Forgiveness and Mercy
Forgiveness and Mercy
Forgiveness and Mercy
© Copyright riservato Centro Studi Dehoniani Roma – Sacerdoti Sacro Cuore di Gesù.
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È vietato il plagio e la copiatura integrale o parziale di testi e disegni a firma degli autori – a qualunque fine – senza citare la fonte
(Repubblica italiana, legge 18/08/2000 nº 248).
1 Peterson, C. & Seligman, M. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and
for resolving anger and restoring hope. Washington, D.C: American Psychological
the emotions associated with it. Next, people work to empathize (E) with their
offender, take another’s perspective, and consider factors that may have
contributed to their offender’s actions. This is done without condoning the
other’s actions or invalidating the often-strong feelings the offended person
has as a response. Third, people explore the idea that forgiveness can be seen
as an altruistic (A) gift to the offender. People learn that forgiveness can be
freely given or legitimately withheld and recall times when others forgave
them. Fourth, people make a commitment (C) to forgive. This includes
committing to the forgiveness that one has already achieved as well as
committing to work toward more forgiveness, knowing that it is a process
that often takes time to fully mature. Last, people seek to hold (H) onto or
maintain their forgiveness through times of uncertainty or a return of anger
and bitterness (e.g., if they get hurt again in a similar way)6.
11 Much of the theological work focuses on prescriptive issues such as the
moral appropriateness of forgiveness, whereas psychological research is
descriptive in its focus. Many of the forgiveness studies and articles to date
have emphasized potential benefits of forgiving. For example, a number of
studies emphasize potential benefits of forgiveness for mental health and
physical health7.
6 Worthington, E. L. (2001). Five steps to forgiveness: The art and science of forgiving.