4 = c5 = c6 .
Thus, our complicated Taylor series boils all the way down to
V (x, y, z) = c(x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) + c0 (xy + yz + xz) + O(r3 )
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without even having to do any work! Finally, notice that the cube is symmetric under
reflections x → −x, y → −y, or z → −z. These reflections keep the c term the same, but flip
the c0 term. Therefore, we must have c0 = 0, so
which is remarkably simple. The potential near the origin is spherically symmetric,
even though the setup as a whole isn’t! It’s not automatic: it wouldn’t have been this
simple if we had had a slightly more complex shape. This “accidental” spherical symme-
try is a consequence of the combination of cubical symmetry and the simplicity of Taylor series.
Therefore, to finish the problem we only need to find the coefficient c. While there are simpler
ways to do this, I’ll do it in a way that introduces some useful facts. Combining the definition
of V and Gauss’s law, we have
∇ · (∇V ) = −∇ · E = − .
This is a standard and fundamental result in electrostatics, called Poisson’s equation, which
we will see again later. The divergence of a gradient is also called a Laplacian, and written as
V (r) = − + O(r3 ).
Therefore, for a displacement ∆r in any direction, the restoring force is ρqr/30 in the
opposite direction, which means r
30 m
independent of the orientation of the line.
Accidental symmetry is important in modern physics. For example, protons are stable because
of an accidental symmetry in the Standard Model, which ensures that baryon number is
conserved. That explains why we often expect proton decay to occur in extensions of the
Standard Model, such as grand unified theories, as explained in this nice article.
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[2] Problem 12 (Purcell 1.15). A point charge q is located at the origin. Compute the electric flux
that passes through a circle a distance ` from q, subtending an angle 2θ as shown below.
[3] Problem 13 (Purcell 1.8). A ring with radius R has uniform positive charge density λ. A particle
with positive charge q and mass m is initially located in the center of the ring and given a tiny kick.
If the particle is constrained to move in the plane of the ring, show that it exhibits simple harmonic
motion and find the frequency.
[3] Problem 14 (Purcell 1.12). Consider the setup of problem 9. If the hemisphere is centered at the
origin and lies entirely above the xy plane, find the electric field at an arbitrary point on the z-axis.
(This is a bit complicated, and is representative of the most difficult kinds of integrals you might
have to set up in an Olympiad. For a useful table of integrals, see Appendix K of Purcell.)
The dipole moment of two charges q and −q separated by d is p = qd. More generally, the
dipole moment of a charge configuration is defined as
p = ρ(r)r d3 r.
For an overall neutral charge configuration, the leading contribution to its electric potential
far away is the dipole potential,
p cos θ
φ(r, θ) =
4π0 r2
where θ is the angle of r to p.
Here’s a trick to remember the dipole potential. Let φ0 (r) = k/r be the potential for a unit
charge at the origin. An ideal point dipole of dipole moment p consists of charges ±p/d
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φ0 (r) − φ0 (r + d)
p lim .
d→0 d
But this is precisely the (negative) derivative, so you can get the dipole potential by differen-
tiating the ordinary potential! Indeed, for a dipole aligned along the ẑ axis,
d kp kp dr kp z kp cos θ
− = 2 = 2 =
dz r r dz r r r2
which matches the above result. You can use the same trick for quadrupoles and higher
multipoles, which we’ll see in E8.
[3] Problem 16. In this problem we’ll derive essential results about dipoles, which will be used later.
(a) Using the binomial theorem, derive the dipole potential given above, for a dipole made of a
pair of point charges ±q separated by distance d, oriented along the z-axis.
prefactor is 2 along the dipole’s axis and 1 perpendicular to it.
Idea 8
The potential energy of a set of point charges is
1 X qi qj 1X
U= = qi V (ri ).
4π0 |ri − rj | 2
i6=j i
We sum over i 6= j to avoid computing the energy of a single point charge due to its interaction
with itself, which would be infinite. For a continuous distribution of charge, we don’t have
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[3] Problem 19. In this problem we’ll apply the above results to balls of charge.
(a) Compute the potential energy of a uniformly charged ball of total charge Q and radius R.
(b) Show that the potential energy of two point charges of charge Q/2 separated by radius R is
lower than the result of part (a).
(c) Hence it appears that it is energetically favorable to compress a ball of charge into two point
charges. Is this correct?
[3] Problem 20. An insulating circular disc of radius R has uniform surface charge density σ.
(b) Find the total electric potential energy stored in the disc.
[3] Problem 21. Consider a uniformly charged ball of total charge Q and radius R. Decompose this
ball into two parts, A and B, where B is a ball of radius R/2 whose center is a distance R/2 of the
ball’s center, and A is everything else. Find the potential energy due to the interaction of A and B,
i.e. the work necessary to bring in B from infinity, against the field of A.
[2] Problem 22 (PPP 149). A distant planet is at a very high electric potential compared with Earth,
say 106 V higher. A metal space ship is sent from Earth for the purpose of making a landing on the
planet. Is the mission dangerous? What happens when the astronauts open the door on the space
ship and step onto the surface of the planet?
Example 8
Since Newton’s law of gravity is so similar to Coulomb’s law, the results we’ve seen so far
should have analogues in Newtonian gravity. What are they? For example, what’s the
gravitational Gauss’s law?
The fundamental results to compare are
Gm1 m2 q1 q2
F =− , F =
r2 4π0 r2
where the minus sign indicates that the gravitational force is attractive, while the electrostatic
force between like charges is repulsive. Then we can transform a question involving (only
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where ρm is the mass density. Similarly, the potential energy can be written in two ways,
1 3 1
U= ρm (r)φ(r) d r = − |g(r)|2 d3 r
2 8πG
where φ(x) is the gravitational potential. This result was first written down by Maxwell.
Here’s a philosophical question: is potential energy “real”? You likely think the answer
is obvious, but about half of your friends probably think the opposite answer is obviously
correct! In fact, in the 1700s, there was a lively debate over whether the ideas of kinetic
energy and momentum, which at the time were given various other names, were worthwhile.
Which one of the two was the true measure of motion? In our modern language, proponents
of energy pointed out that the momentum always vanished in the center of mass frame,
which made it “trivial”, while supporters of momentum replied that kinetic energy was
clearly not conserved in even the simplest of cases, like inelastic collisions.
In the 1800s, thermodynamics was developed, allowing the energy seemingly lost in inelastic
collisions to be accounted for as internal energy. But there still remained the problem that
kinetic energy was lost in simple situations, such as when balls are thrown upward. By the
mid-1800s, the modern language that “kinetic energy is converted to potential energy” was
finally standardized, but it was still common to read in textbooks that potential energy was
fake, a mathematical trick used to patch up energy conservation. After all, potential energy
has some suspicious qualities. If a ball has lots of potential energy, you can’t see or feel it, or
even know it’s there by considering the ball alone. It doesn’t seem to be located anywhere
in space, and its amount is arbitrary, as a constant can always be added.
In the late 1800s, a revolution on physics answered some of these questions. Maxwell and his
successors recast electromagnetism as a theory of fields, and showed that the dynamics of
charges and currents were best understood by allowing the fields themselves to carry energy
and momentum. We’ll cover this in detail in E7, but for now, it implies that electrostatic
potential energy is fundamentally stored in the field, with a density of 0 E 2 /2. This implies
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Maxwell believed that the dynamics of fields emerged from the microscopic motions
and elastic deformations of an all-pervading ether, in the same way that, say, a fluid’s
velocity field emerges from the average motion of fluid molecules. This makes it manifestly
positive, so he was disturbed to find that the energy density of a gravitational field is negative!
A few decades later, the arrival of special relativity answered some questions and reopened
others. On one hand, it demolished Maxwell’s vision of the ether. On the other hand, it finally
answered the question of whether all kinds of potential energy are “real”, and it got rid of
the freedom to add arbitrary constants. That’s because in special relativity, the total energy
of a system at rest is related to its mass by E = mc2 , and the mass is directly measurable.
This finally puts thermal energy, elastic potential energy, and field energy on an equal footing.
Here’s the most modern view of energy conservation. All particles and their interactions are
fundamentally described by relativistic quantum fields. A famous result called Noether’s
theorem implies that whenever such a theory is time-translationally symmetric, there
is a conserved quantity which we call the energy. (The distinction between kinetic and
potential energy becomes irrelevant; it’s all just energy.) The density of energy in space
can be computed from the state of the fields, but it doesn’t need to be explained, as
Maxwell imagined, by the internal motion of whatever the fields are made of. The fields are
fundamental: they aren’t made of anything; instead, they make up everything!
What happens when we throw gravity into the mix? As we’ll discuss further in R3, it turns
out that at nonrelativistic velocities, the dynamics of gravitating particles can be described
by “gravitoelectromagnetism”, a theory closely analogous to electromagnetism, where moving
masses also source “gravitomagnetic” fields Bg , which result in mv × Bg forces. But the
situation gets much more subtle when we upgrade to full general relativity. Here, the notion
of a gravitational field disappears completely, and is replaced by the curvature of spacetime,
making it hard to define an energy density for it at all. For an accessible overview of the
debate, see this paper. Ultimately, though, it doesn’t matter that much, since it doesn’t
impair our ability to use either Newtonian gravity or general relativity.
Example 9
For an infinite line of linear charge density λ, find the potential V (r) by dimensional analysis.
This example illustrates a famous subtlety of dimensional analysis. The only quantities in
the problem with dimensions are λ, 0 , and r. To get the electrical units to balance, we have
V (r) = f (r)
where f (r) is a dimensionless function. But there are no nontrivial dimensionless functions
of a dimensionful quantity r. The only possibilities are that f (r) is a dimensionless constant,
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or that f (r) is infinite. In the first case, the electric field would vanish, which can’t be right.
In the second case, it is unclear how to calculate the electric field at all.
In fact, the electric potential is infinite, if you insist on the usual convention of setting
V (∞) = 0. In that case, we have
Z ∞
λ dr
V (r) = =∞
r 2π0 r
independent of r. But this is useless; to get a finite result we can actually work with, we
need to subtract off an infinite constant from the potential. Equivalently, we need to set the
potential to be zero at some finite distance r = r0 . This process is known as renormalization,
and it is extremely important in modern physics. After renormalization, we have
λ r0
V (r) = log
2π0 r
which is perfectly consistent with dimensional analysis.
Notice that in the process of renormalization, a new dimensionful quantity r0 appeared out
of nowhere. This phenomenon is known as dimensional transmutation. Of course, physical
predictions don’t depend on this new scale (e.g. the electric field is independent of r0 ), but
you can’t write down quantities like the potential without it.
3 Conductors
Idea 9
In electrostatic conditions, E = 0 inside a conductor, which implies the conductor has constant
electric potential V . This further implies that E is always perpendicular to a conductor’s
surface. By Gauss’s law, the conductor has ρ = 0 everywhere inside, so all charge resides on
the surface.
Example 10
Consider a point on the surface of a conductor with surface charge density σ. Show that the
outward pressure on the charges at this point is σ 2 /20 .
Gauss’s law tells us that the difference of the electric fields right inside and outside the
conductor at this point is
Eout − Ein =
by drawing a pillbox-shaped Gaussian surface. But we also know that Ein = 0 since we’re
dealing with a conductor, so Eout = σ/0 .
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Let’s think about how this electric field is made. If there were no charges around except for
the ones at this surface, then the interior and exterior fields would have been ±σ/20 . This
means that all of the other charges, that lie elsewhere on the surface of the conductor, must
provide a field σ/20 here, so that Ein cancels out.
The pressure on the charges at this point on the surface is equal to the product of the surface
charge density with the field due to the rest of the charges, since the charges at this point
can’t exert an overall force on themselves, so
P =σ =
20 20
2 /2.
as required. Equivalently, we can conclude that P = 0 Eout
Example 11
Is the charge density at the surface of a charged conductor usually greater at regions of higher
or lower curvature?
We can’t answer this question directly, because it is essentially impossible to find the
charge distribution of an irregularly shaped conductor. However, we can get some insight
by considering the limiting case of a conductor made of two spheres of radii R1 and R2 ,
connected by a very long rod.
For the potential to be the same at both spheres, we must have Q1 /R1 = Q2 /R2 , so the
charge is proportional to the radius, and the charge density is inversely proportional to the
radius. Thus, there’s generally higher charge density at sharper points of the conductor.
[1] Problem 23. Show that any surface of charge density σ with electric fields E1 and E2 immediately
on its two sides experiences a force σ(E1 + E2 )/2 per unit area. (This is a generalization of the
example above, where one side was inside a conductor.)
[2] Problem 24. Is it possible for a single solid, isolated conductor with a positive total charge to
have a negative surface charge density at any point on it? If not, prove it. If so, sketch an example.
In a system of conductors where the total charge or potential of each conductor is specified,
there exists a unique charge configuration that satisfies those boundary conditions.
This is very useful because in many cases, it is difficult to directly derive the charge distribu-
tions or fields. Instead, sometimes one can simply insightfully guess an answer; then it must
be the correct answer by uniqueness. For further discussion, see section 2.5 of Griffiths.
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Example 12
Consider a conductor with nonzero net charge, and an empty cavity inside. Show that the
electric field is zero in the cavity.
Let’s consider a second conductor with the same net charge and the same shape, but
without the cavity. By the existence and uniqueness theorem, we know there exists
some charge configuration on the second conductor’s surface which satisfies the boundary
conditions, namely that the electric field vanishes everywhere inside the conductor. In par-
ticular, that means the field is zero where the cavity of the original conductor would have been.
Now consider the original conductor again. If we give this conductor precisely the same
surface charge distribution, then this will again solve the boundary conditions, and it’ll have
no field in the cavity. But by the existence and uniqueness theorem, the charge distribution
is unique, so this is the only possible answer: the field must be zero in the cavity.
If this is your first time seeing this, it can sound like a fast-talking swindle (which is why I
made it an example rather than a problem!). It looks like we used no effort and got a strong
conclusion out. Of course, that’s because all the work is done by the uniqueness theorem.
[1] Problem 25. Consider a spherical conducting shell with an arbitrary charge distribution inside,
with net charge Q. Find the electric field outside the shell.
[2] Problem 26 (Purcell 3.33). The shaded regions represent two neutral conducting spherical shells.
Carefully sketch the electric field. What changes if the two shells are connected by a wire?
[4] Problem 28 (MPPP 150). A solid metal sphere of radius R is divided into two parts by a planar
cut, so that the surface area of the curved part of the smaller piece is πR2 . The cut surfaces are
coated with a negligibly thin insulating layer, and the two parts are put together again, so that the
original shape of the sphere is restored. Initially the sphere is electrically neutral.
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The smaller part of the sphere is now given a small positive electric charge Q, while the larger
part of the sphere remains neutral. Find the charge distribution throughout the sphere, and the
electrostatic interaction force between the two pieces of the sphere.
[3] Problem 29. In this problem we’ll work through a heuristic proof of a version of the uniqueness
theorem. In particular, we will show that for a system of conductors in empty space, specifying the
total charge on each conductor alone specifies the entire surface charge distribution.
(a) Suppose for the sake of contradiction that two different charge distributions can exist, and
consider their difference, which has zero total charge on each conductor. Argue that at least
one conductor must have electric field lines both originating from and terminating on it.
(b) Show that at least one of these field lines must originate from or terminate on another one of
the conductors.
(c) By generalizing this reasoning, prove the desired result. (Hint: consider the conductors with
the highest and lowest potentials.)
A wire loop of height h and resistance R has one end placed inside a parallel plate capacitor
with electric field E, as shown.
The other end of the loop is far away, where the field is negligible. Find the emf in the loop.
This is a trick question: if the answer were nonzero, the current would run forever, yielding a
perpetual motion machine. Electrostatic fields always produce zero total emf along any loop.
The σh/0 voltage drop inside the capacitor is canceled out by the voltage drop due to the
fringe fields, which are small, but accumulate over a long distance. The point of this example
is that, while we can ignore fringe fields for some calculations, they are often essential to get
a consistent overall picture. We’ll revisit the subtleties of fringe fields in E2.
Kevin Zhou Physics Olympiad Handouts
[2] Problem 30 (Purcell 3.2). Spheres A and B are connected by a wire; the total charge is zero. Two
oppositely charged spheres C and D are brought nearby, as shown.
The spheres C and D induce charges of opposite sign on A and B. Now suppose C and D are
connected by a wire. Then the charge distribution should not change, because the charges on C
and D are being held in place by the attraction of the opposite charge density. Is this correct?